use { crate::immutable_deserialized_packet::{DeserializedPacketError, ImmutableDeserializedPacket}, min_max_heap::MinMaxHeap, solana_perf::packet::{Packet, PacketBatch}, solana_runtime::transaction_priority_details::TransactionPriorityDetails, solana_sdk::{hash::Hash, transaction::Transaction}, std::{ cmp::Ordering, collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap}, sync::Arc, }, }; /// Holds deserialized messages, as well as computed message_hash and other things needed to create /// SanitizedTransaction #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct DeserializedPacket { immutable_section: Arc, pub forwarded: bool, } impl DeserializedPacket { pub fn from_immutable_section(immutable_section: ImmutableDeserializedPacket) -> Self { Self { immutable_section: Arc::new(immutable_section), forwarded: false, } } pub fn new(packet: Packet) -> Result { Self::new_internal(packet, None) } #[cfg(test)] pub fn new_with_priority_details( packet: Packet, priority_details: TransactionPriorityDetails, ) -> Result { Self::new_internal(packet, Some(priority_details)) } pub fn new_internal( packet: Packet, priority_details: Option, ) -> Result { let immutable_section = ImmutableDeserializedPacket::new(packet, priority_details)?; Ok(Self { immutable_section: Arc::new(immutable_section), forwarded: false, }) } pub fn immutable_section(&self) -> &Arc { &self.immutable_section } } impl PartialOrd for DeserializedPacket { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl Ord for DeserializedPacket { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.immutable_section() .priority() .cmp(&other.immutable_section().priority()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PacketBatchInsertionMetrics { pub(crate) num_dropped_packets: usize, pub(crate) num_dropped_tracer_packets: usize, } /// Currently each banking_stage thread has a `UnprocessedPacketBatches` buffer to store /// PacketBatch's received from sigverify. Banking thread continuously scans the buffer /// to pick proper packets to add to the block. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct UnprocessedPacketBatches { pub packet_priority_queue: MinMaxHeap>, pub message_hash_to_transaction: HashMap, batch_limit: usize, } impl UnprocessedPacketBatches { pub fn from_iter>(iter: I, capacity: usize) -> Self { let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = Self::with_capacity(capacity); for deserialized_packet in iter.into_iter() { unprocessed_packet_batches.push(deserialized_packet); } unprocessed_packet_batches } pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self { UnprocessedPacketBatches { packet_priority_queue: MinMaxHeap::with_capacity(capacity), message_hash_to_transaction: HashMap::with_capacity(capacity), batch_limit: capacity, } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.packet_priority_queue.clear(); self.message_hash_to_transaction.clear(); } /// Insert new `deserialized_packet_batch` into inner `MinMaxHeap`, /// ordered by the tx priority. /// If buffer is at the max limit, the lowest priority packet is dropped /// /// Returns tuple of number of packets dropped pub fn insert_batch( &mut self, deserialized_packets: impl Iterator, ) -> PacketBatchInsertionMetrics { let mut num_dropped_packets = 0; let mut num_dropped_tracer_packets = 0; for deserialized_packet in deserialized_packets { if let Some(dropped_packet) = self.push(deserialized_packet) { num_dropped_packets += 1; if dropped_packet .immutable_section() .original_packet() .meta .is_tracer_packet() { num_dropped_tracer_packets += 1; } } } PacketBatchInsertionMetrics { num_dropped_packets, num_dropped_tracer_packets, } } /// Pushes a new `deserialized_packet` into the unprocessed packet batches if it does not already /// exist. /// /// Returns and drops the lowest priority packet if the buffer is at capacity. pub fn push(&mut self, deserialized_packet: DeserializedPacket) -> Option { if self .message_hash_to_transaction .contains_key(deserialized_packet.immutable_section().message_hash()) { return None; } if self.len() == self.batch_limit { // Optimized to not allocate by calling `MinMaxHeap::push_pop_min()` Some(self.push_pop_min(deserialized_packet)) } else { self.push_internal(deserialized_packet); None } } pub fn iter(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.message_hash_to_transaction.values() } pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.message_hash_to_transaction.iter_mut().map(|(_k, v)| v) } pub fn retain(&mut self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(&mut DeserializedPacket) -> bool, { // TODO: optimize this only when number of packets // with outdated blockhash is high let new_packet_priority_queue: MinMaxHeap> = self .packet_priority_queue .drain() .filter(|immutable_packet| { match self .message_hash_to_transaction .entry(*immutable_packet.message_hash()) { Entry::Vacant(_vacant_entry) => { panic!( "entry {} must exist to be consistent with `packet_priority_queue`", immutable_packet.message_hash() ); } Entry::Occupied(mut occupied_entry) => { let should_retain = f(occupied_entry.get_mut()); if !should_retain { occupied_entry.remove_entry(); } should_retain } } }) .collect(); self.packet_priority_queue = new_packet_priority_queue; } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.packet_priority_queue.len() } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.packet_priority_queue.is_empty() } fn push_internal(&mut self, deserialized_packet: DeserializedPacket) { // Push into the priority queue self.packet_priority_queue .push(deserialized_packet.immutable_section().clone()); // Keep track of the original packet in the tracking hashmap self.message_hash_to_transaction.insert( *deserialized_packet.immutable_section().message_hash(), deserialized_packet, ); } /// Returns the popped minimum packet from the priority queue. fn push_pop_min(&mut self, deserialized_packet: DeserializedPacket) -> DeserializedPacket { let immutable_packet = deserialized_packet.immutable_section().clone(); // Push into the priority queue let popped_immutable_packet = self.packet_priority_queue.push_pop_min(immutable_packet); if popped_immutable_packet.message_hash() != deserialized_packet.immutable_section().message_hash() { // Remove the popped entry from the tracking hashmap. Unwrap call is safe // because the priority queue and hashmap are kept consistent at all times. let removed_min = self .message_hash_to_transaction .remove(popped_immutable_packet.message_hash()) .unwrap(); // Keep track of the original packet in the tracking hashmap self.message_hash_to_transaction.insert( *deserialized_packet.immutable_section().message_hash(), deserialized_packet, ); removed_min } else { deserialized_packet } } #[cfg(test)] fn pop_max(&mut self) -> Option { self.packet_priority_queue .pop_max() .map(|immutable_packet| { self.message_hash_to_transaction .remove(immutable_packet.message_hash()) .unwrap() }) } /// Pop up to the next `n` highest priority transactions from the queue. /// Returns `None` if the queue is empty #[cfg(test)] fn pop_max_n(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option> { let current_len = self.len(); if self.is_empty() { None } else { let num_to_pop = std::cmp::min(current_len, n); Some( std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(self.pop_max().unwrap())) .take(num_to_pop) .collect::>(), ) } } pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize { self.packet_priority_queue.capacity() } pub fn is_forwarded(&self, immutable_packet: &ImmutableDeserializedPacket) -> bool { self.message_hash_to_transaction .get(immutable_packet.message_hash()) .map_or(true, |p| p.forwarded) } pub fn mark_accepted_packets_as_forwarded( &mut self, packets_to_process: &[Arc], accepted_packet_indexes: &[usize], ) { accepted_packet_indexes .iter() .for_each(|accepted_packet_index| { let accepted_packet = packets_to_process[*accepted_packet_index].clone(); if let Some(deserialized_packet) = self .message_hash_to_transaction .get_mut(accepted_packet.message_hash()) { deserialized_packet.forwarded = true; } }); } } pub fn deserialize_packets<'a>( packet_batch: &'a PacketBatch, packet_indexes: &'a [usize], ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { packet_indexes.iter().filter_map(move |packet_index| { DeserializedPacket::new(packet_batch[*packet_index].clone()).ok() }) } pub fn transactions_to_deserialized_packets( transactions: &[Transaction], ) -> Result, DeserializedPacketError> { transactions .iter() .map(|transaction| { let packet = Packet::from_data(None, transaction)?; DeserializedPacket::new(packet) }) .collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { super::*, solana_perf::packet::PacketFlags, solana_sdk::{ signature::{Keypair, Signer}, system_transaction, transaction::{SimpleAddressLoader, Transaction}, }, solana_vote_program::vote_transaction, std::sync::Arc, }; fn simple_deserialized_packet() -> DeserializedPacket { let tx = system_transaction::transfer( &Keypair::new(), &solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand(), 1, Hash::new_unique(), ); let packet = Packet::from_data(None, &tx).unwrap(); DeserializedPacket::new(packet).unwrap() } fn packet_with_priority_details(priority: u64, compute_unit_limit: u64) -> DeserializedPacket { let tx = system_transaction::transfer( &Keypair::new(), &solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand(), 1, Hash::new_unique(), ); let packet = Packet::from_data(None, &tx).unwrap(); DeserializedPacket::new_with_priority_details( packet, TransactionPriorityDetails { priority, compute_unit_limit, }, ) .unwrap() } #[test] fn test_unprocessed_packet_batches_insert_pop_same_packet() { let packet = simple_deserialized_packet(); let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::with_capacity(2); unprocessed_packet_batches.push(packet.clone()); unprocessed_packet_batches.push(packet.clone()); // There was only one unique packet, so that one should be the // only packet returned assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max_n(2).unwrap(), vec![packet] ); } #[test] fn test_unprocessed_packet_batches_insert_minimum_packet_over_capacity() { let heavier_packet_weight = 2; let heavier_packet = packet_with_priority_details(heavier_packet_weight, 200_000); let lesser_packet_weight = heavier_packet_weight - 1; let lesser_packet = packet_with_priority_details(lesser_packet_weight, 200_000); // Test that the heavier packet is actually heavier let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::with_capacity(2); unprocessed_packet_batches.push(heavier_packet.clone()); unprocessed_packet_batches.push(lesser_packet.clone()); assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max().unwrap(), heavier_packet ); let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::with_capacity(1); unprocessed_packet_batches.push(heavier_packet); // Buffer is now at capacity, pushing the smaller weighted // packet should immediately pop it assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches .push(lesser_packet.clone()) .unwrap(), lesser_packet ); } #[test] fn test_unprocessed_packet_batches_pop_max_n() { let num_packets = 10; let packets_iter = std::iter::repeat_with(simple_deserialized_packet).take(num_packets); let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::from_iter(packets_iter.clone(), num_packets); // Test with small step size let step_size = 1; for _ in 0..num_packets { assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches .pop_max_n(step_size) .unwrap() .len(), step_size ); } assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.is_empty()); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max_n(0).is_none()); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max_n(1).is_none()); // Test with step size larger than `num_packets` let step_size = num_packets + 1; let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::from_iter(packets_iter.clone(), num_packets); assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches .pop_max_n(step_size) .unwrap() .len(), num_packets ); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.is_empty()); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max_n(0).is_none()); // Test with step size equal to `num_packets` let step_size = num_packets; let mut unprocessed_packet_batches = UnprocessedPacketBatches::from_iter(packets_iter, num_packets); assert_eq!( unprocessed_packet_batches .pop_max_n(step_size) .unwrap() .len(), step_size ); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.is_empty()); assert!(unprocessed_packet_batches.pop_max_n(0).is_none()); } #[cfg(test)] fn make_test_packets( transactions: Vec, vote_indexes: Vec, ) -> Vec { let capacity = transactions.len(); let mut packet_vector = Vec::with_capacity(capacity); for tx in transactions.iter() { packet_vector.push(Packet::from_data(None, tx).unwrap()); } for index in vote_indexes.iter() { packet_vector[*index].meta.flags |= PacketFlags::SIMPLE_VOTE_TX; } packet_vector .into_iter() .map(|p| DeserializedPacket::new(p).unwrap()) .collect() } #[test] fn test_transaction_from_deserialized_packet() { use solana_sdk::feature_set::FeatureSet; let keypair = Keypair::new(); let transfer_tx = system_transaction::transfer(&keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 1, Hash::default()); let vote_tx = vote_transaction::new_vote_transaction( vec![42], Hash::default(), Hash::default(), &keypair, &keypair, &keypair, None, ); // packets with no votes { let vote_indexes = vec![]; let packet_vector = make_test_packets(vec![transfer_tx.clone(), transfer_tx.clone()], vote_indexes); let mut votes_only = false; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(2, txs.count()); votes_only = true; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(0, txs.count()); } // packets with some votes { let vote_indexes = vec![0, 2]; let packet_vector = make_test_packets( vec![vote_tx.clone(), transfer_tx, vote_tx.clone()], vote_indexes, ); let mut votes_only = false; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(3, txs.count()); votes_only = true; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(2, txs.count()); } // packets with all votes { let vote_indexes = vec![0, 1, 2]; let packet_vector = make_test_packets( vec![vote_tx.clone(), vote_tx.clone(), vote_tx], vote_indexes, ); let mut votes_only = false; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(3, txs.count()); votes_only = true; let txs = packet_vector.iter().filter_map(|tx| { tx.immutable_section().build_sanitized_transaction( &Arc::new(FeatureSet::default()), votes_only, SimpleAddressLoader::Disabled, ) }); assert_eq!(3, txs.count()); } } }