/// To activate Slack, Discord, PagerDuty and/or Telegram notifications, define these environment variables /// before using the `Notifier` /// ```bash /// export SLACK_WEBHOOK=... /// export DISCORD_WEBHOOK=... /// ``` /// /// Telegram requires the following two variables: /// ```bash /// export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=... /// export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=... /// ``` /// /// PagerDuty requires an Integration Key from the Events API v2 (Add this integration to your PagerDuty service to get this) /// /// ```bash /// export PAGERDUTY_INTEGRATION_KEY=... /// ``` /// /// To receive a Twilio SMS notification on failure, having a Twilio account, /// and a sending number owned by that account, /// define environment variable before running `solana-watchtower`: /// ```bash /// export TWILIO_CONFIG='ACCOUNT=,TOKEN=,TO=,FROM=' /// ``` use log::*; use { reqwest::{blocking::Client, StatusCode}, serde_json::json, solana_sdk::hash::Hash, std::{env, str::FromStr, thread::sleep, time::Duration}, }; struct TelegramWebHook { bot_token: String, chat_id: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct TwilioWebHook { account: String, token: String, to: String, from: String, } impl TwilioWebHook { fn complete(&self) -> bool { !(self.account.is_empty() || self.token.is_empty() || self.to.is_empty() || self.from.is_empty()) } } fn get_twilio_config() -> Result, String> { let config_var = env::var("TWILIO_CONFIG"); if config_var.is_err() { info!("Twilio notifications disabled"); return Ok(None); } let mut config = TwilioWebHook::default(); for pair in config_var.unwrap().split(',') { let nv: Vec<_> = pair.split('=').collect(); if nv.len() != 2 { return Err(format!("TWILIO_CONFIG is invalid: '{}'", pair)); } let v = nv[1].to_string(); match nv[0] { "ACCOUNT" => config.account = v, "TOKEN" => config.token = v, "TO" => config.to = v, "FROM" => config.from = v, _ => return Err(format!("TWILIO_CONFIG is invalid: '{}'", pair)), } } if !config.complete() { return Err("TWILIO_CONFIG is incomplete".to_string()); } Ok(Some(config)) } enum NotificationChannel { Discord(String), Slack(String), PagerDuty(String), Telegram(TelegramWebHook), Twilio(TwilioWebHook), Log(Level), } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum NotificationType { Trigger { incident: Hash }, Resolve { incident: Hash }, } pub struct Notifier { client: Client, notifiers: Vec, } impl Notifier { pub fn default() -> Self { Self::new("") } pub fn new(env_prefix: &str) -> Self { info!("Initializing {}Notifier", env_prefix); let mut notifiers = vec![]; if let Ok(webhook) = env::var(format!("{}DISCORD_WEBHOOK", env_prefix)) { notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::Discord(webhook)); } if let Ok(webhook) = env::var(format!("{}SLACK_WEBHOOK", env_prefix)) { notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::Slack(webhook)); } if let Ok(routing_key) = env::var(format!("{}PAGERDUTY_INTEGRATION_KEY", env_prefix)) { notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::PagerDuty(routing_key)); } if let (Ok(bot_token), Ok(chat_id)) = ( env::var(format!("{}TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN", env_prefix)), env::var(format!("{}TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID", env_prefix)), ) { notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::Telegram(TelegramWebHook { bot_token, chat_id, })); } if let Ok(Some(webhook)) = get_twilio_config() { notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::Twilio(webhook)); } if let Ok(log_level) = env::var(format!("{}LOG_NOTIFIER_LEVEL", env_prefix)) { match Level::from_str(&log_level) { Ok(level) => notifiers.push(NotificationChannel::Log(level)), Err(e) => warn!( "could not parse specified log notifier level string ({}): {}", log_level, e ), } } info!("{} notifiers", notifiers.len()); Notifier { client: Client::new(), notifiers, } } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.notifiers.is_empty() } pub fn send(&self, msg: &str, notification_type: &NotificationType) { for notifier in &self.notifiers { match notifier { NotificationChannel::Discord(webhook) => { for line in msg.split('\n') { // Discord rate limiting is aggressive, limit to 1 message a second sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); info!("Sending {}", line); let data = json!({ "content": line }); loop { let response = self.client.post(webhook).json(&data).send(); if let Err(err) = response { warn!("Failed to send Discord message: \"{}\": {:?}", line, err); break; } else if let Ok(response) = response { info!("response status: {}", response.status()); if response.status() == StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS { warn!("rate limited!..."); warn!("response text: {:?}", response.text()); sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); } else { break; } } } } } NotificationChannel::Slack(webhook) => { let data = json!({ "text": msg }); if let Err(err) = self.client.post(webhook).json(&data).send() { warn!("Failed to send Slack message: {:?}", err); } } NotificationChannel::PagerDuty(routing_key) => { let event_action = match notification_type { NotificationType::Trigger { incident: _ } => String::from("trigger"), NotificationType::Resolve { incident: _ } => String::from("resolve"), }; let dedup_key = match notification_type { NotificationType::Trigger { ref incident } => incident.clone().to_string(), NotificationType::Resolve { ref incident } => incident.clone().to_string(), }; let data = json!({"payload":{"summary":msg,"source":"solana-watchtower","severity":"critical"},"routing_key":routing_key,"event_action":event_action,"dedup_key":dedup_key}); let url = "https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/enqueue"; if let Err(err) = self.client.post(url).json(&data).send() { warn!("Failed to send PagerDuty alert: {:?}", err); } } NotificationChannel::Telegram(TelegramWebHook { chat_id, bot_token }) => { let data = json!({ "chat_id": chat_id, "text": msg }); let url = format!("https://api.telegram.org/bot{}/sendMessage", bot_token); if let Err(err) = self.client.post(&url).json(&data).send() { warn!("Failed to send Telegram message: {:?}", err); } } NotificationChannel::Twilio(TwilioWebHook { account, token, to, from, }) => { let url = format!( "https://{}:{}@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{}/Messages.json", account, token, account ); let params = [("To", to), ("From", from), ("Body", &msg.to_string())]; if let Err(err) = self.client.post(&url).form(¶ms).send() { warn!("Failed to send Twilio message: {:?}", err); } } NotificationChannel::Log(level) => { log!(*level, "{}", msg) } } } } }