use { crate::bench_tps_client::*, log::*, rayon::prelude::*, solana_core::gen_keys::GenKeys, solana_measure::measure::Measure, solana_sdk::{ commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, hash::Hash, message::Message, nonce::State, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, signer::signers::Signers, system_instruction, transaction::Transaction, }, std::{ collections::HashSet, marker::Send, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}, Arc, Mutex, }, thread::sleep, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, }; pub fn get_latest_blockhash(client: &T) -> Hash { loop { match client.get_latest_blockhash_with_commitment(CommitmentConfig::processed()) { Ok((blockhash, _)) => return blockhash, Err(err) => { info!("Couldn't get last blockhash: {:?}", err); sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } }; } } pub fn generate_keypairs(seed_keypair: &Keypair, count: u64) -> (Vec, u64) { let mut seed = [0u8; 32]; seed.copy_from_slice(&seed_keypair.to_bytes()[..32]); let mut rnd = GenKeys::new(seed); let mut total_keys = 0; let mut extra = 0; // This variable tracks the number of keypairs needing extra transaction fees funded let mut delta = 1; while total_keys < count { extra += delta; delta *= MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX; total_keys += delta; } (rnd.gen_n_keypairs(total_keys), extra) } /// fund the dests keys by spending all of the source keys into MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX /// on every iteration. This allows us to replay the transfers because the source is either empty, /// or full pub fn fund_keys( client: Arc, source: &Keypair, dests: &[Keypair], total: u64, max_fee: u64, lamports_per_account: u64, ) { let mut funded: Vec<&Keypair> = vec![source]; let mut funded_funds = total; let mut not_funded: Vec<&Keypair> = dests.iter().collect(); while !not_funded.is_empty() { // Build to fund list and prepare funding sources for next iteration let mut new_funded: Vec<&Keypair> = vec![]; let mut to_fund: Vec<(&Keypair, Vec<(Pubkey, u64)>)> = vec![]; let to_lamports = (funded_funds - lamports_per_account - max_fee) / MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX; for f in funded { let start = not_funded.len() - MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX as usize; let dests: Vec<_> = not_funded.drain(start..).collect(); let spends: Vec<_> = dests.iter().map(|k| (k.pubkey(), to_lamports)).collect(); to_fund.push((f, spends)); new_funded.extend(dests.into_iter()); } to_fund.chunks(FUND_CHUNK_LEN).for_each(|chunk| { Vec::<(&Keypair, Transaction)>::with_capacity(chunk.len()).fund( &client, chunk, to_lamports, ); }); info!("funded: {} left: {}", new_funded.len(), not_funded.len()); funded = new_funded; funded_funds = to_lamports; } } pub fn generate_durable_nonce_accounts( client: Arc, authority_keypairs: &[Keypair], ) -> Vec { let nonce_rent = client .get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(State::size()) .unwrap(); let seed_keypair = &authority_keypairs[0]; let count = authority_keypairs.len(); let (mut nonce_keypairs, _extra) = generate_keypairs(seed_keypair, count as u64); nonce_keypairs.truncate(count); info!("Creating {} nonce accounts...", count); let to_fund: Vec = authority_keypairs .iter() .zip(nonce_keypairs.iter()) .map(|x| NonceCreateSigners(x.0, x.1)) .collect(); to_fund.chunks(FUND_CHUNK_LEN).for_each(|chunk| { NonceCreateContainer::with_capacity(chunk.len()) .create_accounts(&client, chunk, nonce_rent); }); nonce_keypairs } pub fn withdraw_durable_nonce_accounts( client: Arc, authority_keypairs: &[Keypair], nonce_keypairs: &[Keypair], ) { let to_withdraw: Vec = authority_keypairs .iter() .zip(nonce_keypairs.iter()) .map(|x| NonceWithdrawSigners(x.0, x.1.pubkey())) .collect(); to_withdraw.chunks(FUND_CHUNK_LEN).for_each(|chunk| { NonceWithdrawContainer::with_capacity(chunk.len()).withdraw_accounts(&client, chunk); }); } const MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX: u64 = 4; // Size of the chunk of transactions // try to transfer a "few" at a time with recent blockhash // assume 4MB network buffers, and 512 byte packets const FUND_CHUNK_LEN: usize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 / 512; fn verify_funding_transfer( client: &Arc, tx: &Transaction, amount: u64, ) -> bool { for a in &tx.message().account_keys[1..] { match client.get_balance_with_commitment(a, CommitmentConfig::processed()) { Ok(balance) => return balance >= amount, Err(err) => error!("failed to get balance {:?}", err), } } false } /// Helper trait to encapsulate common logic for sending transactions batch /// trait SendBatchTransactions<'a, T: Sliceable + Send + Sync> { fn make (T, Transaction) + Send + Sync>( &mut self, chunk: &[V], create_transaction: F, ); fn send_transactions(&mut self, client: &Arc, to_lamports: u64, log_progress: F) where C: 'static + BenchTpsClient + Send + Sync + ?Sized, F: Fn(usize, usize); fn sign(&mut self, blockhash: Hash); fn send(&self, client: &Arc); fn verify( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_lamports: u64, ); } /// This trait allows reuse SendBatchTransactions to send /// transactions which require more than one signature trait Sliceable { type Slice; fn as_slice(&self) -> Self::Slice; // Pubkey used as unique id to identify verified transactions fn get_pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey; } impl<'a, T: Sliceable + Send + Sync> SendBatchTransactions<'a, T> for Vec<(T, Transaction)> where ::Slice: Signers, { fn make (T, Transaction) + Send + Sync>( &mut self, chunk: &[V], create_transaction: F, ) { let mut make_txs = Measure::start("make_txs"); let txs: Vec<(T, Transaction)> = chunk.par_iter().map(create_transaction).collect(); make_txs.stop(); debug!("make {} unsigned txs: {}us", txs.len(), make_txs.as_us()); self.extend(txs); } fn send_transactions(&mut self, client: &Arc, to_lamports: u64, log_progress: F) where C: 'static + BenchTpsClient + Send + Sync + ?Sized, F: Fn(usize, usize), { let mut tries: usize = 0; while !self.is_empty() { log_progress(tries, self.len()); let blockhash = get_latest_blockhash(client.as_ref()); // re-sign retained to_fund_txes with updated blockhash self.sign(blockhash); self.send(client); // Sleep a few slots to allow transactions to process sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); self.verify(client, to_lamports); // retry anything that seems to have dropped through cracks // again since these txs are all or nothing, they're fine to // retry tries += 1; } info!("transactions sent in {} tries", tries); } fn sign(&mut self, blockhash: Hash) { let mut sign_txs = Measure::start("sign_txs"); self.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(k, tx)| { tx.sign(&k.as_slice(), blockhash); }); sign_txs.stop(); debug!("sign {} txs: {}us", self.len(), sign_txs.as_us()); } fn send(&self, client: &Arc) { let mut send_txs = Measure::start("send_and_clone_txs"); let batch: Vec<_> = self.iter().map(|(_keypair, tx)| tx.clone()).collect(); client.send_batch(batch).expect("transfer"); send_txs.stop(); debug!("send {} {}", self.len(), send_txs); } fn verify( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_lamports: u64, ) { let starting_txs = self.len(); let verified_txs = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let too_many_failures = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let loops = if starting_txs < 1000 { 3 } else { 1 }; // Only loop multiple times for small (quick) transaction batches let time = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Instant::now())); for _ in 0..loops { let time = time.clone(); let failed_verify = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let client = client.clone(); let verified_txs = &verified_txs; let failed_verify = &failed_verify; let too_many_failures = &too_many_failures; let verified_set: HashSet = self .par_iter() .filter_map(move |(k, tx)| { let pubkey = k.get_pubkey(); if too_many_failures.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return None; } let verified = if verify_funding_transfer(&client, tx, to_lamports) { verified_txs.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Some(pubkey) } else { failed_verify.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); None }; let verified_txs = verified_txs.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let failed_verify = failed_verify.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let remaining_count = starting_txs.saturating_sub(verified_txs + failed_verify); if failed_verify > 100 && failed_verify > verified_txs {, Ordering::Relaxed); warn!( "Too many failed transfers... {} remaining, {} verified, {} failures", remaining_count, verified_txs, failed_verify ); } if remaining_count > 0 { let mut time_l = time.lock().unwrap(); if time_l.elapsed().as_secs() > 2 { info!( "Verifying transfers... {} remaining, {} verified, {} failures", remaining_count, verified_txs, failed_verify ); *time_l = Instant::now(); } } verified }) .collect(); self.retain(|(k, _)| !verified_set.contains(&k.get_pubkey())); if self.is_empty() { break; } info!("Looping verifications"); let verified_txs = verified_txs.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let failed_verify = failed_verify.load(Ordering::Relaxed); let remaining_count = starting_txs.saturating_sub(verified_txs + failed_verify); info!( "Verifying transfers... {} remaining, {} verified, {} failures", remaining_count, verified_txs, failed_verify ); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } } type FundingSigners<'a> = &'a Keypair; type FundingChunk<'a> = [(FundingSigners<'a>, Vec<(Pubkey, u64)>)]; type FundingContainer<'a> = Vec<(FundingSigners<'a>, Transaction)>; impl<'a> Sliceable for FundingSigners<'a> { type Slice = [FundingSigners<'a>; 1]; fn as_slice(&self) -> Self::Slice { [self] } fn get_pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.pubkey() } } trait FundingTransactions<'a>: SendBatchTransactions<'a, FundingSigners<'a>> { fn fund( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_fund: &FundingChunk<'a>, to_lamports: u64, ); } impl<'a> FundingTransactions<'a> for FundingContainer<'a> { fn fund( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_fund: &FundingChunk<'a>, to_lamports: u64, ) { self.make(to_fund, |(k, t)| -> (FundingSigners<'a>, Transaction) { let instructions = system_instruction::transfer_many(&k.pubkey(), t); let message = Message::new(&instructions, Some(&k.pubkey())); (*k, Transaction::new_unsigned(message)) }); let log_progress = |tries: usize, batch_len: usize| { info!( "{} {} each to {} accounts in {} txs", if tries == 0 { "transferring" } else { " retrying" }, to_lamports, batch_len * MAX_SPENDS_PER_TX as usize, batch_len, ); }; self.send_transactions(client, to_lamports, log_progress); } } // Introduce a new structure to specify Sliceable implementations // which uses both Keypairs to sign the transaction struct NonceCreateSigners<'a>(&'a Keypair, &'a Keypair); type NonceCreateChunk<'a> = [NonceCreateSigners<'a>]; type NonceCreateContainer<'a> = Vec<(NonceCreateSigners<'a>, Transaction)>; impl<'a> Sliceable for NonceCreateSigners<'a> { type Slice = [&'a Keypair; 2]; fn as_slice(&self) -> Self::Slice { [self.0, self.1] } fn get_pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.0.pubkey() } } trait NonceTransactions<'a>: SendBatchTransactions<'a, NonceCreateSigners<'a>> { fn create_accounts( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_fund: &'a NonceCreateChunk<'a>, nonce_rent: u64, ); } impl<'a> NonceTransactions<'a> for NonceCreateContainer<'a> { fn create_accounts( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_fund: &'a NonceCreateChunk<'a>, nonce_rent: u64, ) { self.make(to_fund, |kp| -> (NonceCreateSigners<'a>, Transaction) { let authority = kp.0; let nonce: &Keypair = kp.1; let instructions = system_instruction::create_nonce_account( &authority.pubkey(), &nonce.pubkey(), &authority.pubkey(), nonce_rent, ); ( NonceCreateSigners(authority, nonce), Transaction::new_with_payer(&instructions, Some(&authority.pubkey())), ) }); let log_progress = |tries: usize, batch_len: usize| { info!( "@ {} {} accounts", if tries == 0 { "creating" } else { " retrying" }, batch_len, ); }; self.send_transactions(client, nonce_rent, log_progress); } } // Only Pubkey is required for nonce because it doesn't sign withdraw account transaction struct NonceWithdrawSigners<'a>(&'a Keypair, Pubkey); type NonceWithdrawChunk<'a> = [NonceWithdrawSigners<'a>]; type NonceWithdrawContainer<'a> = Vec<(NonceWithdrawSigners<'a>, Transaction)>; impl<'a> Sliceable for NonceWithdrawSigners<'a> { type Slice = [&'a Keypair; 1]; fn as_slice(&self) -> Self::Slice { [self.0] } fn get_pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.0.pubkey() } } trait NonceWithdrawTransactions<'a>: SendBatchTransactions<'a, NonceWithdrawSigners<'a>> { fn withdraw_accounts( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_withdraw: &'a NonceWithdrawChunk<'a>, ); } impl<'a> NonceWithdrawTransactions<'a> for NonceWithdrawContainer<'a> { fn withdraw_accounts( &mut self, client: &Arc, to_withdraw: &'a NonceWithdrawChunk<'a>, ) { self.make( to_withdraw, |kp| -> (NonceWithdrawSigners<'a>, Transaction) { let authority = kp.0; let nonce_pubkey: Pubkey = kp.1; let nonce_balance = client.get_balance(&nonce_pubkey).unwrap(); let instructions = vec![ system_instruction::withdraw_nonce_account( &nonce_pubkey, &authority.pubkey(), &authority.pubkey(), nonce_balance, ); 1 ]; ( NonceWithdrawSigners(authority, nonce_pubkey), Transaction::new_with_payer(&instructions, Some(&authority.pubkey())), ) }, ); let log_progress = |tries: usize, batch_len: usize| { info!( "@ {} {} accounts", if tries == 0 { "withdrawing" } else { " retrying" }, batch_len, ); }; self.send_transactions(client, 0, log_progress); } }