#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." source ci/_ ( echo --- git diff --check set -x if [[ -n $CI_BASE_BRANCH ]] then branch="$CI_BASE_BRANCH" else branch="master" fi # Look for failed mergify.io backports by searching leftover conflict markers # Also check for any trailing whitespaces! git fetch origin "$branch" git diff "$(git merge-base HEAD "origin/$branch")" --check --oneline ) echo _ ci/nits.sh _ ci/check-ssh-keys.sh # Ensure the current channel version is not equal ("greater") than # the version of the latest tag if [[ -z $CI_TAG ]]; then echo "--- channel version check" ( eval "$(ci/channel-info.sh)" if [[ -n $CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG ]]; then source scripts/read-cargo-variable.sh version=$(readCargoVariable version "version/Cargo.toml") echo "version: v$version" echo "latest channel tag: $CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG" if [[ $CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG = v$version ]]; then echo "Error: please run ./scripts/increment-cargo-version.sh" exit 1 fi else echo "Skipped. CHANNEL_LATEST_TAG (CHANNEL=$CHANNEL) unset" fi ) fi echo --- ok