import React from "react"; import Layout from "@theme/Layout"; import DocSidebar from "@theme/DocSidebar"; import ThemeClassNames from "@docusaurus/theme-classic/lib/theme/DocPage/styles.module.css"; import sidebar from "../sidebars"; function CardLayout({ children, sidebarKey = false, title = "", description = "", path = "", }) { // load the sidebar item from the master `sidebars.js` file const sidebarItems = (sidebarKey && sidebar?.[sidebarKey]) || []; // process each of the loaded sidebar items for formatting if (sidebarItems?.length) { Object.keys(sidebarItems).forEach((key) => { if (sidebarItems[key]?.type?.toLowerCase() === "category") { for (let i = 0; i < sidebarItems[key]?.items?.length; i++) sidebarItems[key].items[i] = formatter(sidebarItems[key].items[i]); sidebarItems[key].collapsed = true; } else sidebarItems[key] = formatter(sidebarItems[key]); }); } // return the page layout, ready to go return (
{sidebarItems?.length > 0 && ( )}
); } export default CardLayout; /* Create a simple label based on the string of a doc file path */ const computeLabel = (label) => { label = label.split("/"); label = label[label?.length - 1]?.replace("-", " "); label = label.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + label.slice(1); return label && label; }; /* Parser to format a sidebar item to be compatible with the `DocSidebar` component */ const formatter = (item) => { // handle string only document ids if (typeof item === "string") { item = { type: "link", href: item, label: computeLabel(item) || item || "[unknown label]", }; } // handle object style docs else if (item?.type?.toLowerCase() === "doc") { item.type = "link"; item.href =; item.label = item.label || computeLabel(item.href) || "[unknown label]"; delete; } // fix for local routing that does not specify starting at the site root if ( !( item?.href.startsWith("/") || item?.href.startsWith("http:") || item?.href.startsWith("https") ) ) item.href = `/${item?.href}`; return item; };