use crate::{alloc, BPFError}; use alloc::Alloc; use log::*; use solana_rbpf::{ ebpf::{EbpfError, SyscallObject, ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET, MM_HEAP_START}, memory_region::{translate_addr, MemoryRegion}, EbpfVm, }; use solana_runtime::message_processor::MessageProcessor; use solana_sdk::{ account::Account, account::KeyedAccount, account_info::AccountInfo, bpf_loader, entrypoint::SUCCESS, entrypoint_native::InvokeContext, instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction, InstructionError}, message::Message, program_error::ProgramError, pubkey::{Pubkey, PubkeyError}, }; use std::{ alloc::Layout, cell::{RefCell, RefMut}, convert::TryFrom, mem::{align_of, size_of}, rc::Rc, slice::from_raw_parts_mut, str::{from_utf8, Utf8Error}, }; use thiserror::Error as ThisError; /// Error definitions #[derive(Debug, ThisError)] pub enum SyscallError { #[error("{0}: {1:?}")] InvalidString(Utf8Error, Vec), #[error("BPF program called abort()!")] Abort, #[error("BPF program Panicked at {0}, {1}:{2}")] Panic(String, u64, u64), #[error("cannot borrow invoke context")] InvokeContextBorrowFailed, #[error("malformed signer seed: {0}: {1:?}")] MalformedSignerSeed(Utf8Error, Vec), #[error("Could not create program address with signer seeds: {0}")] BadSeeds(PubkeyError), #[error("Program id is not supported by cross-program invocations")] ProgramNotSupported, #[error("{0}")] InstructionError(InstructionError), #[error("Cross-program invocation with unauthorized signer or writable account")] PrivilegeEscalation, } impl From for EbpfError { fn from(error: SyscallError) -> Self { EbpfError::UserError(error.into()) } } /// Program heap allocators are intended to allocate/free from a given /// chunk of memory. The specific allocator implementation is /// selectable at build-time. /// Only one allocator is currently supported /// Simple bump allocator, never frees use crate::allocator_bump::BPFAllocator; /// Default program heap size, allocators /// are expected to enforce this const DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE: usize = 32 * 1024; pub fn register_syscalls<'a>( vm: &mut EbpfVm<'a, BPFError>, callers_keyed_accounts: &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>], invoke_context: &'a mut dyn InvokeContext, ) -> Result> { // Syscall function common across languages vm.register_syscall_ex("abort", syscall_abort)?; { let invoke_context = Rc::new(RefCell::new(invoke_context)); vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_panic_", Box::new(SyscallPanic { invoke_context: invoke_context.clone(), }), )?; vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_log_", Box::new(SyscallLog { invoke_context: invoke_context.clone(), }), )?; vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_log_64_", Box::new(SyscallLogU64 { invoke_context: invoke_context.clone(), }), )?; // Cross-program invocation syscalls vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_invoke_signed_c", Box::new(SyscallProcessSolInstructionC { callers_keyed_accounts, invoke_context: invoke_context.clone(), }), )?; vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_invoke_signed_rust", Box::new(SyscallProcessInstructionRust { callers_keyed_accounts, invoke_context: invoke_context.clone(), }), )?; } // Memory allocator let heap = vec![0_u8; DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE]; let heap_region = MemoryRegion::new_from_slice(&heap, MM_HEAP_START); vm.register_syscall_with_context_ex( "sol_alloc_free_", Box::new(SyscallSolAllocFree { allocator: BPFAllocator::new(heap, MM_HEAP_START), }), )?; Ok(heap_region) } #[macro_export] macro_rules! translate { ($vm_addr:expr, $len:expr, $regions:expr) => { translate_addr::( $vm_addr as u64, $len as usize, file!(), line!() as usize - ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET + 1, $regions, ) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! translate_type_mut { ($t:ty, $vm_addr:expr, $regions:expr) => { unsafe { match translate_addr::( $vm_addr as u64, size_of::<$t>(), file!(), line!() as usize - ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET + 1, $regions, ) { Ok(value) => Ok(&mut *(value as *mut $t)), Err(e) => Err(e), } } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! translate_type { ($t:ty, $vm_addr:expr, $regions:expr) => { match translate_type_mut!($t, $vm_addr, $regions) { Ok(value) => Ok(&*value), Err(e) => Err(e), } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! translate_slice_mut { ($t:ty, $vm_addr:expr, $len: expr, $regions:expr) => { match translate_addr::( $vm_addr as u64, $len as usize * size_of::<$t>(), file!(), line!() as usize - ELF_INSN_DUMP_OFFSET + 1, $regions, ) { Ok(value) => Ok(unsafe { from_raw_parts_mut(value as *mut $t, $len as usize) }), Err(e) => Err(e), } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! translate_slice { ($t:ty, $vm_addr:expr, $len: expr, $regions:expr) => { match translate_slice_mut!($t, $vm_addr, $len, $regions) { Ok(value) => Ok(&*value), Err(e) => Err(e), } }; } /// Take a virtual pointer to a string (points to BPF VM memory space), translate it /// pass it to a user-defined work function fn translate_string_and_do( addr: u64, len: u64, regions: &[MemoryRegion], work: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> Result>, ) -> Result> { let buf = translate_slice!(u8, addr, len, regions)?; let i = match buf.iter().position(|byte| *byte == 0) { Some(i) => i, None => len as usize, }; match from_utf8(&buf[..i]) { Ok(message) => work(message), Err(err) => Err(SyscallError::InvalidString(err, buf[..i].to_vec()).into()), } } /// Abort syscall functions, called when the BPF program calls `abort()` /// LLVM will insert calls to `abort()` if it detects an untenable situation, /// `abort()` is not intended to be called explicitly by the program. /// Causes the BPF program to be halted immediately pub fn syscall_abort( _arg1: u64, _arg2: u64, _arg3: u64, _arg4: u64, _arg5: u64, _ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], _rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { Err(SyscallError::Abort.into()) } /// Panic syscall function, called when the BPF program calls 'sol_panic_()` /// Causes the BPF program to be halted immediately pub struct SyscallPanic<'a> { invoke_context: Rc>, } impl<'a> SyscallPanic<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError> { self.invoke_context .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(|_| SyscallError::InvokeContextBorrowFailed.into()) } } impl<'a> SyscallObject for SyscallPanic<'a> { fn call( &mut self, file: u64, len: u64, line: u64, column: u64, _arg5: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], _rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let mut invoke_context = self.get_context_mut()?; translate_string_and_do(file, len, ro_regions, &mut |string: &str| { if invoke_context.log_enabled() { invoke_context.log(&format!("panicked at '{}' on {}:{}", string, line, column)); } Err(SyscallError::Panic(string.to_string(), line, column).into()) }) } } /// Log a user's info message pub struct SyscallLog<'a> { invoke_context: Rc>, } impl<'a> SyscallLog<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError> { self.invoke_context .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(|_| SyscallError::InvokeContextBorrowFailed.into()) } } impl<'a> SyscallObject for SyscallLog<'a> { fn call( &mut self, addr: u64, len: u64, _arg3: u64, _arg4: u64, _arg5: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], _rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let mut invoke_context = self.get_context_mut()?; if invoke_context.log_enabled() { translate_string_and_do(addr, len, ro_regions, &mut |string: &str| { invoke_context.log(string); Ok(0) })?; } Ok(0) } } /// Log 5 64-bit values pub struct SyscallLogU64<'a> { invoke_context: Rc>, } impl<'a> SyscallLogU64<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError> { self.invoke_context .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(|_| SyscallError::InvokeContextBorrowFailed.into()) } } impl<'a> SyscallObject for SyscallLogU64<'a> { fn call( &mut self, arg1: u64, arg2: u64, arg3: u64, arg4: u64, arg5: u64, _ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], _rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let mut invoke_context = self.get_context_mut()?; if invoke_context.log_enabled() { invoke_context.log(&format!( "{:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}", arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 )); } Ok(0) } } /// Dynamic memory allocation syscall called when the BPF program calls /// `sol_alloc_free_()`. The allocator is expected to allocate/free /// from/to a given chunk of memory and enforce size restrictions. The /// memory chunk is given to the allocator during allocator creation and /// information about that memory (start address and size) is passed /// to the VM to use for enforcement. pub struct SyscallSolAllocFree { allocator: BPFAllocator, } impl SyscallObject for SyscallSolAllocFree { fn call( &mut self, size: u64, free_addr: u64, _arg3: u64, _arg4: u64, _arg5: u64, _ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], _rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size as usize, align_of::()).unwrap(); if free_addr == 0 { match self.allocator.alloc(layout) { Ok(addr) => Ok(addr as u64), Err(_) => Ok(0), } } else { self.allocator.dealloc(free_addr, layout); Ok(0) } } } // Cross-program invocation syscalls pub type TranslatedAccounts<'a> = (Vec>>, Vec<(&'a mut u64, &'a mut [u8])>); /// Implemented by language specific data structure translators trait SyscallProcessInstruction<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError>; fn get_callers_keyed_accounts(&self) -> &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>]; fn translate_instruction( &self, addr: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result>; fn translate_accounts( &self, message: &Message, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError>; fn translate_signers( &self, program_id: &Pubkey, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError>; } /// Cross-program invocation called from Rust pub struct SyscallProcessInstructionRust<'a> { callers_keyed_accounts: &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>], invoke_context: Rc>, } impl<'a> SyscallProcessInstruction<'a> for SyscallProcessInstructionRust<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError> { self.invoke_context .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(|_| SyscallError::InvokeContextBorrowFailed.into()) } fn get_callers_keyed_accounts(&self) -> &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>] { self.callers_keyed_accounts } fn translate_instruction( &self, addr: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let ix = translate_type!(Instruction, addr, ro_regions)?; let accounts = translate_slice!( AccountMeta, ix.accounts.as_ptr(), ix.accounts.len(), ro_regions )? .to_vec(); let data = translate_slice!(u8,,, ro_regions)?.to_vec(); Ok(Instruction { program_id: ix.program_id, accounts, data, }) } fn translate_accounts( &self, message: &Message, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError> { let account_infos = if account_infos_len > 0 { translate_slice!( AccountInfo, account_infos_addr, account_infos_len, ro_regions )? } else { &[] }; let mut accounts = Vec::with_capacity(message.account_keys.len()); let mut refs = Vec::with_capacity(message.account_keys.len()); 'root: for account_key in message.account_keys.iter() { for account_info in account_infos.iter() { let key = translate_type!(Pubkey, account_info.key as *const _, ro_regions)?; if account_key == key { let lamports_ref = { // Double translate lamports out of RefCell let ptr = translate_type!(u64, account_info.lamports.as_ptr(), ro_regions)?; translate_type_mut!(u64, *(ptr as *const u64), rw_regions)? }; let data = { // Double translate data out of RefCell let data = *translate_type!(&[u8],, ro_regions)?; translate_slice_mut!(u8, data.as_ptr(), data.len(), rw_regions)? }; let owner = translate_type!(Pubkey, account_info.owner as *const _, ro_regions)?; accounts.push(Rc::new(RefCell::new(Account { lamports: *lamports_ref, data: data.to_vec(), executable: account_info.executable, owner: *owner, rent_epoch: account_info.rent_epoch, }))); refs.push((lamports_ref, data)); continue 'root; } } return Err(SyscallError::InstructionError(InstructionError::MissingAccount).into()); } Ok((accounts, refs)) } fn translate_signers( &self, program_id: &Pubkey, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError> { let mut signers = Vec::new(); if signers_seeds_len > 0 { let signers_seeds = translate_slice!(&[&str], signers_seeds_addr, signers_seeds_len, ro_regions)?; for signer_seeds in signers_seeds.iter() { let untranslated_seeds = translate_slice!(&str, signer_seeds.as_ptr(), signer_seeds.len(), ro_regions)?; let seeds = untranslated_seeds .iter() .map(|untranslated_seed| { let seed_bytes = translate_slice!( u8, untranslated_seed.as_ptr(), untranslated_seed.len(), ro_regions )?; from_utf8(seed_bytes).map_err(|err| { SyscallError::MalformedSignerSeed(err, seed_bytes.to_vec()).into() }) }) .collect::, EbpfError>>()?; let signer = Pubkey::create_program_address(&seeds, program_id) .map_err(SyscallError::BadSeeds)?; signers.push(signer); } Ok(signers) } else { Ok(vec![]) } } } impl<'a> SyscallObject for SyscallProcessInstructionRust<'a> { fn call( &mut self, instruction_addr: u64, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: u64, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { call( self, instruction_addr, account_infos_addr, account_infos_len, signers_seeds_addr, signers_seeds_len, ro_regions, rw_regions, ) } } /// Rust representation of C's SolInstruction #[derive(Debug)] struct SolInstruction { program_id_addr: u64, accounts_addr: u64, accounts_len: usize, data_addr: u64, data_len: usize, } /// Rust representation of C's SolAccountMeta #[derive(Debug)] struct SolAccountMeta { pubkey_addr: u64, is_writable: bool, is_signer: bool, } /// Rust representation of C's SolAccountInfo #[derive(Debug)] struct SolAccountInfo { key_addr: u64, lamports_addr: u64, data_len: usize, data_addr: u64, owner_addr: u64, rent_epoch: u64, is_signer: bool, is_writable: bool, executable: bool, } /// Rust representation of C's SolSignerSeed #[derive(Debug)] struct SolSignerSeedC { addr: u64, len: u64, } /// Rust representation of C's SolSignerSeeds #[derive(Debug)] struct SolSignerSeedsC { addr: u64, len: u64, } /// Cross-program invocation called from C pub struct SyscallProcessSolInstructionC<'a> { callers_keyed_accounts: &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>], invoke_context: Rc>, } impl<'a> SyscallProcessInstruction<'a> for SyscallProcessSolInstructionC<'a> { fn get_context_mut(&self) -> Result, EbpfError> { self.invoke_context .try_borrow_mut() .map_err(|_| SyscallError::InvokeContextBorrowFailed.into()) } fn get_callers_keyed_accounts(&self) -> &'a [KeyedAccount<'a>] { self.callers_keyed_accounts } fn translate_instruction( &self, addr: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let ix_c = translate_type!(SolInstruction, addr, ro_regions)?; let program_id = translate_type!(Pubkey, ix_c.program_id_addr, ro_regions)?; let meta_cs = translate_slice!( SolAccountMeta, ix_c.accounts_addr, ix_c.accounts_len, ro_regions )?; let data = translate_slice!(u8, ix_c.data_addr, ix_c.data_len, ro_regions)?.to_vec(); let accounts = meta_cs .iter() .map(|meta_c| { let pubkey = translate_type!(Pubkey, meta_c.pubkey_addr, ro_regions)?; Ok(AccountMeta { pubkey: *pubkey, is_signer: meta_c.is_signer, is_writable: meta_c.is_writable, }) }) .collect::, EbpfError>>()?; Ok(Instruction { program_id: *program_id, accounts, data, }) } fn translate_accounts( &self, message: &Message, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError> { let account_infos = translate_slice!( SolAccountInfo, account_infos_addr, account_infos_len, ro_regions )?; let mut accounts = Vec::with_capacity(message.account_keys.len()); let mut refs = Vec::with_capacity(message.account_keys.len()); 'root: for account_key in message.account_keys.iter() { for account_info in account_infos.iter() { let key = translate_type!(Pubkey, account_info.key_addr, ro_regions)?; if account_key == key { let lamports_ref = translate_type_mut!(u64, account_info.lamports_addr, rw_regions)?; let data = translate_slice_mut!( u8, account_info.data_addr, account_info.data_len, rw_regions )?; let owner = translate_type!(Pubkey, account_info.owner_addr, ro_regions)?; accounts.push(Rc::new(RefCell::new(Account { lamports: *lamports_ref, data: data.to_vec(), executable: account_info.executable, owner: *owner, rent_epoch: account_info.rent_epoch, }))); refs.push((lamports_ref, data)); continue 'root; } } return Err(SyscallError::InstructionError(InstructionError::MissingAccount).into()); } Ok((accounts, refs)) } fn translate_signers( &self, program_id: &Pubkey, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: usize, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result, EbpfError> { if signers_seeds_len > 0 { let signers_seeds = translate_slice!( SolSignerSeedC, signers_seeds_addr, signers_seeds_len, ro_regions )?; Ok(signers_seeds .iter() .map(|signer_seeds| { let seeds = translate_slice!( SolSignerSeedC, signer_seeds.addr, signer_seeds.len, ro_regions )?; let seed_strs = seeds .iter() .map(|seed| { let seed_bytes = translate_slice!(u8, seed.addr, seed.len, ro_regions)?; std::str::from_utf8(seed_bytes).map_err(|err| { SyscallError::MalformedSignerSeed(err, seed_bytes.to_vec()).into() }) }) .collect::, EbpfError>>()?; Pubkey::create_program_address(&seed_strs, program_id) .map_err(|err| SyscallError::BadSeeds(err).into()) }) .collect::, EbpfError>>()?) } else { Ok(vec![]) } } } impl<'a> SyscallObject for SyscallProcessSolInstructionC<'a> { fn call( &mut self, instruction_addr: u64, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: u64, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { call( self, instruction_addr, account_infos_addr, account_infos_len, signers_seeds_addr, signers_seeds_len, ro_regions, rw_regions, ) } } fn verify_instruction<'a>( syscall: &dyn SyscallProcessInstruction<'a>, instruction: &Instruction, signers: &[Pubkey], ) -> Result<(), EbpfError> { let callers_keyed_accounts = syscall.get_callers_keyed_accounts(); // Check for privilege escalation for account in instruction.accounts.iter() { let keyed_account = callers_keyed_accounts .iter() .find_map(|keyed_account| { if &account.pubkey == keyed_account.unsigned_key() { Some(keyed_account) } else { None } }) .ok_or(SyscallError::InstructionError( InstructionError::MissingAccount, ))?; // Readonly account cannot become writable if account.is_writable && !keyed_account.is_writable() { return Err(SyscallError::PrivilegeEscalation.into()); } if account.is_signer && // If message indicates account is signed !( // one of the following needs to be true: keyed_account.signer_key().is_some() // Signed in the parent instruction || signers.contains(&account.pubkey) // Signed by the program ) { return Err(SyscallError::PrivilegeEscalation.into()); } } Ok(()) } /// Call process instruction, common to both Rust and C fn call<'a>( syscall: &mut dyn SyscallProcessInstruction<'a>, instruction_addr: u64, account_infos_addr: u64, account_infos_len: u64, signers_seeds_addr: u64, signers_seeds_len: u64, ro_regions: &[MemoryRegion], rw_regions: &[MemoryRegion], ) -> Result> { let mut invoke_context = syscall.get_context_mut()?; // Translate data passed from the VM let instruction = syscall.translate_instruction(instruction_addr, ro_regions)?; let caller_program_id = invoke_context .get_caller() .map_err(SyscallError::InstructionError)?; let signers = syscall.translate_signers( caller_program_id, signers_seeds_addr, signers_seeds_len as usize, ro_regions, )?; verify_instruction(syscall, &instruction, &signers)?; let message = Message::new_with_payer(&[instruction], None); let callee_program_id_index = message.instructions[0].program_id_index as usize; let callee_program_id = message.account_keys[callee_program_id_index]; let (accounts, refs) = syscall.translate_accounts( &message, account_infos_addr, account_infos_len as usize, ro_regions, rw_regions, )?; // Process instruction let program_account = (*accounts[callee_program_id_index]).clone(); let executable_accounts = vec![(callee_program_id, program_account)]; let mut message_processor = MessageProcessor::default(); for (program_id, process_instruction) in invoke_context.get_programs().iter() { message_processor.add_program(*program_id, *process_instruction); } message_processor.add_loader(bpf_loader::id(), crate::process_instruction); #[allow(clippy::deref_addrof)] match message_processor.process_cross_program_instruction( &message, &executable_accounts, &accounts, *(&mut *invoke_context), ) { Ok(()) => (), Err(err) => match ProgramError::try_from(err) { Ok(err) => return Ok(err.into()), Err(err) => return Err(SyscallError::InstructionError(err).into()), }, } // Copy results back into caller's AccountInfos for (i, (account, (lamport_ref, data))) in accounts.iter().zip(refs).enumerate() { let account = account.borrow(); if message.is_writable(i) && !account.executable { *lamport_ref = account.lamports; data.clone_from_slice(&; } } Ok(SUCCESS) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::MockInvokeContext; use solana_sdk::entrypoint_native::InvokeContext; #[test] fn test_translate() { const START: u64 = 100; const LENGTH: u64 = 1000; let data = vec![0u8; LENGTH as usize]; let addr = data.as_ptr() as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion::new_from_slice(&data, START)]; let cases = vec![ (true, START, 0, addr), (true, START, 1, addr), (true, START, LENGTH, addr), (true, START + 1, LENGTH - 1, addr + 1), (false, START + 1, LENGTH, 0), (true, START + LENGTH - 1, 1, addr + LENGTH - 1), (true, START + LENGTH, 0, addr + LENGTH), (false, START + LENGTH, 1, 0), (false, START, LENGTH + 1, 0), (false, 0, 0, 0), (false, 0, 1, 0), (false, START - 1, 0, 0), (false, START - 1, 1, 0), (true, START + LENGTH / 2, LENGTH / 2, addr + LENGTH / 2), ]; for (ok, start, length, value) in cases { if ok { assert_eq!(translate!(start, length, ®ions).unwrap(), value) } else { assert!(translate!(start, length, ®ions).is_err()) } } } #[test] fn test_translate_type() { // Pubkey let pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand(); let addr = &pubkey as *const _ as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: std::mem::size_of::() as u64, }]; let translated_pubkey = translate_type!(Pubkey, 100, ®ions).unwrap(); assert_eq!(pubkey, *translated_pubkey); // Instruction let instruction = Instruction::new( Pubkey::new_rand(), &"foobar", vec![AccountMeta::new(Pubkey::new_rand(), false)], ); let addr = &instruction as *const _ as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: std::mem::size_of::() as u64, }]; let translated_instruction = translate_type!(Instruction, 100, ®ions).unwrap(); assert_eq!(instruction, *translated_instruction); } #[test] fn test_translate_slice() { // u8 let mut data = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let addr = data.as_ptr() as *const _ as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: data.len() as u64, }]; let translated_data = translate_slice!(u8, 100, data.len(), ®ions).unwrap(); assert_eq!(data, translated_data); data[0] = 10; assert_eq!(data, translated_data); // Pubkeys let mut data = vec![Pubkey::new_rand(); 5]; let addr = data.as_ptr() as *const _ as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: (data.len() * std::mem::size_of::()) as u64, }]; let translated_data = translate_slice!(Pubkey, 100, data.len(), ®ions).unwrap(); assert_eq!(data, translated_data); data[0] = Pubkey::new_rand(); // Both should point to same place assert_eq!(data, translated_data); } #[test] fn test_translate_string_and_do() { let string = "Gaggablaghblagh!"; let addr = string.as_ptr() as *const _ as u64; let regions = vec![MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: string.len() as u64, }]; assert_eq!( 42, translate_string_and_do(100, string.len() as u64, ®ions, &mut |string: &str| { assert_eq!(string, "Gaggablaghblagh!"); Ok(42) }) .unwrap() ); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "UserError(SyscallError(Abort))")] fn test_syscall_abort() { let ro_region = MemoryRegion::default(); let rw_region = MemoryRegion::default(); syscall_abort(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &[ro_region], &[rw_region]).unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "UserError(SyscallError(Panic(\"Gaggablaghblagh!\", 42, 84)))")] fn test_syscall_sol_panic() { let string = "Gaggablaghblagh!"; let mut mock_invoke_context = MockInvokeContext::default(); let result = { let invoke_context: &mut dyn InvokeContext = &mut mock_invoke_context; let mut syscall_sol_panic = SyscallPanic { invoke_context: Rc::new(RefCell::new(invoke_context)), }; let addr = string.as_ptr() as *const _ as u64; let ro_region = MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: string.len() as u64, }; let rw_region = MemoryRegion::default(); 100, string.len() as u64, 42, 84, 0, &[ro_region], &[rw_region], ) }; assert_eq!(mock_invoke_context.log.len(), 1); assert_eq!( mock_invoke_context.log[0], "panicked at \'Gaggablaghblagh!\' on 42:84" ); result.unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_syscall_sol_log() { let string = "Gaggablaghblagh!"; let addr = string.as_ptr() as *const _ as u64; let ro_regions = &[MemoryRegion { addr_host: addr, addr_vm: 100, len: string.len() as u64, }]; let rw_regions = &[MemoryRegion::default()]; let mut mock_invoke_context = MockInvokeContext::default(); { let invoke_context: &mut dyn InvokeContext = &mut mock_invoke_context; let mut syscall_sol_log = SyscallLog { invoke_context: Rc::new(RefCell::new(invoke_context)), }; syscall_sol_log .call(100, string.len() as u64, 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions) .unwrap(); syscall_sol_log .call( 100, string.len() as u64 * 2, // AccessViolation 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions, ) .unwrap_err(); } assert_eq!(mock_invoke_context.log.len(), 1); assert_eq!(mock_invoke_context.log[0], "Gaggablaghblagh!"); } #[test] fn test_syscall_sol_log_u64() { let mut mock_invoke_context = MockInvokeContext::default(); { let invoke_context: &mut dyn InvokeContext = &mut mock_invoke_context; let mut syscall_sol_log_u64 = SyscallLogU64 { invoke_context: Rc::new(RefCell::new(invoke_context)), }; let ro_regions = &[MemoryRegion::default()]; let rw_regions = &[MemoryRegion::default()]; syscall_sol_log_u64 .call(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ro_regions, rw_regions) .unwrap(); } assert_eq!(mock_invoke_context.log.len(), 1); assert_eq!(mock_invoke_context.log[0], "0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5"); } #[test] fn test_syscall_sol_alloc_free() { // large alloc { let heap = vec![0_u8; 100]; let ro_regions = &[MemoryRegion::default()]; let rw_regions = &[MemoryRegion::new_from_slice(&heap, MM_HEAP_START)]; let mut syscall = SyscallSolAllocFree { allocator: BPFAllocator::new(heap, MM_HEAP_START), }; assert_ne!( syscall .call(100, 0, 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions) .unwrap(), 0 ); assert_eq!( syscall .call(100, 0, 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions) .unwrap(), 0 ); } // many small allocs { let heap = vec![0_u8; 100]; let ro_regions = &[MemoryRegion::default()]; let rw_regions = &[MemoryRegion::new_from_slice(&heap, MM_HEAP_START)]; let mut syscall = SyscallSolAllocFree { allocator: BPFAllocator::new(heap, MM_HEAP_START), }; for _ in 0..100 { assert_ne!(, 0, 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions).unwrap(), 0 ); } assert_eq!( syscall .call(100, 0, 0, 0, 0, ro_regions, rw_regions) .unwrap(), 0 ); } } }