#![allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] use { console::Emoji, indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}, log::*, solana_runtime::{ snapshot_hash::SnapshotHash, snapshot_package::SnapshotType, snapshot_utils::{self, ArchiveFormat}, }, solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, genesis_config::DEFAULT_GENESIS_ARCHIVE}, std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Read}, net::SocketAddr, path::{Path, PathBuf}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, }; static TRUCK: Emoji = Emoji("🚚 ", ""); static SPARKLE: Emoji = Emoji("✨ ", ""); /// Creates a new process bar for processing that will take an unknown amount of time fn new_spinner_progress_bar() -> ProgressBar { let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(42); progress_bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_spinner() .template("{spinner:.green} {wide_msg}") .expect("ProgresStyle::template direct input to be correct"), ); progress_bar.enable_steady_tick(Duration::from_millis(100)); progress_bar } /// Structure modeling information about download progress #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DownloadProgressRecord { // Duration since the beginning of the download pub elapsed_time: Duration, // Duration since the the last notification pub last_elapsed_time: Duration, // the bytes/sec speed measured for the last notification period pub last_throughput: f32, // the bytes/sec speed measured from the beginning pub total_throughput: f32, // total bytes of the download pub total_bytes: usize, // bytes downloaded so far pub current_bytes: usize, // percentage downloaded pub percentage_done: f32, // Estimated remaining time (in seconds) to finish the download if it keeps at the the last download speed pub estimated_remaining_time: f32, // The times of the progress is being notified, it starts from 1 and increments by 1 each time pub notification_count: u64, } type DownloadProgressCallback<'a> = Box bool + 'a>; type DownloadProgressCallbackOption<'a> = Option>; /// This callback allows the caller to get notified of the download progress modelled by DownloadProgressRecord /// Return "true" to continue the download /// Return "false" to abort the download pub fn download_file<'a, 'b>( url: &str, destination_file: &Path, use_progress_bar: bool, progress_notify_callback: &'a mut DownloadProgressCallbackOption<'b>, ) -> Result<(), String> { if destination_file.is_file() { return Err(format!("{destination_file:?} already exists")); } let download_start = Instant::now(); fs::create_dir_all(destination_file.parent().expect("parent")) .map_err(|err| err.to_string())?; let mut temp_destination_file = destination_file.to_path_buf(); temp_destination_file.set_file_name(format!( "tmp-{}", destination_file .file_name() .expect("file_name") .to_str() .expect("to_str") )); let progress_bar = new_spinner_progress_bar(); if use_progress_bar { progress_bar.set_message(format!("{TRUCK}Downloading {url}...")); } let response = reqwest::blocking::Client::new() .get(url) .send() .and_then(|response| response.error_for_status()) .map_err(|err| { progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); err.to_string() })?; let download_size = { response .headers() .get(reqwest::header::CONTENT_LENGTH) .and_then(|content_length| content_length.to_str().ok()) .and_then(|content_length| content_length.parse().ok()) .unwrap_or(0) }; if use_progress_bar { progress_bar.set_length(download_size); progress_bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template( "{spinner:.green}{msg_wide}[{bar:40.cyan/blue}] {bytes}/{total_bytes} ({eta})", ) .expect("ProgresStyle::template direct input to be correct") .progress_chars("=> "), ); progress_bar.set_message(format!("{TRUCK}Downloading~ {url}")); } else { info!("Downloading {} bytes from {}", download_size, url); } struct DownloadProgress<'e, 'f, R> { progress_bar: ProgressBar, response: R, last_print: Instant, current_bytes: usize, last_print_bytes: usize, download_size: f32, use_progress_bar: bool, start_time: Instant, callback: &'f mut DownloadProgressCallbackOption<'e>, notification_count: u64, } impl<'e, 'f, R: Read> Read for DownloadProgress<'e, 'f, R> { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { let n = self.response.read(buf)?; self.current_bytes += n; let total_bytes_f32 = self.current_bytes as f32; let diff_bytes_f32 = (self.current_bytes - self.last_print_bytes) as f32; let last_throughput = diff_bytes_f32 / self.last_print.elapsed().as_secs_f32(); let estimated_remaining_time = if last_throughput > 0_f32 { (self.download_size - self.current_bytes as f32) / last_throughput } else { f32::MAX }; let mut progress_record = DownloadProgressRecord { elapsed_time: self.start_time.elapsed(), last_elapsed_time: self.last_print.elapsed(), last_throughput, total_throughput: self.current_bytes as f32 / self.start_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32(), total_bytes: self.download_size as usize, current_bytes: self.current_bytes, percentage_done: 100f32 * (total_bytes_f32 / self.download_size), estimated_remaining_time, notification_count: self.notification_count, }; let mut to_update_progress = false; if progress_record.last_elapsed_time.as_secs() > 5 { self.last_print = Instant::now(); self.last_print_bytes = self.current_bytes; to_update_progress = true; self.notification_count += 1; progress_record.notification_count = self.notification_count } if self.use_progress_bar { self.progress_bar.inc(n as u64); } else if to_update_progress { info!( "downloaded {} bytes {:.1}% {:.1} bytes/s", self.current_bytes, progress_record.percentage_done, progress_record.last_throughput, ); } if let Some(callback) = self.callback { if to_update_progress && !callback(&progress_record) { info!("Download is aborted by the caller"); return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Download is aborted by the caller", )); } } Ok(n) } } let mut source = DownloadProgress::<'b, 'a> { progress_bar, response, last_print: Instant::now(), current_bytes: 0, last_print_bytes: 0, download_size: (download_size as f32).max(1f32), use_progress_bar, start_time: Instant::now(), callback: progress_notify_callback, notification_count: 0, }; File::create(&temp_destination_file) .and_then(|mut file| std::io::copy(&mut source, &mut file)) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to write {temp_destination_file:?}: {err:?}"))?; source.progress_bar.finish_and_clear(); info!( " {}{}", SPARKLE, format!( "Downloaded {} ({} bytes) in {:?}", url, download_size, Instant::now().duration_since(download_start), ) ); std::fs::rename(temp_destination_file, destination_file) .map_err(|err| format!("Unable to rename: {err:?}"))?; Ok(()) } pub fn download_genesis_if_missing( rpc_addr: &SocketAddr, genesis_package: &Path, use_progress_bar: bool, ) -> Result { if !genesis_package.exists() { let tmp_genesis_path = genesis_package.parent().unwrap().join("tmp-genesis"); let tmp_genesis_package = tmp_genesis_path.join(DEFAULT_GENESIS_ARCHIVE); let _ignored = fs::remove_dir_all(&tmp_genesis_path); download_file( &format!("http://{rpc_addr}/{DEFAULT_GENESIS_ARCHIVE}"), &tmp_genesis_package, use_progress_bar, &mut None, )?; Ok(tmp_genesis_package) } else { Err("genesis already exists".to_string()) } } /// Download a snapshot archive from `rpc_addr`. Use `snapshot_type` to specify downloading either /// a full snapshot or an incremental snapshot. pub fn download_snapshot_archive( rpc_addr: &SocketAddr, full_snapshot_archives_dir: &Path, incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: &Path, desired_snapshot_hash: (Slot, SnapshotHash), snapshot_type: SnapshotType, maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain: usize, maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain: usize, use_progress_bar: bool, progress_notify_callback: &mut DownloadProgressCallbackOption<'_>, ) -> Result<(), String> { snapshot_utils::purge_old_snapshot_archives( full_snapshot_archives_dir, incremental_snapshot_archives_dir, maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain, maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain, ); let snapshot_archives_remote_dir = snapshot_utils::build_snapshot_archives_remote_dir(match snapshot_type { SnapshotType::FullSnapshot => full_snapshot_archives_dir, SnapshotType::IncrementalSnapshot(_) => incremental_snapshot_archives_dir, }); fs::create_dir_all(&snapshot_archives_remote_dir).unwrap(); for archive_format in [ ArchiveFormat::TarZstd, ArchiveFormat::TarGzip, ArchiveFormat::TarBzip2, ArchiveFormat::TarLz4, ArchiveFormat::Tar, // `solana-test-validator` creates uncompressed snapshots ] { let destination_path = match snapshot_type { SnapshotType::FullSnapshot => snapshot_utils::build_full_snapshot_archive_path( &snapshot_archives_remote_dir, desired_snapshot_hash.0, &desired_snapshot_hash.1, archive_format, ), SnapshotType::IncrementalSnapshot(base_slot) => { snapshot_utils::build_incremental_snapshot_archive_path( &snapshot_archives_remote_dir, base_slot, desired_snapshot_hash.0, &desired_snapshot_hash.1, archive_format, ) } }; if destination_path.is_file() { return Ok(()); } match download_file( &format!( "http://{}/{}", rpc_addr, destination_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() ), &destination_path, use_progress_bar, progress_notify_callback, ) { Ok(()) => return Ok(()), Err(err) => info!("{}", err), } } Err(format!( "Failed to download a snapshot archive for slot {} from {}", desired_snapshot_hash.0, rpc_addr )) }