
65 lines
2.5 KiB

use crate::consensus::{SwitchForkDecision, TowerError};
use solana_sdk::{
signature::{Signature, Signer},
use solana_vote_program::vote_state::{BlockTimestamp, Vote, VoteState};
#[frozen_abi(digest = "7phMrqmBo2D3rXPdhBj8CpjRvvmx9qgpcU4cDGkL3W9q")]
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)]
pub struct Tower1_7_14 {
pub(crate) node_pubkey: Pubkey,
pub(crate) threshold_depth: usize,
pub(crate) threshold_size: f64,
pub(crate) vote_state: VoteState,
pub(crate) last_vote: Vote,
// The blockhash used in the last vote transaction, may or may not equal the
// blockhash of the voted block itself, depending if the vote slot was refreshed.
// For instance, a vote for slot 5, may be refreshed/resubmitted for inclusion in
// block 10, in which case `last_vote_tx_blockhash` equals the blockhash of 10, not 5.
pub(crate) last_vote_tx_blockhash: Hash,
pub(crate) last_timestamp: BlockTimestamp,
// Restored last voted slot which cannot be found in SlotHistory at replayed root
// (This is a special field for slashing-free validator restart with edge cases).
// This could be emptied after some time; but left intact indefinitely for easier
// implementation
// Further, stray slot can be stale or not. `Stale` here means whether given
// bank_forks (=~ ledger) lacks the slot or not.
pub(crate) stray_restored_slot: Option<Slot>,
pub(crate) last_switch_threshold_check: Option<(Slot, SwitchForkDecision)>,
#[frozen_abi(digest = "CxwFFxKfn6ez6wifDKr5WYr3eu2PsWUKdMYp3LX8Xj52")]
#[derive(Default, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, AbiExample)]
pub struct SavedTower1_7_14 {
pub(crate) signature: Signature,
pub(crate) data: Vec<u8>,
pub(crate) node_pubkey: Pubkey,
impl SavedTower1_7_14 {
pub fn new<T: Signer>(tower: &Tower1_7_14, keypair: &T) -> Result<Self, TowerError> {
let node_pubkey = keypair.pubkey();
if tower.node_pubkey != node_pubkey {
return Err(TowerError::WrongTower(format!(
"node_pubkey is {:?} but found tower for {:?}",
node_pubkey, tower.node_pubkey
let data = bincode::serialize(tower)?;
let signature = keypair.sign_message(&data);
Ok(Self {