
410 lines
16 KiB

//! A client for the ledger state, from the perspective of an arbitrary validator.
//! Use start_tcp_client() to create a client and then import BanksClientExt to
//! access its methods. Additional "*_with_context" methods are also available,
//! but they are undocumented, may change over time, and are generally more
//! cumbersome to use.
use borsh::BorshDeserialize;
use futures::{future::join_all, Future, FutureExt};
pub use solana_banks_interface::{BanksClient as TarpcClient, TransactionStatus};
use solana_banks_interface::{BanksRequest, BanksResponse};
use solana_program::{
clock::Slot, fee_calculator::FeeCalculator, hash::Hash, program_pack::Pack, pubkey::Pubkey,
rent::Rent, sysvar::Sysvar,
use solana_sdk::{
account::{from_account, Account},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
use std::io::{self, Error, ErrorKind};
use tarpc::{
client::{self, NewClient, RequestDispatch},
context::{self, Context},
ClientMessage, Response, Transport,
use tokio::{net::ToSocketAddrs, time::Duration};
use tokio_serde::formats::Bincode;
// This exists only for backward compatibility
pub trait BanksClientExt {}
pub struct BanksClient {
inner: TarpcClient,
impl BanksClient {
pub fn new<C>(
config: client::Config,
transport: C,
) -> NewClient<TarpcClient, RequestDispatch<BanksRequest, BanksResponse, C>>
C: Transport<ClientMessage<BanksRequest>, Response<BanksResponse>>,
TarpcClient::new(config, transport)
pub fn send_transaction_with_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
transaction: Transaction,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<()>> + '_ {
self.inner.send_transaction_with_context(ctx, transaction)
pub fn get_fees_with_commitment_and_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<(FeeCalculator, Hash, Slot)>> + '_ {
.get_fees_with_commitment_and_context(ctx, commitment)
pub fn get_transaction_status_with_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
signature: Signature,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<TransactionStatus>>> + '_ {
.get_transaction_status_with_context(ctx, signature)
pub fn get_slot_with_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Slot>> + '_ {
self.inner.get_slot_with_context(ctx, commitment)
pub fn process_transaction_with_commitment_and_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
transaction: Transaction,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<transaction::Result<()>>>> + '_ {
.process_transaction_with_commitment_and_context(ctx, transaction, commitment)
pub fn get_account_with_commitment_and_context(
&mut self,
ctx: Context,
address: Pubkey,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<Account>>> + '_ {
.get_account_with_commitment_and_context(ctx, address, commitment)
/// Send a transaction and return immediately. The server will resend the
/// transaction until either it is accepted by the cluster or the transaction's
/// blockhash expires.
pub fn send_transaction(
&mut self,
transaction: Transaction,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<()>> + '_ {
self.send_transaction_with_context(context::current(), transaction)
/// Return the fee parameters associated with a recent, rooted blockhash. The cluster
/// will use the transaction's blockhash to look up these same fee parameters and
/// use them to calculate the transaction fee.
pub fn get_fees(
&mut self,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<(FeeCalculator, Hash, Slot)>> + '_ {
self.get_fees_with_commitment_and_context(context::current(), CommitmentLevel::default())
/// Return the cluster Sysvar
pub fn get_sysvar<T: Sysvar>(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<T>> + '_ {
self.get_account(T::id()).map(|result| {
let sysvar = result?
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Sysvar not present"))?;
from_account::<T, _>(&sysvar)
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Failed to deserialize sysvar"))
/// Return the cluster rent
pub fn get_rent(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Rent>> + '_ {
/// Return a recent, rooted blockhash from the server. The cluster will only accept
/// transactions with a blockhash that has not yet expired. Use the `get_fees`
/// method to get both a blockhash and the blockhash's last valid slot.
pub fn get_recent_blockhash(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Hash>> + '_ {
self.get_fees().map(|result| Ok(result?.1))
/// Send a transaction and return after the transaction has been rejected or
/// reached the given level of commitment.
pub fn process_transaction_with_commitment(
&mut self,
transaction: Transaction,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = transport::Result<()>> + '_ {
let mut ctx = context::current();
ctx.deadline += Duration::from_secs(50);
self.process_transaction_with_commitment_and_context(ctx, transaction, commitment)
.map(|result| match result? {
None => {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::TimedOut, "invalid blockhash or fee-payer").into())
Some(transaction_result) => Ok(transaction_result?),
/// Send a transaction and return until the transaction has been finalized or rejected.
pub fn process_transaction(
&mut self,
transaction: Transaction,
) -> impl Future<Output = transport::Result<()>> + '_ {
self.process_transaction_with_commitment(transaction, CommitmentLevel::default())
pub async fn process_transactions_with_commitment(
&mut self,
transactions: Vec<Transaction>,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> transport::Result<()> {
let mut clients: Vec<_> = transactions.iter().map(|_| self.clone()).collect();
let futures = clients
.map(|(client, transaction)| {
client.process_transaction_with_commitment(transaction, commitment)
let statuses = join_all(futures).await;
statuses.into_iter().collect() // Convert Vec<Result<_, _>> to Result<Vec<_>>
/// Send transactions and return until the transaction has been finalized or rejected.
pub fn process_transactions(
&mut self,
transactions: Vec<Transaction>,
) -> impl Future<Output = transport::Result<()>> + '_ {
self.process_transactions_with_commitment(transactions, CommitmentLevel::default())
/// Return the most recent rooted slot height. All transactions at or below this height
/// are said to be finalized. The cluster will not fork to a higher slot height.
pub fn get_root_slot(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Slot>> + '_ {
self.get_slot_with_context(context::current(), CommitmentLevel::default())
/// Return the account at the given address at the slot corresponding to the given
/// commitment level. If the account is not found, None is returned.
pub fn get_account_with_commitment(
&mut self,
address: Pubkey,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<Account>>> + '_ {
self.get_account_with_commitment_and_context(context::current(), address, commitment)
/// Return the account at the given address at the time of the most recent root slot.
/// If the account is not found, None is returned.
pub fn get_account(
&mut self,
address: Pubkey,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<Account>>> + '_ {
self.get_account_with_commitment(address, CommitmentLevel::default())
/// Return the unpacked account data at the given address
/// If the account is not found, an error is returned
pub fn get_packed_account_data<T: Pack>(
&mut self,
address: Pubkey,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<T>> + '_ {
self.get_account(address).map(|result| {
let account =
result?.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Account not found"))?;
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Failed to deserialize account"))
/// Return the unpacked account data at the given address
/// If the account is not found, an error is returned
pub fn get_account_data_with_borsh<T: BorshDeserialize>(
&mut self,
address: Pubkey,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<T>> + '_ {
self.get_account(address).map(|result| {
let account =
result?.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "account not found"))?;
/// Return the balance in lamports of an account at the given address at the slot
/// corresponding to the given commitment level.
pub fn get_balance_with_commitment(
&mut self,
address: Pubkey,
commitment: CommitmentLevel,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<u64>> + '_ {
self.get_account_with_commitment_and_context(context::current(), address, commitment)
.map(|result| Ok(result?.map(|x| x.lamports).unwrap_or(0)))
/// Return the balance in lamports of an account at the given address at the time
/// of the most recent root slot.
pub fn get_balance(&mut self, address: Pubkey) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<u64>> + '_ {
self.get_balance_with_commitment(address, CommitmentLevel::default())
/// Return the status of a transaction with a signature matching the transaction's first
/// signature. Return None if the transaction is not found, which may be because the
/// blockhash was expired or the fee-paying account had insufficient funds to pay the
/// transaction fee. Note that servers rarely store the full transaction history. This
/// method may return None if the transaction status has been discarded.
pub fn get_transaction_status(
&mut self,
signature: Signature,
) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<Option<TransactionStatus>>> + '_ {
self.get_transaction_status_with_context(context::current(), signature)
/// Same as get_transaction_status, but for multiple transactions.
pub async fn get_transaction_statuses(
&mut self,
signatures: Vec<Signature>,
) -> io::Result<Vec<Option<TransactionStatus>>> {
// tarpc futures oddly hold a mutable reference back to the client so clone the client upfront
let mut clients_and_signatures: Vec<_> = signatures
.map(|signature| (self.clone(), signature))
let futs = clients_and_signatures
.map(|(client, signature)| client.get_transaction_status(*signature));
let statuses = join_all(futs).await;
// Convert Vec<Result<_, _>> to Result<Vec<_>>
pub async fn start_client<C>(transport: C) -> io::Result<BanksClient>
C: Transport<ClientMessage<BanksRequest>, Response<BanksResponse>> + Send + 'static,
Ok(BanksClient {
inner: TarpcClient::new(client::Config::default(), transport).spawn(),
pub async fn start_tcp_client<T: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: T) -> io::Result<BanksClient> {
let transport = tcp::connect(addr, Bincode::default).await?;
Ok(BanksClient {
inner: TarpcClient::new(client::Config::default(), transport).spawn(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use solana_banks_server::banks_server::start_local_server;
use solana_runtime::{
bank::Bank, bank_forks::BankForks, commitment::BlockCommitmentCache,
use solana_sdk::{message::Message, signature::Signer, system_instruction};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use tarpc::transport;
use tokio::{runtime::Runtime, time::sleep};
fn test_banks_client_new() {
let (client_transport, _server_transport) = transport::channel::unbounded();
BanksClient::new(client::Config::default(), client_transport);
fn test_banks_server_transfer_via_server() -> io::Result<()> {
// This test shows the preferred way to interact with BanksServer.
// It creates a runtime explicitly (no globals via tokio macros) and calls
// `runtime.block_on()` just once, to run all the async code.
let genesis = create_genesis_config(10);
let bank = Bank::new(&genesis.genesis_config);
let slot = bank.slot();
let block_commitment_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(
BlockCommitmentCache::new_for_tests_with_slots(slot, slot),
let bank_forks = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BankForks::new(bank)));
let bob_pubkey = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand();
let mint_pubkey = genesis.mint_keypair.pubkey();
let instruction = system_instruction::transfer(&mint_pubkey, &bob_pubkey, 1);
let message = Message::new(&[instruction], Some(&mint_pubkey));
Runtime::new()?.block_on(async {
let client_transport = start_local_server(bank_forks, block_commitment_cache).await;
let mut banks_client = start_client(client_transport).await?;
let recent_blockhash = banks_client.get_recent_blockhash().await?;
let transaction = Transaction::new(&[&genesis.mint_keypair], message, recent_blockhash);
assert_eq!(banks_client.get_balance(bob_pubkey).await?, 1);
fn test_banks_server_transfer_via_client() -> io::Result<()> {
// The caller may not want to hold the connection open until the transaction
// is processed (or blockhash expires). In this test, we verify the
// server-side functionality is available to the client.
let genesis = create_genesis_config(10);
let bank = Bank::new(&genesis.genesis_config);
let slot = bank.slot();
let block_commitment_cache = Arc::new(RwLock::new(
BlockCommitmentCache::new_for_tests_with_slots(slot, slot),
let bank_forks = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BankForks::new(bank)));
let mint_pubkey = &genesis.mint_keypair.pubkey();
let bob_pubkey = solana_sdk::pubkey::new_rand();
let instruction = system_instruction::transfer(mint_pubkey, &bob_pubkey, 1);
let message = Message::new(&[instruction], Some(mint_pubkey));
Runtime::new()?.block_on(async {
let client_transport = start_local_server(bank_forks, block_commitment_cache).await;
let mut banks_client = start_client(client_transport).await?;
let (_, recent_blockhash, last_valid_slot) = banks_client.get_fees().await?;
let transaction = Transaction::new(&[&genesis.mint_keypair], message, recent_blockhash);
let signature = transaction.signatures[0];
let mut status = banks_client.get_transaction_status(signature).await?;
while status.is_none() {
let root_slot = banks_client.get_root_slot().await?;
if root_slot > last_valid_slot {
status = banks_client.get_transaction_status(signature).await?;
assert_eq!(banks_client.get_balance(bob_pubkey).await?, 1);