
595 lines
22 KiB

//! The account meta and related structs for hot accounts.
use {
AccountBlockFormat, AccountMetaFormat, OwnersBlockFormat, TieredStorageFooter,
index::{AccountOffset, IndexBlockFormat, IndexOffset},
meta::{AccountMetaFlags, AccountMetaOptionalFields, TieredAccountMeta},
owners::{OwnerOffset, OwnersBlock},
TieredStorageFormat, TieredStorageResult,
memmap2::{Mmap, MmapOptions},
solana_sdk::{pubkey::Pubkey, stake_history::Epoch},
std::{fs::OpenOptions, option::Option, path::Path},
pub const HOT_FORMAT: TieredStorageFormat = TieredStorageFormat {
meta_entry_size: std::mem::size_of::<HotAccountMeta>(),
account_meta_format: AccountMetaFormat::Hot,
owners_block_format: OwnersBlockFormat::LocalIndex,
index_block_format: IndexBlockFormat::AddressAndBlockOffsetOnly,
account_block_format: AccountBlockFormat::AlignedRaw,
/// The maximum number of padding bytes used in a hot account entry.
const MAX_HOT_PADDING: u8 = 7;
/// The maximum allowed value for the owner index of a hot account.
const MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET: OwnerOffset = OwnerOffset((1 << 29) - 1);
/// The multiplier for converting AccountOffset to the internal hot account
/// offset. This increases the maximum size of a hot accounts file.
#[bitfield(bits = 32)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct HotMetaPackedFields {
/// A hot account entry consists of the following elements:
/// * HotAccountMeta
/// * [u8] account data
/// * 0-7 bytes padding
/// * optional fields
/// The following field records the number of padding bytes used
/// in its hot account entry.
padding: B3,
/// The index to the owner of a hot account inside an AccountsFile.
owner_offset: B29,
/// The storage and in-memory representation of the metadata entry for a
/// hot account.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct HotAccountMeta {
/// The balance of this account.
lamports: u64,
/// Stores important fields in a packed struct.
packed_fields: HotMetaPackedFields,
/// Stores boolean flags and existence of each optional field.
flags: AccountMetaFlags,
impl TieredAccountMeta for HotAccountMeta {
/// Construct a HotAccountMeta instance.
fn new() -> Self {
HotAccountMeta {
lamports: 0,
packed_fields: HotMetaPackedFields::default(),
flags: AccountMetaFlags::new(),
/// A builder function that initializes lamports.
fn with_lamports(mut self, lamports: u64) -> Self {
self.lamports = lamports;
/// A builder function that initializes the number of padding bytes
/// for the account data associated with the current meta.
fn with_account_data_padding(mut self, padding: u8) -> Self {
if padding > MAX_HOT_PADDING {
panic!("padding exceeds MAX_HOT_PADDING");
/// A builder function that initializes the owner's index.
fn with_owner_offset(mut self, owner_offset: OwnerOffset) -> Self {
if owner_offset > MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET {
panic!("owner_offset exceeds MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET");
/// A builder function that initializes the account data size.
fn with_account_data_size(self, _account_data_size: u64) -> Self {
// Hot meta does not store its data size as it derives its data length
// by comparing the offets of two consecutive account meta entries.
/// A builder function that initializes the AccountMetaFlags of the current
/// meta.
fn with_flags(mut self, flags: &AccountMetaFlags) -> Self {
self.flags = *flags;
/// Returns the balance of the lamports associated with the account.
fn lamports(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of padding bytes for the associated account data
fn account_data_padding(&self) -> u8 {
/// Returns the index to the accounts' owner in the current AccountsFile.
fn owner_offset(&self) -> OwnerOffset {
/// Returns the AccountMetaFlags of the current meta.
fn flags(&self) -> &AccountMetaFlags {
/// Always returns false as HotAccountMeta does not support multiple
/// meta entries sharing the same account block.
fn supports_shared_account_block() -> bool {
/// Returns the epoch that this account will next owe rent by parsing
/// the specified account block. None will be returned if this account
/// does not persist this optional field.
fn rent_epoch(&self, account_block: &[u8]) -> Option<Epoch> {
.then(|| {
let offset = self.optional_fields_offset(account_block)
+ AccountMetaOptionalFields::rent_epoch_offset(self.flags());
byte_block::read_type::<Epoch>(account_block, offset).copied()
/// Returns the account hash by parsing the specified account block. None
/// will be returned if this account does not persist this optional field.
fn account_hash<'a>(&self, account_block: &'a [u8]) -> Option<&'a AccountHash> {
.then(|| {
let offset = self.optional_fields_offset(account_block)
+ AccountMetaOptionalFields::account_hash_offset(self.flags());
byte_block::read_type::<AccountHash>(account_block, offset)
/// Returns the offset of the optional fields based on the specified account
/// block.
fn optional_fields_offset(&self, account_block: &[u8]) -> usize {
/// Returns the length of the data associated to this account based on the
/// specified account block.
fn account_data_size(&self, account_block: &[u8]) -> usize {
.saturating_sub(self.account_data_padding() as usize)
/// Returns the data associated to this account based on the specified
/// account block.
fn account_data<'a>(&self, account_block: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] {
/// The reader to a hot accounts file.
pub struct HotStorageReader {
mmap: Mmap,
footer: TieredStorageFooter,
impl HotStorageReader {
/// Constructs a HotStorageReader from the specified path.
pub fn new_from_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> TieredStorageResult<Self> {
let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(path)?;
let mmap = unsafe { MmapOptions::new().map(&file)? };
// Here we are copying the footer, as accessing any data in a
// TieredStorage instance requires accessing its Footer.
// This can help improve cache locality and reduce the overhead
// of indirection associated with memory-mapped accesses.
let footer = *TieredStorageFooter::new_from_mmap(&mmap)?;
Ok(Self { mmap, footer })
/// Returns the footer of the underlying tiered-storage accounts file.
pub fn footer(&self) -> &TieredStorageFooter {
/// Returns the number of files inside the underlying tiered-storage
/// accounts file.
pub fn num_accounts(&self) -> usize {
self.footer.account_entry_count as usize
/// Returns the account meta located at the specified offset.
fn get_account_meta_from_offset(
account_offset: AccountOffset,
) -> TieredStorageResult<&HotAccountMeta> {
let internal_account_offset = account_offset.block as usize * HOT_ACCOUNT_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER;
let (meta, _) = get_type::<HotAccountMeta>(&self.mmap, internal_account_offset)?;
/// Returns the offset to the account given the specified index.
fn get_account_offset(&self, index_offset: IndexOffset) -> TieredStorageResult<AccountOffset> {
.get_account_offset(&self.mmap, &self.footer, index_offset)
/// Returns the address of the account associated with the specified index.
fn get_account_address(&self, index: IndexOffset) -> TieredStorageResult<&Pubkey> {
.get_account_address(&self.mmap, &self.footer, index)
/// Returns the address of the account owner given the specified
/// owner_offset.
fn get_owner_address(&self, owner_offset: OwnerOffset) -> TieredStorageResult<&Pubkey> {
OwnersBlock::get_owner_address(&self.mmap, &self.footer, owner_offset)
pub mod tests {
use {
AccountBlockFormat, AccountMetaFormat, OwnersBlockFormat, TieredStorageFooter,
hot::{HotAccountMeta, HotStorageReader},
index::{AccountIndexWriterEntry, AccountOffset, IndexBlockFormat, IndexOffset},
meta::{AccountMetaFlags, AccountMetaOptionalFields, TieredAccountMeta},
solana_sdk::{hash::Hash, pubkey::Pubkey, stake_history::Epoch},
fn test_hot_account_meta_layout() {
assert_eq!(offset_of!(HotAccountMeta, lamports), 0x00);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(HotAccountMeta, packed_fields), 0x08);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(HotAccountMeta, flags), 0x0C);
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<HotAccountMeta>(), 16);
fn test_packed_fields() {
const TEST_PADDING: u8 = 7;
const TEST_OWNER_OFFSET: u32 = 0x1fff_ef98;
let mut packed_fields = HotMetaPackedFields::default();
assert_eq!(packed_fields.padding(), TEST_PADDING);
assert_eq!(packed_fields.owner_offset(), TEST_OWNER_OFFSET);
fn test_packed_fields_max_values() {
let mut packed_fields = HotMetaPackedFields::default();
assert_eq!(packed_fields.padding(), MAX_HOT_PADDING);
assert_eq!(packed_fields.owner_offset(), MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET.0);
fn test_hot_meta_max_values() {
let meta = HotAccountMeta::new()
assert_eq!(meta.account_data_padding(), MAX_HOT_PADDING);
assert_eq!(meta.owner_offset(), MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET);
#[should_panic(expected = "padding exceeds MAX_HOT_PADDING")]
fn test_hot_meta_padding_exceeds_limit() {
HotAccountMeta::new().with_account_data_padding(MAX_HOT_PADDING + 1);
#[should_panic(expected = "owner_offset exceeds MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET")]
fn test_hot_meta_owner_offset_exceeds_limit() {
HotAccountMeta::new().with_owner_offset(OwnerOffset(MAX_HOT_OWNER_OFFSET.0 + 1));
fn test_hot_account_meta() {
const TEST_LAMPORTS: u64 = 2314232137;
const TEST_PADDING: u8 = 5;
const TEST_OWNER_OFFSET: OwnerOffset = OwnerOffset(0x1fef_1234);
const TEST_RENT_EPOCH: Epoch = 7;
let optional_fields = AccountMetaOptionalFields {
rent_epoch: Some(TEST_RENT_EPOCH),
account_hash: Some(AccountHash(Hash::new_unique())),
let flags = AccountMetaFlags::new_from(&optional_fields);
let meta = HotAccountMeta::new()
assert_eq!(meta.lamports(), TEST_LAMPORTS);
assert_eq!(meta.account_data_padding(), TEST_PADDING);
assert_eq!(meta.owner_offset(), TEST_OWNER_OFFSET);
assert_eq!(*meta.flags(), flags);
fn test_hot_account_meta_full() {
let account_data = [11u8; 83];
let padding = [0u8; 5];
const TEST_LAMPORT: u64 = 2314232137;
const OWNER_OFFSET: u32 = 0x1fef_1234;
const TEST_RENT_EPOCH: Epoch = 7;
let optional_fields = AccountMetaOptionalFields {
rent_epoch: Some(TEST_RENT_EPOCH),
account_hash: Some(AccountHash(Hash::new_unique())),
let flags = AccountMetaFlags::new_from(&optional_fields);
let expected_meta = HotAccountMeta::new()
let mut writer = ByteBlockWriter::new(AccountBlockFormat::AlignedRaw);
let buffer = writer.finish().unwrap();
let meta = byte_block::read_type::<HotAccountMeta>(&buffer, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_meta, *meta);
assert_eq!(meta.account_data_padding() as usize, padding.len());
let account_block = &buffer[std::mem::size_of::<HotAccountMeta>()..];
assert_eq!(account_data.len(), meta.account_data_size(account_block));
assert_eq!(account_data, meta.account_data(account_block));
assert_eq!(meta.rent_epoch(account_block), optional_fields.rent_epoch);
fn test_hot_storage_footer() {
// Generate a new temp path that is guaranteed to NOT already have a file.
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_dir.path().join("test_hot_storage_footer");
let expected_footer = TieredStorageFooter {
account_meta_format: AccountMetaFormat::Hot,
owners_block_format: OwnersBlockFormat::LocalIndex,
index_block_format: IndexBlockFormat::AddressAndBlockOffsetOnly,
account_block_format: AccountBlockFormat::AlignedRaw,
account_entry_count: 300,
account_meta_entry_size: 16,
account_block_size: 4096,
owner_count: 250,
owner_entry_size: 32,
index_block_offset: 1069600,
owners_block_offset: 1081200,
hash: Hash::new_unique(),
min_account_address: Pubkey::default(),
max_account_address: Pubkey::new_unique(),
footer_size: FOOTER_SIZE as u64,
format_version: 1,
let file = TieredStorageFile::new_writable(&path).unwrap();
// Reopen the same storage, and expect the persisted footer is
// the same as what we have written.
let hot_storage = HotStorageReader::new_from_path(&path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_footer, *hot_storage.footer());
fn test_hot_storage_get_account_meta_from_offset() {
// Generate a new temp path that is guaranteed to NOT already have a file.
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_dir.path().join("test_hot_storage_footer");
const NUM_ACCOUNTS: u32 = 10;
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let hot_account_metas: Vec<_> = (0..NUM_ACCOUNTS)
.map(|_| {
let account_offsets: Vec<_>;
let footer = TieredStorageFooter {
account_meta_format: AccountMetaFormat::Hot,
account_entry_count: NUM_ACCOUNTS,
let file = TieredStorageFile::new_writable(&path).unwrap();
let mut current_offset = 0;
account_offsets = hot_account_metas
.map(|meta| {
let prev_offset = current_offset;
current_offset += file.write_type(meta).unwrap() as u32;
assert_eq!(prev_offset % HOT_ACCOUNT_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER as u32, 0);
AccountOffset {
block: prev_offset / HOT_ACCOUNT_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER as u32,
// while the test only focuses on account metas, writing a footer
// here is necessary to make it a valid tiered-storage file.
let hot_storage = HotStorageReader::new_from_path(&path).unwrap();
for (offset, expected_meta) in account_offsets.iter().zip(hot_account_metas.iter()) {
let meta = hot_storage.get_account_meta_from_offset(*offset).unwrap();
assert_eq!(meta, expected_meta);
assert_eq!(&footer, hot_storage.footer());
fn test_hot_storage_get_account_offset_and_address() {
// Generate a new temp path that is guaranteed to NOT already have a file.
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_dir
const NUM_ACCOUNTS: u32 = 10;
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let addresses: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(Pubkey::new_unique)
.take(NUM_ACCOUNTS as usize)
let index_writer_entries: Vec<_> = addresses
.map(|address| AccountIndexWriterEntry {
block_offset: rng.gen_range(0..u32::MAX),
intra_block_offset: rng.gen_range(0..4096),
let footer = TieredStorageFooter {
account_meta_format: AccountMetaFormat::Hot,
account_entry_count: NUM_ACCOUNTS,
// Set index_block_offset to 0 as we didn't write any account
// meta/data in this test
index_block_offset: 0,
let file = TieredStorageFile::new_writable(&path).unwrap();
.write_index_block(&file, &index_writer_entries)
// while the test only focuses on account metas, writing a footer
// here is necessary to make it a valid tiered-storage file.
let hot_storage = HotStorageReader::new_from_path(&path).unwrap();
for (i, index_writer_entry) in index_writer_entries.iter().enumerate() {
let account_offset = hot_storage
.get_account_offset(IndexOffset(i as u32))
assert_eq!(account_offset.block, index_writer_entry.block_offset);
let account_address = hot_storage
.get_account_address(IndexOffset(i as u32))
assert_eq!(account_address, index_writer_entry.address);
fn test_hot_storage_get_owner_address() {
// Generate a new temp path that is guaranteed to NOT already have a file.
let temp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_dir.path().join("test_hot_storage_get_owner_address");
const NUM_OWNERS: usize = 10;
let addresses: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat_with(Pubkey::new_unique)
let footer = TieredStorageFooter {
account_meta_format: AccountMetaFormat::Hot,
// Set owners_block_offset to 0 as we didn't write any account
// meta/data nor index block in this test
owners_block_offset: 0,
let file = TieredStorageFile::new_writable(&path).unwrap();
OwnersBlock::write_owners_block(&file, &addresses).unwrap();
// while the test only focuses on account metas, writing a footer
// here is necessary to make it a valid tiered-storage file.
let hot_storage = HotStorageReader::new_from_path(&path).unwrap();
for (i, address) in addresses.iter().enumerate() {
.get_owner_address(OwnerOffset(i as u32))