
6661 lines
190 KiB

import HttpKeepAliveAgent, {
HttpsAgent as HttpsKeepAliveAgent,
} from 'agentkeepalive';
import bs58 from 'bs58';
import {Buffer} from 'buffer';
// @ts-ignore
import fastStableStringify from 'fast-stable-stringify';
import type {Agent as NodeHttpAgent} from 'http';
import {Agent as NodeHttpsAgent} from 'https';
import {
type as pick,
} from 'superstruct';
import type {Struct} from 'superstruct';
import {Client as RpcWebSocketClient} from 'rpc-websockets';
import RpcClient from 'jayson/lib/client/browser';
import {JSONRPCError} from 'jayson';
import {EpochSchedule} from './epoch-schedule';
import {SendTransactionError, SolanaJSONRPCError} from './errors';
import fetchImpl, {Response} from './fetch-impl';
import {DurableNonce, NonceAccount} from './nonce-account';
import {PublicKey} from './publickey';
import {Signer} from './keypair';
import {MS_PER_SLOT} from './timing';
import {
} from './transaction';
import {Message, MessageHeader, MessageV0, VersionedMessage} from './message';
import {AddressLookupTableAccount} from './programs/address-lookup-table/state';
import assert from './utils/assert';
import {sleep} from './utils/sleep';
import {toBuffer} from './utils/to-buffer';
import {
} from './transaction/expiry-custom-errors';
import {makeWebsocketUrl} from './utils/makeWebsocketUrl';
import type {Blockhash} from './blockhash';
import type {FeeCalculator} from './fee-calculator';
import type {TransactionSignature} from './transaction';
import type {CompiledInstruction} from './message';
const PublicKeyFromString = coerce(
value => new PublicKey(value),
const RawAccountDataResult = tuple([string(), literal('base64')]);
const BufferFromRawAccountData = coerce(
value => Buffer.from(value[0], 'base64'),
* Attempt to use a recent blockhash for up to 30 seconds
* @internal
export const BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS = 30 * 1000;
* Copied from rpc-websockets/dist/lib/client.
* Otherwise, `yarn build` fails with:
interface IWSRequestParams {
[x: string]: any;
[x: number]: any;
type ClientSubscriptionId = number;
/** @internal */ type ServerSubscriptionId = number;
/** @internal */ type SubscriptionConfigHash = string;
/** @internal */ type SubscriptionDisposeFn = () => Promise<void>;
/** @internal */ type SubscriptionStateChangeCallback = (
nextState: StatefulSubscription['state'],
) => void;
/** @internal */ type SubscriptionStateChangeDisposeFn = () => void;
* @internal
* Every subscription contains the args used to open the subscription with
* the server, and a list of callers interested in notifications.
type BaseSubscription<TMethod = SubscriptionConfig['method']> = Readonly<{
args: IWSRequestParams;
callbacks: Set<Extract<SubscriptionConfig, {method: TMethod}>['callback']>;
* @internal
* A subscription may be in various states of connectedness. Only when it is
* fully connected will it have a server subscription id associated with it.
* This id can be returned to the server to unsubscribe the client entirely.
type StatefulSubscription = Readonly<
// New subscriptions that have not yet been
// sent to the server start in this state.
| {
state: 'pending';
// These subscriptions have been sent to the server
// and are waiting for the server to acknowledge them.
| {
state: 'subscribing';
// These subscriptions have been acknowledged by the
// server and have been assigned server subscription ids.
| {
serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId;
state: 'subscribed';
// These subscriptions are intended to be torn down and
// are waiting on an acknowledgement from the server.
| {
serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId;
state: 'unsubscribing';
// The request to tear down these subscriptions has been
// acknowledged by the server. The `serverSubscriptionId`
// is the id of the now-dead subscription.
| {
serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId;
state: 'unsubscribed';
* A type that encapsulates a subscription's RPC method
* names and notification (callback) signature.
type SubscriptionConfig = Readonly<
| {
callback: AccountChangeCallback;
method: 'accountSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'accountUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: LogsCallback;
method: 'logsSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'logsUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback;
method: 'programSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'programUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: RootChangeCallback;
method: 'rootSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'rootUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: SignatureSubscriptionCallback;
method: 'signatureSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'signatureUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: SlotChangeCallback;
method: 'slotSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'slotUnsubscribe';
| {
callback: SlotUpdateCallback;
method: 'slotsUpdatesSubscribe';
unsubscribeMethod: 'slotsUpdatesUnsubscribe';
* @internal
* Utility type that keeps tagged unions intact while omitting properties.
type DistributiveOmit<T, K extends PropertyKey> = T extends unknown
? Omit<T, K>
: never;
* @internal
* This type represents a single subscribable 'topic.' It's made up of:
* - The args used to open the subscription with the server,
* - The state of the subscription, in terms of its connectedness, and
* - The set of callbacks to call when the server publishes notifications
* This record gets indexed by `SubscriptionConfigHash` and is used to
* set up subscriptions, fan out notifications, and track subscription state.
type Subscription = BaseSubscription &
StatefulSubscription &
DistributiveOmit<SubscriptionConfig, 'callback'>;
type RpcRequest = (methodName: string, args: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
type RpcBatchRequest = (requests: RpcParams[]) => Promise<any[]>;
* @internal
export type RpcParams = {
methodName: string;
args: Array<any>;
export type TokenAccountsFilter =
| {
mint: PublicKey;
| {
programId: PublicKey;
* Extra contextual information for RPC responses
export type Context = {
slot: number;
* Options for sending transactions
export type SendOptions = {
/** disable transaction verification step */
skipPreflight?: boolean;
/** preflight commitment level */
preflightCommitment?: Commitment;
/** Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader. */
maxRetries?: number;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Options for confirming transactions
export type ConfirmOptions = {
/** disable transaction verification step */
skipPreflight?: boolean;
/** desired commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** preflight commitment level */
preflightCommitment?: Commitment;
/** Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader. */
maxRetries?: number;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Options for getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2
export type ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options = {
* Start searching backwards from this transaction signature.
* @remark If not provided the search starts from the highest max confirmed block.
before?: TransactionSignature;
/** Search until this transaction signature is reached, if found before `limit`. */
until?: TransactionSignature;
/** Maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000). */
limit?: number;
* Options for getSignaturesForAddress
export type SignaturesForAddressOptions = {
* Start searching backwards from this transaction signature.
* @remark If not provided the search starts from the highest max confirmed block.
before?: TransactionSignature;
/** Search until this transaction signature is reached, if found before `limit`. */
until?: TransactionSignature;
/** Maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000). */
limit?: number;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* RPC Response with extra contextual information
export type RpcResponseAndContext<T> = {
/** response context */
context: Context;
/** response value */
value: T;
export type BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight = Readonly<{
blockhash: Blockhash;
lastValidBlockHeight: number;
* A strategy for confirming transactions that uses the last valid
* block height for a given blockhash to check for transaction expiration.
export type BlockheightBasedTransactionConfirmationStrategy =
BaseTransactionConfirmationStrategy & BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight;
* A strategy for confirming durable nonce transactions.
export type DurableNonceTransactionConfirmationStrategy =
BaseTransactionConfirmationStrategy & {
* The lowest slot at which to fetch the nonce value from the
* nonce account. This should be no lower than the slot at
* which the last-known value of the nonce was fetched.
minContextSlot: number;
* The account where the current value of the nonce is stored.
nonceAccountPubkey: PublicKey;
* The nonce value that was used to sign the transaction
* for which confirmation is being sought.
nonceValue: DurableNonce;
* Properties shared by all transaction confirmation strategies
export type BaseTransactionConfirmationStrategy = Readonly<{
/** A signal that, when aborted, cancels any outstanding transaction confirmation operations */
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
signature: TransactionSignature;
* This type represents all transaction confirmation strategies
export type TransactionConfirmationStrategy =
| BlockheightBasedTransactionConfirmationStrategy
| DurableNonceTransactionConfirmationStrategy;
/* @internal */
function assertEndpointUrl(putativeUrl: string) {
if (/^https?:/.test(putativeUrl) === false) {
throw new TypeError('Endpoint URL must start with `http:` or `https:`.');
return putativeUrl;
/** @internal */
function extractCommitmentFromConfig<TConfig>(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | ({commitment?: Commitment} & TConfig),
) {
let commitment: Commitment | undefined;
let config: Omit<TConfig, 'commitment'> | undefined;
if (typeof commitmentOrConfig === 'string') {
commitment = commitmentOrConfig;
} else if (commitmentOrConfig) {
const {commitment: specifiedCommitment, ...specifiedConfig} =
commitment = specifiedCommitment;
config = specifiedConfig;
return {commitment, config};
* @internal
function createRpcResult<T, U>(result: Struct<T, U>) {
return union([
jsonrpc: literal('2.0'),
id: string(),
jsonrpc: literal('2.0'),
id: string(),
error: pick({
code: unknown(),
message: string(),
data: optional(any()),
const UnknownRpcResult = createRpcResult(unknown());
* @internal
function jsonRpcResult<T, U>(schema: Struct<T, U>) {
return coerce(createRpcResult(schema), UnknownRpcResult, value => {
if ('error' in value) {
return value;
} else {
return {
result: create(value.result, schema),
* @internal
function jsonRpcResultAndContext<T, U>(value: Struct<T, U>) {
return jsonRpcResult(
context: pick({
slot: number(),
* @internal
function notificationResultAndContext<T, U>(value: Struct<T, U>) {
return pick({
context: pick({
slot: number(),
* @internal
function versionedMessageFromResponse(
version: TransactionVersion | undefined,
response: MessageResponse,
): VersionedMessage {
if (version === 0) {
return new MessageV0({
header: response.header,
accountKey => new PublicKey(accountKey),
recentBlockhash: response.recentBlockhash,
compiledInstructions: => ({
programIdIndex: ix.programIdIndex,
accountKeyIndexes: ix.accounts,
data: bs58.decode(,
addressTableLookups: response.addressTableLookups!,
} else {
return new Message(response);
* The level of commitment desired when querying state
* <pre>
* 'processed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the connected node
* 'confirmed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
* 'finalized': Query the most recent block which has been finalized by the cluster
* </pre>
export type Commitment =
| 'processed'
| 'confirmed'
| 'finalized'
| 'recent' // Deprecated as of v1.5.5
| 'single' // Deprecated as of v1.5.5
| 'singleGossip' // Deprecated as of v1.5.5
| 'root' // Deprecated as of v1.5.5
| 'max'; // Deprecated as of v1.5.5
* A subset of Commitment levels, which are at least optimistically confirmed
* <pre>
* 'confirmed': Query the most recent block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
* 'finalized': Query the most recent block which has been finalized by the cluster
* </pre>
export type Finality = 'confirmed' | 'finalized';
* Filter for largest accounts query
* <pre>
* 'circulating': Return the largest accounts that are part of the circulating supply
* 'nonCirculating': Return the largest accounts that are not part of the circulating supply
* </pre>
export type LargestAccountsFilter = 'circulating' | 'nonCirculating';
* Configuration object for changing `getAccountInfo` query behavior
export type GetAccountInfoConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
/** Optional data slice to limit the returned account data */
dataSlice?: DataSlice;
* Configuration object for changing `getBalance` query behavior
export type GetBalanceConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getBlock` query behavior
export type GetBlockConfig = {
/** The level of finality desired */
commitment?: Finality;
* Whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards.
rewards?: boolean;
* Level of transaction detail to return, either "full", "accounts", "signatures", or "none". If
* parameter not provided, the default detail level is "full". If "accounts" are requested,
* transaction details only include signatures and an annotated list of accounts in each
* transaction. Transaction metadata is limited to only: fee, err, pre_balances, post_balances,
* pre_token_balances, and post_token_balances.
transactionDetails?: 'accounts' | 'full' | 'none' | 'signatures';
* Configuration object for changing `getBlock` query behavior
export type GetVersionedBlockConfig = {
/** The level of finality desired */
commitment?: Finality;
/** The max transaction version to return in responses. If the requested transaction is a higher version, an error will be returned */
maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number;
* Whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards.
rewards?: boolean;
* Level of transaction detail to return, either "full", "accounts", "signatures", or "none". If
* parameter not provided, the default detail level is "full". If "accounts" are requested,
* transaction details only include signatures and an annotated list of accounts in each
* transaction. Transaction metadata is limited to only: fee, err, pre_balances, post_balances,
* pre_token_balances, and post_token_balances.
transactionDetails?: 'accounts' | 'full' | 'none' | 'signatures';
* Configuration object for changing `getStakeMinimumDelegation` query behavior
export type GetStakeMinimumDelegationConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
* Configuration object for changing `getBlockHeight` query behavior
export type GetBlockHeightConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getEpochInfo` query behavior
export type GetEpochInfoConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getInflationReward` query behavior
export type GetInflationRewardConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** An epoch for which the reward occurs. If omitted, the previous epoch will be used */
epoch?: number;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getLatestBlockhash` query behavior
export type GetLatestBlockhashConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getSlot` query behavior
export type GetSlotConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getSlotLeader` query behavior
export type GetSlotLeaderConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getTransaction` query behavior
export type GetTransactionConfig = {
/** The level of finality desired */
commitment?: Finality;
* Configuration object for changing `getTransaction` query behavior
export type GetVersionedTransactionConfig = {
/** The level of finality desired */
commitment?: Finality;
/** The max transaction version to return in responses. If the requested transaction is a higher version, an error will be returned */
maxSupportedTransactionVersion?: number;
* Configuration object for changing `getLargestAccounts` query behavior
export type GetLargestAccountsConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Filter largest accounts by whether they are part of the circulating supply */
filter?: LargestAccountsFilter;
* Configuration object for changing `getSupply` request behavior
export type GetSupplyConfig = {
/** The level of commitment desired */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Exclude non circulating accounts list from response */
excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList?: boolean;
* Configuration object for changing query behavior
export type SignatureStatusConfig = {
/** enable searching status history, not needed for recent transactions */
searchTransactionHistory: boolean;
* Information describing a cluster node
export type ContactInfo = {
/** Identity public key of the node */
pubkey: string;
/** Gossip network address for the node */
gossip: string | null;
/** TPU network address for the node (null if not available) */
tpu: string | null;
/** JSON RPC network address for the node (null if not available) */
rpc: string | null;
/** Software version of the node (null if not available) */
version: string | null;
* Information describing a vote account
export type VoteAccountInfo = {
/** Public key of the vote account */
votePubkey: string;
/** Identity public key of the node voting with this account */
nodePubkey: string;
/** The stake, in lamports, delegated to this vote account and activated */
activatedStake: number;
/** Whether the vote account is staked for this epoch */
epochVoteAccount: boolean;
/** Recent epoch voting credit history for this voter */
epochCredits: Array<[number, number, number]>;
/** A percentage (0-100) of rewards payout owed to the voter */
commission: number;
/** Most recent slot voted on by this vote account */
lastVote: number;
* A collection of cluster vote accounts
export type VoteAccountStatus = {
/** Active vote accounts */
current: Array<VoteAccountInfo>;
/** Inactive vote accounts */
delinquent: Array<VoteAccountInfo>;
* Network Inflation
* (see
export type InflationGovernor = {
foundation: number;
foundationTerm: number;
initial: number;
taper: number;
terminal: number;
const GetInflationGovernorResult = pick({
foundation: number(),
foundationTerm: number(),
initial: number(),
taper: number(),
terminal: number(),
* The inflation reward for an epoch
export type InflationReward = {
/** epoch for which the reward occurs */
epoch: number;
/** the slot in which the rewards are effective */
effectiveSlot: number;
/** reward amount in lamports */
amount: number;
/** post balance of the account in lamports */
postBalance: number;
/** vote account commission when the reward was credited */
commission?: number | null;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getInflationReward" message
const GetInflationRewardResult = jsonRpcResult(
epoch: number(),
effectiveSlot: number(),
amount: number(),
postBalance: number(),
commission: optional(nullable(number())),
export type InflationRate = {
/** total inflation */
total: number;
/** inflation allocated to validators */
validator: number;
/** inflation allocated to the foundation */
foundation: number;
/** epoch for which these values are valid */
epoch: number;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getInflationRate" message
const GetInflationRateResult = pick({
total: number(),
validator: number(),
foundation: number(),
epoch: number(),
* Information about the current epoch
export type EpochInfo = {
epoch: number;
slotIndex: number;
slotsInEpoch: number;
absoluteSlot: number;
blockHeight?: number;
transactionCount?: number;
const GetEpochInfoResult = pick({
epoch: number(),
slotIndex: number(),
slotsInEpoch: number(),
absoluteSlot: number(),
blockHeight: optional(number()),
transactionCount: optional(number()),
const GetEpochScheduleResult = pick({
slotsPerEpoch: number(),
leaderScheduleSlotOffset: number(),
warmup: boolean(),
firstNormalEpoch: number(),
firstNormalSlot: number(),
* Leader schedule
* (see
export type LeaderSchedule = {
[address: string]: number[];
const GetLeaderScheduleResult = record(string(), array(number()));
* Transaction error or null
const TransactionErrorResult = nullable(union([pick({}), string()]));
* Signature status for a transaction
const SignatureStatusResult = pick({
err: TransactionErrorResult,
* Transaction signature received notification
const SignatureReceivedResult = literal('receivedSignature');
* Version info for a node
export type Version = {
/** Version of solana-core */
'solana-core': string;
'feature-set'?: number;
const VersionResult = pick({
'solana-core': string(),
'feature-set': optional(number()),
export type SimulatedTransactionAccountInfo = {
/** `true` if this account's data contains a loaded program */
executable: boolean;
/** Identifier of the program that owns the account */
owner: string;
/** Number of lamports assigned to the account */
lamports: number;
/** Optional data assigned to the account */
data: string[];
/** Optional rent epoch info for account */
rentEpoch?: number;
export type TransactionReturnDataEncoding = 'base64';
export type TransactionReturnData = {
programId: string;
data: [string, TransactionReturnDataEncoding];
export type SimulateTransactionConfig = {
/** Optional parameter used to enable signature verification before simulation */
sigVerify?: boolean;
/** Optional parameter used to replace the simulated transaction's recent blockhash with the latest blockhash */
replaceRecentBlockhash?: boolean;
/** Optional parameter used to set the commitment level when selecting the latest block */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Optional parameter used to specify a list of account addresses to return post simulation state for */
accounts?: {
encoding: 'base64';
addresses: string[];
/** Optional parameter used to specify the minimum block slot that can be used for simulation */
minContextSlot?: number;
export type SimulatedTransactionResponse = {
err: TransactionError | string | null;
logs: Array<string> | null;
accounts?: (SimulatedTransactionAccountInfo | null)[] | null;
unitsConsumed?: number;
returnData?: TransactionReturnData | null;
const SimulatedTransactionResponseStruct = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
err: nullable(union([pick({}), string()])),
logs: nullable(array(string())),
accounts: optional(
executable: boolean(),
owner: string(),
lamports: number(),
data: array(string()),
rentEpoch: optional(number()),
unitsConsumed: optional(number()),
returnData: optional(
programId: string(),
data: tuple([string(), literal('base64')]),
export type ParsedInnerInstruction = {
index: number;
instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInstruction)[];
export type TokenBalance = {
accountIndex: number;
mint: string;
owner?: string;
uiTokenAmount: TokenAmount;
* Metadata for a parsed confirmed transaction on the ledger
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link ParsedTransactionMeta} instead.
export type ParsedConfirmedTransactionMeta = ParsedTransactionMeta;
* Collection of addresses loaded by a transaction using address table lookups
export type LoadedAddresses = {
writable: Array<PublicKey>;
readonly: Array<PublicKey>;
* Metadata for a parsed transaction on the ledger
export type ParsedTransactionMeta = {
/** The fee charged for processing the transaction */
fee: number;
/** An array of cross program invoked parsed instructions */
innerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[] | null;
/** The balances of the transaction accounts before processing */
preBalances: Array<number>;
/** The balances of the transaction accounts after processing */
postBalances: Array<number>;
/** An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction */
logMessages?: Array<string> | null;
/** The token balances of the transaction accounts before processing */
preTokenBalances?: Array<TokenBalance> | null;
/** The token balances of the transaction accounts after processing */
postTokenBalances?: Array<TokenBalance> | null;
/** The error result of transaction processing */
err: TransactionError | null;
/** The collection of addresses loaded using address lookup tables */
loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses;
/** The compute units consumed after processing the transaction */
computeUnitsConsumed?: number;
export type CompiledInnerInstruction = {
index: number;
instructions: CompiledInstruction[];
* Metadata for a confirmed transaction on the ledger
export type ConfirmedTransactionMeta = {
/** The fee charged for processing the transaction */
fee: number;
/** An array of cross program invoked instructions */
innerInstructions?: CompiledInnerInstruction[] | null;
/** The balances of the transaction accounts before processing */
preBalances: Array<number>;
/** The balances of the transaction accounts after processing */
postBalances: Array<number>;
/** An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction */
logMessages?: Array<string> | null;
/** The token balances of the transaction accounts before processing */
preTokenBalances?: Array<TokenBalance> | null;
/** The token balances of the transaction accounts after processing */
postTokenBalances?: Array<TokenBalance> | null;
/** The error result of transaction processing */
err: TransactionError | null;
/** The collection of addresses loaded using address lookup tables */
loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses;
/** The compute units consumed after processing the transaction */
computeUnitsConsumed?: number;
* A processed transaction from the RPC API
export type TransactionResponse = {
/** The slot during which the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** The transaction */
transaction: {
/** The transaction message */
message: Message;
/** The transaction signatures */
signatures: string[];
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed */
blockTime?: number | null;
* A processed transaction from the RPC API
export type VersionedTransactionResponse = {
/** The slot during which the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** The transaction */
transaction: {
/** The transaction message */
message: VersionedMessage;
/** The transaction signatures */
signatures: string[];
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed */
blockTime?: number | null;
/** The transaction version */
version?: TransactionVersion;
* A processed transaction message from the RPC API
type MessageResponse = {
accountKeys: string[];
header: MessageHeader;
instructions: CompiledInstruction[];
recentBlockhash: string;
addressTableLookups?: ParsedAddressTableLookup[];
* A confirmed transaction on the ledger
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0.
export type ConfirmedTransaction = {
/** The slot during which the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** The details of the transaction */
transaction: Transaction;
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed */
blockTime?: number | null;
* A partially decoded transaction instruction
export type PartiallyDecodedInstruction = {
/** Program id called by this instruction */
programId: PublicKey;
/** Public keys of accounts passed to this instruction */
accounts: Array<PublicKey>;
/** Raw base-58 instruction data */
data: string;
* A parsed transaction message account
export type ParsedMessageAccount = {
/** Public key of the account */
pubkey: PublicKey;
/** Indicates if the account signed the transaction */
signer: boolean;
/** Indicates if the account is writable for this transaction */
writable: boolean;
/** Indicates if the account key came from the transaction or a lookup table */
source?: 'transaction' | 'lookupTable';
* A parsed transaction instruction
export type ParsedInstruction = {
/** Name of the program for this instruction */
program: string;
/** ID of the program for this instruction */
programId: PublicKey;
/** Parsed instruction info */
parsed: any;
* A parsed address table lookup
export type ParsedAddressTableLookup = {
/** Address lookup table account key */
accountKey: PublicKey;
/** Parsed instruction info */
writableIndexes: number[];
/** Parsed instruction info */
readonlyIndexes: number[];
* A parsed transaction message
export type ParsedMessage = {
/** Accounts used in the instructions */
accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[];
/** The atomically executed instructions for the transaction */
instructions: (ParsedInstruction | PartiallyDecodedInstruction)[];
/** Recent blockhash */
recentBlockhash: string;
/** Address table lookups used to load additional accounts */
addressTableLookups?: ParsedAddressTableLookup[] | null;
* A parsed transaction
export type ParsedTransaction = {
/** Signatures for the transaction */
signatures: Array<string>;
/** Message of the transaction */
message: ParsedMessage;
* A parsed and confirmed transaction on the ledger
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link ParsedTransactionWithMeta} instead.
export type ParsedConfirmedTransaction = ParsedTransactionWithMeta;
* A parsed transaction on the ledger with meta
export type ParsedTransactionWithMeta = {
/** The slot during which the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** The details of the transaction */
transaction: ParsedTransaction;
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed */
blockTime?: number | null;
/** The version of the transaction message */
version?: TransactionVersion;
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API
export type BlockResponse = {
/** Blockhash of this block */
blockhash: Blockhash;
/** Blockhash of this block's parent */
previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
/** Slot index of this block's parent */
parentSlot: number;
/** Vector of transactions with status meta and original message */
transactions: Array<{
/** The transaction */
transaction: {
/** The transaction message */
message: Message;
/** The transaction signatures */
signatures: string[];
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The transaction version */
version?: TransactionVersion;
/** Vector of block rewards */
rewards?: Array<{
/** Public key of reward recipient */
pubkey: string;
/** Reward value in lamports */
lamports: number;
/** Account balance after reward is applied */
postBalance: number | null;
/** Type of reward received */
rewardType: string | null;
/** Vote account commission when the reward was credited, only present for voting and staking rewards */
commission?: number | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the block was processed */
blockTime: number | null;
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the `transactionDetails` mode is `accounts`
export type AccountsModeBlockResponse = VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse;
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the `transactionDetails` mode is `none`
export type NoneModeBlockResponse = VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse;
* A block with parsed transactions
export type ParsedBlockResponse = {
/** Blockhash of this block */
blockhash: Blockhash;
/** Blockhash of this block's parent */
previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
/** Slot index of this block's parent */
parentSlot: number;
/** Vector of transactions with status meta and original message */
transactions: Array<{
/** The details of the transaction */
transaction: ParsedTransaction;
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ParsedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The transaction version */
version?: TransactionVersion;
/** Vector of block rewards */
rewards?: Array<{
/** Public key of reward recipient */
pubkey: string;
/** Reward value in lamports */
lamports: number;
/** Account balance after reward is applied */
postBalance: number | null;
/** Type of reward received */
rewardType: string | null;
/** Vote account commission when the reward was credited, only present for voting and staking rewards */
commission?: number | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the block was processed */
blockTime: number | null;
/** The number of blocks beneath this block */
blockHeight: number | null;
* A block with parsed transactions where the `transactionDetails` mode is `accounts`
export type ParsedAccountsModeBlockResponse = Omit<
> & {
transactions: Array<
Omit<ParsedBlockResponse['transactions'][number], 'transaction'> & {
transaction: Pick<
> & {
accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[];
* A block with parsed transactions where the `transactionDetails` mode is `none`
export type ParsedNoneModeBlockResponse = Omit<
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API
export type VersionedBlockResponse = {
/** Blockhash of this block */
blockhash: Blockhash;
/** Blockhash of this block's parent */
previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
/** Slot index of this block's parent */
parentSlot: number;
/** Vector of transactions with status meta and original message */
transactions: Array<{
/** The transaction */
transaction: {
/** The transaction message */
message: VersionedMessage;
/** The transaction signatures */
signatures: string[];
/** Metadata produced from the transaction */
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** The transaction version */
version?: TransactionVersion;
/** Vector of block rewards */
rewards?: Array<{
/** Public key of reward recipient */
pubkey: string;
/** Reward value in lamports */
lamports: number;
/** Account balance after reward is applied */
postBalance: number | null;
/** Type of reward received */
rewardType: string | null;
/** Vote account commission when the reward was credited, only present for voting and staking rewards */
commission?: number | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the block was processed */
blockTime: number | null;
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the `transactionDetails` mode is `accounts`
export type VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse = Omit<
> & {
transactions: Array<
Omit<VersionedBlockResponse['transactions'][number], 'transaction'> & {
transaction: Pick<
> & {
accountKeys: ParsedMessageAccount[];
* A processed block fetched from the RPC API where the `transactionDetails` mode is `none`
export type VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse = Omit<
* A confirmed block on the ledger
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0.
export type ConfirmedBlock = {
/** Blockhash of this block */
blockhash: Blockhash;
/** Blockhash of this block's parent */
previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
/** Slot index of this block's parent */
parentSlot: number;
/** Vector of transactions and status metas */
transactions: Array<{
transaction: Transaction;
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMeta | null;
/** Vector of block rewards */
rewards?: Array<{
pubkey: string;
lamports: number;
postBalance: number | null;
rewardType: string | null;
commission?: number | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the block was processed */
blockTime: number | null;
* A Block on the ledger with signatures only
export type BlockSignatures = {
/** Blockhash of this block */
blockhash: Blockhash;
/** Blockhash of this block's parent */
previousBlockhash: Blockhash;
/** Slot index of this block's parent */
parentSlot: number;
/** Vector of signatures */
signatures: Array<string>;
/** The unix timestamp of when the block was processed */
blockTime: number | null;
* recent block production information
export type BlockProduction = Readonly<{
/** a dictionary of validator identities, as base-58 encoded strings. Value is a two element array containing the number of leader slots and the number of blocks produced */
byIdentity: Readonly<Record<string, ReadonlyArray<number>>>;
/** Block production slot range */
range: Readonly<{
/** first slot of the block production information (inclusive) */
firstSlot: number;
/** last slot of block production information (inclusive) */
lastSlot: number;
export type GetBlockProductionConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Slot range to return block production for. If parameter not provided, defaults to current epoch. */
range?: {
/** first slot to return block production information for (inclusive) */
firstSlot: number;
/** last slot to return block production information for (inclusive). If parameter not provided, defaults to the highest slot */
lastSlot?: number;
/** Only return results for this validator identity (base-58 encoded) */
identity?: string;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlockProduction" message
const BlockProductionResponseStruct = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
byIdentity: record(string(), array(number())),
range: pick({
firstSlot: number(),
lastSlot: number(),
* A performance sample
export type PerfSample = {
/** Slot number of sample */
slot: number;
/** Number of transactions in a sample window */
numTransactions: number;
/** Number of slots in a sample window */
numSlots: number;
/** Sample window in seconds */
samplePeriodSecs: number;
function createRpcClient(
url: string,
httpHeaders?: HttpHeaders,
customFetch?: FetchFn,
fetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware,
disableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean,
httpAgent?: NodeHttpAgent | NodeHttpsAgent | false,
): RpcClient {
const fetch = customFetch ? customFetch : fetchImpl;
let agent: NodeHttpAgent | NodeHttpsAgent | undefined;
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
if (httpAgent != null) {
'You have supplied an `httpAgent` when creating a `Connection` in a browser environment.' +
'It has been ignored; `httpAgent` is only used in Node environments.',
} else {
if (httpAgent == null) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
const agentOptions = {
// One second fewer than the Solana RPC's keepalive timeout.
// Read more:
freeSocketTimeout: 19000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: 25,
if (url.startsWith('https:')) {
agent = new HttpsKeepAliveAgent(agentOptions);
} else {
agent = new HttpKeepAliveAgent(agentOptions);
} else {
if (httpAgent !== false) {
const isHttps = url.startsWith('https:');
if (isHttps && !(httpAgent instanceof NodeHttpsAgent)) {
throw new Error(
'The endpoint `' +
url +
'` can only be paired with an `https.Agent`. You have, instead, supplied an ' +
'`http.Agent` through `httpAgent`.',
} else if (!isHttps && httpAgent instanceof NodeHttpsAgent) {
throw new Error(
'The endpoint `' +
url +
'` can only be paired with an `http.Agent`. You have, instead, supplied an ' +
'`https.Agent` through `httpAgent`.',
agent = httpAgent;
let fetchWithMiddleware: FetchFn | undefined;
if (fetchMiddleware) {
fetchWithMiddleware = async (info, init) => {
const modifiedFetchArgs = await new Promise<Parameters<FetchFn>>(
(resolve, reject) => {
try {
fetchMiddleware(info, init, (modifiedInfo, modifiedInit) =>
resolve([modifiedInfo, modifiedInit]),
} catch (error) {
return await fetch(...modifiedFetchArgs);
const clientBrowser = new RpcClient(async (request, callback) => {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
body: request,
headers: Object.assign(
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
httpHeaders || {},
try {
let too_many_requests_retries = 5;
let res: Response;
let waitTime = 500;
for (;;) {
if (fetchWithMiddleware) {
res = await fetchWithMiddleware(url, options);
} else {
res = await fetch(url, options);
if (res.status !== 429 /* Too many requests */) {
if (disableRetryOnRateLimit === true) {
too_many_requests_retries -= 1;
if (too_many_requests_retries === 0) {
`Server responded with ${res.status} ${res.statusText}. Retrying after ${waitTime}ms delay...`,
await sleep(waitTime);
waitTime *= 2;
const text = await res.text();
if (res.ok) {
callback(null, text);
} else {
callback(new Error(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}: ${text}`));
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error) callback(err);
}, {});
return clientBrowser;
function createRpcRequest(client: RpcClient): RpcRequest {
return (method, args) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.request(method, args, (err: any, response: any) => {
if (err) {
function createRpcBatchRequest(client: RpcClient): RpcBatchRequest {
return (requests: RpcParams[]) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do nothing if requests is empty
if (requests.length === 0) resolve([]);
const batch = RpcParams) => {
return client.request(params.methodName, params.args);
client.request(batch, (err: any, response: any) => {
if (err) {
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getInflationGovernor" message
const GetInflationGovernorRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetInflationGovernorResult);
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getInflationRate" message
const GetInflationRateRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetInflationRateResult);
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getEpochInfo" message
const GetEpochInfoRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetEpochInfoResult);
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getEpochSchedule" message
const GetEpochScheduleRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetEpochScheduleResult);
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getLeaderSchedule" message
const GetLeaderScheduleRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(GetLeaderScheduleResult);
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "minimumLedgerSlot" and "getFirstAvailableBlock" messages
const SlotRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(number());
* Supply
export type Supply = {
/** Total supply in lamports */
total: number;
/** Circulating supply in lamports */
circulating: number;
/** Non-circulating supply in lamports */
nonCirculating: number;
/** List of non-circulating account addresses */
nonCirculatingAccounts: Array<PublicKey>;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSupply" message
const GetSupplyRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
total: number(),
circulating: number(),
nonCirculating: number(),
nonCirculatingAccounts: array(PublicKeyFromString),
* Token amount object which returns a token amount in different formats
* for various client use cases.
export type TokenAmount = {
/** Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals */
amount: string;
/** Number of decimals configured for token's mint */
decimals: number;
/** Token amount as float, accounts for decimals */
uiAmount: number | null;
/** Token amount as string, accounts for decimals */
uiAmountString?: string;
* Expected JSON RPC structure for token amounts
const TokenAmountResult = pick({
amount: string(),
uiAmount: nullable(number()),
decimals: number(),
uiAmountString: optional(string()),
* Token address and balance.
export type TokenAccountBalancePair = {
/** Address of the token account */
address: PublicKey;
/** Raw amount of tokens as string ignoring decimals */
amount: string;
/** Number of decimals configured for token's mint */
decimals: number;
/** Token amount as float, accounts for decimals */
uiAmount: number | null;
/** Token amount as string, accounts for decimals */
uiAmountString?: string;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenLargestAccounts" message
const GetTokenLargestAccountsResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
address: PublicKeyFromString,
amount: string(),
uiAmount: nullable(number()),
decimals: number(),
uiAmountString: optional(string()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenAccountsByOwner" message
const GetTokenAccountsByOwner = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
account: pick({
executable: boolean(),
owner: PublicKeyFromString,
lamports: number(),
data: BufferFromRawAccountData,
rentEpoch: number(),
const ParsedAccountDataResult = pick({
program: string(),
parsed: unknown(),
space: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTokenAccountsByOwner" message with parsed data
const GetParsedTokenAccountsByOwner = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
account: pick({
executable: boolean(),
owner: PublicKeyFromString,
lamports: number(),
data: ParsedAccountDataResult,
rentEpoch: number(),
* Pair of an account address and its balance
export type AccountBalancePair = {
address: PublicKey;
lamports: number;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getLargestAccounts" message
const GetLargestAccountsRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
lamports: number(),
address: PublicKeyFromString,
* @internal
const AccountInfoResult = pick({
executable: boolean(),
owner: PublicKeyFromString,
lamports: number(),
data: BufferFromRawAccountData,
rentEpoch: number(),
* @internal
const KeyedAccountInfoResult = pick({
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
account: AccountInfoResult,
const ParsedOrRawAccountData = coerce(
union([instance(Buffer), ParsedAccountDataResult]),
union([RawAccountDataResult, ParsedAccountDataResult]),
value => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return create(value, BufferFromRawAccountData);
} else {
return value;
* @internal
const ParsedAccountInfoResult = pick({
executable: boolean(),
owner: PublicKeyFromString,
lamports: number(),
data: ParsedOrRawAccountData,
rentEpoch: number(),
const KeyedParsedAccountInfoResult = pick({
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
account: ParsedAccountInfoResult,
* @internal
const StakeActivationResult = pick({
state: union([
active: number(),
inactive: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2" message
const GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2RpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
signature: string(),
slot: number(),
err: TransactionErrorResult,
memo: nullable(string()),
blockTime: optional(nullable(number())),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSignaturesForAddress" message
const GetSignaturesForAddressRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
signature: string(),
slot: number(),
err: TransactionErrorResult,
memo: nullable(string()),
blockTime: optional(nullable(number())),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "accountNotification" message
const AccountNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: notificationResultAndContext(AccountInfoResult),
* @internal
const ProgramAccountInfoResult = pick({
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
account: AccountInfoResult,
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "programNotification" message
const ProgramAccountNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: notificationResultAndContext(ProgramAccountInfoResult),
* @internal
const SlotInfoResult = pick({
parent: number(),
slot: number(),
root: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "slotNotification" message
const SlotNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: SlotInfoResult,
* Slot updates which can be used for tracking the live progress of a cluster.
* - `"firstShredReceived"`: connected node received the first shred of a block.
* Indicates that a new block that is being produced.
* - `"completed"`: connected node has received all shreds of a block. Indicates
* a block was recently produced.
* - `"optimisticConfirmation"`: block was optimistically confirmed by the
* cluster. It is not guaranteed that an optimistic confirmation notification
* will be sent for every finalized blocks.
* - `"root"`: the connected node rooted this block.
* - `"createdBank"`: the connected node has started validating this block.
* - `"frozen"`: the connected node has validated this block.
* - `"dead"`: the connected node failed to validate this block.
export type SlotUpdate =
| {
type: 'firstShredReceived';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
| {
type: 'completed';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
| {
type: 'createdBank';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
parent: number;
| {
type: 'frozen';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
stats: {
numTransactionEntries: number;
numSuccessfulTransactions: number;
numFailedTransactions: number;
maxTransactionsPerEntry: number;
| {
type: 'dead';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
err: string;
| {
type: 'optimisticConfirmation';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
| {
type: 'root';
slot: number;
timestamp: number;
* @internal
const SlotUpdateResult = union([
type: union([
slot: number(),
timestamp: number(),
type: literal('createdBank'),
parent: number(),
slot: number(),
timestamp: number(),
type: literal('frozen'),
slot: number(),
timestamp: number(),
stats: pick({
numTransactionEntries: number(),
numSuccessfulTransactions: number(),
numFailedTransactions: number(),
maxTransactionsPerEntry: number(),
type: literal('dead'),
slot: number(),
timestamp: number(),
err: string(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "slotsUpdatesNotification" message
const SlotUpdateNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: SlotUpdateResult,
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "signatureNotification" message
const SignatureNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: notificationResultAndContext(
union([SignatureStatusResult, SignatureReceivedResult]),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "rootNotification" message
const RootNotificationResult = pick({
subscription: number(),
result: number(),
const ContactInfoResult = pick({
pubkey: string(),
gossip: nullable(string()),
tpu: nullable(string()),
rpc: nullable(string()),
version: nullable(string()),
const VoteAccountInfoResult = pick({
votePubkey: string(),
nodePubkey: string(),
activatedStake: number(),
epochVoteAccount: boolean(),
epochCredits: array(tuple([number(), number(), number()])),
commission: number(),
lastVote: number(),
rootSlot: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getVoteAccounts" message
const GetVoteAccounts = jsonRpcResult(
current: array(VoteAccountInfoResult),
delinquent: array(VoteAccountInfoResult),
const ConfirmationStatus = union([
const SignatureStatusResponse = pick({
slot: number(),
confirmations: nullable(number()),
err: TransactionErrorResult,
confirmationStatus: optional(ConfirmationStatus),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getSignatureStatuses" message
const GetSignatureStatusesRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption" message
const GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(number());
const AddressTableLookupStruct = pick({
accountKey: PublicKeyFromString,
writableIndexes: array(number()),
readonlyIndexes: array(number()),
const ConfirmedTransactionResult = pick({
signatures: array(string()),
message: pick({
accountKeys: array(string()),
header: pick({
numRequiredSignatures: number(),
numReadonlySignedAccounts: number(),
numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: number(),
instructions: array(
accounts: array(number()),
data: string(),
programIdIndex: number(),
recentBlockhash: string(),
addressTableLookups: optional(array(AddressTableLookupStruct)),
const AnnotatedAccountKey = pick({
pubkey: PublicKeyFromString,
signer: boolean(),
writable: boolean(),
source: optional(union([literal('transaction'), literal('lookupTable')])),
const ConfirmedTransactionAccountsModeResult = pick({
accountKeys: array(AnnotatedAccountKey),
signatures: array(string()),
const ParsedInstructionResult = pick({
parsed: unknown(),
program: string(),
programId: PublicKeyFromString,
const RawInstructionResult = pick({
accounts: array(PublicKeyFromString),
data: string(),
programId: PublicKeyFromString,
const InstructionResult = union([
const UnknownInstructionResult = union([
parsed: unknown(),
program: string(),
programId: string(),
accounts: array(string()),
data: string(),
programId: string(),
const ParsedOrRawInstruction = coerce(
value => {
if ('accounts' in value) {
return create(value, RawInstructionResult);
} else {
return create(value, ParsedInstructionResult);
* @internal
const ParsedConfirmedTransactionResult = pick({
signatures: array(string()),
message: pick({
accountKeys: array(AnnotatedAccountKey),
instructions: array(ParsedOrRawInstruction),
recentBlockhash: string(),
addressTableLookups: optional(nullable(array(AddressTableLookupStruct))),
const TokenBalanceResult = pick({
accountIndex: number(),
mint: string(),
owner: optional(string()),
uiTokenAmount: TokenAmountResult,
const LoadedAddressesResult = pick({
writable: array(PublicKeyFromString),
readonly: array(PublicKeyFromString),
* @internal
const ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult = pick({
err: TransactionErrorResult,
fee: number(),
innerInstructions: optional(
index: number(),
instructions: array(
accounts: array(number()),
data: string(),
programIdIndex: number(),
preBalances: array(number()),
postBalances: array(number()),
logMessages: optional(nullable(array(string()))),
preTokenBalances: optional(nullable(array(TokenBalanceResult))),
postTokenBalances: optional(nullable(array(TokenBalanceResult))),
loadedAddresses: optional(LoadedAddressesResult),
computeUnitsConsumed: optional(number()),
* @internal
const ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult = pick({
err: TransactionErrorResult,
fee: number(),
innerInstructions: optional(
index: number(),
instructions: array(ParsedOrRawInstruction),
preBalances: array(number()),
postBalances: array(number()),
logMessages: optional(nullable(array(string()))),
preTokenBalances: optional(nullable(array(TokenBalanceResult))),
postTokenBalances: optional(nullable(array(TokenBalanceResult))),
loadedAddresses: optional(LoadedAddressesResult),
computeUnitsConsumed: optional(number()),
const TransactionVersionStruct = union([literal(0), literal('legacy')]);
/** @internal */
const RewardsResult = pick({
pubkey: string(),
lamports: number(),
postBalance: nullable(number()),
rewardType: nullable(string()),
commission: optional(nullable(number())),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message
const GetBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
transactions: array(
transaction: ConfirmedTransactionResult,
meta: nullable(ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message when `transactionDetails` is `none`
const GetNoneModeBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message when `transactionDetails` is `accounts`
const GetAccountsModeBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
transactions: array(
transaction: ConfirmedTransactionAccountsModeResult,
meta: nullable(ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected parsed JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message
const GetParsedBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
transactions: array(
transaction: ParsedConfirmedTransactionResult,
meta: nullable(ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected parsed JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message when `transactionDetails` is `accounts`
const GetParsedAccountsModeBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
transactions: array(
transaction: ConfirmedTransactionAccountsModeResult,
meta: nullable(ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected parsed JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message when `transactionDetails` is `none`
const GetParsedNoneModeBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
blockHeight: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getConfirmedBlock" message
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link GetBlockRpcResult} instead.
const GetConfirmedBlockRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
transactions: array(
transaction: ConfirmedTransactionResult,
meta: nullable(ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
rewards: optional(array(RewardsResult)),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getBlock" message
const GetBlockSignaturesRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
blockhash: string(),
previousBlockhash: string(),
parentSlot: number(),
signatures: array(string()),
blockTime: nullable(number()),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getTransaction" message
const GetTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
slot: number(),
meta: ConfirmedTransactionMetaResult,
blockTime: optional(nullable(number())),
transaction: ConfirmedTransactionResult,
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
* Expected parsed JSON RPC response for the "getTransaction" message
const GetParsedTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
slot: number(),
transaction: ParsedConfirmedTransactionResult,
meta: nullable(ParsedConfirmedTransactionMetaResult),
blockTime: optional(nullable(number())),
version: optional(TransactionVersionStruct),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getRecentBlockhash" message
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link GetLatestBlockhashRpcResult} instead.
const GetRecentBlockhashAndContextRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
blockhash: string(),
feeCalculator: pick({
lamportsPerSignature: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getLatestBlockhash" message
const GetLatestBlockhashRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
blockhash: string(),
lastValidBlockHeight: number(),
const PerfSampleResult = pick({
slot: number(),
numTransactions: number(),
numSlots: number(),
samplePeriodSecs: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for "getRecentPerformanceSamples" message
const GetRecentPerformanceSamplesRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash" message
const GetFeeCalculatorRpcResult = jsonRpcResultAndContext(
feeCalculator: pick({
lamportsPerSignature: number(),
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "requestAirdrop" message
const RequestAirdropRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(string());
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "sendTransaction" message
const SendTransactionRpcResult = jsonRpcResult(string());
* Information about the latest slot being processed by a node
export type SlotInfo = {
/** Currently processing slot */
slot: number;
/** Parent of the current slot */
parent: number;
/** The root block of the current slot's fork */
root: number;
* Parsed account data
export type ParsedAccountData = {
/** Name of the program that owns this account */
program: string;
/** Parsed account data */
parsed: any;
/** Space used by account data */
space: number;
* Stake Activation data
export type StakeActivationData = {
/** the stake account's activation state */
state: 'active' | 'inactive' | 'activating' | 'deactivating';
/** stake active during the epoch */
active: number;
/** stake inactive during the epoch */
inactive: number;
* Data slice argument for getProgramAccounts
export type DataSlice = {
/** offset of data slice */
offset: number;
/** length of data slice */
length: number;
* Memory comparison filter for getProgramAccounts
export type MemcmpFilter = {
memcmp: {
/** offset into program account data to start comparison */
offset: number;
/** data to match, as base-58 encoded string and limited to less than 129 bytes */
bytes: string;
* Data size comparison filter for getProgramAccounts
export type DataSizeFilter = {
/** Size of data for program account data length comparison */
dataSize: number;
* A filter object for getProgramAccounts
export type GetProgramAccountsFilter = MemcmpFilter | DataSizeFilter;
* Configuration object for getProgramAccounts requests
export type GetProgramAccountsConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Optional encoding for account data (default base64)
* To use "jsonParsed" encoding, please refer to `getParsedProgramAccounts` in connection.ts
* */
encoding?: 'base64';
/** Optional data slice to limit the returned account data */
dataSlice?: DataSlice;
/** Optional array of filters to apply to accounts */
filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[];
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for getParsedProgramAccounts
export type GetParsedProgramAccountsConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Optional array of filters to apply to accounts */
filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[];
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for getMultipleAccounts
export type GetMultipleAccountsConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
/** Optional data slice to limit the returned account data */
dataSlice?: DataSlice;
* Configuration object for `getStakeActivation`
export type GetStakeActivationConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Epoch for which to calculate activation details. If parameter not provided, defaults to current epoch */
epoch?: number;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for `getStakeActivation`
export type GetTokenAccountsByOwnerConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for `getStakeActivation`
export type GetTransactionCountConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for `getNonce`
export type GetNonceConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Configuration object for `getNonceAndContext`
export type GetNonceAndContextConfig = {
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at */
minContextSlot?: number;
* Information describing an account
export type AccountInfo<T> = {
/** `true` if this account's data contains a loaded program */
executable: boolean;
/** Identifier of the program that owns the account */
owner: PublicKey;
/** Number of lamports assigned to the account */
lamports: number;
/** Optional data assigned to the account */
data: T;
/** Optional rent epoch info for account */
rentEpoch?: number;
* Account information identified by pubkey
export type KeyedAccountInfo = {
accountId: PublicKey;
accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer>;
* Callback function for account change notifications
export type AccountChangeCallback = (
accountInfo: AccountInfo<Buffer>,
context: Context,
) => void;
* Callback function for program account change notifications
export type ProgramAccountChangeCallback = (
keyedAccountInfo: KeyedAccountInfo,
context: Context,
) => void;
* Callback function for slot change notifications
export type SlotChangeCallback = (slotInfo: SlotInfo) => void;
* Callback function for slot update notifications
export type SlotUpdateCallback = (slotUpdate: SlotUpdate) => void;
* Callback function for signature status notifications
export type SignatureResultCallback = (
signatureResult: SignatureResult,
context: Context,
) => void;
* Signature status notification with transaction result
export type SignatureStatusNotification = {
type: 'status';
result: SignatureResult;
* Signature received notification
export type SignatureReceivedNotification = {
type: 'received';
* Callback function for signature notifications
export type SignatureSubscriptionCallback = (
notification: SignatureStatusNotification | SignatureReceivedNotification,
context: Context,
) => void;
* Signature subscription options
export type SignatureSubscriptionOptions = {
commitment?: Commitment;
enableReceivedNotification?: boolean;
* Callback function for root change notifications
export type RootChangeCallback = (root: number) => void;
* @internal
const LogsResult = pick({
err: TransactionErrorResult,
logs: array(string()),
signature: string(),
* Logs result.
export type Logs = {
err: TransactionError | null;
logs: string[];
signature: string;
* Expected JSON RPC response for the "logsNotification" message.
const LogsNotificationResult = pick({
result: notificationResultAndContext(LogsResult),
subscription: number(),
* Filter for log subscriptions.
export type LogsFilter = PublicKey | 'all' | 'allWithVotes';
* Callback function for log notifications.
export type LogsCallback = (logs: Logs, ctx: Context) => void;
* Signature result
export type SignatureResult = {
err: TransactionError | null;
* Transaction error
export type TransactionError = {} | string;
* Transaction confirmation status
* <pre>
* 'processed': Transaction landed in a block which has reached 1 confirmation by the connected node
* 'confirmed': Transaction landed in a block which has reached 1 confirmation by the cluster
* 'finalized': Transaction landed in a block which has been finalized by the cluster
* </pre>
export type TransactionConfirmationStatus =
| 'processed'
| 'confirmed'
| 'finalized';
* Signature status
export type SignatureStatus = {
/** when the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** the number of blocks that have been confirmed and voted on in the fork containing `slot` */
confirmations: number | null;
/** transaction error, if any */
err: TransactionError | null;
/** cluster confirmation status, if data available. Possible responses: `processed`, `confirmed`, `finalized` */
confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus;
* A confirmed signature with its status
export type ConfirmedSignatureInfo = {
/** the transaction signature */
signature: string;
/** when the transaction was processed */
slot: number;
/** error, if any */
err: TransactionError | null;
/** memo associated with the transaction, if any */
memo: string | null;
/** The unix timestamp of when the transaction was processed */
blockTime?: number | null;
/** Cluster confirmation status, if available. Possible values: `processed`, `confirmed`, `finalized` */
confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus;
* An object defining headers to be passed to the RPC server
export type HttpHeaders = {
[header: string]: string;
} & {
// Prohibited headers; for internal use only.
'solana-client'?: never;
* The type of the JavaScript `fetch()` API
export type FetchFn = typeof fetchImpl;
* A callback used to augment the outgoing HTTP request
export type FetchMiddleware = (
info: Parameters<FetchFn>[0],
init: Parameters<FetchFn>[1],
fetch: (...a: Parameters<FetchFn>) => void,
) => void;
* Configuration for instantiating a Connection
export type ConnectionConfig = {
* An `http.Agent` that will be used to manage socket connections (eg. to implement connection
* persistence). Set this to `false` to create a connection that uses no agent. This applies to
* Node environments only.
httpAgent?: NodeHttpAgent | NodeHttpsAgent | false;
/** Optional commitment level */
commitment?: Commitment;
/** Optional endpoint URL to the fullnode JSON RPC PubSub WebSocket Endpoint */
wsEndpoint?: string;
/** Optional HTTP headers object */
httpHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
/** Optional custom fetch function */
fetch?: FetchFn;
/** Optional fetch middleware callback */
fetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware;
/** Optional Disable retrying calls when server responds with HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) */
disableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean;
/** time to allow for the server to initially process a transaction (in milliseconds) */
confirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number;
/** @internal */
'solana-client': `js/${process.env.npm_package_version ?? 'UNKNOWN'}`,
* A connection to a fullnode JSON RPC endpoint
export class Connection {
/** @internal */ _commitment?: Commitment;
/** @internal */ _confirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number;
/** @internal */ _rpcEndpoint: string;
/** @internal */ _rpcWsEndpoint: string;
/** @internal */ _rpcClient: RpcClient;
/** @internal */ _rpcRequest: RpcRequest;
/** @internal */ _rpcBatchRequest: RpcBatchRequest;
/** @internal */ _rpcWebSocket: RpcWebSocketClient;
/** @internal */ _rpcWebSocketConnected: boolean = false;
/** @internal */ _rpcWebSocketHeartbeat: ReturnType<
typeof setInterval
> | null = null;
/** @internal */ _rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout: ReturnType<
typeof setTimeout
> | null = null;
/** @internal
* A number that we increment every time an active connection closes.
* Used to determine whether the same socket connection that was open
* when an async operation started is the same one that's active when
* its continuation fires.
*/ private _rpcWebSocketGeneration: number = 0;
/** @internal */ _disableBlockhashCaching: boolean = false;
/** @internal */ _pollingBlockhash: boolean = false;
/** @internal */ _blockhashInfo: {
latestBlockhash: BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight | null;
lastFetch: number;
simulatedSignatures: Array<string>;
transactionSignatures: Array<string>;
} = {
latestBlockhash: null,
lastFetch: 0,
transactionSignatures: [],
simulatedSignatures: [],
/** @internal */ private _nextClientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId = 0;
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionDisposeFunctionsByClientSubscriptionId: {
[clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId]:
| SubscriptionDisposeFn
| undefined;
} = {};
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionHashByClientSubscriptionId: {
[clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId]:
| SubscriptionConfigHash
| undefined;
} = {};
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionStateChangeCallbacksByHash: {
[hash: SubscriptionConfigHash]:
| Set<SubscriptionStateChangeCallback>
| undefined;
} = {};
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionCallbacksByServerSubscriptionId: {
[serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId]:
| Set<SubscriptionConfig['callback']>
| undefined;
} = {};
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionsByHash: {
[hash: SubscriptionConfigHash]: Subscription | undefined;
} = {};
* Special case.
* After a signature is processed, RPCs automatically dispose of the
* subscription on the server side. We need to track which of these
* subscriptions have been disposed in such a way, so that we know
* whether the client is dealing with a not-yet-processed signature
* (in which case we must tear down the server subscription) or an
* already-processed signature (in which case the client can simply
* clear out the subscription locally without telling the server).
* NOTE: There is a proposal to eliminate this special case, here:
/** @internal */ private _subscriptionsAutoDisposedByRpc: Set<ServerSubscriptionId> =
new Set();
* Establish a JSON RPC connection
* @param endpoint URL to the fullnode JSON RPC endpoint
* @param commitmentOrConfig optional default commitment level or optional ConnectionConfig configuration object
endpoint: string,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | ConnectionConfig,
) {
let wsEndpoint;
let httpHeaders;
let fetch;
let fetchMiddleware;
let disableRetryOnRateLimit;
let httpAgent;
if (commitmentOrConfig && typeof commitmentOrConfig === 'string') {
this._commitment = commitmentOrConfig;
} else if (commitmentOrConfig) {
this._commitment = commitmentOrConfig.commitment;
this._confirmTransactionInitialTimeout =
wsEndpoint = commitmentOrConfig.wsEndpoint;
httpHeaders = commitmentOrConfig.httpHeaders;
fetch = commitmentOrConfig.fetch;
fetchMiddleware = commitmentOrConfig.fetchMiddleware;
disableRetryOnRateLimit = commitmentOrConfig.disableRetryOnRateLimit;
httpAgent = commitmentOrConfig.httpAgent;
this._rpcEndpoint = assertEndpointUrl(endpoint);
this._rpcWsEndpoint = wsEndpoint || makeWebsocketUrl(endpoint);
this._rpcClient = createRpcClient(
this._rpcRequest = createRpcRequest(this._rpcClient);
this._rpcBatchRequest = createRpcBatchRequest(this._rpcClient);
this._rpcWebSocket = new RpcWebSocketClient(this._rpcWsEndpoint, {
autoconnect: false,
max_reconnects: Infinity,
this._rpcWebSocket.on('open', this._wsOnOpen.bind(this));
this._rpcWebSocket.on('error', this._wsOnError.bind(this));
this._rpcWebSocket.on('close', this._wsOnClose.bind(this));
* The default commitment used for requests
get commitment(): Commitment | undefined {
return this._commitment;
* The RPC endpoint
get rpcEndpoint(): string {
return this._rpcEndpoint;
* Fetch the balance for the specified public key, return with context
async getBalanceAndContext(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetBalanceConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<number>> {
/** @internal */
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBalance', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResultAndContext(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get balance for ${publicKey.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch the balance for the specified public key
async getBalance(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetBalanceConfig,
): Promise<number> {
return await this.getBalanceAndContext(publicKey, commitmentOrConfig)
.then(x => x.value)
.catch(e => {
throw new Error(
'failed to get balance of account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + e,
* Fetch the estimated production time of a block
async getBlockTime(slot: number): Promise<number | null> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlockTime', [slot]);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(nullable(number())));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get block time for slot ${slot}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger.
* This value may increase over time if the node is configured to purge older ledger data
async getMinimumLedgerSlot(): Promise<number> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('minimumLedgerSlot', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get minimum ledger slot',
return res.result;
* Fetch the slot of the lowest confirmed block that has not been purged from the ledger
async getFirstAvailableBlock(): Promise<number> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getFirstAvailableBlock', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, SlotRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get first available block',
return res.result;
* Fetch information about the current supply
async getSupply(
config?: GetSupplyConfig | Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Supply>> {
let configArg: GetSupplyConfig = {};
if (typeof config === 'string') {
configArg = {commitment: config};
} else if (config) {
configArg = {
commitment: (config && config.commitment) || this.commitment,
} else {
configArg = {
commitment: this.commitment,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSupply', [configArg]);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetSupplyRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get supply');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current supply of a token mint
async getTokenSupply(
tokenMintAddress: PublicKey,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<TokenAmount>> {
const args = this._buildArgs([tokenMintAddress.toBase58()], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenSupply', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResultAndContext(TokenAmountResult));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get token supply');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current balance of a token account
async getTokenAccountBalance(
tokenAddress: PublicKey,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<TokenAmount>> {
const args = this._buildArgs([tokenAddress.toBase58()], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountBalance', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResultAndContext(TokenAmountResult));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get token account balance',
return res.result;
* Fetch all the token accounts owned by the specified account
* @return {Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo<Buffer>}>>>}
async getTokenAccountsByOwner(
ownerAddress: PublicKey,
filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetTokenAccountsByOwnerConfig,
): Promise<
Array<{pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo<Buffer>}>
> {
const {commitment, config} =
let _args: any[] = [ownerAddress.toBase58()];
if ('mint' in filter) {
} else {
_args.push({programId: filter.programId.toBase58()});
const args = this._buildArgs(_args, commitment, 'base64', config);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountsByOwner', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetTokenAccountsByOwner);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get token accounts owned by account ${ownerAddress.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch parsed token accounts owned by the specified account
* @return {Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo<ParsedAccountData>}>>>}
async getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(
ownerAddress: PublicKey,
filter: TokenAccountsFilter,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<
Array<{pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo<ParsedAccountData>}>
> {
let _args: any[] = [ownerAddress.toBase58()];
if ('mint' in filter) {
} else {
_args.push({programId: filter.programId.toBase58()});
const args = this._buildArgs(_args, commitment, 'jsonParsed');
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenAccountsByOwner', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedTokenAccountsByOwner);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get token accounts owned by account ${ownerAddress.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch the 20 largest accounts with their current balances
async getLargestAccounts(
config?: GetLargestAccountsConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Array<AccountBalancePair>>> {
const arg = {
commitment: (config && config.commitment) || this.commitment,
const args = arg.filter || arg.commitment ? [arg] : [];
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getLargestAccounts', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetLargestAccountsRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get largest accounts');
return res.result;
* Fetch the 20 largest token accounts with their current balances
* for a given mint.
async getTokenLargestAccounts(
mintAddress: PublicKey,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Array<TokenAccountBalancePair>>> {
const args = this._buildArgs([mintAddress.toBase58()], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTokenLargestAccounts', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetTokenLargestAccountsResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get token largest accounts',
return res.result;
* Fetch all the account info for the specified public key, return with context
async getAccountInfoAndContext(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<AccountInfo<Buffer> | null>> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getAccountInfo', args);
const res = create(
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get info about account ${publicKey.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch parsed account info for the specified public key
async getParsedAccountInfo(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig,
): Promise<
RpcResponseAndContext<AccountInfo<Buffer | ParsedAccountData> | null>
> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getAccountInfo', args);
const res = create(
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get info about account ${publicKey.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch all the account info for the specified public key
async getAccountInfo(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetAccountInfoConfig,
): Promise<AccountInfo<Buffer> | null> {
try {
const res = await this.getAccountInfoAndContext(
return res.value;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
'failed to get info about account ' + publicKey.toBase58() + ': ' + e,
* Fetch all the account info for multiple accounts specified by an array of public keys, return with context
async getMultipleParsedAccounts(
publicKeys: PublicKey[],
rawConfig?: GetMultipleAccountsConfig,
): Promise<
RpcResponseAndContext<(AccountInfo<Buffer | ParsedAccountData> | null)[]>
> {
const {commitment, config} = extractCommitmentFromConfig(rawConfig);
const keys = => key.toBase58());
const args = this._buildArgs([keys], commitment, 'jsonParsed', config);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getMultipleAccounts', args);
const res = create(
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get info for accounts ${keys}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch all the account info for multiple accounts specified by an array of public keys, return with context
async getMultipleAccountsInfoAndContext(
publicKeys: PublicKey[],
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetMultipleAccountsConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<(AccountInfo<Buffer> | null)[]>> {
const {commitment, config} =
const keys = => key.toBase58());
const args = this._buildArgs([keys], commitment, 'base64', config);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getMultipleAccounts', args);
const res = create(
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get info for accounts ${keys}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch all the account info for multiple accounts specified by an array of public keys
async getMultipleAccountsInfo(
publicKeys: PublicKey[],
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetMultipleAccountsConfig,
): Promise<(AccountInfo<Buffer> | null)[]> {
const res = await this.getMultipleAccountsInfoAndContext(
return res.value;
* Returns epoch activation information for a stake account that has been delegated
async getStakeActivation(
publicKey: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetStakeActivationConfig,
epoch?: number,
): Promise<StakeActivationData> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
epoch: epoch != null ? epoch : config?.epoch,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getStakeActivation', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(StakeActivationResult));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get Stake Activation ${publicKey.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch all the accounts owned by the specified program id
* @return {Promise<Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo<Buffer>}>>}
async getProgramAccounts(
programId: PublicKey,
configOrCommitment?: GetProgramAccountsConfig | Commitment,
): Promise<Array<{pubkey: PublicKey; account: AccountInfo<Buffer>}>> {
const {commitment, config} =
const {encoding, ...configWithoutEncoding} = config || {};
const args = this._buildArgs(
encoding || 'base64',
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getProgramAccounts', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(array(KeyedAccountInfoResult)));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get accounts owned by program ${programId.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
* Fetch and parse all the accounts owned by the specified program id
* @return {Promise<Array<{pubkey: PublicKey, account: AccountInfo<Buffer | ParsedAccountData>}>>}
async getParsedProgramAccounts(
programId: PublicKey,
configOrCommitment?: GetParsedProgramAccountsConfig | Commitment,
): Promise<
pubkey: PublicKey;
account: AccountInfo<Buffer | ParsedAccountData>;
> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getProgramAccounts', args);
const res = create(
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get accounts owned by program ${programId.toBase58()}`,
return res.result;
strategy: TransactionConfirmationStrategy,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>>;
/** @deprecated Instead, call `confirmTransaction` and pass in {@link TransactionConfirmationStrategy} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
strategy: TransactionSignature,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async confirmTransaction(
strategy: TransactionConfirmationStrategy | TransactionSignature,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>> {
let rawSignature: string;
if (typeof strategy == 'string') {
rawSignature = strategy;
} else {
const config = strategy as TransactionConfirmationStrategy;
if (config.abortSignal?.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(config.abortSignal.reason);
rawSignature = config.signature;
let decodedSignature;
try {
decodedSignature = bs58.decode(rawSignature);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('signature must be base58 encoded: ' + rawSignature);
assert(decodedSignature.length === 64, 'signature has invalid length');
if (typeof strategy === 'string') {
return await this.confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy({
commitment: commitment || this.commitment,
signature: rawSignature,
} else if ('lastValidBlockHeight' in strategy) {
return await this.confirmTransactionUsingBlockHeightExceedanceStrategy({
commitment: commitment || this.commitment,
} else {
return await this.confirmTransactionUsingDurableNonceStrategy({
commitment: commitment || this.commitment,
private getCancellationPromise(signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<never> {
return new Promise<never>((_, reject) => {
if (signal == null) {
if (signal.aborted) {
} else {
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
private getTransactionConfirmationPromise({
}: {
commitment?: Commitment;
signature: string;
}): {
abortConfirmation(): void;
confirmationPromise: Promise<{
__type: TransactionStatus.PROCESSED;
response: RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>;
} {
let signatureSubscriptionId: number | undefined;
let disposeSignatureSubscriptionStateChangeObserver:
| SubscriptionStateChangeDisposeFn
| undefined;
let done = false;
const confirmationPromise = new Promise<{
__type: TransactionStatus.PROCESSED;
response: RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>;
}>((resolve, reject) => {
try {
signatureSubscriptionId = this.onSignature(
(result: SignatureResult, context: Context) => {
signatureSubscriptionId = undefined;
const response = {
value: result,
resolve({__type: TransactionStatus.PROCESSED, response});
const subscriptionSetupPromise = new Promise<void>(
resolveSubscriptionSetup => {
if (signatureSubscriptionId == null) {
} else {
disposeSignatureSubscriptionStateChangeObserver =
nextState => {
if (nextState === 'subscribed') {
(async () => {
await subscriptionSetupPromise;
if (done) return;
const response = await this.getSignatureStatus(signature);
if (done) return;
if (response == null) {
const {context, value} = response;
if (value == null) {
if (value?.err) {
} else {
switch (commitment) {
case 'confirmed':
case 'single':
case 'singleGossip': {
if (value.confirmationStatus === 'processed') {
case 'finalized':
case 'max':
case 'root': {
if (
value.confirmationStatus === 'processed' ||
value.confirmationStatus === 'confirmed'
) {
// exhaust enums to ensure full coverage
case 'processed':
case 'recent':
done = true;
__type: TransactionStatus.PROCESSED,
response: {
} catch (err) {
const abortConfirmation = () => {
if (disposeSignatureSubscriptionStateChangeObserver) {
disposeSignatureSubscriptionStateChangeObserver = undefined;
if (signatureSubscriptionId != null) {
signatureSubscriptionId = undefined;
return {abortConfirmation, confirmationPromise};
private async confirmTransactionUsingBlockHeightExceedanceStrategy({
strategy: {abortSignal, lastValidBlockHeight, signature},
}: {
commitment?: Commitment;
strategy: BlockheightBasedTransactionConfirmationStrategy;
}) {
let done: boolean = false;
const expiryPromise = new Promise<{
__type: TransactionStatus.BLOCKHEIGHT_EXCEEDED;
}>(resolve => {
const checkBlockHeight = async () => {
try {
const blockHeight = await this.getBlockHeight(commitment);
return blockHeight;
} catch (_e) {
return -1;
(async () => {
let currentBlockHeight = await checkBlockHeight();
if (done) return;
while (currentBlockHeight <= lastValidBlockHeight) {
await sleep(1000);
if (done) return;
currentBlockHeight = await checkBlockHeight();
if (done) return;
resolve({__type: TransactionStatus.BLOCKHEIGHT_EXCEEDED});
const {abortConfirmation, confirmationPromise} =
this.getTransactionConfirmationPromise({commitment, signature});
const cancellationPromise = this.getCancellationPromise(abortSignal);
let result: RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>;
try {
const outcome = await Promise.race([
if (outcome.__type === TransactionStatus.PROCESSED) {
result = outcome.response;
} else {
throw new TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError(signature);
} finally {
done = true;
return result;
private async confirmTransactionUsingDurableNonceStrategy({
strategy: {
}: {
commitment?: Commitment;
strategy: DurableNonceTransactionConfirmationStrategy;
}) {
let done: boolean = false;
const expiryPromise = new Promise<{
__type: TransactionStatus.NONCE_INVALID;
slotInWhichNonceDidAdvance: number | null;
}>(resolve => {
let currentNonceValue: string | undefined = nonceValue;
let lastCheckedSlot: number | null = null;
const getCurrentNonceValue = async () => {
try {
const {context, value: nonceAccount} = await this.getNonceAndContext(
lastCheckedSlot = context.slot;
return nonceAccount?.nonce;
} catch (e) {
// If for whatever reason we can't reach/read the nonce
// account, just keep using the last-known value.
return currentNonceValue;
(async () => {
currentNonceValue = await getCurrentNonceValue();
if (done) return;
while (
true // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
) {
if (nonceValue !== currentNonceValue) {
__type: TransactionStatus.NONCE_INVALID,
slotInWhichNonceDidAdvance: lastCheckedSlot,
await sleep(2000);
if (done) return;
currentNonceValue = await getCurrentNonceValue();
if (done) return;
const {abortConfirmation, confirmationPromise} =
this.getTransactionConfirmationPromise({commitment, signature});
const cancellationPromise = this.getCancellationPromise(abortSignal);
let result: RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>;
try {
const outcome = await Promise.race([
if (outcome.__type === TransactionStatus.PROCESSED) {
result = outcome.response;
} else {
// Double check that the transaction is indeed unconfirmed.
let signatureStatus:
| RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureStatus | null>
| null
| undefined;
while (
true // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
) {
const status = await this.getSignatureStatus(signature);
if (status == null) {
if (
status.context.slot <
(outcome.slotInWhichNonceDidAdvance ?? minContextSlot)
) {
await sleep(400);
signatureStatus = status;
if (signatureStatus?.value) {
const commitmentForStatus = commitment || 'finalized';
const {confirmationStatus} = signatureStatus.value;
switch (commitmentForStatus) {
case 'processed':
case 'recent':
if (
confirmationStatus !== 'processed' &&
confirmationStatus !== 'confirmed' &&
confirmationStatus !== 'finalized'
) {
throw new TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError(signature);
case 'confirmed':
case 'single':
case 'singleGossip':
if (
confirmationStatus !== 'confirmed' &&
confirmationStatus !== 'finalized'
) {
throw new TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError(signature);
case 'finalized':
case 'max':
case 'root':
if (confirmationStatus !== 'finalized') {
throw new TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError(signature);
// Exhaustive switch.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
((_: never) => {})(commitmentForStatus);
result = {
context: signatureStatus.context,
value: {err: signatureStatus.value.err},
} else {
throw new TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError(signature);
} finally {
done = true;
return result;
private async confirmTransactionUsingLegacyTimeoutStrategy({
}: {
commitment?: Commitment;
signature: string;
}) {
let timeoutId;
const expiryPromise = new Promise<{
__type: TransactionStatus.TIMED_OUT;
timeoutMs: number;
}>(resolve => {
let timeoutMs = this._confirmTransactionInitialTimeout || 60 * 1000;
switch (commitment) {
case 'processed':
case 'recent':
case 'single':
case 'confirmed':
case 'singleGossip': {
timeoutMs = this._confirmTransactionInitialTimeout || 30 * 1000;
// exhaust enums to ensure full coverage
case 'finalized':
case 'max':
case 'root':
timeoutId = setTimeout(
() => resolve({__type: TransactionStatus.TIMED_OUT, timeoutMs}),
const {abortConfirmation, confirmationPromise} =
let result: RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>;
try {
const outcome = await Promise.race([confirmationPromise, expiryPromise]);
if (outcome.__type === TransactionStatus.PROCESSED) {
result = outcome.response;
} else {
throw new TransactionExpiredTimeoutError(
outcome.timeoutMs / 1000,
} finally {
return result;
* Return the list of nodes that are currently participating in the cluster
async getClusterNodes(): Promise<Array<ContactInfo>> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getClusterNodes', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(array(ContactInfoResult)));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get cluster nodes');
return res.result;
* Return the list of nodes that are currently participating in the cluster
async getVoteAccounts(commitment?: Commitment): Promise<VoteAccountStatus> {
const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getVoteAccounts', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetVoteAccounts);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get vote accounts');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current slot that the node is processing
async getSlot(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetSlotConfig,
): Promise<number> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSlot', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get slot');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current slot leader of the cluster
async getSlotLeader(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetSlotLeaderConfig,
): Promise<string> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSlotLeader', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(string()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get slot leader');
return res.result;
* Fetch `limit` number of slot leaders starting from `startSlot`
* @param startSlot fetch slot leaders starting from this slot
* @param limit number of slot leaders to return
async getSlotLeaders(
startSlot: number,
limit: number,
): Promise<Array<PublicKey>> {
const args = [startSlot, limit];
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSlotLeaders', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(array(PublicKeyFromString)));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get slot leaders');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current status of a signature
async getSignatureStatus(
signature: TransactionSignature,
config?: SignatureStatusConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureStatus | null>> {
const {context, value: values} = await this.getSignatureStatuses(
assert(values.length === 1);
const value = values[0];
return {context, value};
* Fetch the current statuses of a batch of signatures
async getSignatureStatuses(
signatures: Array<TransactionSignature>,
config?: SignatureStatusConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<Array<SignatureStatus | null>>> {
const params: any[] = [signatures];
if (config) {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSignatureStatuses', params);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetSignatureStatusesRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get signature status');
return res.result;
* Fetch the current transaction count of the cluster
async getTransactionCount(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetTransactionCountConfig,
): Promise<number> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTransactionCount', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get transaction count',
return res.result;
* Fetch the current total currency supply of the cluster in lamports
* @deprecated Deprecated since v1.2.8. Please use {@link getSupply} instead.
async getTotalSupply(commitment?: Commitment): Promise<number> {
const result = await this.getSupply({
excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList: true,
* Fetch the cluster InflationGovernor parameters
async getInflationGovernor(
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<InflationGovernor> {
const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getInflationGovernor', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetInflationGovernorRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get inflation');
return res.result;
* Fetch the inflation reward for a list of addresses for an epoch
async getInflationReward(
addresses: PublicKey[],
epoch?: number,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetInflationRewardConfig,
): Promise<(InflationReward | null)[]> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
[ => pubkey.toBase58())],
undefined /* encoding */,
epoch: epoch != null ? epoch : config?.epoch,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getInflationReward', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetInflationRewardResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get inflation reward');
return res.result;
* Fetch the specific inflation values for the current epoch
async getInflationRate(): Promise<InflationRate> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getInflationRate', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetInflationRateRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get inflation rate');
return res.result;
* Fetch the Epoch Info parameters
async getEpochInfo(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetEpochInfoConfig,
): Promise<EpochInfo> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getEpochInfo', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetEpochInfoRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get epoch info');
return res.result;
* Fetch the Epoch Schedule parameters
async getEpochSchedule(): Promise<EpochSchedule> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getEpochSchedule', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetEpochScheduleRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get epoch schedule');
const epochSchedule = res.result;
return new EpochSchedule(
* Fetch the leader schedule for the current epoch
* @return {Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<LeaderSchedule>>}
async getLeaderSchedule(): Promise<LeaderSchedule> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getLeaderSchedule', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetLeaderScheduleRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get leader schedule');
return res.result;
* Fetch the minimum balance needed to exempt an account of `dataLength`
* size from rent
async getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
dataLength: number,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<number> {
const args = this._buildArgs([dataLength], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest(
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
console.warn('Unable to fetch minimum balance for rent exemption');
return 0;
return res.result;
* Fetch a recent blockhash from the cluster, return with context
* @return {Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<{blockhash: Blockhash, feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}>>}
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getLatestBlockhash} instead.
async getRecentBlockhashAndContext(
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<
RpcResponseAndContext<{blockhash: Blockhash; feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}>
> {
const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getRecentBlockhash', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetRecentBlockhashAndContextRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get recent blockhash');
return res.result;
* Fetch recent performance samples
* @return {Promise<Array<PerfSample>>}
async getRecentPerformanceSamples(
limit?: number,
): Promise<Array<PerfSample>> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest(
limit ? [limit] : [],
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetRecentPerformanceSamplesRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get recent performance samples',
return res.result;
* Fetch the fee calculator for a recent blockhash from the cluster, return with context
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getFeeForMessage} instead.
async getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash(
blockhash: Blockhash,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<FeeCalculator | null>> {
const args = this._buildArgs([blockhash], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest(
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetFeeCalculatorRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get fee calculator');
const {context, value} = res.result;
return {
value: value !== null ? value.feeCalculator : null,
* Fetch the fee for a message from the cluster, return with context
async getFeeForMessage(
message: VersionedMessage,
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<number>> {
const wireMessage = toBuffer(message.serialize()).toString('base64');
const args = this._buildArgs([wireMessage], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getFeeForMessage', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResultAndContext(nullable(number())));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get fee for message');
if (res.result === null) {
throw new Error('invalid blockhash');
return res.result as unknown as RpcResponseAndContext<number>;
* Fetch a recent blockhash from the cluster
* @return {Promise<{blockhash: Blockhash, feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}>}
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getLatestBlockhash} instead.
async getRecentBlockhash(
commitment?: Commitment,
): Promise<{blockhash: Blockhash; feeCalculator: FeeCalculator}> {
try {
const res = await this.getRecentBlockhashAndContext(commitment);
return res.value;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('failed to get recent blockhash: ' + e);
* Fetch the latest blockhash from the cluster
* @return {Promise<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight>}
async getLatestBlockhash(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetLatestBlockhashConfig,
): Promise<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight> {
try {
const res = await this.getLatestBlockhashAndContext(commitmentOrConfig);
return res.value;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('failed to get recent blockhash: ' + e);
* Fetch the latest blockhash from the cluster
* @return {Promise<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight>}
async getLatestBlockhashAndContext(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetLatestBlockhashConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight>> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getLatestBlockhash', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetLatestBlockhashRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get latest blockhash');
return res.result;
* Fetch the node version
async getVersion(): Promise<Version> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getVersion', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(VersionResult));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get version');
return res.result;
* Fetch the genesis hash
async getGenesisHash(): Promise<string> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getGenesisHash', []);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(string()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get genesis hash');
return res.result;
* Fetch a processed block from the cluster.
* @deprecated Instead, call `getBlock` using a `GetVersionedBlockConfig` by
* setting the `maxSupportedTransactionVersion` property.
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig?: GetBlockConfig,
): Promise<BlockResponse | null>;
* @deprecated Instead, call `getBlock` using a `GetVersionedBlockConfig` by
* setting the `maxSupportedTransactionVersion` property.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'accounts'},
): Promise<AccountsModeBlockResponse | null>;
* @deprecated Instead, call `getBlock` using a `GetVersionedBlockConfig` by
* setting the `maxSupportedTransactionVersion` property.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'none'},
): Promise<NoneModeBlockResponse | null>;
* Fetch a processed block from the cluster.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig?: GetVersionedBlockConfig,
): Promise<VersionedBlockResponse | null>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetVersionedBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'accounts'},
): Promise<VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse | null>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetVersionedBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'none'},
): Promise<VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse | null>;
* Fetch a processed block from the cluster.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig?: GetVersionedBlockConfig,
): Promise<
| VersionedBlockResponse
| VersionedAccountsModeBlockResponse
| VersionedNoneModeBlockResponse
| null
> {
const {commitment, config} = extractCommitmentFromConfig(rawConfig);
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlock', args);
try {
switch (config?.transactionDetails) {
case 'accounts': {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetAccountsModeBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
return res.result;
case 'none': {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetNoneModeBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
return res.result;
default: {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
const {result} = res;
return result
? {
({transaction, meta, version}) => ({
transaction: {
message: versionedMessageFromResponse(
: null;
} catch (e) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
e as JSONRPCError,
'failed to get confirmed block',
* Fetch parsed transaction details for a confirmed or finalized block
async getParsedBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig?: GetVersionedBlockConfig,
): Promise<ParsedAccountsModeBlockResponse>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getParsedBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetVersionedBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'accounts'},
): Promise<ParsedAccountsModeBlockResponse>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getParsedBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig: GetVersionedBlockConfig & {transactionDetails: 'none'},
): Promise<ParsedNoneModeBlockResponse>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getParsedBlock(
slot: number,
rawConfig?: GetVersionedBlockConfig,
): Promise<
| ParsedBlockResponse
| ParsedAccountsModeBlockResponse
| ParsedNoneModeBlockResponse
| null
> {
const {commitment, config} = extractCommitmentFromConfig(rawConfig);
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlock', args);
try {
switch (config?.transactionDetails) {
case 'accounts': {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedAccountsModeBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
return res.result;
case 'none': {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedNoneModeBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
return res.result;
default: {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw res.error;
return res.result;
} catch (e) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(e as JSONRPCError, 'failed to get block');
* Returns the current block height of the node
async getBlockHeight(
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetBlockHeightConfig,
): Promise<number> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlockHeight', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get block height information',
return res.result;
* Returns recent block production information from the current or previous epoch
async getBlockProduction(
configOrCommitment?: GetBlockProductionConfig | Commitment,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<BlockProduction>> {
let extra: Omit<GetBlockProductionConfig, 'commitment'> | undefined;
let commitment: Commitment | undefined;
if (typeof configOrCommitment === 'string') {
commitment = configOrCommitment;
} else if (configOrCommitment) {
const {commitment: c,} = configOrCommitment;
commitment = c;
extra = rest;
const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment, 'base64', extra);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlockProduction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, BlockProductionResponseStruct);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get block production information',
return res.result;
* Fetch a confirmed or finalized transaction from the cluster.
* @deprecated Instead, call `getTransaction` using a
* `GetVersionedTransactionConfig` by setting the
* `maxSupportedTransactionVersion` property.
async getTransaction(
signature: string,
rawConfig?: GetTransactionConfig,
): Promise<TransactionResponse | null>;
* Fetch a confirmed or finalized transaction from the cluster.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getTransaction(
signature: string,
rawConfig: GetVersionedTransactionConfig,
): Promise<VersionedTransactionResponse | null>;
* Fetch a confirmed or finalized transaction from the cluster.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getTransaction(
signature: string,
rawConfig?: GetVersionedTransactionConfig,
): Promise<VersionedTransactionResponse | null> {
const {commitment, config} = extractCommitmentFromConfig(rawConfig);
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
undefined /* encoding */,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get transaction');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) return result;
return {
transaction: {
message: versionedMessageFromResponse(
* Fetch parsed transaction details for a confirmed or finalized transaction
async getParsedTransaction(
signature: TransactionSignature,
commitmentOrConfig?: GetVersionedTransactionConfig | Finality,
): Promise<ParsedTransactionWithMeta | null> {
const {commitment, config} =
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get transaction');
return res.result;
* Fetch parsed transaction details for a batch of confirmed transactions
async getParsedTransactions(
signatures: TransactionSignature[],
commitmentOrConfig?: GetVersionedTransactionConfig | Finality,
): Promise<(ParsedTransactionWithMeta | null)[]> {
const {commitment, config} =
const batch = => {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
return {
methodName: 'getTransaction',
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcBatchRequest(batch);
const res = any) => {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get transactions');
return res.result;
return res;
* Fetch transaction details for a batch of confirmed transactions.
* Similar to {@link getParsedTransactions} but returns a {@link TransactionResponse}.
* @deprecated Instead, call `getTransactions` using a
* `GetVersionedTransactionConfig` by setting the
* `maxSupportedTransactionVersion` property.
async getTransactions(
signatures: TransactionSignature[],
commitmentOrConfig?: GetTransactionConfig | Finality,
): Promise<(TransactionResponse | null)[]>;
* Fetch transaction details for a batch of confirmed transactions.
* Similar to {@link getParsedTransactions} but returns a {@link
* VersionedTransactionResponse}.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getTransactions(
signatures: TransactionSignature[],
commitmentOrConfig: GetVersionedTransactionConfig | Finality,
): Promise<(VersionedTransactionResponse | null)[]>;
* Fetch transaction details for a batch of confirmed transactions.
* Similar to {@link getParsedTransactions} but returns a {@link
* VersionedTransactionResponse}.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async getTransactions(
signatures: TransactionSignature[],
commitmentOrConfig: GetVersionedTransactionConfig | Finality,
): Promise<(VersionedTransactionResponse | null)[]> {
const {commitment, config} =
const batch = => {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
commitment as Finality,
undefined /* encoding */,
return {
methodName: 'getTransaction',
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcBatchRequest(batch);
const res = any) => {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get transactions');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) return result;
return {
transaction: {
message: versionedMessageFromResponse(
return res;
* Fetch a list of Transactions and transaction statuses from the cluster
* for a confirmed block.
* @deprecated Deprecated since v1.13.0. Please use {@link getBlock} instead.
async getConfirmedBlock(
slot: number,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<ConfirmedBlock> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed([slot], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedBlock', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetConfirmedBlockRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get confirmed block');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) {
throw new Error('Confirmed block ' + slot + ' not found');
const block = {
transactions:{transaction, meta}) => {
const message = new Message(transaction.message);
return {
transaction: {
return {
transactions:{transaction, meta}) => {
return {
transaction: Transaction.populate(
* Fetch confirmed blocks between two slots
async getBlocks(
startSlot: number,
endSlot?: number,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<Array<number>> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
endSlot !== undefined ? [startSlot, endSlot] : [startSlot],
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlocks', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResult(array(number())));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get blocks');
return res.result;
* Fetch a list of Signatures from the cluster for a block, excluding rewards
async getBlockSignatures(
slot: number,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<BlockSignatures> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
transactionDetails: 'signatures',
rewards: false,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getBlock', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetBlockSignaturesRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get block');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) {
throw new Error('Block ' + slot + ' not found');
return result;
* Fetch a list of Signatures from the cluster for a confirmed block, excluding rewards
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getBlockSignatures} instead.
async getConfirmedBlockSignatures(
slot: number,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<BlockSignatures> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
transactionDetails: 'signatures',
rewards: false,
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedBlock', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetBlockSignaturesRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get confirmed block');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) {
throw new Error('Confirmed block ' + slot + ' not found');
return result;
* Fetch a transaction details for a confirmed transaction
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getTransaction} instead.
async getConfirmedTransaction(
signature: TransactionSignature,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<ConfirmedTransaction | null> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed([signature], commitment);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(res.error, 'failed to get transaction');
const result = res.result;
if (!result) return result;
const message = new Message(result.transaction.message);
const signatures = result.transaction.signatures;
return {
transaction: Transaction.populate(message, signatures),
* Fetch parsed transaction details for a confirmed transaction
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getParsedTransaction} instead.
async getParsedConfirmedTransaction(
signature: TransactionSignature,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<ParsedConfirmedTransaction | null> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getConfirmedTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get confirmed transaction',
return res.result;
* Fetch parsed transaction details for a batch of confirmed transactions
* @deprecated Deprecated since Solana v1.8.0. Please use {@link getParsedTransactions} instead.
async getParsedConfirmedTransactions(
signatures: TransactionSignature[],
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<(ParsedConfirmedTransaction | null)[]> {
const batch = => {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
return {
methodName: 'getConfirmedTransaction',
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcBatchRequest(batch);
const res = any) => {
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetParsedTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get confirmed transactions',
return res.result;
return res;
* Fetch a list of all the confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address
* within a specified slot range. Max range allowed is 10,000 slots.
* @deprecated Deprecated since v1.3. Please use {@link getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2} instead.
* @param address queried address
* @param startSlot start slot, inclusive
* @param endSlot end slot, inclusive
async getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress(
address: PublicKey,
startSlot: number,
endSlot: number,
): Promise<Array<TransactionSignature>> {
let options: any = {};
let firstAvailableBlock = await this.getFirstAvailableBlock();
while (!('until' in options)) {
if (startSlot <= 0 || startSlot < firstAvailableBlock) {
try {
const block = await this.getConfirmedBlockSignatures(
if (block.signatures.length > 0) {
options.until =
block.signatures[block.signatures.length - 1].toString();
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error && err.message.includes('skipped')) {
} else {
throw err;
let highestConfirmedRoot = await this.getSlot('finalized');
while (!('before' in options)) {
if (endSlot > highestConfirmedRoot) {
try {
const block = await this.getConfirmedBlockSignatures(endSlot);
if (block.signatures.length > 0) {
options.before =
block.signatures[block.signatures.length - 1].toString();
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error && err.message.includes('skipped')) {
} else {
throw err;
const confirmedSignatureInfo = await this.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(
return => info.signature);
* Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an
* address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block
* @param address queried address
* @param options
async getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(
address: PublicKey,
options?: ConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2Options,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<Array<ConfirmedSignatureInfo>> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest(
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2RpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get confirmed signatures for address',
return res.result;
* Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an
* address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block
* @param address queried address
* @param options
async getSignaturesForAddress(
address: PublicKey,
options?: SignaturesForAddressOptions,
commitment?: Finality,
): Promise<Array<ConfirmedSignatureInfo>> {
const args = this._buildArgsAtLeastConfirmed(
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getSignaturesForAddress', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, GetSignaturesForAddressRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
'failed to get signatures for address',
return res.result;
async getAddressLookupTable(
accountKey: PublicKey,
config?: GetAccountInfoConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<AddressLookupTableAccount | null>> {
const {context, value: accountInfo} = await this.getAccountInfoAndContext(
let value = null;
if (accountInfo !== null) {
value = new AddressLookupTableAccount({
key: accountKey,
state: AddressLookupTableAccount.deserialize(,
return {
* Fetch the contents of a Nonce account from the cluster, return with context
async getNonceAndContext(
nonceAccount: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetNonceAndContextConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<NonceAccount | null>> {
const {context, value: accountInfo} = await this.getAccountInfoAndContext(
let value = null;
if (accountInfo !== null) {
value = NonceAccount.fromAccountData(;
return {
* Fetch the contents of a Nonce account from the cluster
async getNonce(
nonceAccount: PublicKey,
commitmentOrConfig?: Commitment | GetNonceConfig,
): Promise<NonceAccount | null> {
return await this.getNonceAndContext(nonceAccount, commitmentOrConfig)
.then(x => x.value)
.catch(e => {
throw new Error(
'failed to get nonce for account ' +
nonceAccount.toBase58() +
': ' +
* Request an allocation of lamports to the specified address
* ```typescript
* import { Connection, PublicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js";
* (async () => {
* const connection = new Connection("", "confirmed");
* const myAddress = new PublicKey("2nr1bHFT86W9tGnyvmYW4vcHKsQB3sVQfnddasz4kExM");
* const signature = await connection.requestAirdrop(myAddress, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);
* await connection.confirmTransaction(signature);
* })();
* ```
async requestAirdrop(
to: PublicKey,
lamports: number,
): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('requestAirdrop', [
const res = create(unsafeRes, RequestAirdropRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`airdrop to ${to.toBase58()} failed`,
return res.result;
* @internal
async _blockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight(
disableCache: boolean,
): Promise<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight> {
if (!disableCache) {
// Wait for polling to finish
while (this._pollingBlockhash) {
await sleep(100);
const timeSinceFetch = - this._blockhashInfo.lastFetch;
const expired = timeSinceFetch >= BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS;
if (this._blockhashInfo.latestBlockhash !== null && !expired) {
return this._blockhashInfo.latestBlockhash;
return await this._pollNewBlockhash();
* @internal
async _pollNewBlockhash(): Promise<BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight> {
this._pollingBlockhash = true;
try {
const startTime =;
const cachedLatestBlockhash = this._blockhashInfo.latestBlockhash;
const cachedBlockhash = cachedLatestBlockhash
? cachedLatestBlockhash.blockhash
: null;
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
const latestBlockhash = await this.getLatestBlockhash('finalized');
if (cachedBlockhash !== latestBlockhash.blockhash) {
this._blockhashInfo = {
transactionSignatures: [],
simulatedSignatures: [],
return latestBlockhash;
// Sleep for approximately half a slot
await sleep(MS_PER_SLOT / 2);
throw new Error(
`Unable to obtain a new blockhash after ${ - startTime}ms`,
} finally {
this._pollingBlockhash = false;
* get the stake minimum delegation
async getStakeMinimumDelegation(
config?: GetStakeMinimumDelegationConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<number>> {
const {commitment, config: configArg} = extractCommitmentFromConfig(config);
const args = this._buildArgs([], commitment, 'base64', configArg);
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('getStakeMinimumDelegation', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, jsonRpcResultAndContext(number()));
if ('error' in res) {
throw new SolanaJSONRPCError(
`failed to get stake minimum delegation`,
return res.result;
* Simulate a transaction
* @deprecated Instead, call {@link simulateTransaction} with {@link
* VersionedTransaction} and {@link SimulateTransactionConfig} parameters
transactionOrMessage: Transaction | Message,
signers?: Array<Signer>,
includeAccounts?: boolean | Array<PublicKey>,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SimulatedTransactionResponse>>;
* Simulate a transaction
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
transaction: VersionedTransaction,
config?: SimulateTransactionConfig,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SimulatedTransactionResponse>>;
* Simulate a transaction
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async simulateTransaction(
transactionOrMessage: VersionedTransaction | Transaction | Message,
configOrSigners?: SimulateTransactionConfig | Array<Signer>,
includeAccounts?: boolean | Array<PublicKey>,
): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<SimulatedTransactionResponse>> {
if ('message' in transactionOrMessage) {
const versionedTx = transactionOrMessage;
const wireTransaction = versionedTx.serialize();
const encodedTransaction =
if (Array.isArray(configOrSigners) || includeAccounts !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments');
const config: any = configOrSigners || {};
config.encoding = 'base64';
if (!('commitment' in config)) {
config.commitment = this.commitment;
const args = [encodedTransaction, config];
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('simulateTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, SimulatedTransactionResponseStruct);
if ('error' in res) {
throw new Error('failed to simulate transaction: ' + res.error.message);
return res.result;
let transaction;
if (transactionOrMessage instanceof Transaction) {
let originalTx: Transaction = transactionOrMessage;
transaction = new Transaction();
transaction.feePayer = originalTx.feePayer;
transaction.instructions = transactionOrMessage.instructions;
transaction.nonceInfo = originalTx.nonceInfo;
transaction.signatures = originalTx.signatures;
} else {
transaction = Transaction.populate(transactionOrMessage);
// HACK: this function relies on mutating the populated transaction
transaction._message = transaction._json = undefined;
if (configOrSigners !== undefined && !Array.isArray(configOrSigners)) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments');
const signers = configOrSigners;
if (transaction.nonceInfo && signers) {
} else {
let disableCache = this._disableBlockhashCaching;
for (;;) {
const latestBlockhash = await this._blockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight(
transaction.lastValidBlockHeight = latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight;
transaction.recentBlockhash = latestBlockhash.blockhash;
if (!signers) break;
if (!transaction.signature) {
throw new Error('!signature'); // should never happen
const signature = transaction.signature.toString('base64');
if (
!this._blockhashInfo.simulatedSignatures.includes(signature) &&
) {
// The signature of this transaction has not been seen before with the
// current recentBlockhash, all done. Let's break
} else {
// This transaction would be treated as duplicate (its derived signature
// matched to one of already recorded signatures).
// So, we must fetch a new blockhash for a different signature by disabling
// our cache not to wait for the cache expiration (BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS).
disableCache = true;
const message = transaction._compile();
const signData = message.serialize();
const wireTransaction = transaction._serialize(signData);
const encodedTransaction = wireTransaction.toString('base64');
const config: any = {
encoding: 'base64',
commitment: this.commitment,
if (includeAccounts) {
const addresses = (
? includeAccounts
: message.nonProgramIds()
).map(key => key.toBase58());
config['accounts'] = {
encoding: 'base64',
if (signers) {
config.sigVerify = true;
const args = [encodedTransaction, config];
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('simulateTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, SimulatedTransactionResponseStruct);
if ('error' in res) {
let logs;
if ('data' in res.error) {
logs =;
if (logs && Array.isArray(logs)) {
const traceIndent = '\n ';
const logTrace = traceIndent + logs.join(traceIndent);
console.error(res.error.message, logTrace);
throw new SendTransactionError(
'failed to simulate transaction: ' + res.error.message,
return res.result;
* Sign and send a transaction
* @deprecated Instead, call {@link sendTransaction} with a {@link
* VersionedTransaction}
transaction: Transaction,
signers: Array<Signer>,
options?: SendOptions,
): Promise<TransactionSignature>;
* Send a signed transaction
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
transaction: VersionedTransaction,
options?: SendOptions,
): Promise<TransactionSignature>;
* Sign and send a transaction
// eslint-disable-next-line no-dupe-class-members
async sendTransaction(
transaction: VersionedTransaction | Transaction,
signersOrOptions?: Array<Signer> | SendOptions,
options?: SendOptions,
): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
if ('version' in transaction) {
if (signersOrOptions && Array.isArray(signersOrOptions)) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments');
const wireTransaction = transaction.serialize();
return await this.sendRawTransaction(wireTransaction, options);
if (signersOrOptions === undefined || !Array.isArray(signersOrOptions)) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments');
const signers = signersOrOptions;
if (transaction.nonceInfo) {
} else {
let disableCache = this._disableBlockhashCaching;
for (;;) {
const latestBlockhash = await this._blockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight(
transaction.lastValidBlockHeight = latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight;
transaction.recentBlockhash = latestBlockhash.blockhash;
if (!transaction.signature) {
throw new Error('!signature'); // should never happen
const signature = transaction.signature.toString('base64');
if (!this._blockhashInfo.transactionSignatures.includes(signature)) {
// The signature of this transaction has not been seen before with the
// current recentBlockhash, all done. Let's break
} else {
// This transaction would be treated as duplicate (its derived signature
// matched to one of already recorded signatures).
// So, we must fetch a new blockhash for a different signature by disabling
// our cache not to wait for the cache expiration (BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS).
disableCache = true;
const wireTransaction = transaction.serialize();
return await this.sendRawTransaction(wireTransaction, options);
* Send a transaction that has already been signed and serialized into the
* wire format
async sendRawTransaction(
rawTransaction: Buffer | Uint8Array | Array<number>,
options?: SendOptions,
): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
const encodedTransaction = toBuffer(rawTransaction).toString('base64');
const result = await this.sendEncodedTransaction(
return result;
* Send a transaction that has already been signed, serialized into the
* wire format, and encoded as a base64 string
async sendEncodedTransaction(
encodedTransaction: string,
options?: SendOptions,
): Promise<TransactionSignature> {
const config: any = {encoding: 'base64'};
const skipPreflight = options && options.skipPreflight;
const preflightCommitment =
(options && options.preflightCommitment) || this.commitment;
if (options && options.maxRetries != null) {
config.maxRetries = options.maxRetries;
if (options && options.minContextSlot != null) {
config.minContextSlot = options.minContextSlot;
if (skipPreflight) {
config.skipPreflight = skipPreflight;
if (preflightCommitment) {
config.preflightCommitment = preflightCommitment;
const args = [encodedTransaction, config];
const unsafeRes = await this._rpcRequest('sendTransaction', args);
const res = create(unsafeRes, SendTransactionRpcResult);
if ('error' in res) {
let logs;
if ('data' in res.error) {
logs =;
throw new SendTransactionError(
'failed to send transaction: ' + res.error.message,
return res.result;
* @internal
_wsOnOpen() {
this._rpcWebSocketConnected = true;
this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat = setInterval(() => {
// Ping server every 5s to prevent idle timeouts
this._rpcWebSocket.notify('ping').catch(() => {});
}, 5000);
* @internal
_wsOnError(err: Error) {
this._rpcWebSocketConnected = false;
console.error('ws error:', err.message);
* @internal
_wsOnClose(code: number) {
this._rpcWebSocketConnected = false;
this._rpcWebSocketGeneration =
(this._rpcWebSocketGeneration + 1) % Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout) {
this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = null;
if (this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat) {
this._rpcWebSocketHeartbeat = null;
if (code === 1000) {
// explicit close, check if any subscriptions have been made since close
// implicit close, prepare subscriptions for auto-reconnect
this._subscriptionCallbacksByServerSubscriptionId = {};
this._subscriptionsByHash as Record<SubscriptionConfigHash, Subscription>,
).forEach(([hash, subscription]) => {
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'pending',
* @internal
private _setSubscription(
hash: SubscriptionConfigHash,
nextSubscription: Subscription,
) {
const prevState = this._subscriptionsByHash[hash]?.state;
this._subscriptionsByHash[hash] = nextSubscription;
if (prevState !== nextSubscription.state) {
const stateChangeCallbacks =
if (stateChangeCallbacks) {
stateChangeCallbacks.forEach(cb => {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch {}
* @internal
private _onSubscriptionStateChange(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
callback: SubscriptionStateChangeCallback,
): SubscriptionStateChangeDisposeFn {
const hash =
if (hash == null) {
return () => {};
const stateChangeCallbacks = (this._subscriptionStateChangeCallbacksByHash[
] ||= new Set());
return () => {
if (stateChangeCallbacks.size === 0) {
delete this._subscriptionStateChangeCallbacksByHash[hash];
* @internal
async _updateSubscriptions() {
if (Object.keys(this._subscriptionsByHash).length === 0) {
if (this._rpcWebSocketConnected) {
this._rpcWebSocketConnected = false;
this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = null;
try {
} catch (err) {
// swallow error if socket has already been closed.
if (err instanceof Error) {
`Error when closing socket connection: ${err.message}`,
}, 500);
if (this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout !== null) {
this._rpcWebSocketIdleTimeout = null;
this._rpcWebSocketConnected = true;
if (!this._rpcWebSocketConnected) {
const activeWebSocketGeneration = this._rpcWebSocketGeneration;
const isCurrentConnectionStillActive = () => {
return activeWebSocketGeneration === this._rpcWebSocketGeneration;
await Promise.all(
// Don't be tempted to change this to `Object.entries`. We call
// `_updateSubscriptions` recursively when processing the state,
// so it's important that we look up the *current* version of
// each subscription, every time we process a hash.
Object.keys(this._subscriptionsByHash).map(async hash => {
const subscription = this._subscriptionsByHash[hash];
if (subscription === undefined) {
// This entry has since been deleted. Skip.
switch (subscription.state) {
case 'pending':
case 'unsubscribed':
if (subscription.callbacks.size === 0) {
* You can end up here when:
* - a subscription has recently unsubscribed
* without having new callbacks added to it
* while the unsubscribe was in flight, or
* - when a pending subscription has its
* listeners removed before a request was
* sent to the server.
* Being that nobody is interested in this
* subscription any longer, delete it.
delete this._subscriptionsByHash[hash];
if (subscription.state === 'unsubscribed') {
delete this._subscriptionCallbacksByServerSubscriptionId[
await this._updateSubscriptions();
await (async () => {
const {args, method} = subscription;
try {
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'subscribing',
const serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId =
(await, args)) as number;
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'subscribed',
] = subscription.callbacks;
await this._updateSubscriptions();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
`${method} error for argument`,
if (!isCurrentConnectionStillActive()) {
// TODO: Maybe add an 'errored' state or a retry limit?
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'pending',
await this._updateSubscriptions();
case 'subscribed':
if (subscription.callbacks.size === 0) {
// By the time we successfully set up a subscription
// with the server, the client stopped caring about it.
// Tear it down now.
await (async () => {
const {serverSubscriptionId, unsubscribeMethod} = subscription;
if (
) {
* Special case.
* If we're dealing with a subscription that has been auto-
* disposed by the RPC, then we can skip the RPC call to
* tear down the subscription here.
* NOTE: There is a proposal to eliminate this special case, here:
} else {
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'unsubscribing',
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'unsubscribing',
try {
await, [
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
console.error(`${unsubscribeMethod} error:`, e.message);
if (!isCurrentConnectionStillActive()) {
// TODO: Maybe add an 'errored' state or a retry limit?
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'subscribed',
await this._updateSubscriptions();
this._setSubscription(hash, {
state: 'unsubscribed',
await this._updateSubscriptions();
case 'subscribing':
case 'unsubscribing':
* @internal
private _handleServerNotification<
TCallback extends SubscriptionConfig['callback'],
serverSubscriptionId: ServerSubscriptionId,
callbackArgs: Parameters<TCallback>,
): void {
const callbacks =
if (callbacks === undefined) {
callbacks.forEach(cb => {
try {
// I failed to find a way to convince TypeScript that `cb` is of type
// `TCallback` which is certainly compatible with `Parameters<TCallback>`.
// See
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
* @internal
_wsOnAccountNotification(notification: object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(
this._handleServerNotification<AccountChangeCallback>(subscription, [
* @internal
private _makeSubscription(
subscriptionConfig: SubscriptionConfig,
* When preparing `args` for a call to `_makeSubscription`, be sure
* to carefully apply a default `commitment` property, if necessary.
* - If the user supplied a `commitment` use that.
* - Otherwise, if the `Connection::commitment` is set, use that.
* - Otherwise, set it to the RPC server default: `finalized`.
* This is extremely important to ensure that these two fundamentally
* identical subscriptions produce the same identifying hash:
* - A subscription made without specifying a commitment.
* - A subscription made where the commitment specified is the same
* as the default applied to the subscription above.
* Example; these two subscriptions must produce the same hash:
* - An `accountSubscribe` subscription for `'PUBKEY'`
* - An `accountSubscribe` subscription for `'PUBKEY'` with commitment
* `'finalized'`.
* See the 'making a subscription with defaulted params omitted' test
* in `connection-subscriptions.ts` for more.
args: IWSRequestParams,
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const clientSubscriptionId = this._nextClientSubscriptionId++;
const hash = fastStableStringify(
[subscriptionConfig.method, args],
true /* isArrayProp */,
const existingSubscription = this._subscriptionsByHash[hash];
if (existingSubscription === undefined) {
this._subscriptionsByHash[hash] = {
callbacks: new Set([subscriptionConfig.callback]),
state: 'pending',
} else {
this._subscriptionHashByClientSubscriptionId[clientSubscriptionId] = hash;
] = async () => {
delete this._subscriptionDisposeFunctionsByClientSubscriptionId[
delete this._subscriptionHashByClientSubscriptionId[clientSubscriptionId];
const subscription = this._subscriptionsByHash[hash];
subscription !== undefined,
`Could not find a \`Subscription\` when tearing down client subscription #${clientSubscriptionId}`,
await this._updateSubscriptions();
return clientSubscriptionId;
* Register a callback to be invoked whenever the specified account changes
* @param publicKey Public key of the account to monitor
* @param callback Function to invoke whenever the account is changed
* @param commitment Specify the commitment level account changes must reach before notification
* @return subscription id
publicKey: PublicKey,
callback: AccountChangeCallback,
commitment?: Commitment,
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const args = this._buildArgs(
commitment || this._commitment || 'finalized', // Apply connection/server default.
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'accountSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'accountUnsubscribe',
* Deregister an account notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeAccountChangeListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'account change',
* @internal
_wsOnProgramAccountNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(
this._handleServerNotification<ProgramAccountChangeCallback>(subscription, [
accountId: result.value.pubkey,
accountInfo: result.value.account,
* Register a callback to be invoked whenever accounts owned by the
* specified program change
* @param programId Public key of the program to monitor
* @param callback Function to invoke whenever the account is changed
* @param commitment Specify the commitment level account changes must reach before notification
* @param filters The program account filters to pass into the RPC method
* @return subscription id
programId: PublicKey,
callback: ProgramAccountChangeCallback,
commitment?: Commitment,
filters?: GetProgramAccountsFilter[],
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const args = this._buildArgs(
commitment || this._commitment || 'finalized', // Apply connection/server default.
'base64' /* encoding */,
filters ? {filters: filters} : undefined /* extra */,
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'programSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'programUnsubscribe',
* Deregister an account notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeProgramAccountChangeListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'program account change',
* Registers a callback to be invoked whenever logs are emitted.
filter: LogsFilter,
callback: LogsCallback,
commitment?: Commitment,
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const args = this._buildArgs(
[typeof filter === 'object' ? {mentions: [filter.toString()]} : filter],
commitment || this._commitment || 'finalized', // Apply connection/server default.
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'logsSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'logsUnsubscribe',
* Deregister a logs callback.
* @param id client subscription id to deregister.
async removeOnLogsListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(clientSubscriptionId, 'logs');
* @internal
_wsOnLogsNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(notification, LogsNotificationResult);
this._handleServerNotification<LogsCallback>(subscription, [
* @internal
_wsOnSlotNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(notification, SlotNotificationResult);
this._handleServerNotification<SlotChangeCallback>(subscription, [result]);
* Register a callback to be invoked upon slot changes
* @param callback Function to invoke whenever the slot changes
* @return subscription id
onSlotChange(callback: SlotChangeCallback): ClientSubscriptionId {
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'slotSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'slotUnsubscribe',
[] /* args */,
* Deregister a slot notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeSlotChangeListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'slot change',
* @internal
_wsOnSlotUpdatesNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(
this._handleServerNotification<SlotUpdateCallback>(subscription, [result]);
* Register a callback to be invoked upon slot updates. {@link SlotUpdate}'s
* may be useful to track live progress of a cluster.
* @param callback Function to invoke whenever the slot updates
* @return subscription id
onSlotUpdate(callback: SlotUpdateCallback): ClientSubscriptionId {
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'slotsUpdatesSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'slotsUpdatesUnsubscribe',
[] /* args */,
* Deregister a slot update notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeSlotUpdateListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'slot update',
* @internal
private async _unsubscribeClientSubscription(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
subscriptionName: string,
) {
const dispose =
if (dispose) {
await dispose();
} else {
'Ignored unsubscribe request because an active subscription with id ' +
`\`${clientSubscriptionId}\` for '${subscriptionName}' events ` +
'could not be found.',
args: Array<any>,
override?: Commitment,
encoding?: 'jsonParsed' | 'base64',
extra?: any,
): Array<any> {
const commitment = override || this._commitment;
if (commitment || encoding || extra) {
let options: any = {};
if (encoding) {
options.encoding = encoding;
if (commitment) {
options.commitment = commitment;
if (extra) {
options = Object.assign(options, extra);
return args;
* @internal
args: Array<any>,
override?: Finality,
encoding?: 'jsonParsed' | 'base64',
extra?: any,
): Array<any> {
const commitment = override || this._commitment;
if (commitment && !['confirmed', 'finalized'].includes(commitment)) {
throw new Error(
'Using Connection with default commitment: `' +
this._commitment +
'`, but method requires at least `confirmed`',
return this._buildArgs(args, override, encoding, extra);
* @internal
_wsOnSignatureNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(
if (result.value !== 'receivedSignature') {
* Special case.
* After a signature is processed, RPCs automatically dispose of the
* subscription on the server side. We need to track which of these
* subscriptions have been disposed in such a way, so that we know
* whether the client is dealing with a not-yet-processed signature
* (in which case we must tear down the server subscription) or an
* already-processed signature (in which case the client can simply
* clear out the subscription locally without telling the server).
* NOTE: There is a proposal to eliminate this special case, here:
result.value === 'receivedSignature'
? [{type: 'received'}, result.context]
: [{type: 'status', result: result.value}, result.context],
* Register a callback to be invoked upon signature updates
* @param signature Transaction signature string in base 58
* @param callback Function to invoke on signature notifications
* @param commitment Specify the commitment level signature must reach before notification
* @return subscription id
signature: TransactionSignature,
callback: SignatureResultCallback,
commitment?: Commitment,
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const args = this._buildArgs(
commitment || this._commitment || 'finalized', // Apply connection/server default.
const clientSubscriptionId = this._makeSubscription(
callback: (notification, context) => {
if (notification.type === 'status') {
callback(notification.result, context);
// Signatures subscriptions are auto-removed by the RPC service
// so no need to explicitly send an unsubscribe message.
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (_err) {
// Already removed.
method: 'signatureSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'signatureUnsubscribe',
return clientSubscriptionId;
* Register a callback to be invoked when a transaction is
* received and/or processed.
* @param signature Transaction signature string in base 58
* @param callback Function to invoke on signature notifications
* @param options Enable received notifications and set the commitment
* level that signature must reach before notification
* @return subscription id
signature: TransactionSignature,
callback: SignatureSubscriptionCallback,
options?: SignatureSubscriptionOptions,
): ClientSubscriptionId {
const {commitment, ...extra} = {
(options && options.commitment) || this._commitment || 'finalized', // Apply connection/server default.
const args = this._buildArgs(
undefined /* encoding */,
const clientSubscriptionId = this._makeSubscription(
callback: (notification, context) => {
callback(notification, context);
// Signatures subscriptions are auto-removed by the RPC service
// so no need to explicitly send an unsubscribe message.
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (_err) {
// Already removed.
method: 'signatureSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'signatureUnsubscribe',
return clientSubscriptionId;
* Deregister a signature notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeSignatureListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'signature result',
* @internal
_wsOnRootNotification(notification: Object) {
const {result, subscription} = create(notification, RootNotificationResult);
this._handleServerNotification<RootChangeCallback>(subscription, [result]);
* Register a callback to be invoked upon root changes
* @param callback Function to invoke whenever the root changes
* @return subscription id
onRootChange(callback: RootChangeCallback): ClientSubscriptionId {
return this._makeSubscription(
method: 'rootSubscribe',
unsubscribeMethod: 'rootUnsubscribe',
[] /* args */,
* Deregister a root notification callback
* @param id client subscription id to deregister
async removeRootChangeListener(
clientSubscriptionId: ClientSubscriptionId,
): Promise<void> {
await this._unsubscribeClientSubscription(
'root change',