
295 lines
8.8 KiB

use solana_program::hash::{hashv, Hash};
// We need to discern between leaf and intermediate nodes to prevent trivial second
// pre-image attacks.
const LEAF_PREFIX: &[u8] = &[0];
const INTERMEDIATE_PREFIX: &[u8] = &[1];
macro_rules! hash_leaf {
{$d:ident} => {
hashv(&[LEAF_PREFIX, $d])
macro_rules! hash_intermediate {
{$l:ident, $r:ident} => {
hashv(&[INTERMEDIATE_PREFIX, $l.as_ref(), $r.as_ref()])
pub struct MerkleTree {
leaf_count: usize,
nodes: Vec<Hash>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ProofEntry<'a>(&'a Hash, Option<&'a Hash>, Option<&'a Hash>);
impl<'a> ProofEntry<'a> {
pub fn new(
target: &'a Hash,
left_sibling: Option<&'a Hash>,
right_sibling: Option<&'a Hash>,
) -> Self {
assert!(left_sibling.is_none() ^ right_sibling.is_none());
Self(target, left_sibling, right_sibling)
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Proof<'a>(Vec<ProofEntry<'a>>);
impl<'a> Proof<'a> {
pub fn push(&mut self, entry: ProofEntry<'a>) {
pub fn verify(&self, candidate: Hash) -> bool {
let result = self.0.iter().try_fold(candidate, |candidate, pe| {
let lsib = pe.1.unwrap_or(&candidate);
let rsib = pe.2.unwrap_or(&candidate);
let hash = hash_intermediate!(lsib, rsib);
if hash == *pe.0 {
} else {
impl MerkleTree {
fn next_level_len(level_len: usize) -> usize {
if level_len == 1 {
} else {
(level_len + 1) / 2
fn calculate_vec_capacity(leaf_count: usize) -> usize {
// the most nodes consuming case is when n-1 is full balanced binary tree
// then n will cause the previous tree add a left only path to the root
// this cause the total nodes number increased by tree height, we use this
// condition as the max nodes consuming case.
// n is current leaf nodes number
// assuming n-1 is a full balanced binary tree, n-1 tree nodes number will be
// 2(n-1) - 1, n tree height is closed to log2(n) + 1
// so the max nodes number is 2(n-1) - 1 + log2(n) + 1, finally we can use
// 2n + log2(n+1) as a safe capacity value.
// test results:
// 8192 leaf nodes(full balanced):
// computed cap is 16398, actually using is 16383
// 8193 leaf nodes:(full balanced plus 1 leaf):
// computed cap is 16400, actually using is 16398
// about performance: current used fast_math log2 code is constant algo time
if leaf_count > 0 {
fast_math::log2_raw(leaf_count as f32) as usize + 2 * leaf_count + 1
} else {
pub fn new<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(items: &[T]) -> Self {
let cap = MerkleTree::calculate_vec_capacity(items.len());
let mut mt = MerkleTree {
leaf_count: items.len(),
nodes: Vec::with_capacity(cap),
for item in items {
let item = item.as_ref();
let hash = hash_leaf!(item);
let mut level_len = MerkleTree::next_level_len(items.len());
let mut level_start = items.len();
let mut prev_level_len = items.len();
let mut prev_level_start = 0;
while level_len > 0 {
for i in 0..level_len {
let prev_level_idx = 2 * i;
let lsib = &mt.nodes[prev_level_start + prev_level_idx];
let rsib = if prev_level_idx + 1 < prev_level_len {
&mt.nodes[prev_level_start + prev_level_idx + 1]
} else {
// Duplicate last entry if the level length is odd
&mt.nodes[prev_level_start + prev_level_idx]
let hash = hash_intermediate!(lsib, rsib);
prev_level_start = level_start;
prev_level_len = level_len;
level_start += level_len;
level_len = MerkleTree::next_level_len(level_len);
pub fn get_root(&self) -> Option<&Hash> {
pub fn find_path(&self, index: usize) -> Option<Proof> {
if index >= self.leaf_count {
return None;
let mut level_len = self.leaf_count;
let mut level_start = 0;
let mut path = Proof::default();
let mut node_index = index;
let mut lsib = None;
let mut rsib = None;
while level_len > 0 {
let level = &self.nodes[level_start..(level_start + level_len)];
let target = &level[node_index];
if lsib.is_some() || rsib.is_some() {
path.push(ProofEntry::new(target, lsib, rsib));
if node_index % 2 == 0 {
lsib = None;
rsib = if node_index + 1 < level.len() {
Some(&level[node_index + 1])
} else {
} else {
lsib = Some(&level[node_index - 1]);
rsib = None;
node_index /= 2;
level_start += level_len;
level_len = MerkleTree::next_level_len(level_len);
mod tests {
use super::*;
const TEST: &[&[u8]] = &[
b"my", b"very", b"eager", b"mother", b"just", b"served", b"us", b"nine", b"pizzas",
b"make", b"prime",
const BAD: &[&[u8]] = &[b"bad", b"missing", b"false"];
fn test_tree_from_empty() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new::<[u8; 0]>(&[]);
assert_eq!(mt.get_root(), None);
fn test_tree_from_one() {
let input = b"test";
let mt = MerkleTree::new(&[input]);
let expected = hash_leaf!(input);
assert_eq!(mt.get_root(), Some(&expected));
fn test_tree_from_many() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new(TEST);
// This golden hash will need to be updated whenever the contents of `TEST` change in any
// way, including addition, removal and reordering or any of the tree calculation algo
// changes
let bytes = hex::decode("b40c847546fdceea166f927fc46c5ca33c3638236a36275c1346d3dffb84e1bc")
let expected = Hash::new(&bytes);
assert_eq!(mt.get_root(), Some(&expected));
fn test_path_creation() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new(TEST);
for (i, _s) in TEST.iter().enumerate() {
let _path = mt.find_path(i).unwrap();
fn test_path_creation_bad_index() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new(TEST);
assert_eq!(mt.find_path(TEST.len()), None);
fn test_path_verify_good() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new(TEST);
for (i, s) in TEST.iter().enumerate() {
let hash = hash_leaf!(s);
let path = mt.find_path(i).unwrap();
fn test_path_verify_bad() {
let mt = MerkleTree::new(TEST);
for (i, s) in BAD.iter().enumerate() {
let hash = hash_leaf!(s);
let path = mt.find_path(i).unwrap();
fn test_proof_entry_instantiation_lsib_set() {
ProofEntry::new(&Hash::default(), Some(&Hash::default()), None);
fn test_proof_entry_instantiation_rsib_set() {
ProofEntry::new(&Hash::default(), None, Some(&Hash::default()));
fn test_nodes_capacity_compute() {
let iteration_count = |mut leaf_count: usize| -> usize {
let mut capacity = 0;
while leaf_count > 0 {
capacity += leaf_count;
leaf_count = MerkleTree::next_level_len(leaf_count);
// test max 64k leaf nodes compute
for leaf_count in 0..65536 {
let math_count = MerkleTree::calculate_vec_capacity(leaf_count);
let iter_count = iteration_count(leaf_count);
assert!(math_count >= iter_count);
fn test_proof_entry_instantiation_both_clear() {
ProofEntry::new(&Hash::default(), None, None);
fn test_proof_entry_instantiation_both_set() {