
309 lines
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//! Access to special accounts with dynamically-updated data.
//! Sysvars are special accounts that contain dynamically-updated data about the
//! network cluster, the blockchain history, and the executing transaction. Each
//! sysvar is defined in its own submodule within this module. The [`clock`],
//! [`epoch_schedule`], [`instructions`], and [`rent`] sysvars are most useful
//! to on-chain programs.
//! Simple sysvars implement the [`Sysvar::get`] method, which loads a sysvar
//! directly from the runtime, as in this example that logs the `clock` sysvar:
//! ```
//! use solana_program::{
//! account_info::AccountInfo,
//! clock,
//! entrypoint::ProgramResult,
//! msg,
//! pubkey::Pubkey,
//! sysvar::Sysvar,
//! };
//! fn process_instruction(
//! program_id: &Pubkey,
//! accounts: &[AccountInfo],
//! instruction_data: &[u8],
//! ) -> ProgramResult {
//! let clock = clock::Clock::get()?;
//! msg!("clock: {:#?}", clock);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! Since Solana sysvars are accounts, if the `AccountInfo` is provided to the
//! program, then the program can deserialize the sysvar with
//! [`Sysvar::from_account_info`] to access its data, as in this example that
//! again logs the [`clock`] sysvar.
//! ```
//! use solana_program::{
//! account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
//! clock,
//! entrypoint::ProgramResult,
//! msg,
//! pubkey::Pubkey,
//! sysvar::Sysvar,
//! };
//! fn process_instruction(
//! program_id: &Pubkey,
//! accounts: &[AccountInfo],
//! instruction_data: &[u8],
//! ) -> ProgramResult {
//! let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
//! let clock_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
//! let clock = clock::Clock::from_account_info(&clock_account)?;
//! msg!("clock: {:#?}", clock);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! When possible, programs should prefer to call `Sysvar::get` instead of
//! deserializing with `Sysvar::from_account_info`, as the latter imposes extra
//! overhead of deserialization while also requiring the sysvar account address
//! be passed to the program, wasting the limited space available to
//! transactions. Deserializing sysvars that can instead be retrieved with
//! `Sysvar::get` should be only be considered for compatibility with older
//! programs that pass around sysvar accounts.
//! Some sysvars are too large to deserialize within a program, and
//! `Sysvar::from_account_info` returns an error, or the serialization attempt
//! will exhaust the program's compute budget. Some sysvars do not implement
//! `Sysvar::get` and return an error. Some sysvars have custom deserializers
//! that do not implement the `Sysvar` trait. These cases are documented in the
//! modules for individual sysvars.
//! All sysvar accounts are owned by the account identified by [`sysvar::ID`].
//! [`sysvar::ID`]: crate::sysvar::ID
//! For more details see the Solana [documentation on sysvars][sysvardoc].
//! [sysvardoc]:
use {
crate::{account_info::AccountInfo, program_error::ProgramError, pubkey::Pubkey},
pub mod clock;
pub mod epoch_schedule;
pub mod fees;
pub mod instructions;
pub mod recent_blockhashes;
pub mod rent;
pub mod rewards;
pub mod slot_hashes;
pub mod slot_history;
pub mod stake_history;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ALL_IDS: Vec<Pubkey> = vec![
/// Returns `true` of the given `Pubkey` is a sysvar account.
pub fn is_sysvar_id(id: &Pubkey) -> bool {
ALL_IDS.iter().any(|key| key == id)
/// Declares an ID that implements [`SysvarId`].
macro_rules! declare_sysvar_id(
($name:expr, $type:ty) => (
impl $crate::sysvar::SysvarId for $type {
fn id() -> $crate::pubkey::Pubkey {
fn check_id(pubkey: &$crate::pubkey::Pubkey) -> bool {
fn test_sysvar_id() {
assert!($crate::sysvar::is_sysvar_id(&id()), "sysvar::is_sysvar_id() doesn't know about {}", $name);
/// Same as [`declare_sysvar_id`] except that it reports that this ID has been deprecated.
macro_rules! declare_deprecated_sysvar_id(
($name:expr, $type:ty) => (
impl $crate::sysvar::SysvarId for $type {
fn id() -> $crate::pubkey::Pubkey {
fn check_id(pubkey: &$crate::pubkey::Pubkey) -> bool {
fn test_sysvar_id() {
assert!($crate::sysvar::is_sysvar_id(&id()), "sysvar::is_sysvar_id() doesn't know about {}", $name);
// Owner pubkey for sysvar accounts
/// A type that holds sysvar data and has an associated sysvar `Pubkey`.
pub trait SysvarId {
/// The `Pubkey` of the sysvar.
fn id() -> Pubkey;
/// Returns `true` if the given pubkey is the program ID.
fn check_id(pubkey: &Pubkey) -> bool;
/// A type that holds sysvar data.
pub trait Sysvar:
SysvarId + Default + Sized + serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned
/// The size in bytes of the sysvar as serialized account data.
fn size_of() -> usize {
bincode::serialized_size(&Self::default()).unwrap() as usize
/// Deserializes the sysvar from its `AccountInfo`.
/// # Errors
/// If `account_info` does not have the same ID as the sysvar this function
/// returns [`ProgramError::InvalidArgument`].
fn from_account_info(account_info: &AccountInfo) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
if !Self::check_id(account_info.unsigned_key()) {
return Err(ProgramError::InvalidArgument);
bincode::deserialize(&|_| ProgramError::InvalidArgument)
/// Serializes the sysvar to `AccountInfo`.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `None` if serialization failed.
fn to_account_info(&self, account_info: &mut AccountInfo) -> Option<()> {
bincode::serialize_into(&mut[..], self).ok()
/// Load the sysvar directly from the runtime.
/// This is the preferred way to load a sysvar. Calling this method does not
/// incur any deserialization overhead, and does not require the sysvar
/// account to be passed to the program.
/// Not all sysvars support this method. If not, it returns
/// [`ProgramError::UnsupportedSysvar`].
fn get() -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
/// Implements the [`Sysvar::get`] method for both SBF and host targets.
macro_rules! impl_sysvar_get {
($syscall_name:ident) => {
fn get() -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
let mut var = Self::default();
let var_addr = &mut var as *mut _ as *mut u8;
#[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
let result = unsafe { $crate::syscalls::$syscall_name(var_addr) };
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
let result = $crate::program_stubs::$syscall_name(var_addr);
match result {
$crate::entrypoint::SUCCESS => Ok(var),
e => Err(e.into()),
mod tests {
use {
crate::{clock::Epoch, program_error::ProgramError, pubkey::Pubkey},
std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc},
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TestSysvar {
something: Pubkey,
impl crate::sysvar::SysvarId for TestSysvar {
fn id() -> crate::pubkey::Pubkey {
fn check_id(pubkey: &crate::pubkey::Pubkey) -> bool {
impl Sysvar for TestSysvar {}
fn test_sysvar_account_info_to_from() {
let test_sysvar = TestSysvar::default();
let key = crate::sysvar::tests::id();
let wrong_key = Pubkey::new_unique();
let owner = Pubkey::new_unique();
let mut lamports = 42;
let mut data = vec![0_u8; TestSysvar::size_of()];
let mut account_info = AccountInfo::new(
&mut lamports,
&mut data,
test_sysvar.to_account_info(&mut account_info).unwrap();
let new_test_sysvar = TestSysvar::from_account_info(&account_info).unwrap();
assert_eq!(test_sysvar, new_test_sysvar);
account_info.key = &wrong_key;
let mut small_data = vec![]; = Rc::new(RefCell::new(&mut small_data));
assert_eq!(test_sysvar.to_account_info(&mut account_info), None);