
145 lines
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import { TransactionError } from "@solana/web3.js";
const instructionErrorMessage: Map<string, string> = new Map([
["GenericError", "generic instruction error"],
["InvalidArgument", "invalid program argument"],
["InvalidInstructionData", "invalid instruction data"],
["InvalidAccountData", "invalid account data for instruction"],
["AccountDataTooSmall", "account data too small for instruction"],
["InsufficientFunds", "insufficient funds for instruction"],
["IncorrectProgramId", "incorrect program id for instruction"],
["MissingRequiredSignature", "missing required signature for instruction"],
"instruction requires an uninitialized account",
["UninitializedAccount", "instruction requires an initialized account"],
"sum of account balances before and after instruction do not match",
["ModifiedProgramId", "instruction modified the program id of an account"],
"instruction spent from the balance of an account it does not own",
"instruction modified data of an account it does not own",
"instruction changed the balance of a read-only account",
["ReadonlyDataModified", "instruction modified data of a read-only account"],
["DuplicateAccountIndex", "instruction contains duplicate accounts"],
["ExecutableModified", "instruction changed executable bit of an account"],
["RentEpochModified", "instruction modified rent epoch of an account"],
["NotEnoughAccountKeys", "insufficient account keys for instruction"],
["AccountDataSizeChanged", "non-system instruction changed account size"],
["AccountNotExecutable", "instruction expected an executable account"],
"instruction tries to borrow reference for an account which is already borrowed",
"instruction left account with an outstanding borrowed reference",
"instruction modifications of multiply-passed account differ",
["Custom", "custom program error: {0}"],
["InvalidError", "program returned invalid error code"],
["ExecutableDataModified", "instruction changed executable accounts data"],
"instruction changed the balance of a executable account",
["ExecutableAccountNotRentExempt", "executable accounts must be rent exempt"],
["UnsupportedProgramId", "Unsupported program id"],
["CallDepth", "Cross-program invocation call depth too deep"],
["MissingAccount", "An account required by the instruction is missing"],
"Cross-program invocation reentrancy not allowed for this instruction",
"Length of the seed is too long for address generation",
["InvalidSeeds", "Provided seeds do not result in a valid address"],
["InvalidRealloc", "Failed to reallocate account data"],
["ComputationalBudgetExceeded", "Computational budget exceeded"],
"Cross-program invocation with unauthorized signer or writable account",
"Failed to create program execution environment",
["ProgramFailedToComplete", "Program failed to complete"],
["ProgramFailedToCompile", "Program failed to compile"],
["Immutable", "Account is immutable"],
["IncorrectAuthority", "Incorrect authority provided"],
["BorshIoError", "Failed to serialize or deserialize account data: {0}"],
"An account does not have enough lamports to be rent-exempt",
["InvalidAccountOwner", "Invalid account owner"],
["ArithmeticOverflow", "Program arithmetic overflowed"],
["UnsupportedSysvar", "Unsupported sysvar"],
["IllegalOwner", "Provided owner is not allowed"],
export type ProgramError = {
index: number;
message: string;
export function getTransactionInstructionError(
error?: TransactionError | null
): ProgramError | undefined {
if (!error) {
if (typeof error === "object" && "InstructionError" in error) {
const innerError = error["InstructionError"];
const index = innerError[0] as number;
const instructionError = innerError[1];
return {
message: getInstructionError(instructionError),
function getInstructionError(error: any): string {
let out;
let value;
if (typeof error === "string") {
const message = instructionErrorMessage.get(error);
if (message) {
return message;
} else if ("Custom" in error) {
out = instructionErrorMessage.get("Custom");
value = error["Custom"];
} else if ("BorshIoError" in error) {
out = instructionErrorMessage.get("BorshIoError");
value = error["BorshIoError"];
if (out && value) {
return out.replace("{0}", value);
return "Unknown instruction error";