
155 lines
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#![cfg_attr(RUSTC_WITH_SPECIALIZATION, feature(specialization))]
#![cfg_attr(RUSTC_NEEDS_PROC_MACRO_HYGIENE, feature(proc_macro_hygiene))]
// Allows macro expansion of `use ::solana_sdk::*` to work within this crate
extern crate self as solana_sdk;
#[cfg(feature = "full")]
pub use signer::signers;
// These solana_program imports could be *-imported, but that causes a bunch of
// confusing duplication in the docs due to a rustdoc bug. #26211
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
pub use solana_program::program_stubs;
pub use solana_program::{
account_info, address_lookup_table_account, blake3, borsh, bpf_loader, bpf_loader_deprecated,
bpf_loader_upgradeable, clock, clone_zeroed, config, copy_field, custom_heap_default,
custom_panic_default, debug_account_data, declare_deprecated_sysvar_id, declare_sysvar_id,
decode_error, ed25519_program, epoch_schedule, fee_calculator, impl_sysvar_get, incinerator,
instruction, keccak, lamports, loader_instruction, loader_upgradeable_instruction, message,
msg, native_token, nonce, program, program_error, program_memory, program_option, program_pack,
rent, sanitize, sdk_ids, secp256k1_program, secp256k1_recover, serialize_utils, short_vec,
slot_hashes, slot_history, stake, stake_history, syscalls, system_instruction, system_program,
sysvar, unchecked_div_by_const, vote, wasm_bindgen,
pub mod account;
pub mod account_utils;
pub mod builtins;
pub mod client;
pub mod commitment_config;
pub mod compute_budget;
pub mod derivation_path;
pub mod deserialize_utils;
pub mod ed25519_instruction;
pub mod entrypoint;
pub mod entrypoint_deprecated;
pub mod epoch_info;
pub mod example_mocks;
pub mod exit;
pub mod feature;
pub mod feature_set;
pub mod fee;
pub mod genesis_config;
pub mod hard_forks;
pub mod hash;
pub mod inflation;
pub mod log;
pub mod native_loader;
pub mod nonce_account;
pub mod packet;
pub mod poh_config;
pub mod precompiles;
pub mod program_utils;
pub mod pubkey;
pub mod quic;
pub mod recent_blockhashes_account;
pub mod reward_type;
pub mod rpc_port;
pub mod secp256k1_instruction;
pub mod shred_version;
pub mod signature;
pub mod signer;
pub mod system_transaction;
pub mod timing;
pub mod transaction;
pub mod transaction_context;
pub mod transport;
pub mod wasm;
/// Same as `declare_id` except report that this id has been deprecated
pub use solana_sdk_macro::declare_deprecated_id;
/// Convenience macro to declare a static public key and functions to interact with it
/// Input: a single literal base58 string representation of a program's id
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # // wrapper is used so that the macro invocation occurs in the item position
/// # // rather than in the statement position which isn't allowed.
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// use solana_sdk::{declare_id, pubkey::Pubkey};
/// # mod item_wrapper {
/// # use solana_sdk::declare_id;
/// declare_id!("My11111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
/// # }
/// # use item_wrapper::id;
/// let my_id = Pubkey::from_str("My11111111111111111111111111111111111111111").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(id(), my_id);
/// ```
pub use solana_sdk_macro::declare_id;
/// Convenience macro to define a static public key
/// Input: a single literal base58 string representation of a Pubkey
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// use solana_program::{pubkey, pubkey::Pubkey};
/// static ID: Pubkey = pubkey!("My11111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
/// let my_id = Pubkey::from_str("My11111111111111111111111111111111111111111").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(ID, my_id);
/// ```
pub use solana_sdk_macro::pubkey;
pub use solana_sdk_macro::pubkeys;
pub use solana_sdk_macro::respan;
// Unused `solana_sdk::program_stubs!()` macro retained for source backwards compatibility with older programs
since = "1.4.3",
note = "program_stubs macro is obsolete and can be safely removed"
macro_rules! program_stubs {
() => {};
/// Convenience macro for `AddAssign` with saturating arithmetic.
/// Replace by `std::num::Saturating` once stable
macro_rules! saturating_add_assign {
($i:expr, $v:expr) => {{
$i = $i.saturating_add($v)
extern crate serde_derive;
pub extern crate bs58;
extern crate log as logger;
extern crate solana_frozen_abi_macro;
mod tests {
fn test_saturating_add_assign() {
let mut i = 0u64;
let v = 1;
saturating_add_assign!(i, v);
assert_eq!(i, 1);
i = u64::MAX;
saturating_add_assign!(i, v);
assert_eq!(i, u64::MAX);