use crate::error::*; use crate::state::*; use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::associated_token::AssociatedToken; use anchor_spl::token::{self, Mint, Token, TokenAccount}; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::mem::size_of; #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction( voter_bump: u8, voter_weight_record_bump: u8, kind: LockupKind, start_ts: Option, periods: u32, allow_clawback: bool, amount: u64, )] pub struct Grant<'info> { pub registrar: AccountLoader<'info, Registrar>, #[account( init_if_needed, seeds = [registrar.key().as_ref(), b"voter".as_ref(), voter_authority.key().as_ref()], bump = voter_bump, payer = payer, space = 8 + size_of::(), )] pub voter: AccountLoader<'info, Voter>, /// The account of the grantee / the address controlling the voter /// that the grant is going to. pub voter_authority: UncheckedAccount<'info>, /// The voter weight record is the account that will be shown to spl-governance /// to prove how much vote weight the voter has. See update_voter_weight_record. #[account( init_if_needed, seeds = [registrar.key().as_ref(), b"voter-weight-record".as_ref(), voter_authority.key().as_ref()], bump = voter_weight_record_bump, payer = payer, space = size_of::(), )] pub voter_weight_record: Account<'info, VoterWeightRecord>, #[account( init_if_needed, associated_token::authority = voter, associated_token::mint = deposit_mint, payer = payer )] pub vault: Box>, #[account( mut, constraint = deposit_token.owner == token_authority.key(), constraint = == deposit_mint.key(), )] pub deposit_token: Box>, /// Authority for transfering tokens away from deposit_token pub token_authority: Signer<'info>, /// Authority for making a grant to this voter account /// /// Verification inline in instruction pub grant_authority: Signer<'info>, /// Rent payer if a new account is to be created #[account(mut)] pub payer: Signer<'info>, pub deposit_mint: Box>, pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>, pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>, pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>, } impl<'info> Grant<'info> { pub fn transfer_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, token::Transfer<'info>> { let program = self.token_program.to_account_info(); let accounts = token::Transfer { from: self.deposit_token.to_account_info(), to: self.vault.to_account_info(), authority: self.token_authority.to_account_info(), }; CpiContext::new(program, accounts) } } /// Returns if the anchor discriminator on the account is still unset pub fn is_freshly_initialized(account_info: &AccountInfo) -> Result { let data = account_info.try_borrow_data()?; let mut disc_bytes = [0u8; 8]; disc_bytes.copy_from_slice(&data[..8]); let discriminator = u64::from_le_bytes(disc_bytes); Ok(discriminator == 0) } /// Gives a grant to a voter. /// /// The voter may or may not exist in advance. /// Creates a new deposit entry -- errors if no free ones are available. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn grant( ctx: Context, voter_bump: u8, voter_weight_record_bump: u8, kind: LockupKind, start_ts: Option, periods: u32, allow_clawback: bool, amount: u64, ) -> Result<()> { // Load accounts. let registrar = &ctx.accounts.registrar.load()?; let voter_authority = ctx.accounts.voter_authority.key(); // Get the exchange rate entry associated with this deposit. let mint_idx = registrar.voting_mint_config_index(; let mint_config = ®istrar.voting_mints[mint_idx]; // The grant instruction creates a new deposit entry for the target voter. This is a // limited resource. If anyone could call "grant" then it could be used for denial of // service by filling all deposit entries with tiny amounts and long lockup times. let grant_authority = ctx.accounts.grant_authority.key(); require!( grant_authority == registrar.realm_authority || grant_authority == mint_config.grant_authority || grant_authority == voter_authority, InvalidAuthority ); // Init the voter if it hasn't been already. let new_voter = is_freshly_initialized(ctx.accounts.voter.as_ref())?; let mut voter = if new_voter { ctx.accounts.voter.load_init()? } else { ctx.accounts.voter.load_mut()? }; if new_voter { voter.voter_bump = voter_bump; voter.voter_weight_record_bump = voter_weight_record_bump; voter.voter_authority = voter_authority; voter.registrar = ctx.accounts.registrar.key(); // Initializing the voter weight record exactly when setting up the voter is fine. // Note that vote_weight_record is not an Anchor account, is_freshly_initialized() // would not work. let voter_weight_record = &mut ctx.accounts.voter_weight_record; voter_weight_record.account_discriminator = spl_governance_addin_api::voter_weight::VoterWeightRecord::ACCOUNT_DISCRIMINATOR; voter_weight_record.realm = registrar.realm; voter_weight_record.governing_token_mint = registrar.realm_governing_token_mint; voter_weight_record.governing_token_owner = voter_authority; } // Get and init the first free deposit entry. let free_entry_idx = voter .deposits .iter() .position(|d_entry| !d_entry.is_used) .ok_or(ErrorCode::DepositEntryFull)?; let d_entry = &mut voter.deposits[free_entry_idx]; let curr_ts = registrar.clock_unix_timestamp(); let start_ts = if let Some(v) = start_ts { i64::try_from(v).unwrap() } else { curr_ts }; // Set up a deposit. *d_entry = DepositEntry::default(); d_entry.is_used = true; d_entry.voting_mint_config_idx = mint_idx as u8; d_entry.allow_clawback = allow_clawback; d_entry.lockup = Lockup::new_from_periods(kind, curr_ts, start_ts, periods)?; // Deposit tokens, locking them all. token::transfer(ctx.accounts.transfer_ctx(), amount)?; d_entry.amount_deposited_native = amount; d_entry.amount_initially_locked_native = amount; msg!( "Granted amount {} at deposit index {} with lockup kind {:?} for {} periods", amount, free_entry_idx, d_entry.lockup.kind, periods, ); Ok(()) }