[package] name = "voter-stake-registry" version = "0.1.0" description = "Created with Anchor" edition = "2018" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"] name = "voter_stake_registry" doctest = false [features] no-entrypoint = [] no-idl = [] cpi = ["no-entrypoint"] default = [] localnet = [] test-bpf = [] [dependencies] # todo switch to an official release before launch anchor-lang = { git = "https://github.com/microwavedcola1/anchor.git", branch = "master-debug" } # todo switch to an official release before launch anchor-spl = { git = "https://github.com/microwavedcola1/anchor.git", branch = "master-debug", features = ["governance"]} # The rev used for spl-governance must match what the fixture binary # programs/voter-stake-registry/tests/fixtures/spl_governance.so is built from. spl-governance = { git = "https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library", rev = "75ddd9bb229396427977fb679a0763630e83bce6", features = ["no-entrypoint"] } solana-program = "^1.8.1" static_assertions = "1.1" [dev-dependencies] solana-sdk = "^1.8.1" solana-program-test = "^1.8.1" solana-logger = "^1.8.1" spl-token = { version = "^3.0.0", features = ["no-entrypoint"] } spl-associated-token-account = { version = "^1.0.3", features = ["no-entrypoint"] } bytemuck = "^1.7.2" serde = "^1.0" bincode = "^1.3.1"