
98 lines
3.4 KiB

use crate::error::*;
use crate::state::*;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token;
use anchor_spl::token::{Token, TokenAccount};
pub struct Clawback<'info> {
#[account(has_one = clawback_authority)]
pub registrar: AccountLoader<'info, Registrar>,
pub clawback_authority: Signer<'info>,
// checking the PDA address it just an extra precaution,
// the other constraints must be exhaustive
seeds = [registrar.key().as_ref(), b"voter".as_ref(), voter.load()?.voter_authority.key().as_ref()],
bump = voter.load()?.voter_bump,
has_one = registrar)]
pub voter: AccountLoader<'info, Voter>,
/// The token_owner_record for the voter_authority. This is needed
/// to be able to forbid withdraws while the voter is engaged with
/// a vote or has an open proposal.
/// token_owner_record is validated in the instruction:
/// - owned by registrar.governance_program_id
/// - for the registrar.realm
/// - for the registrar.realm_governing_token_mint
/// - governing_token_owner is voter_authority
pub token_owner_record: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
associated_token::authority = registrar,
associated_token::mint =,
pub vault: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,
pub destination: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,
pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
impl<'info> Clawback<'info> {
pub fn transfer_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, token::Transfer<'info>> {
let program = self.token_program.to_account_info();
let accounts = token::Transfer {
from: self.vault.to_account_info(),
to: self.destination.to_account_info(),
authority: self.registrar.to_account_info(),
CpiContext::new(program, accounts)
/// Claws back locked tokens from a deposit entry.
/// `deposit_entry_index`: The index of the deposit entry to claw back tokens on.
/// The deposit entry must have been created with `allow_clawback=true`.
/// The instruction will always reclaim all locked tokens, while leaving tokens
/// that have already vested in place.
pub fn clawback(ctx: Context<Clawback>, deposit_entry_index: u8) -> Result<()> {
// Load the accounts.
let registrar = &ctx.accounts.registrar.load()?;
let voter = &mut ctx.accounts.voter.load_mut()?;
let deposit_entry = voter.active_deposit_mut(deposit_entry_index)?;
let curr_ts = registrar.clock_unix_timestamp();
let locked_amount = deposit_entry.amount_locked(curr_ts);
// Update deposit book keeping.
assert!(locked_amount <= deposit_entry.amount_deposited_native);
deposit_entry.amount_deposited_native -= locked_amount;
// Transfer the tokens to withdraw.
let registrar_seeds = registrar_seeds!(registrar);
// Now that all locked funds are withdrawn, end the lockup
deposit_entry.amount_initially_locked_native = 0;
deposit_entry.lockup =
Lockup::new_from_periods(LockupKind::None, registrar.clock_unix_timestamp(), 0)?;
deposit_entry.allow_clawback = false;