using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using static app.Enums; using static app.Form1; using static System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32; using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement; using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.Button; using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.ToolBar; using static app.MapAreaStruc; namespace app { public partial class Form1 : Form { public string BotVersion = "V2.8"; public string D2_LOD_113C_Path = ""; public Process process; public string ThisEndPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Extracted\"; public Dictionary offsets = new Dictionary(); public IntPtr BaseAddress = (IntPtr)0; public IntPtr processHandle = (IntPtr)0; public byte[] buffer = new byte[0x3FFFFFF]; public byte[] bufferRead = new byte[0]; public System.Timers.Timer LoopTimer; public bool Running = false; public bool RunFinished = false; public bool HasPointers = false; public int UnitStrucOffset = -32; public int hWnd = 0; public int LoopDone = 0; public bool CharDied = false; public bool RestartingBot = false; public bool PrintedGameTime = false; public DateTime CheckTime = new DateTime(); public DateTime GameStartedTime = new DateTime(); public DateTime TimeSinceSearchingForGames = new DateTime(); public Rectangle D2Rect = new Rectangle(); public int ScreenX = 1920; public int ScreenY = 1080; public int CenterX = 0; public int CenterY = 0; public int D2Widht = 0; public int D2Height = 0; public int ScreenXOffset = 0; public int ScreenYOffset = 0; public double centerModeScale = 2.262; public int renderScale = 3; public int ScreenYMenu = 180; public int CurrentGameNumber = 1; public int CurrentGameNumberFullyDone = 0; public bool SetGameDone = false; public int FoundPlayerPointerTryCount = 0; public int FoundPlayerPointerRetryTimes = 0; public int TriedToCreateNewGameCount = 0; public int CurrentGameNumberSinceStart = 1; public bool ForceSwitch2ndPlayer = false; public bool BadPlayerPointerFound = false; public bool PublicGame = false; public int DebugMenuStyle = 0; public bool BotJustStarted = true; public bool SetDeadCount = false; public double FPS = 0; public string mS = ""; public List Averge_FPSList = new List(); public List Averge_mSList = new List(); public double Average_FPS = 0; public int Average_mS = 0; public int TotalChickenCount = 0; public int TotalDeadCount = 0; public int TotalChickenByTimeCount = 0; public ItemsStruc ItemsStruc_0; public Mem Mem_0; public Form1 Form1_0; public PatternsScan PatternsScan_0; public GameStruc GameStruc_0; public PlayerScan PlayerScan_0; public ItemsAlert ItemsAlert_0; public UIScan UIScan_0; public BeltStruc BeltStruc_0; public ItemsFlags ItemsFlags_0; public ItemsNames ItemsNames_0; public InventoryStruc InventoryStruc_0; public MobsStruc MobsStruc_0; public NPCStruc NPCStruc_0; public HoverStruc HoverStruc_0; public Town Town_0; public Potions Potions_0; public SkillsStruc SkillsStruc_0; public ObjectsStruc ObjectsStruc_0; public Mover Mover_0; public Stash Stash_0; public Shop Shop_0; public Repair Repair_0; public ChaosLeech ChaosLeech_0; public Chaos Chaos_0; public Duriel Duriel_0; public Pindleskin Pindleskin_0; public Battle Battle_0; public KeyMouse KeyMouse_0; public Summoner Summoner_0; public Baal Baal_0; public BaalLeech BaalLeech_0; public Travincal Travincal_0; public Mephisto Mephisto_0; public Andariel Andariel_0; public Countess Countess_0; public MercStruc MercStruc_0; public StashStruc StashStruc_0; public Cubing Cubing_0; public Gamble Gamble_0; public LowerKurast LowerKurast_0; public SettingsLoader SettingsLoader_0; public MapAreaStruc MapAreaStruc_0; public PathFinding PathFinding_0; public WPTaker WPTaker_0; public Cows Cows_0; public Eldritch Eldritch_0; public Shenk Shenk_0; public Nihlatak Nihlatak_0; public AndarielRush AndarielRush_0; public DarkWoodRush DarkWoodRush_0; public DurielRush DurielRush_0; public FarOasisRush FarOasisRush_0; public HallOfDeadRushCube HallOfDeadRushCube_0; public KahlimBrainRush KahlimBrainRush_0; public KahlimEyeRush KahlimEyeRush_0; public KahlimHeartRush KahlimHeartRush_0; public LostCityRush LostCityRush_0; public MephistoRush MephistoRush_0; public RadamentRush RadamentRush_0; public SummonerRush SummonerRush_0; public TravincalRush TravincalRush_0; public TristramRush TristramRush_0; public AncientsRush AncientsRush_0; public ChaosRush ChaosRush_0; public BaalRush BaalRush_0; public OverlayForm overlayForm; // REQUIRED CONSTS const int PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400; const int MEM_COMMIT = 0x00001000; const int PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008; const int PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010; const int PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x0020; const int SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000; // REQUIRED METHODS [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern void GetSystemInfo(out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern int FindWindow(string ClassName, string WindowName); [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern int GetWindowRect(int hwnd, out Rectangle rect); [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern bool GetClientRect(int hwnd, out Rectangle lpRect); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool ClientToScreen(int hWnd, out Point lpPoint); [DllImport("gdi32.dll")] static extern int GetDeviceCaps(IntPtr hdc, int nIndex); public enum DeviceCap { VERTRES = 10, DESKTOPVERTRES = 117, } // REQUIRED STRUCTS public struct MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { public int BaseAddress; public int AllocationBase; public int AllocationProtect; public int RegionSize; public int State; public int Protect; public int lType; } public struct SYSTEM_INFO { public ushort processorArchitecture; ushort reserved; public uint pageSize; public IntPtr minimumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr maximumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr activeProcessorMask; public uint numberOfProcessors; public uint processorType; public uint allocationGranularity; public ushort processorLevel; public ushort processorRevision; } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = "D2R - BMBot (" + BotVersion + ")"; labelGames.Text = "";//CurrentGameNumber.ToString(); SetGameStatus("STOPPED"); Form1_0 = this; richTextBox1.HideSelection = false;//Hide selection so that AppendText will auto scroll to the end richTextBox2.HideSelection = false;//Hide selection so that AppendText will auto scroll to the end //richTextBox2.Visible = false; //ModifyMonsterList(); LabelChickenCount.Text = TotalChickenCount.ToString(); LabelDeadCount.Text = TotalDeadCount.ToString(); SetDebugMenu(); labelGameName.Text = ""; labelGameTime.Text = ""; LoopTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1); LoopTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed); ScreenX = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width; ScreenY = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; //CenterX = CharConfig.ScreenX / 2; //CenterY = CharConfig.ScreenY / 2; ItemsStruc_0 = new ItemsStruc(); Mem_0 = new Mem(); PatternsScan_0 = new PatternsScan(); GameStruc_0 = new GameStruc(); PlayerScan_0 = new PlayerScan(); ItemsAlert_0 = new ItemsAlert(); UIScan_0 = new UIScan(); BeltStruc_0 = new BeltStruc(); ItemsFlags_0 = new ItemsFlags(); ItemsNames_0 = new ItemsNames(); InventoryStruc_0 = new InventoryStruc(); MobsStruc_0 = new MobsStruc(); NPCStruc_0 = new NPCStruc(); HoverStruc_0 = new HoverStruc(); Town_0 = new Town(); Potions_0 = new Potions(); SkillsStruc_0 = new SkillsStruc(); ObjectsStruc_0 = new ObjectsStruc(); Mover_0 = new Mover(); Stash_0 = new Stash(); Shop_0 = new Shop(); Repair_0 = new Repair(); Summoner_0 = new Summoner(); ChaosLeech_0 = new ChaosLeech(); Chaos_0 = new Chaos(); Battle_0 = new Battle(); KeyMouse_0 = new KeyMouse(); Duriel_0 = new Duriel(); Pindleskin_0 = new Pindleskin(); BaalLeech_0 = new BaalLeech(); Baal_0 = new Baal(); Travincal_0 = new Travincal(); Mephisto_0 = new Mephisto(); Andariel_0 = new Andariel(); Countess_0 = new Countess(); MercStruc_0 = new MercStruc(); StashStruc_0 = new StashStruc(); Cubing_0 = new Cubing(); Gamble_0 = new Gamble(); LowerKurast_0 = new LowerKurast(); SettingsLoader_0 = new SettingsLoader(); MapAreaStruc_0 = new MapAreaStruc(); PathFinding_0 = new PathFinding(); WPTaker_0 = new WPTaker(); Cows_0 = new Cows(); Eldritch_0 = new Eldritch(); Shenk_0 = new Shenk(); Nihlatak_0 = new Nihlatak(); AndarielRush_0 = new AndarielRush(); DarkWoodRush_0 = new DarkWoodRush(); DurielRush_0 = new DurielRush(); FarOasisRush_0 = new FarOasisRush(); HallOfDeadRushCube_0 = new HallOfDeadRushCube(); KahlimBrainRush_0 = new KahlimBrainRush(); KahlimEyeRush_0 = new KahlimEyeRush(); KahlimHeartRush_0 = new KahlimHeartRush(); LostCityRush_0 = new LostCityRush(); MephistoRush_0 = new MephistoRush(); RadamentRush_0 = new RadamentRush(); SummonerRush_0 = new SummonerRush(); TravincalRush_0 = new TravincalRush(); TristramRush_0 = new TristramRush(); AncientsRush_0 = new AncientsRush(); ChaosRush_0 = new ChaosRush(); BaalRush_0 = new BaalRush(); ItemsStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Mem_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); PatternsScan_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); GameStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); PlayerScan_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); ItemsAlert_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); UIScan_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); BeltStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); ItemsFlags_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); InventoryStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); MobsStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); NPCStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); HoverStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Town_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Potions_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); SkillsStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); ObjectsStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Mover_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Stash_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Shop_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Repair_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Summoner_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); ChaosLeech_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Chaos_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Duriel_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Travincal_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Battle_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); KeyMouse_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Mephisto_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Pindleskin_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Baal_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); BaalLeech_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Andariel_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Countess_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); MercStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); StashStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Cubing_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Gamble_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); LowerKurast_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); SettingsLoader_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); MapAreaStruc_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); PathFinding_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); WPTaker_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Cows_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Eldritch_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Shenk_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); Nihlatak_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); AndarielRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); DarkWoodRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); DurielRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); FarOasisRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); HallOfDeadRushCube_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); KahlimBrainRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); KahlimEyeRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); KahlimHeartRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); LostCityRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); MephistoRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); RadamentRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); SummonerRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); TravincalRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); TristramRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); AncientsRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); ChaosRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); BaalRush_0.SetForm1(Form1_0); //overlay graphics if (overlayForm == null || overlayForm.IsDisposed) { overlayForm = new OverlayForm(Form1_0); } overlayForm.Show(); SettingsLoader_0.LoadSettings(); if (Form1_0.D2_LOD_113C_Path == "" || !Directory.Exists(Form1_0.D2_LOD_113C_Path)) { method_1("ERROR: Diablo2 LOD 1.13C Path NOT SET CORRECTLY!", Color.Red); method_1("Clic on the settings button and set the path where Diablo2 1.13c (the old legacy diablo2) is located!", Color.Red); method_1("Make sure the path don't contain any whitespace!", Color.Red); buttonD2LOD.Visible = true; } KeyMouse_0.proc = KeyMouse_0.HookCallback; KeyMouse_0.hookID = KeyMouse_0.SetHook(KeyMouse_0.proc); //ItemsAlert_0.SetParams(); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Processing Time", "Unknown"); //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("---Player---", "---------"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Pointer", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Cords", "Unknown"); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add("LeechCords", "Unknown"); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Life", "Unknown"); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Mana", "Unknown"); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Map Level", "Unknown"); // //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Room Exit", "Unknown"); // //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Difficulty", "Unknown"); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Merc", "Unknown"); // //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Seed", "Unknown"); // //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Belt qty", "Unknown"); // //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("---Items---", "---------"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Scanned", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("On ground", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Equipped", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("InInventory", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("InBelt", "Unknown"); //dataGridView1.Rows.Add("---Menu---", "---------"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Left Open", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Right Open", "Unknown"); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Full Open", "Unknown"); CheckForUpdates(); } public void CheckForUpdates() { string url = ""; using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { try { HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; if (responseBody.Contains("public string BotVersion = ")) { double ThisVersionOnline = double.Parse(responseBody.Substring(responseBody.IndexOf('=') + 4, 3), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double ThisVersionCurrent = double.Parse(BotVersion.Substring(1, 3), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (ThisVersionOnline > ThisVersionCurrent) { method_1("New update V" + ThisVersionOnline + " available on github!", Color.Red); buttonUpdate.Visible = true; } else if (ThisVersionOnline == ThisVersionCurrent) { method_1("BMBot is updated!", Color.DarkGreen); } else if (ThisVersionOnline < ThisVersionCurrent) { method_1("BMBot is updated (Development Version)!", Color.DarkGreen); } } else { method_1("Couldn't check for updates!", Color.Red); } } catch (HttpRequestException e) { method_1("Couldn't check for updates! Error:", Color.Red); method_1(e.Message, Color.Red); } } } public void LeaveGame(bool BotCompletlyDone) { if (CharConfig.RunItemGrabScriptOnly) return; SetGameStatus("LEAVING"); if (BotCompletlyDone && !SetGameDone) { Form1_0.CurrentGameNumberFullyDone++; SetGameDone = true; } if (UIScan_0.OpenUIMenu("quitMenu")) { KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(960, 480); WaitDelay(5); KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(960, 480); WaitDelay(200); } } void RemovePastDump() { string[] FileList = Directory.GetFiles(ThisEndPath, "Dump*"); if (FileList.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < FileList.Length; i++) { File.Delete(FileList[i]); } } } public void method_1(string string_3, Color ThisColor, bool LogTime = true) { //try //{ if (richTextBox1.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { method_1(string_3, ThisColor); }; richTextBox1.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { string_3 = string_3 + " " + GameStruc_0.GetTimeNow(); Console.WriteLine(string_3); richTextBox1.SelectionColor = ThisColor; richTextBox1.AppendText(string_3 + Environment.NewLine); overlayForm.AddLogs(string_3, ThisColor); if (ThisColor == Color.Red || ThisColor == Color.Orange || ThisColor == Color.DarkOrange || ThisColor == Color.OrangeRed) AppendTextErrorLogs(string_3, ThisColor); if (ThisColor == Color.DarkBlue) AppendTextGameLogs(string_3, ThisColor); Application.DoEvents(); } //} //catch { } } public void method_1_Items(string string_3, Color ThisColor) { //try //{ if (richTextBox2.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { method_1_Items(string_3, ThisColor); }; richTextBox2.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { string LogThis = string_3+ " in " + Town_0.getAreaName((int) PlayerScan_0.levelNo) + " " + GameStruc_0.GetTimeNow(); richTextBox2.SelectionColor = ThisColor; richTextBox2.AppendText(LogThis + Environment.NewLine); method_1(LogThis, ThisColor, false); Application.DoEvents(); } //} //catch { } } public string PreviousStatus = "IDLE"; public string CurrentStatus = "IDLE"; public void SetGameStatus(string string_3) { //try //{ if (this.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetGameStatus(string_3); }; this.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { string RunText = "STOPPED"; if (Running) RunText = "RUNNING"; if (string_3 == "STOPPED") string_3 = PreviousStatus; else PreviousStatus = string_3; CurrentStatus = string_3; this.Text = "D2R - BMBot " + BotVersion + " | " + RunText + " | " + string_3; Application.DoEvents(); } //} //catch { } } public void Grid_SetInfos(string RowName, string ThisInfos) { //try //{ if (dataGridView1.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { Grid_SetInfos(RowName, ThisInfos); }; dataGridView1.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString() == RowName) { dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ThisInfos; return; } } } //} //catch { } } public void SetGamesText() { /*if (labelGames.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetGamesText(); }; labelGames.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { labelGames.Text = CurrentGameNumberSinceStart.ToString() + " entered. " + CurrentGameNumberFullyDone.ToString() + " fully done"; }*/ labelGames.Text = CurrentGameNumberSinceStart.ToString() + " entered. " + CurrentGameNumberFullyDone.ToString() + " fully done"; } private float getScalingFactor() { Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr desktop = g.GetHdc(); int LogicalScreenHeight = GetDeviceCaps(desktop, (int)DeviceCap.VERTRES); int PhysicalScreenHeight = GetDeviceCaps(desktop, (int)DeviceCap.DESKTOPVERTRES); g.ReleaseHdc(desktop); float ScreenScalingFactor = (float)PhysicalScreenHeight / (float)LogicalScreenHeight; return ScreenScalingFactor; // 1.25 = 125% } public void Startt() { try { SYSTEM_INFO sys_info = new SYSTEM_INFO(); GetSystemInfo(out sys_info); if (!Directory.Exists(ThisEndPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(ThisEndPath); RemovePastDump(); method_1("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkBlue); method_1("Extracting Infos...", Color.Black); Process[] ProcList = Process.GetProcessesByName("D2R"); if (!GameStruc_0.IsGameRunning()) { method_1("D2R is not running!", Color.Red); return; } else { SetGameStatus("LOADING"); method_1("D2R is running...", Color.DarkGreen); hWnd = FindWindow(null, "Diablo II: Resurrected"); //GetWindowRect(hWnd, out D2Rect); GetClientRect(hWnd, out D2Rect); Point thiP = new Point(); ClientToScreen(hWnd, out thiP); D2Widht = D2Rect.Width; D2Height = D2Rect.Height; ScreenXOffset = thiP.X; ScreenYOffset = thiP.Y; CenterX = (D2Widht / 2) + ScreenXOffset; CenterY = (D2Height / 2) + ScreenYOffset; method_1("Screen Specs:", Color.DarkBlue); method_1("-> Screen size: " + ScreenX + ", " + ScreenY, Color.DarkBlue); method_1("-> D2R rect Size: " + D2Widht + ", " + D2Height, Color.DarkBlue); method_1("-> D2R rect offset: " + ScreenXOffset + ", " + ScreenYOffset, Color.DarkBlue); method_1("-> D2R Center Position: " + CenterX + ", " + CenterY, Color.DarkBlue); double screenRatio = (double)D2Widht / D2Height; if (Math.Abs(screenRatio - (16.0 / 9.0)) > 0.01) { method_1("D2R rect Size ratio is not 16:9!", Color.Red); } if (CenterX >= ((ScreenX / 2) + 15) || CenterX <= ((ScreenX / 2) - 15) || CenterY >= ((ScreenY / 2) + 15) || CenterY <= ((ScreenY / 2) - 15)) { method_1("D2R rect Position is not in the center of screen, might have some issues!", Color.OrangeRed); } if (getScalingFactor() != 1f) { method_1("Windows scale factor is not 100%, might have some issues!", Color.OrangeRed); } if (ScreenX > 1920) { method_1("Screen Resolution is bigger than 1920x1080, might have some issues!", Color.OrangeRed); } overlayForm.ScaleScreenSize = (float)Form1_0.D2Widht / 1920f; overlayForm.ScaleScreenSizeInverted = 1920f / (float)Form1_0.D2Widht; overlayForm.ResetScaleForDisplay(); process = Process.GetProcessesByName("D2R")[0]; processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, false, process.Id); //processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, false, process.Id); foreach (ProcessModule module in process.Modules) { if (module.ModuleName == "D2R.exe") { this.BaseAddress = module.BaseAddress; method_1("D2R module BaseAddress: 0x" + this.BaseAddress.ToString("X"), Color.Black); } //Console.WriteLine("Module: " + module.FileName + ", Name2: " + module.ModuleName + ", BaseAddress: " + module.BaseAddress); } int bytesRead = 0; buffer = new byte[0x3FFFFFF]; Mem_0.ReadMemory(BaseAddress, ref buffer, buffer.Length, ref bytesRead); if (bytesRead > 0) { string SavePathh = ThisEndPath + "DumpHex1"; File.Create(SavePathh).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, buffer); } PatternsScan_0.PatternScan(); buffer = null; buffer = new byte[0]; method_1("Starting loop timer!", Color.Black); method_1("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkBlue); method_1("Bot started for: " + CharConfig.RunningOnChar + " - " + CharConfig.PlayerCharName, Color.DarkBlue); SetGameStatus("IDLE"); LoopTimer.Start(); } } catch (Exception message) { method_1("Error:" + Environment.NewLine + message, Color.Red); return; } } public void SetNewGame() { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("NEW GAME STARTED"); PublicGame = (CharConfig.GamePass == ""); if (!PublicGame && CharConfig.IsRushing) PublicGame = true; if (!PublicGame && !CharConfig.RunGameMakerScript) PublicGame = true; if (PublicGame) KeyMouse_0.ProcessingDelay = 5; else KeyMouse_0.ProcessingDelay = 2; GameStruc_0.AlreadyChickening = false; //PatternsScan_0.ScanUnitsNumber = 2600; //PatternsScan_0.ScanUnitsNumber = 2400; //PatternsScan_0.ScanUnitsNumber = 2048; PatternsScan_0.StartIndexItem_V2 = long.MaxValue; PatternsScan_0.StartIndexItemLast_V2 = long.MaxValue; Town_0.TriedToShopCount = 0; Town_0.TriedToShopCount2 = 0; Town_0.TriedToMercCount = 0; FoundPlayerPointerTryCount = 0; FoundPlayerPointerRetryTimes = 0; TriedToCreateNewGameCount = 0; Town_0.Towning = true; Town_0.IsInTown = true; Town_0.ForcedTowning = false; Town_0.FastTowning = false; PlayerScan_0.GetPositions(); Town_0.LoadFirstTownAct(); overlayForm.ScanningOverlayItems = true; ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(false); PlayerScan_0.PlayerHP = PlayerScan_0.PlayerMaxHP; if (PlayerScan_0.PlayerHP == 0) PlayerScan_0.PlayerHP = 100; PlayerScan_0.SetMaxHPAndMana(); Shop_0.FirstShopping = true; ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared1 = 0; ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared2 = 0; ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared3 = 0; Potions_0.CanUseSkillForRegen = true; LowerKurast_0.ResetVars(); Countess_0.ResetVars(); Andariel_0.ResetVars(); Mephisto_0.ResetVars(); Summoner_0.ResetVars(); Duriel_0.ResetVars(); Travincal_0.ResetVars(); Pindleskin_0.ResetVars(); WPTaker_0.ResetVars(); Chaos_0.ResetVars(); Baal_0.ResetVars(); Cows_0.ResetVars(); Eldritch_0.ResetVars(); Shenk_0.ResetVars(); Nihlatak_0.ResetVars(); AndarielRush_0.ResetVars(); DarkWoodRush_0.ResetVars(); DurielRush_0.ResetVars(); FarOasisRush_0.ResetVars(); HallOfDeadRushCube_0.ResetVars(); KahlimBrainRush_0.ResetVars(); KahlimEyeRush_0.ResetVars(); KahlimHeartRush_0.ResetVars(); LostCityRush_0.ResetVars(); MephistoRush_0.ResetVars(); RadamentRush_0.ResetVars(); SummonerRush_0.ResetVars(); TravincalRush_0.ResetVars(); TristramRush_0.ResetVars(); AncientsRush_0.ResetVars(); ChaosRush_0.ResetVars(); BaalRush_0.ResetVars(); Battle_0.DoingBattle = false; Battle_0.ClearingArea = false; Battle_0.MoveTryCount = 0; Town_0.IgnoredTPList.Clear(); Town_0.IgnoredWPList.Clear(); BaalLeech_0.IgnoredTPList.Clear(); Town_0.FirstTown = true; ForceSwitch2ndPlayer = false; PlayerScan_0.PlayerGoldInventory = 0; SetGameDone = false; BadPlayerPointerFound = false; BeltStruc_0.ForceMANAPotionQty = 0; BeltStruc_0.ForceHPPotionQty = 0; SetGamesText(); if (CharConfig.RunGameMakerScript && !BotJustStarted) CurrentGameNumber++; CurrentGameNumberSinceStart++; SettingsLoader_0.SaveOthersSettings(); ItemsStruc_0.BadItemsOnCursorIDList = new List(); ItemsStruc_0.BadItemsOnGroundPointerList = new List(); ItemsStruc_0.AvoidItemsOnGroundPointerList = new List(); SetDeadCount = false; GameStruc_0.ChickenTry = 0; MercStruc_0.MercOwnerID = 0; ItemsAlert_0.CheckItemNames(); //############################## MapAreaStruc_0.ScanMapStruc(); } public void IncreaseDeadCount() { if (!SetDeadCount) { Form1_0.TotalDeadCount++; Form1_0.LabelDeadCount.Text = Form1_0.TotalDeadCount.ToString(); SetDeadCount = true; } } void timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { LoopTimer.Stop(); CheckTime = DateTime.Now; //Form1_0.MobsStruc_0.GetMobs("getBossName", "Andariel", true, 200, new List()); //overlayForm.DoSomething(); //if (Running) LoopTimer.Start(); //return; if (GameStruc_0.IsGameRunning()) { if (Stash_0.StashFull) { StopBot(); return; } bool isInGame = GameStruc_0.IsInGame(); if (isInGame) { if (!HasPointers) { PrintedGameTime = false; PlayerScan_0.scanForPlayer(true); if (PlayerScan_0.FoundPlayer) { GameStruc_0.SetNewGame(); SetNewGame(); //if (!CharConfig.IsRushing) WaitDelay(400); //wait here because 'loading' menu is not correct if (!CharConfig.IsRushing) WaitDelay(250); //wait here because 'loading' menu is not correct if (CharConfig.IsRushing) PlayerScan_0.ScanForLeecher(); if (PatternsScan_0.StartIndexItem_V2 == long.MaxValue) PatternsScan_0.DetectFirstUnitPointer(); Town_0.GetCorpse(); ItemsStruc_0.GetBadItemsOnCursor(); HasPointers = true; } else { //didn't found player pointer PlayerScan_0.scanForPlayer(false); if (PlayerScan_0.FoundPlayer) { GameStruc_0.SetNewGame(); SetNewGame(); //if (!CharConfig.IsRushing) WaitDelay(400); //wait here because 'loading' menu is not correct if (!CharConfig.IsRushing) WaitDelay(250); //wait here because 'loading' menu is not correct if (CharConfig.IsRushing) PlayerScan_0.ScanForLeecher(); if (PatternsScan_0.StartIndexItem_V2 == long.MaxValue) PatternsScan_0.DetectFirstUnitPointer(); Town_0.GetCorpse(); ItemsStruc_0.GetBadItemsOnCursor(); HasPointers = true; } else { FoundPlayerPointerTryCount++; if (FoundPlayerPointerTryCount >= 300) { method_1("Leaving Player pointer not found!", Color.Red); Form1_0.Potions_0.ForceLeave = true; BadPlayerPointerFound = true; if (FoundPlayerPointerRetryTimes > 0) ForceSwitch2ndPlayer = true; FoundPlayerPointerRetryTimes++; Form1_0.BaalLeech_0.SearchSameGamesAsLastOne = false; Form1_0.ChaosLeech_0.SearchSameGamesAsLastOne = false; Form1_0.LeaveGame(false); SetProcessingTime(); if (Running) LoopTimer.Start(); return; } } } } if (HasPointers) { PlayerScan_0.GetPositions(); if (HasPointers) { UIScan_0.readUI(); if (!UIScan_0.loading) { //HoverStruc_0.GetHovering(); bool runnn = true; if (runnn) { //MobsStruc_0.GetMobs("", "", true, 200, new List()); //MercStruc_0.GetMercInfos(); //Battle_0.SetSkills(); //Battle_0.CastSkills(); //ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(false); //ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(true); //overlayForm.SetAllOverlay(); //Running = false; //if (Running) LoopTimer.Start(); //return; if (CharConfig.RunMapHackOnly) { SetProcessingTime(); if (Running) LoopTimer.Start(); return; } if (!ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(true)) { if (!CharConfig.RunItemGrabScriptOnly) { if (Town_0.Towning) { ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(false); Town_0.RunTownScript(); } else { //Town_0.FastTowning = false; Town_0.UseLastTP = false; Town_0.TPSpawned = false; if (!Town_0.GetInTown() && Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.ItemsEquiped <= 2) { method_1("Going to town, body not grabbed!", Color.OrangeRed); Form1_0.Town_0.GoToTown(); } else { if (!CharConfig.IsRushing) { if (Battle_0.ClearingArea || Battle_0.DoingBattle) { Battle_0.RunBattleScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunWPTaker && !WPTaker_0.ScriptDone) { WPTaker_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunCowsScript && !Cows_0.ScriptDone) { Cows_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunCountessScript && !Countess_0.ScriptDone) { Countess_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunAndarielScript && !Andariel_0.ScriptDone) { Andariel_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunSummonerScript && !Summoner_0.ScriptDone) { Summoner_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunDurielScript && !Duriel_0.ScriptDone) { Duriel_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunLowerKurastScript && !LowerKurast_0.ScriptDone) { LowerKurast_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunTravincalScript && !Travincal_0.ScriptDone) { Travincal_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunMephistoScript && !Mephisto_0.ScriptDone) { Mephisto_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunChaosScript && !Chaos_0.ScriptDone) { Chaos_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunChaosLeechScript && !ChaosLeech_0.ScriptDone) { ChaosLeech_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunEldritchScript && !Eldritch_0.ScriptDone) { Eldritch_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunShenkScript && !Shenk_0.ScriptDone) { Shenk_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunPindleskinScript && !Pindleskin_0.ScriptDone) { Pindleskin_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunNihlatakScript && !Nihlatak_0.ScriptDone) { Nihlatak_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunBaalScript && !Baal_0.ScriptDone) { Baal_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunBaalLeechScript && !BaalLeech_0.ScriptDone) { BaalLeech_0.RunScript(); } else { Form1_0.LeaveGame(true); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (Battle_0.ClearingArea) { Battle_0.RunBattleScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunDarkWoodRush && !DarkWoodRush_0.ScriptDone) { DarkWoodRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunTristramRush && !TristramRush_0.ScriptDone) { TristramRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunAndarielRush && !AndarielRush_0.ScriptDone) { AndarielRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunRadamentRush && !RadamentRush_0.ScriptDone) { RadamentRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunHallOfDeadRush && !HallOfDeadRushCube_0.ScriptDone) { HallOfDeadRushCube_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunFarOasisRush && !FarOasisRush_0.ScriptDone) { FarOasisRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunLostCityRush && !LostCityRush_0.ScriptDone) { LostCityRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunSummonerRush && !SummonerRush_0.ScriptDone) { SummonerRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunDurielRush && !DurielRush_0.ScriptDone) { DurielRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunKahlimEyeRush && !KahlimEyeRush_0.ScriptDone) { KahlimEyeRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunKahlimBrainRush && !KahlimBrainRush_0.ScriptDone) { KahlimBrainRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunKahlimHeartRush && !KahlimHeartRush_0.ScriptDone) { KahlimHeartRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunTravincalRush && !TravincalRush_0.ScriptDone) { TravincalRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunMephistoRush && !MephistoRush_0.ScriptDone) { MephistoRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunChaosRush && !ChaosRush_0.ScriptDone) { ChaosRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunAncientsRush && !AncientsRush_0.ScriptDone) { AncientsRush_0.RunScript(); } else { if (CharConfig.RunBaalRush && !BaalRush_0.ScriptDone) { BaalRush_0.RunScript(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { ObjectsStruc_0.GetObjects("TownPortal", true); } Potions_0.CheckIfWeUsePotion(); GameStruc_0.CheckChickenGameTime(); Grid_SetInfos("Scanned", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsScanned.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("On ground", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsOnGround.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("Equipped", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsEquiped.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("InInventory", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsInInventory.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("InBelt", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsInBelt.ToString()); } else { overlayForm.ClearAllOverlay(); } } } } else { GameStruc_0.method_GameLabel(""); method_GameTimeLabel(""); PlayerScan_0.PrintedLeechFoundInfo = false; Potions_0.ForceLeave = false; FoundPlayerPointerTryCount = 0; HasPointers = false; BotJustStarted = false; if (!PrintedGameTime) { MapAreaStruc_0.AllMapData.Clear(); overlayForm.ClearAllOverlay(); GameStruc_0.LogGameTime(); TimeSinceSearchingForGames = DateTime.Now; PrintedGameTime = true; } if (!GameStruc_0.IsPlayerConnectedToBnet()) { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("CONNECTING TO BNET!"); GameStruc_0.ClicCreateNewChar(); } //else //{ ChangeCharScript(); if (CharConfig.IsRushing) { CharConfig.RunGameMakerScript = false; CharConfig.RunItemGrabScriptOnly = false; CharConfig.RunChaosSearchGameScript = false; CharConfig.RunBaalSearchGameScript = false; } if (CharConfig.RunGameMakerScript) { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("CREATING GAME"); if (BadPlayerPointerFound) { CurrentGameNumber++; CurrentGameNumberSinceStart++; BadPlayerPointerFound = false; } if (TriedToCreateNewGameCount >= 4) { CurrentGameNumber++; CurrentGameNumberSinceStart++; TriedToCreateNewGameCount = 0; } Form1_0.GameStruc_0.CreateNewGame(CurrentGameNumber); } else { if (CharConfig.RunBaalSearchGameScript && !CharConfig.RunItemGrabScriptOnly) { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("SEARCHING GAMES"); BaalLeech_0.RunScriptNOTInGame(); TimeSpan ThisTimeCheckk = DateTime.Now - TimeSinceSearchingForGames; if (ThisTimeCheckk.TotalMinutes > 8) { LeaveGame(false); TimeSinceSearchingForGames = DateTime.Now; } } else if (CharConfig.RunChaosSearchGameScript && !CharConfig.RunItemGrabScriptOnly) { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("SEARCHING GAMES"); ChaosLeech_0.RunScriptNOTInGame(); TimeSpan ThisTimeCheckk = DateTime.Now - TimeSinceSearchingForGames; if (ThisTimeCheckk.TotalMinutes > 8) { LeaveGame(false); TimeSinceSearchingForGames = DateTime.Now; } } else { Form1_0.SetGameStatus("IDLE"); } } //} } } SetProcessingTime(); if (!Running && RestartingBot) { StartBot(); RestartingBot = false; } if (Running) LoopTimer.Start(); if (!Running) { method_1("Bot stopped!", Color.DarkGreen); overlayForm.SetAllOverlay(); } } public void GoToNextScript() { if (!CharConfig.IsRushing && !Town_0.GetInTown()) { if (CharConfig.RunWPTaker && !WPTaker_0.ScriptDone) WPTaker_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunCowsScript && !Cows_0.ScriptDone) Cows_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunAndarielScript && !Andariel_0.ScriptDone) Andariel_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunCountessScript && !Countess_0.ScriptDone) Countess_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunSummonerScript && !Summoner_0.ScriptDone) Summoner_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunDurielScript && !Duriel_0.ScriptDone) Duriel_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunLowerKurastScript && !LowerKurast_0.ScriptDone) LowerKurast_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunTravincalScript && !Travincal_0.ScriptDone) Travincal_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunMephistoScript && !Mephisto_0.ScriptDone) Mephisto_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunChaosScript && !Chaos_0.ScriptDone) Chaos_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunChaosLeechScript && !ChaosLeech_0.ScriptDone) ChaosLeech_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunEldritchScript && !Eldritch_0.ScriptDone) Eldritch_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunShenkScript && !Shenk_0.ScriptDone) Shenk_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunPindleskinScript && !Pindleskin_0.ScriptDone) Pindleskin_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunNihlatakScript && !Nihlatak_0.ScriptDone) Nihlatak_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunBaalScript && !Baal_0.ScriptDone) Baal_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunBaalLeechScript && !BaalLeech_0.ScriptDone) BaalLeech_0.ScriptDone = true; } else { if (CharConfig.RunDarkWoodRush && !DarkWoodRush_0.ScriptDone) DarkWoodRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunTristramRush && !TristramRush_0.ScriptDone) TristramRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunAndarielRush && !AndarielRush_0.ScriptDone) AndarielRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunHallOfDeadRush && !HallOfDeadRushCube_0.ScriptDone) HallOfDeadRushCube_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunFarOasisRush && !FarOasisRush_0.ScriptDone) FarOasisRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunLostCityRush && !LostCityRush_0.ScriptDone) LostCityRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunSummonerRush && !SummonerRush_0.ScriptDone) SummonerRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunDurielRush && !DurielRush_0.ScriptDone) DurielRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunKahlimEyeRush && !KahlimEyeRush_0.ScriptDone) KahlimEyeRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunKahlimBrainRush && !KahlimBrainRush_0.ScriptDone) KahlimBrainRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunKahlimHeartRush && !KahlimHeartRush_0.ScriptDone) KahlimHeartRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunTravincalRush && !TravincalRush_0.ScriptDone) TravincalRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunMephistoRush && !MephistoRush_0.ScriptDone) MephistoRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunChaosRush && !ChaosRush_0.ScriptDone) ChaosRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunAncientsRush && !AncientsRush_0.ScriptDone) AncientsRush_0.ScriptDone = true; else if (CharConfig.RunBaalRush && !BaalRush_0.ScriptDone) BaalRush_0.ScriptDone = true; } } public void ChangeCharScript() { long baseAddr = (long)Form1_0.BaseAddress + (long)Form1_0.offsets["SelectedChar"]; byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(baseAddr, ref buffer, 16); string name = ""; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++) { if (buffer[i2] != 0x00) { name += (char)buffer[i2]; } } if (!name.Contains(CharConfig.PlayerCharName) || ForceSwitch2ndPlayer) { method_1("Changing Char...", Color.Red); //Esc Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.PressKey(Keys.Escape); Form1_0.WaitDelay(120); Application.DoEvents(); //Select Top Char if (!ForceSwitch2ndPlayer) { Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(1700, 85); Form1_0.WaitDelay(10); } else { Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(1700, 200); Form1_0.WaitDelay(10); } Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(1190, 990); //clic 'salon' if not in server Form1_0.WaitDelay(10); Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(1415, 65); //clic 'join game' if not in game list area Form1_0.WaitDelay(10); Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(1720, 210); //clic refresh Form1_0.WaitDelay(60); ForceSwitch2ndPlayer = false; } } public void SetProcessingTime() { //Get processing time (ex: 1.125s) DateTime CompareTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan testtime = (CompareTime - CheckTime); string TimeStr = ""; if (testtime.Seconds > 0) { TimeStr += testtime.Seconds + "."; } if (testtime.Milliseconds > 0) { //TimeStr += testtime.Milliseconds.ToString("000"); TimeStr += testtime.Milliseconds.ToString(); } else { TimeStr += "0"; } TimeStr += "ms"; //convert to FPS long TimeMS = testtime.Milliseconds + (testtime.Seconds * 1000); FPS = 1000.0 / (double)TimeMS; SetAverageFPSandMS(testtime.Milliseconds); overlayForm.SetAllOverlay(); mS = TimeStr; Grid_SetInfos("Processing Time", TimeStr + "-" + FPS.ToString("00") + "FPS"); CheckTime = DateTime.Now; if (GameStruc_0.IsInGame()) { TimeSpan Checkkt = (DateTime.Now - Form1_0.GameStartedTime); method_GameTimeLabel(Checkkt.Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + Checkkt.Seconds.ToString("00") + ":" + Checkkt.Milliseconds.ToString("0")); } /*else { method_GameTimeLabel(""); }*/ Grid_SetInfos("Scanned", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsScanned.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("On ground", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsOnGround.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("Equipped", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsEquiped.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("InInventory", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsInInventory.ToString()); Grid_SetInfos("InBelt", ItemsStruc_0.ItemsInBelt.ToString()); } public void SetAverageFPSandMS(int ThisMSValue) { //Get averag FPS if (Averge_FPSList.Count >= 50) Averge_FPSList.RemoveAt(0); Averge_FPSList.Add(FPS); double FullValue = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < Averge_FPSList.Count; i++) FullValue += Averge_FPSList[i]; Average_FPS = FullValue / Averge_FPSList.Count; //Get averag mS if (Averge_mSList.Count >= 50) Averge_mSList.RemoveAt(0); Averge_mSList.Add(ThisMSValue); int FullMSValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Averge_mSList.Count; i++) FullMSValue += Averge_mSList[i]; Average_mS = FullMSValue / Averge_mSList.Count; } public string CurrentGameTime = ""; public void method_GameTimeLabel(string string_3) { //try //{ /*if (Form1_0.labelGameTime.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { method_GameTimeLabel(string_3); }; Form1_0.labelGameTime.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { Form1_0.labelGameTime.Text = string_3; Application.DoEvents(); }*/ try { CurrentGameTime = string_3; Form1_0.labelGameTime.Text = string_3; } catch { } } public void WaitDelay(int DelayTime) { DateTime TimeStart = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ThisTime = DateTime.Now - TimeStart; int CurrentWait = 0; //while (CurrentWait < DelayTime) while (ThisTime.TotalMilliseconds < (DelayTime * 10)) { SetProcessingTime(); Thread.Sleep(1); Application.DoEvents(); ThisTime = DateTime.Now - TimeStart; CurrentWait++; } } public void SetPlayButtonText(string string_3) { //try //{ if (button1.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetPlayButtonText(string_3); }; button1.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { button1.Text = string_3; Application.DoEvents(); } //} //catch { } } public void SetSettingButton(bool Enabledd) { //try //{ if (button3.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetSettingButton(Enabledd); }; button3.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { button3.Enabled = Enabledd; Application.DoEvents(); } SetItemsButton(Enabledd); SetCharButtonEnable(Enabledd); //} //catch { } } public void SetItemsButton(bool Enabledd) { //try //{ if (button4.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetItemsButton(Enabledd); }; button4.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { button4.Enabled = Enabledd; Application.DoEvents(); } //} //catch { } } public void StopBot() { RestartingBot = false; SetPlayButtonText("START"); Running = false; HasPointers = false; PlayerScan_0.FoundPlayer = false; LoopDone = 0; Stash_0.StashFull = false; SetSettingButton(true); LoopTimer.Stop(); //MapAreaStruc_0.AllMapData.Clear(); overlayForm.ClearAllOverlay(); SetGameStatus("STOPPED"); } public void StartBot() { method_1("Bot started!", Color.DarkGreen); SetSettingButton(false); SetPlayButtonText("STOP"); Running = true; BotJustStarted = true; Startt(); } public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Running && button1.Enabled) { method_1("Bot will start!", Color.DarkGreen); StartBot(); } else if (!Running && !button1.Enabled) { method_1("Bot will reastart!", Color.DarkGreen); RestartingBot = true; } else if (Running) { method_1("Bot will stop!", Color.DarkGreen); StopBot(); } } private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { SettingsLoader_0.SaveCurrentSettings(); SettingsLoader_0.SaveOthersSettings(); KeyMouse.UnhookWindowsHookEx(KeyMouse_0.hookID); } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormSettings FormSettings_0 = new FormSettings(Form1_0); FormSettings_0.ShowDialog(); } private void charSettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormCharSettings FormCharSettings_0 = new FormCharSettings(Form1_0); FormCharSettings_0.ShowDialog(); } private void tabControl2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 0) ItemsStruc_0.DebugItems(); if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 1) Form1_0.MobsStruc_0.DebuggingMobs = true; if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 2) ObjectsStruc_0.DebugObjects(); if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 3) MapAreaStruc_0.DebugMapData(); if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 4) PathFinding_0.DebugMapCollision(); if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex != 1) Form1_0.MobsStruc_0.DebuggingMobs = false; } public void SetDebugMenu() { if (DebugMenuStyle == 0) { this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(357, 446); } else if (DebugMenuStyle == 1) { this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(570, 446); } else if(DebugMenuStyle == 2) { this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(570, 678); } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DebugMenuStyle < 2) DebugMenuStyle++; else DebugMenuStyle = 0; SetDebugMenu(); if (DebugMenuStyle == 2) tabControl2_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); } public void AppendTextDebugItems(string ThisT) { if (richTextBoxDebugItems.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextDebugItems(ThisT); }; richTextBoxDebugItems.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugItems.AppendText(ThisT); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ClearDebugItems() { if (richTextBoxDebugItems.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { ClearDebugItems(); }; richTextBoxDebugItems.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugItems.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); } } public void AppendTextDebugObjects(string ThisT) { if (richTextBoxDebugObjects.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextDebugObjects(ThisT); }; richTextBoxDebugObjects.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugObjects.AppendText(ThisT); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ClearDebugobjects() { if (richTextBoxDebugObjects.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { ClearDebugobjects(); }; richTextBoxDebugObjects.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugObjects.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); } } public void AppendTextDebugMobs(string ThisT) { if (richTextBoxDebugMobs.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextDebugMobs(ThisT); }; richTextBoxDebugMobs.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMobs.AppendText(ThisT); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ClearDebugMobs() { if (richTextBoxDebugMobs.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { ClearDebugMobs(); }; richTextBoxDebugMobs.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMobs.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); } } public void AppendTextDebugMapData(string ThisT) { if (richTextBoxDebugMapData.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextDebugMapData(ThisT); }; richTextBoxDebugMapData.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMapData.AppendText(ThisT); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ClearDebugMapData() { if (richTextBoxDebugMapData.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { ClearDebugMapData(); }; richTextBoxDebugMapData.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMapData.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); } } public void AppendTextDebugCollision(string ThisT) { if (richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextDebugCollision(ThisT); }; richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.AppendText(ThisT); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ClearDebugCollision() { if (richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { ClearDebugCollision(); }; richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxDebugMapCollision.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); } } private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormSettings FormSettings_0 = new FormSettings(Form1_0); FormSettings_0.ShowDialog(); } public void AppendTextErrorLogs(string ThisT, Color ThisColor) { if (richTextBoxErrorLogs.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextErrorLogs(ThisT, ThisColor); }; richTextBoxErrorLogs.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxErrorLogs.SelectionColor = ThisColor; richTextBoxErrorLogs.AppendText(ThisT + Environment.NewLine); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void AppendTextGameLogs(string ThisT, Color ThisColor) { if (richTextBoxGamesLogs.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { AppendTextGameLogs(ThisT, ThisColor); }; richTextBoxGamesLogs.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { richTextBoxGamesLogs.SelectionColor = ThisColor; richTextBoxGamesLogs.AppendText(ThisT + Environment.NewLine); Application.DoEvents(); } } public void SetStartButtonEnable(bool Enabled) { if (button1.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetStartButtonEnable(Enabled); }; button1.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { button1.Enabled = Enabled; Application.DoEvents(); } } private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormItems FormItems_0 = new FormItems(Form1_0); FormItems_0.ShowDialog(); } private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormCharSettings FormCharSettings_0 = new FormCharSettings(Form1_0); FormCharSettings_0.ShowDialog(); } public void SetCharButtonEnable(bool Enabled) { if (button5.InvokeRequired) { // Call this same method but append THREAD2 to the text Action safeWrite = delegate { SetCharButtonEnable(Enabled); }; button5.Invoke(safeWrite); } else { button5.Enabled = Enabled; Application.DoEvents(); } } public void ModifyMonsterList() { string[] AllLines = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + @"\List.txt"); string EndTxt = ""; EndTxt += "public enum MonsterType" + Environment.NewLine; EndTxt += "{" + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < AllLines.Length; i++) { if (AllLines[i].Length > 0) { //EndTxt += AllLines[i].Substring(0, AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t')); AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); string ThidID = AllLines[i].Substring(0, AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t')); AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); string ThidName = AllLines[i].Substring(0, AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t')); if (ThidName == "dummy" || ThidName == "Dummy" || ThidName == "unused" || ThidName == "Unused" || ThidName == "") { AllLines[i] = AllLines[i].Substring(AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t') + 1); ThidName = AllLines[i].Substring(0, AllLines[i].IndexOf('\t')); } EndTxt += "\t" + ThidName.Replace(" ", "") + " = " + ThidID + "," + Environment.NewLine; } } EndTxt += "}"; File.Create(Application.StartupPath + @"\List2.txt").Dispose(); File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + @"\List2.txt", EndTxt); } private void buttonD2LOD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormD2LOD FormD2LOD_0 = new FormD2LOD(Form1_0); FormD2LOD_0.ShowDialog(); } private void buttonUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } } }