
401 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static app.Enums;
namespace app
public class Cubing
Form1 Form1_0;
public List<string> CubingRecipes = new List<string>();
public List<string> CurrentRecipe = new List<string>();
public string CurrentRecipeResult = "";
public List<int> CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber = new List<int>();
public List<int> CurrentRecipeItemLocations = new List<int>();
public uint[] Cube_ItemTxtNoList = new uint[12];
public void SetForm1(Form1 form1_1)
Form1_0 = form1_1;
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Emerald+Flawless Emerald+Flawless Emerald=Perfect Emerald"); //Perfect emerald
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Sapphire+Flawless Sapphire+Flawless Sapphire=Perfect Sapphire"); //Perfect Sapphire
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Amethyst+Flawless Amethyst+Flawless Amethyst=Perfect Amethyst"); //Perfect Amethyst
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Topaz+Flawless Topaz+Flawless Topaz=Perfect Topaz"); //Perfect Topaz
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Ruby+Flawless Ruby+Flawless Ruby=Perfect Ruby"); //Perfect Ruby
CubingRecipes.Add("Flawless Diamond+Flawless Diamond+Flawless Diamond=Perfect Diamond"); //Perfect Diamond
CubingRecipes.Add("El Rune+El Rune+El Rune=Eld Rune"); //Eld
CubingRecipes.Add("Eld Rune+Eld Rune+Eld Rune=Tir Rune"); //Tir
CubingRecipes.Add("Tir Rune+Tir Rune+Tir Rune=Nef Rune"); //Nef
CubingRecipes.Add("Nef Rune+Nef Rune+Nef Rune=Eth Rune"); //Eth
CubingRecipes.Add("Eth Rune+Eth Rune+Eth Rune=Ith Rune"); //Ith
CubingRecipes.Add("Ith Rune+Ith Rune+Ith Rune=Tal Rune"); //Tal
CubingRecipes.Add("Tal Rune+Tal Rune+Tal Rune=Ral Rune"); //Ral
CubingRecipes.Add("Ral Rune+Ral Rune+Ral Rune=Ort Rune"); //Ort
CubingRecipes.Add("Ort Rune+Ort Rune+Ort Rune=Thul Rune"); //Thul
CubingRecipes.Add("Thul Rune+Thul Rune+Thul Rune+Chipped Topaz=Amn Rune"); //amn
CubingRecipes.Add("Amn Rune+Amn Rune+Amn Rune+Chipped Amethyst=Sol Rune"); //sol
CubingRecipes.Add("Sol Rune+Sol Rune+Sol Rune+Chipped Sapphire=Shael Rune"); //shael
CubingRecipes.Add("Shael Rune+Shael Rune+Shael Rune+Chipped Ruby=Dol Rune"); //dol
CubingRecipes.Add("Dol Rune+Dol Rune+Dol Rune+Chipped Emerald=Hel Rune"); //hel
CubingRecipes.Add("Hel Rune+Hel Rune+Hel Rune+Chipped Diamond=Io Rune"); //Io
CubingRecipes.Add("Io Rune+Io Rune+Io Rune+Flawed Topaz=Lum Rune"); //Lum
CubingRecipes.Add("Lum Rune+Lum Rune+Lum Rune+Flawed Amethyst=Ko Rune"); //Ko
CubingRecipes.Add("Ko Rune+Ko Rune+Ko Rune+Flawed Sapphire=Fal Rune"); //Fal
CubingRecipes.Add("Fal Rune+Fal Rune+Fal Rune+Flawed Ruby=Lem Rune"); //Lem
CubingRecipes.Add("Lem Rune+Lem Rune+Lem Rune+Flawed Emerald=Pul Rune"); //Pul
CubingRecipes.Add("Pul Rune+Pul Rune+Flawed Diamond=Um Rune"); //Um
CubingRecipes.Add("Twisted Essence of Suffering+Charged Essense of Hatred+Burning Essence of Terror+Festering Essence of Destruction=Token of Absolution");
public void ResetCubeInventory()
Cube_ItemTxtNoList = new uint[12];
public void AddCubeItem(int PosX, int PosY)
int AtI = ConvertXYToFullCubeIndex(PosX, PosY);
Cube_ItemTxtNoList[AtI] = Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.txtFileNo;
public int ConvertXYToFullCubeIndex(int PosX, int PosY)
return PosX + (PosY * 3);
public void GetRecipeAt(int ThisI)
CurrentRecipeResult = "";
CurrentRecipe = new List<string>();
CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber = new List<int>();
CurrentRecipeItemLocations = new List<int>();
string ThisRecipe = CubingRecipes[ThisI];
if (ThisRecipe.Contains("+"))
string[] SplittedItemNames = ThisRecipe.Split('+');
for (int i = 0; i < SplittedItemNames.Length; i++)
if (SplittedItemNames[i].Contains("="))
string[] Splitt = SplittedItemNames[i].Split('=');
CurrentRecipeResult = Splitt[1];
public bool IsNotSameLocation(int ThisStash, int ThisLoc)
if (CurrentRecipeItemLocations.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < CurrentRecipeItemLocations.Count; i++)
if (CurrentRecipeItemLocations[i] == ThisLoc
&& CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber[i] == ThisStash)
return false;
return true;
public bool StashContainRecipeItem(string ItemName)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash1_ItemTxtNoList[i] > 0)
if (Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash1_ItemTxtNoList[i]) == ItemName
&& IsNotSameLocation(1, i))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash2_ItemTxtNoList[i] > 0)
if (Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash2_ItemTxtNoList[i]) == ItemName
&& IsNotSameLocation(2, i))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash3_ItemTxtNoList[i] > 0)
if (Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash3_ItemTxtNoList[i]) == ItemName
&& IsNotSameLocation(3, i))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash4_ItemTxtNoList[i] > 0)
if (Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.Stash4_ItemTxtNoList[i]) == ItemName
&& IsNotSameLocation(4, i))
return true;
return false;
public void PerformCubing()
//get stash item
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared1 == 0 || Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared2 == 0 || Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared3 == 0)
//still zero return error
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared1 == 0 || Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared2 == 0 || Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.dwOwnerId_Shared3 == 0)
//loop thru all recipes
for (int i = 0; i < CubingRecipes.Count; i++)
if (!Form1_0.Running || !Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame())
bool CanCube = true;
for (int k = 0; k < CurrentRecipe.Count; k++)
if (!StashContainRecipeItem(CurrentRecipe[k]))
CanCube = false;
//perform cubing
if (CanCube)
Form1_0.SetGameStatus("TOWN-STASH-CUBING:" + CurrentRecipeResult);
public void SendItemsToCube()
for (int i = 0; i < CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber.Count; i++)
if (!Form1_0.Running || !Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame())
//select the stash where the item is located
if (CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber[i] == 1)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(200, 200); //clic stash1
if (CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber[i] == 2)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(340, 200); //clic shared stash1
if (CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber[i] == 3)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(450, 200); //clic shared stash2
if (CurrentRecipeItemInStashNumber[i] == 4)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(600, 200); //clic shared stash3
//select the item
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos = ConvertIndexToXY(CurrentRecipeItemLocations[i]);
itemScreenPos = ConvertInventoryLocToScreenPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.Stash_0.PickItem(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
//Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
//select the stash where the cube is located
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeStashNumber == 1)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(200, 200); //clic stash1
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeStashNumber == 2)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(340, 200); //clic shared stash1
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeStashNumber == 3)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(450, 200); //clic shared stash2
if (Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeStashNumber == 4)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(600, 200); //clic shared stash3
//clic on cube to send item to cube
itemScreenPos = ConvertIndexToXY(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeIndex);
itemScreenPos = ConvertInventoryLocToScreenPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.Stash_0.PlaceItem(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.Stash_0.PlaceItem(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
//Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
//clic on cube to open the cube
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos2 = ConvertIndexToXY(Form1_0.StashStruc_0.CubeIndex);
itemScreenPos2 = ConvertInventoryLocToScreenPos(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
int tryyyy = 0;
while (!Form1_0.UIScan_0.cubeMenu && tryyyy < 7)
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseCliccRight(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
Form1_0.Stash_0.PlaceItem(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
if (Form1_0.UIScan_0.cubeMenu)
//clic transmute button
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(405, 615);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(405, 615);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(405, 615);
Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(false); //get inventory again
//send item to inventory
for (int i = 0; i < Cube_ItemTxtNoList.Length; i++)
if (!Form1_0.Running || !Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame())
if (Cube_ItemTxtNoList[i] != 0)
if (Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Cube_ItemTxtNoList[i]) == CurrentRecipeResult)
Form1_0.method_1_Items("Cubed: " + Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(Cube_ItemTxtNoList[i]), Color.BlueViolet);
int tryyy = 0;
while (Cube_ItemTxtNoList[i] != 0 && tryyy < 10)
if (!Form1_0.Running || !Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame())
itemScreenPos2 = ConvertIndexToCubeXY(i);
itemScreenPos2 = ConvertCubeLocToScreenPos(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.SendCTRL_CLICK(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
//Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.GetItems(false); //get inventory again
Form1_0.Stash_0.PlaceItem(itemScreenPos2["x"], itemScreenPos2["y"]);
public Dictionary<string, int> ConvertInventoryLocToScreenPos(int ThisX, int ThisY)
//starting at 1295,580 on screen for first item in inv, increment for 48px
int xS = 185 + (ThisX * 48);
int yS = 245 + (ThisY * 48);
Dictionary<string, int> NewDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
NewDict["x"] = xS;
NewDict["y"] = yS;
return NewDict;
public Dictionary<string, int> ConvertCubeLocToScreenPos(int ThisX, int ThisY)
//starting at 1295,580 on screen for first item in inv, increment for 48px
int xS = 360 + (ThisX * 48);
int yS = 395 + (ThisY * 48);
Dictionary<string, int> NewDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
NewDict["x"] = xS;
NewDict["y"] = yS;
return NewDict;
public Dictionary<string, int> ConvertIndexToXY(int Thisndex)
int yS = (int)Math.Floor((double)Thisndex / 10);
int xS = Thisndex - (yS * 10);
Dictionary<string, int> NewDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
NewDict["x"] = xS;
NewDict["y"] = yS;
return NewDict;
public Dictionary<string, int> ConvertIndexToCubeXY(int Thisndex)
int yS = (int)Math.Floor((double)Thisndex / 3);
int xS = Thisndex - (yS * 3);
Dictionary<string, int> NewDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
NewDict["x"] = xS;
NewDict["y"] = yS;
return NewDict;