
1552 lines
71 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Media;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static app.Enums;
using static app.MapAreaStruc;
namespace app
public class ItemsStruc
Form1 Form1_0;
public string quality = "";
public bool identified = false;
public bool isSocketed = false;
public bool inStore = false;
public bool ethereal = false;
public bool inpersonalstash = false;
public uint txtFileNo = 0;
public string itemCode = "";
public int qualityNo = 0;
public string ItemNAAME = "";
public string localizedName = "";
public string prefixName = "";
public int itemLoc = 0;
public ushort itemx = 0;
public ushort itemy = 0;
public int numSockets = 0;
public int equiploc = 0;
public byte[] itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
public long ItemPointerLocation = 0;
public long pUnitDataPtr = 0;
public byte[] pUnitData = new byte[144];
public uint flags = 0;
public long pPathPtr = 0;
public byte[] pPath = new byte[144];
public uint statCount = 0;
public uint statExCount = 0;
public long statPtr = 0;
public long statExPtr = 0;
public byte[] statBuffer = new byte[] { };
public byte[] statBufferEx = new byte[] { };
public byte[] pStatB = new byte[180];
public UInt32 itemQuality = 0;
public long pStatsListExPtr = 0;
public string LastPick = "";
public int ItemsScanned = 0;
public int ItemsOnGround = 0;
public int ItemsInInventory = 0;
public int ItemsEquiped = 0;
public int ItemsInBelt = 0;
public uint dwOwnerId = 0;
public uint dwOwnerId_Shared1 = 0;
public uint dwOwnerId_Shared2 = 0;
public uint dwOwnerId_Shared3 = 0;
public ushort invPage = 0;
public bool ItemOnCursor = false;
public bool UsePotionNotInRightSpot = true;
public int TriesToPickItemCount = 0;
public List<long> BadItemsOnCursorIDList = new List<long>();
public bool HasGotTheBadItemOnCursor = false;
public List<long> BadItemsOnGroundPointerList = new List<long>();
public void SetForm1(Form1 Form1_1)
Form1_0 = Form1_1;
public void GetStatsAddr()
pStatsListExPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x88);
/*pStatB = new byte[180];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pStatsListExPtr, ref pStatB, 180);
statPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(pStatB, 0x30);
statCount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pStatB, 0x38);
statExPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(pStatB, 0x88);
statExCount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pStatB, 0x90);*/
statPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListExPtr + 0x30));
statCount = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListExPtr + 0x38));
statExPtr = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadInt64Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListExPtr + 0x88));
statExCount = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pStatsListExPtr + 0x90));
//reset bad array size
if (statCount > 50) statCount = 0;
if (statExCount > 50) statExCount = 0;
if (this.statCount > 0 && this.statCount < 100)
statBuffer = new byte[this.statCount * 10];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(this.statPtr, ref statBuffer, (int)(this.statCount * 10));
statBuffer = new byte[] { };
if (this.statExCount > 0 && this.statExCount < 100)
statBufferEx = new byte[this.statExCount * 10];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(this.statExPtr, ref statBufferEx, (int)(this.statExCount * 10));
statBufferEx = new byte[] { };
//string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpItempStatStruc";
//File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, statBuffer);
public void GetUnitData()
pUnitDataPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x10);
/*pUnitData = new byte[0x56];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pUnitDataPtr, ref pUnitData, pUnitData.Length);
itemQuality = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x00);
//uint SeedL = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x04);
//uint SeedH = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x08);
dwOwnerId = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x0c);
flags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x18);
//uint uniqueOrSetId = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pUnitData, 0x34);
equiploc = pUnitData[0x55];*/
itemQuality = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x00));
//uint SeedL = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x04));
//uint SeedH = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x08));
dwOwnerId = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x0c));
flags = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x18));
//uint uniqueOrSetId = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt32Raw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x34));
equiploc = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x55));
itemLoc = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadByteRaw((IntPtr)(pUnitDataPtr + 0x54));
/* emplacement si équipé at 0x55 - 1 <-----
* 00 = noequip/inBelt
* 01 = head
* 02 = neck
* 03 = tors
* 04 = rarm
* 05 = larm
* 06 = lrin
* 07 = rrin
* 08 = belt
* 09 = feet
* 0A = glov
* 0B = ralt
* 0C = lalt
//string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpItempUnitDataStruc";
//File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, pUnitData);
public string GetAllFlagsFromItem()
string AllFlags = "";
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.identified)
if (AllFlags != "") AllFlags += " && ";
AllFlags += "[Flag] == identified";
if (AllFlags != "") AllFlags += " && ";
AllFlags += "[Flag] == unidentified";
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.isSocketed)
if (AllFlags != "") AllFlags += " && ";
AllFlags += "[Flag] == sockted";
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.ethereal)
if (AllFlags != "") AllFlags += " && ";
AllFlags += "[Flag] == ethereal";
return AllFlags;
public void GetUnitPathData()
pPathPtr = BitConverter.ToInt64(itemdatastruc, 0x38);
//pPath = new byte[0x16];
//Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(pPathPtr, ref pPath, pPath.Length);
//itemx = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pPath, 0x10);
//itemy = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pPath, 0x14);
itemx = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(pPathPtr + 0x10));
itemy = Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadUInt16Raw((IntPtr)(pPathPtr + 0x14));
/*string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpItempPathStruc";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, pPath);*/
public void GetItemAtPointer(long AtPointerr)
ItemPointerLocation = AtPointerr;
if (ItemPointerLocation > 0)
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
txtFileNo = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4);
public bool GetShopItem(string ShopItemName)
for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers.Count; i++)
ItemPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers[i];
if (ItemPointerLocation > 0)
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
txtFileNo = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4);
//Form1_0.method_1("ItemType: " + BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0).ToString() + ", TxtFileNo: " + BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4).ToString() + ", Name: " + ItemNAAME + ", Location: " + GetItemLocation(itemdatastruc[0x0C]));
//; itemLoc - 0 in inventory, 1 equipped, 2 in belt, 3 on ground, 4 cursor, 5 dropping, 6 socketed
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 0)
//if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId)
if (dwOwnerId != Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 3)
if (ItemNAAME == ShopItemName)
return true;
return false;
public void DebugItems()
AllItemsOnCursor = new List<string>();
AllItemsInInventory = new List<string>();
AllItemsInStash = new List<string>();
AllItemsInSharedStash1 = new List<string>();
AllItemsInSharedStash2 = new List<string>();
AllItemsInSharedStash3 = new List<string>();
AllItemsIncube = new List<string>();
AllItemsEquipped = new List<string>();
AllItemsInBelt = new List<string>();
AllItemsOnGround = new List<string>();
DebuggingItems = true;
DebuggingItems = false;
string CurrentAllItemsText = "";
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsOnCursor.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsOnCursor[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInInventory.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInInventory[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInStash.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInStash[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInSharedStash1.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInSharedStash1[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInSharedStash2.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInSharedStash2[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInSharedStash3.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInSharedStash3[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsIncube.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsIncube[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsEquipped.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsEquipped[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsInBelt.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsInBelt[i] + Environment.NewLine;
for (int i = 0; i < AllItemsOnGround.Count; i++) CurrentAllItemsText += AllItemsOnGround[i] + Environment.NewLine;
if (CurrentAllItemsText != AllItemsText && CurrentAllItemsText != "")
AllItemsText = CurrentAllItemsText;
public bool DebuggingItems = false;
public List<string> AllItemsOnCursor = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInInventory = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInStash = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInSharedStash1 = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInSharedStash2 = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInSharedStash3 = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsIncube = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsEquipped = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsInBelt = new List<string>();
public List<string> AllItemsOnGround = new List<string>();
public string AllItemsText = "";
public void GetBadItemsOnCursor()
HasGotTheBadItemOnCursor = false;
HasGotTheBadItemOnCursor = true;
public bool GetItems(bool IsPickingItem)
if (!Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame()) return false;
//dead leave game
if (Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.PlayerDead || Form1_0.Potions_0.ForceLeave)
Form1_0.Potions_0.ForceLeave = true;
Form1_0.BaalLeech_0.SearchSameGamesAsLastOne = false;
return false;
//Form1_0.SetGameStatus("SCANING ITEMS");
ItemsScanned = 0;
ItemsOnGround = 0;
ItemsEquiped = 0;
ItemsInInventory = 0;
ItemsInBelt = 0;
if (!IsPickingItem)
Form1_0.Repair_0.ShouldRepair = false;
Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.BeltHaveItems = new int[16];
Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.BeltItemsTypes = new int[16];
Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.HPQuantity = 0;
Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.ManyQuantity = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.HPFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.ManaFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.VitalityFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.EnergyFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.HPPercentFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.ManaPercentFromEquippedItems = 0;
Form1_0.InventoryStruc_0.HasIDTome = false;
ItemOnCursor = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers.Count; i++)
ItemPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers[i];
if (ItemPointerLocation > 0)
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
txtFileNo = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4);
//uint ItemID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 8);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(txtFileNo);
//Form1_0.method_1("ItemType: " + BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 0).ToString() + ", TxtFileNo: " + BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4).ToString() + ", Name: " + ItemNAAME + ", Location: " + GetItemLocation(itemdatastruc[0x0C]));
//; itemLoc - 0 in inventory, 1 equipped, 2 in belt, 3 on ground, 4 cursor, 5 dropping, 6 socketed
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 4)
if (!IsPickingItem && !HasGotTheBadItemOnCursor && !IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnCursorIDList, ItemPointerLocation))
if (ItemNAAME != "Horadric Cube")
Form1_0.method_1("Added bad item 'OnCursor':" + ItemNAAME, Color.OrangeRed);
else if (HasGotTheBadItemOnCursor && !IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnCursorIDList, ItemPointerLocation))
ItemOnCursor = true;
//Form1_0.method_1("cursor: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy, Color.BlueViolet);
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsOnCursor.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - On Cursor - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 0)
if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 0)
//Form1_0.method_1("inv: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy, Color.Red);
if (!IsPickingItem)
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsInInventory.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Inventory - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 4)
//here for items in stash
//Form1_0.method_1("name: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy, Color.DarkGreen);
Form1_0.StashStruc_0.AddStashItem(itemx, itemy, 1);
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsInStash.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Stash - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (dwOwnerId != Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 4)
//here for items in shared stash
//Form1_0.method_1("name: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy + " - " + dwOwnerId, Color.DarkGreen);
if (dwOwnerId_Shared1 != 0 && dwOwnerId_Shared2 != 0 && dwOwnerId_Shared3 != 0)
int StashNum = 0;
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared1) StashNum = 2;
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared2) StashNum = 3;
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared3) StashNum = 4;
Form1_0.StashStruc_0.AddStashItem(itemx, itemy, StashNum);
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared1 && DebuggingItems) AllItemsInSharedStash1.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Shared Stash1 - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared2 && DebuggingItems) AllItemsInSharedStash2.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Shared Stash2 - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (dwOwnerId == dwOwnerId_Shared3 && DebuggingItems) AllItemsInSharedStash3.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Shared Stash3 - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 3)
//here for items in cube
//Form1_0.method_1("name: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy, Color.DarkGreen);
Form1_0.Cubing_0.AddCubeItem(itemx, itemy);
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsIncube.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Cube - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 1)
if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId && equiploc == 255)
//Form1_0.method_1("inv: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy, Color.Red);
if (!IsPickingItem)
//Form1_0.method_1("name: " + ItemNAAME + " - at: " + itemx + "," + itemy + " - " + equiploc, Color.DarkGreen);
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsEquipped.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - Equipped - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 2)
if (dwOwnerId == Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.unitId)
if (!IsPickingItem)
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsInBelt.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - In Belt - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
//; on ground, dropping
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 3 || itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 5)
//Form1_0.method_1_Items("Ground: " + ItemNAAME, GetColorFromQuality((int)itemQuality));
if (DebuggingItems)
AllItemsOnGround.Add("ID:" + txtFileNo + "(" + ItemNAAME + ") at:" + itemx + ", " + itemy + " - On Ground/Droping - " + Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.GetItemTypeText() + " && " + GetQualityTextString() + " && " + GetAllFlagsFromItem() + " && " + GetAllValuesFromStats());
if ((Form1_0.ItemsAlert_0.ShouldPickItem(false) || Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.ItemGrabPotion())
&& (!Form1_0.UIScan_0.leftMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.rightMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.fullMenu)
&& IsPickingItem
&& !IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnGroundPointerList, ItemPointerLocation))
/*string SavePathh = Form1_0.ThisEndPath + "DumpItempPathStruc";
File.WriteAllBytes(SavePathh, itemdatastruc);*/
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
if (ShouldPickPos(itemScreenPos))
int DiffXPlayer = itemx - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal;
int DiffYPlayer = itemy - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal;
if (DiffXPlayer < 0) DiffXPlayer = -DiffXPlayer;
if (DiffYPlayer < 0) DiffYPlayer = -DiffYPlayer;
if (DiffXPlayer > 100 || DiffYPlayer > 100)
if (CharConfig.UseTeleport)
if (DiffXPlayer > 4 || DiffYPlayer > 4)
//Form1_0.Mover_0.MoveToLocation(itemx, itemy); //slow move
Form1_0.Mover_0.MoveToLocationAttack(itemx, itemy); //fast move
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.Mover_0.FixMouseYPosition(itemScreenPos);
//detect bad items??
if (((itemx <= 0 && itemy <= 0)
|| (itemScreenPos["x"] <= 0 && itemScreenPos["y"] <= 0))
&& !IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnGroundPointerList, ItemPointerLocation))
Form1_0.method_1("Added bad item 'OnGround':" + ItemNAAME, Color.OrangeRed);
if (IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnGroundPointerList, ItemPointerLocation))
//Form1_0.method_1("Avoided bad item 'OnGround':" + ItemNAAME, Color.OrangeRed);
//Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseMoveTo_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]); //clic twice??
if (ItemNAAME != LastPick)
LastPick = ItemNAAME;
Form1_0.method_1_Items("Picked: " + ItemNAAME, GetColorFromQuality((int) itemQuality));
//detect bad items??
/*if (((itemx <= 0 && itemy <= 0)
|| (itemScreenPos["x"] <= 0 && itemScreenPos["y"] <= 0))
&& !IsIncludedInList(BadItemsOnGroundPointerList, ItemPointerLocation))
Form1_0.method_1("Added bad item 'OnGround':" + ItemNAAME, Color.OrangeRed);
if (Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.IsItemHPPotion
|| Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.IsItemManaPotion
|| Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.IsItemRVPotion
|| Form1_0.BeltStruc_0.IsItemFullRVPotion)
//after a lot of try picking item, inventory might be full, dump bad item to ground
if (TriesToPickItemCount == 7)
//after a lot of try picking item, inventory might be full, go to town
if (TriesToPickItemCount >= 15)
TriesToPickItemCount = 0;
return false;
return true;
TriesToPickItemCount = 0; //nothing to pick!
//Form1_0.method_1("-----", Color.Black);
return false;
public bool IsIncludedInList(List<long> IgnoredIDList, long ThisID)
if (IgnoredIDList != null)
if (IgnoredIDList.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < IgnoredIDList.Count; i++)
if (IgnoredIDList[i] == ThisID)
return true;
return false;
public bool PickThisItem(string ThisItemName)
if (!Form1_0.GameStruc_0.IsInGame()) return false;
//dead leave game
if (Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.PlayerDead || Form1_0.Potions_0.ForceLeave)
Form1_0.Potions_0.ForceLeave = true;
Form1_0.BaalLeech_0.SearchSameGamesAsLastOne = false;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers.Count; i++)
ItemPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers[i];
if (ItemPointerLocation > 0)
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
txtFileNo = BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4);
//; on ground, dropping
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 3 || itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 5)
if (ItemNAAME == ThisItemName && (!Form1_0.UIScan_0.leftMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.rightMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.fullMenu))
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
if (ShouldPickPos(itemScreenPos))
int DiffXPlayer = itemx - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal;
int DiffYPlayer = itemy - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal;
if (DiffXPlayer < 0) DiffXPlayer = -DiffXPlayer;
if (DiffYPlayer < 0) DiffYPlayer = -DiffYPlayer;
if (DiffXPlayer > 100 || DiffYPlayer > 100)
if (CharConfig.UseTeleport)
if (DiffXPlayer > 4 || DiffYPlayer > 4)
Form1_0.Mover_0.MoveToLocation(itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.Mover_0.FixMouseYPosition(itemScreenPos);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
if (ItemNAAME != LastPick)
LastPick = ItemNAAME;
Form1_0.method_1_Items("Picked: " + ItemNAAME, GetColorFromQuality((int)itemQuality));
//after a lot of try picking item, inventory might be full, go to town
if (TriesToPickItemCount >= 45)
TriesToPickItemCount = 0;
return false;
return true;
TriesToPickItemCount = 0; //nothing to pick!
return false;
public void SetSharedStashOwner()
if (ItemNAAME == CharConfig.DummyItemSharedStash1)
dwOwnerId_Shared1 = dwOwnerId;
if (ItemNAAME == CharConfig.DummyItemSharedStash2)
dwOwnerId_Shared2 = dwOwnerId;
if (ItemNAAME == CharConfig.DummyItemSharedStash3)
dwOwnerId_Shared3 = dwOwnerId;
public void GrabAllItemsForGold()
if (!CharConfig.GrabForGold) return;
string LastGrabbedItem = "";
int TryGrabCount = 0;
int ItemsGrabbed = 0;
if (Form1_0.ItemsStruc_0.ItemsEquiped <= 2) return;
Form1_0.method_1("Grabbing all items for gold", Color.BlueViolet);
while (true)
if (!GrabItemsForGold())
if (ItemNAAME == LastGrabbedItem)
if (TryGrabCount > 5)
TryGrabCount = 0;
if ((!CharConfig.UseTeleport && ItemsGrabbed > 2)
|| (CharConfig.UseTeleport && ItemsGrabbed > 7))
LastGrabbedItem = ItemNAAME;
public bool GrabItemsForGold()
//long ItemPointMaxValue = 0;
//int ItemHighestValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers.Count; i++)
ItemPointerLocation = Form1_0.PatternsScan_0.AllItemsPointers[i];
if (ItemPointerLocation > 0)
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
//int ItemValue = GetValuesFromStats(Enums.Attribute.Value);
//; on ground, dropping
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 3 || itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 5)
if (!Form1_0.UIScan_0.leftMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.rightMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.fullMenu)
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
if (ShouldPickPos(itemScreenPos))
int DiffXPlayer = itemx - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal;
int DiffYPlayer = itemy - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal;
if (DiffXPlayer < 0) DiffXPlayer = -DiffXPlayer;
if (DiffYPlayer < 0) DiffYPlayer = -DiffYPlayer;
if (DiffXPlayer > 100 || DiffYPlayer > 100)
/*if (ItemValue >= ItemHighestValue)
ItemHighestValue = ItemValue;
ItemPointMaxValue = ItemPointerLocation;
if (DiffXPlayer > 4
|| DiffYPlayer > 4)
Form1_0.Mover_0.MoveToLocation(itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.Mover_0.FixMouseYPosition(itemScreenPos);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc_RealPos(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
if (ItemNAAME != LastPick)
LastPick = ItemNAAME;
Form1_0.method_1("Grabbed for gold: " + ItemNAAME, GetColorFromQuality((int)itemQuality));
return true;
//clic highest value item
/*if (ItemPointMaxValue > 0)
ItemPointerLocation = ItemPointMaxValue;
itemdatastruc = new byte[144];
Form1_0.Mem_0.ReadRawMemory(ItemPointerLocation, ref itemdatastruc, 144);
ItemNAAME = Form1_0.ItemsNames_0.getItemBaseName(BitConverter.ToUInt32(itemdatastruc, 4));
int ItemValue = GetValuesFromStats(Enums.Attribute.Value);
//; on ground, dropping
if (itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 3 || itemdatastruc[0x0C] == 5)
if (!Form1_0.UIScan_0.leftMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.rightMenu && !Form1_0.UIScan_0.fullMenu)
Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
if (ShouldPickPos(itemScreenPos))
int DiffXPlayer = itemx - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal;
int DiffYPlayer = itemy - Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal;
if (DiffXPlayer < 0) DiffXPlayer = -DiffXPlayer;
if (DiffYPlayer < 0) DiffYPlayer = -DiffYPlayer;
if (DiffXPlayer > 100 || DiffYPlayer > 100)
return false;
if (DiffXPlayer > 4
|| DiffYPlayer > 4)
Form1_0.Mover_0.MoveToLocation(itemx, itemy);
itemScreenPos = Form1_0.GameStruc_0.World2Screen(Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.xPosFinal, Form1_0.PlayerScan_0.yPosFinal, itemx, itemy);
Form1_0.KeyMouse_0.MouseClicc(itemScreenPos["x"], itemScreenPos["y"]);
if (ItemNAAME != LastPick)
LastPick = ItemNAAME;
Form1_0.method_1("Grabbed for gold: " + ItemNAAME + ", Value: " + ItemValue, GetColorFromQuality((int)itemQuality));
return true;
return false;
public bool ShouldPickPos(Dictionary<string, int> itemScreenPos)
if (CharConfig.UseTeleport && !Form1_0.Town_0.GetInTown())
if (itemScreenPos["x"] > 0 && itemScreenPos["y"] > 0) return true;
return false;
if (itemScreenPos["x"] > 0 && itemScreenPos["x"] < Form1_0.ScreenX
&& itemScreenPos["y"] > 0 && itemScreenPos["y"] < (Form1_0.ScreenY - Form1_0.ScreenYMenu))
return true;
return false;
public void SetNumSockets()
numSockets = 0;
if (isSocketed)
numSockets = GetValuesFromStats(Enums.Attribute.Sockets);
public string GetAllValuesFromStats()
string AllStats = "";
if (this.statCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBuffer, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) statValue = statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) statValue = statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) statValue = (int) ((double) statValue / 3.5);
if (AllStats != "") AllStats += " && ";
if (GetCustomStatsName(statEnum, statLayer) != "") AllStats += "[" + ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum) + "-" + GetCustomStatsName(statEnum, statLayer) + "] == " + statValue;
else AllStats += "[" + ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum) + "] == " + statValue;
//Form1_0.method_1("Item: " + ItemNAAME + ", Stat (" + ((Enums.Attribute) statEnum) + "):" + statValue, Color.Red);
if (this.statExCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statExCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBufferEx, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) statValue = statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) statValue = statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) statValue = (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
if (AllStats != "") AllStats += " && ";
if (GetCustomStatsName(statEnum, statLayer) != "") AllStats += "[" + ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum) + "-" + GetCustomStatsName(statEnum, statLayer) + "] == " + statValue;
else AllStats += "[" + ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum) + "] == " + statValue;
//Form1_0.method_1("Item: " + ItemNAAME + ", Stat (" + ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum) + "):" + statValue, Color.Red);
return AllStats; // or some other default value
public int GetValuesFromStats(Enums.Attribute CheckTStat, ushort ThisLayer = 0)
if (this.statCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBuffer, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == (ushort)CheckTStat)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
if (this.statExCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statExCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBufferEx, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == (ushort)CheckTStat)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
return 0; // or some other default value
public string GetCustomStatsName(ushort statEnum, ushort statLayer)
string CustomName = "";
if ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum == Enums.Attribute.NonClassSkill)
return ((Enums.NonClassSkill)statLayer).ToString();
if ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum == Enums.Attribute.AddClassSkills)
return ((Enums.AddClassSkills)statLayer).ToString();
if ((Enums.Attribute) statEnum == Enums.Attribute.AddSkillTab)
return ((Enums.AddSkillTab)statLayer).ToString();
if ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum == Enums.Attribute.SingleSkill)
return ((Enums.SingleSkill)statLayer).ToString();
if ((Enums.Attribute)statEnum == Enums.Attribute.Aura)
return ((Enums.Aura)statLayer).ToString();
return CustomName;
public bool GetIsCustomStats(Enums.Attribute statEnum)
if (statEnum == Enums.Attribute.NonClassSkill) return true;
if (statEnum == Enums.Attribute.AddClassSkills) return true;
if (statEnum == Enums.Attribute.AddSkillTab) return true;
if (statEnum == Enums.Attribute.SingleSkill) return true;
if (statEnum == Enums.Attribute.Aura) return true;
return false;
public string GetQualityTextString()
return "[Quality] == " + getQuality((int)itemQuality);
public void setQuality(int qualityNo)
quality = getQuality(qualityNo);
public string getQuality(int qualityNo)
switch (qualityNo)
case 1:
return "Inferior";
case 2:
return "Normal";
case 3:
return "Superior";
case 4:
return "Magic";
case 5:
return "Set";
case 6:
return "Rare";
case 7:
return "Unique";
case 8:
return "Crafted";
case 9:
return "Tempered";
return "";
public Color GetColorFromQuality(int qualityNo)
switch (qualityNo)
case 1:
return Color.Black;
case 2:
return Color.Black; //should be white item, but white not visible
case 3:
return System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#6a6a6a");
case 4:
return System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0005ff");
case 5:
return Color.Green;
case 6:
return Color.DarkGoldenrod;
case 7:
return System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#9c6d2a");
case 8:
return System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#fa5304");
case 9:
return Color.Red;
return Color.Black;
public bool IsItemHaveSameStatMultiCheck(string StatName, int StatValueToCheck, string ComparatorMethod)
if (StatName.Contains("+"))
string[] StatNames = StatName.Split('+');
int TotalValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < StatNames.Length; i++) TotalValue += GetValueFromStats(StatNames[i], GetStatLayerIndex(StatNames[i]));
return IsValueTrue(ComparatorMethod, TotalValue, StatValueToCheck);
return IsItemHaveSameStat(StatName, StatValueToCheck, ComparatorMethod, GetStatLayerIndex(StatName));
public int GetValueFromStats(string StatName, ushort ThisLayer = 0)
int EnumIndex = GetStatEnumIndex(StatName);
if (EnumIndex > -1)
if (this.statCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBuffer, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == EnumIndex)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
if (this.statExCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statExCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBufferEx, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == EnumIndex)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
Form1_0.method_1("Error Stat '" + StatName + "' doesn't exist!", Color.Red);
return 0; //no identical stats found, return true by default
public bool IsItemHaveSameStat(string StatName, int StatValueToCheck, string ComparatorMethod, ushort ThisLayer = 0)
int EnumIndex = GetStatEnumIndex(StatName);
if (EnumIndex > -1)
if (this.statCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBuffer, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == EnumIndex)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) statValue = statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) statValue = statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) statValue = (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return IsValueTrue(ComparatorMethod, statValue, StatValueToCheck);
if (this.statExCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statExCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBufferEx, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == EnumIndex)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) statValue = statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) statValue = statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) statValue = (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return IsValueTrue(ComparatorMethod, statValue, StatValueToCheck);
Form1_0.method_1("Error Stat '" + StatName + "' doesn't exist!", Color.Red);
return false; //no identical stats found, return true by default
public ushort GetStatLayerIndex(string StatNammm)
//Custom Stats
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.NonClassSkill)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.NonClassSkill), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort)i;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.AddClassSkills)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.AddClassSkills), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort)i;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.AddSkillTab)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.AddSkillTab), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort) i;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.SingleSkill)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.SingleSkill), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort)i;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.Aura)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.Aura), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort)i;
//Normal Stats
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.Attribute)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.Attribute), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower()) return (ushort) i;
return 0;
public int GetStatEnumIndex(string StatNammm)
//Custom Stats
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.NonClassSkill)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.NonClassSkill), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
return 97;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.AddClassSkills)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.AddClassSkills), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
return 83;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.AddSkillTab)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.AddSkillTab), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
return 188;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.SingleSkill)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.SingleSkill), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
return 107;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.Aura)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.Aura), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
return 151;
//Normal Stats
int EnumIndexing = 0;
int EnumIndex = -1;
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Enums.Attribute)))
string EnumStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(Enums.Attribute), i);
if (EnumStr.ToLower() == StatNammm.ToLower())
EnumIndex = EnumIndexing;
return EnumIndex;
public int GetStatValue(int ThisEnum, ushort ThisLayer = 0)
if (ThisEnum == -1) return -1;
if (this.statCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBuffer, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBuffer, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == ThisEnum)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
if (this.statExCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this.statExCount; i++)
int offset = i * 8;
ushort statLayer = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset);
ushort statEnum = BitConverter.ToUInt16(statBufferEx, offset + 0x2);
int statValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(statBufferEx, offset + 0x4);
if (statEnum == ThisEnum)
if (ThisLayer == 0 || (ThisLayer != 0 && statLayer == ThisLayer))
if (statEnum == 6 || statEnum == 7 || statEnum == 8 || statEnum == 9 || statEnum == 10 || statEnum == 11
|| statEnum == 216 || statEnum == 217)
if (statValue > 1000) return statValue >> 8;
if (statEnum == 56 || statEnum == 59) return statValue / 25;
if (statEnum == 57 || statEnum == 58) return (int)((double)statValue / 3.5);
return statValue;
return -1;
public bool IsValueTrue(string ComparatorMethod, int CurrentV, int CheckingV)
if (ComparatorMethod == "==")
if (CurrentV == CheckingV)
return true;
if (ComparatorMethod == "<=")
if (CurrentV <= CheckingV)
return true;
if (ComparatorMethod == ">=")
if (CurrentV >= CheckingV)
return true;
if (ComparatorMethod == "<")
if (CurrentV < CheckingV)
return true;
if (ComparatorMethod == ">")
if (CurrentV > CheckingV)
return true;
if (ComparatorMethod == "!=")
if (CurrentV != CheckingV)
return true;
return false;