local paths = { -- Red's room {38, {3,6}, {5,6}, {5,1}, {7,1}}, -- Red's house {39, {7,1}, {7,6}, {3,6}, {3,8}}, -- Into the Wild {0, {5,6}, {10,6}, {10,1}}, -- Choose your character! {40, {5,3}, {s="a",a="Pallet Rival"}, {5,4}, {7,4}, {s="squirtleIChooseYou"}, {5,4}, {5,6}, {s="fightBulbasaur"}, {s="split"}, {5,12}}, -- 1: RIVAL 1 -- Let's try this escape again {0, {12,12}, {s="a",a="Pallet Town"}, {c="viridianExp"}, {c="encounters",limit=4}, {9,12}, {9,2}, {10,2}, {10,-1}}, -- First encounters {12, {10,35}, {10,30}, {8,30}, {8,24}, {12,24}, {12,20}, {9,20}, {9,14}, {14,14}, {s="dodgePalletBoy"}, {14,2}, {11,2}, {11,-1}}, -- To the Mart {1, {21,35}, {21,30}, {19,30}, {19,20}, {29,20}, {29,19}}, -- Viridian Mart {42, {2,5}, {3,5}, {3,8}}, -- Backtracking {1, {29,20}, {c="encounters",limit=5}, {29,21}, {26,21}, {26,30}, {20,30}, {20,36}}, -- Parkour {12, {10, 0}, {10,3}, {8,3}, {8,18}, {9,18}, {9,22}, {12,22}, {12,24}, {10,24}, {10,36}}, -- To Oak's lab {0, {10,0}, {10,7}, {9,7}, {9,12}, {12,12}, {12,11}}, -- Parcel delivery {40, {5,11}, {5,3}, {4,3}, {4,1}, {5,1}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {4,1}, {4,12}}, -- Leaving home {0, {12,12}, {c="viridianBackupExp"}, {9,12}, {9,2}, {10,2}, {10,-1}}, -- The grass again!? {12, {10,35}, {10,30}, {8,30}, {8,24}, {12,24}, {12,20}, {9,20}, {9,14}, {14,14}, {s="dodgePalletBoy"}, {14,2}, {11,2}, {11,-1}}, -- Back to the Mart {1, {21,35}, {21,30}, {19,30}, {19,20}, {29,20}, {29,19}}, -- Viridian Mart redux {42, {3,7}, {3,5}, {2,5}, {s="shopViridianPokeballs"}, {3,5}, {3,8}}, -- Sidequest {1, {29,20}, {15,20}, {15,17}, {-1, 17}}, -- Nidoran {33, {39, 9}, {s="a",a="Nidoran grass"}, {c="nidoranBackupExp"}, {c="encounters",limit=7,extra="spearow"}, {35, 9}, {35,12}, {33,12}, {c="catchNidoran"}, {s="catchNidoran"}, {33,12}, {s="split"}, {37,12}, {37,9}, {40,9}}, -- 2: NIDORAN -- Out of Viridian City {1, {0,17}, {c="encounters",limit=10,extra="spearow"}, {16,17}, {16,16}, {18,16}, {18,6}, {s="dodgeViridianOldMan"}, {17,4}, {s="grabTreePotion"}, {17,4}, {17, 0}, {17, -1}}, -- To the Forest {13, {7,71}, {7,57}, {4,57}, {4,52}, {10,52}, {10,44}, {3,44}, {3,43}}, -- Forest entrance {50, {4,7}, {s="a",a="Viridian Forest"}, {4,1}, {5,1}, {5,0}}, -- Viridian Forest {51, {17,47}, {17,43}, {26,43}, {26,34}, {25,34}, {25,32}, {27,32}, {27,20}, {25,20}, {25,12}, {s="grabAntidote"}, {25,9}, {17,9}, {17,16}, {13,16}, {13,3}, {7,3}, {7,22}, {1,22}, {1,19}, {s="grabForestPotion"}, {1,18}, {s="fightWeedle"}, {c="encounters",limit=22,extra="paras"}, {1,16}, {c="potion",b=false}, {s="equipForBrock",anti=true}, {1,5}, {s="equipForBrock"}, {1,-1}}, -- Forest exit {47, {4,7}, {4,1}, {5,1}, {5,0}}, -- Road to Pewter City {13, {3,11}, {s="a",a="Pewter City"}, {3,8}, {8,8}, {8,-1}}, -- Pewter City {2, {18,35}, {18,22}, {19,22}, {19,13}, {10,13}, {10,18}, {16,18}, {16,17}}, -- Brock {54, {4,13}, {s="a",a="Brock's Gym"}, {4,8}, {1,8}, {1,4}, {4,4}, {4,2}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="fightBrock"}, {s="split"}, {s="emuSpeed",percent=100}, {4,14}}, -- 3: BROCK -- To Pewter Mart {2, {16,18}, {c="potion",b=true}, {10,18}, {10,13}, {21,13}, {21,18}, {23,18}, {23,17}}, -- Pewter Mart {56, {3,7}, {3,5}, {2,5}, {s="shopPewterMart"}, {2,6}, {3,6}, {3,8}}, -- Leaving Pewter City {2, {23,18}, {40,18}}, -- Route 3 {14, {0,10}, {s="a",a="Route 3"}, {c="catchFlier"}, {c="pp",on=true}, {s="battleModeSet"}, {8,10}, {8,8}, {11,8}, {11,6}, {s="bugCatcher"}, {11,4}, {12,4}, {s="potion",hp=19}, {13,4}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {s="shortsKid"}, {13,5}, {s="potionBeforeCocoons"}, {18,5}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {s="swapHornAttack"}, {18,6}, {22,6}, {22,5}, {s="potion",hp=4}, {24,5}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {s="fightMetapod"}, {27,5}, {27,9}, {s="catchFlierBackup"}, {37,8}, {37,5}, {49,5}, {49,10}, {57,10}, {57,8}, {59,8}, {59,-1}}, -- To the Center {15, {9,16}, {c="pp",on=false}, {12,16}, {12,6}, {11,6}, {11,5}}, -- PP up {68, {3,7}, {3,3}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {3,8}}, -- Enter Mt. Moon {15, {11,6}, {s="a",a="Mt. Moon"}, {18,6}, {s="split"}, {18,5}}, -- 4: ROUTE 3 -- Mt. Moon F1 {59, {14,35}, {s="startMtMoon"}, {c="catchParas"}, {14,22}, {21,22}, {21,15}, {24,15}, {24,27}, {25,27}, {25,31}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {25,32}, {33,32}, {33,31}, {34,31}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {35,31}, {35,23}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {35,7}, {30,7}, {s="evolveNidorino"}, {c="moon1Exp"}, {28,7}, {16,7}, {16,17}, {2,17}, {2,3}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {5,3}, {5,5}}, -- Mt. Moon B2 {60, {5,5}, {5,17}, {21,17}}, -- Mt. Moon B3 {61, {21,17}, {23,17}, {23,14}, {27,14}, {27,16}, {33,16}, {33,14}, {36,14}, {36,24}, {32, 24}, {32,31}, {10,31}, {10,18}, {s="evolveNidoking"}, {c="encounters",limit=nil}, {10,17}, {12,17}, {c="moon2Exp"}, {12,9}, {s="potion",hp=7}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {13,9}, {c="moon3Exp"}, {13,7}, {s="helix"}, {13,5}, {12,5}, {12,4}, {3,4}, {3,7}, {5,7}}, -- Mt. Moon escape {60, {23,3}, {27,3}}, -- 5: MT. MOON -- To Cerulean {15, {24,6}, {s="reportMtMoon"}, {s="split"}, {35,6}, {35,10}, {61,10}, {61,8}, {79,8}, {79,10}, {90,10}}, -- Enter Cerulean {3, {0,18}, {s="a",a="Cerulean"}, {14,18}, {s="dodgeCerulean"}, {19,18}, {19,17}}, -- Cerulean Center {64, {3,7}, {3,3}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {3,8}}, -- To the house {3, {19,18}, {16,18}, {s="dodgeCeruleanLeft"}, {8,16}, {8,12}, {9,12}, {9,11}}, -- In the house {230, {2,7}, {2,0}}, -- Outback {3, {9,9}, {9,8}, {14,8}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {9,8}, {9,10}}, -- Out the house {230, {2,1}, {2,8}}, -- Rival 2 {3, {9,12}, {s="a",a="Cerulean Rival"}, {21,12}, {21,6}, {s="rivalSandAttack"}, {21,-1}}, -- Nugget bridge --TODO RC early strat {35, {11,35}, {s="a",a="Nugget Bridge"}, {11,32}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {10,32}, {10,29}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {11,29}, {11,26}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {10,26}, {10,24}, {s="teachThrash"}, {10,23}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {11,23}, {11,21}, {s="teachThrash"}, {s="potionForMankey"}, {11,20}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="redbarMankey"}, {10,20}, {10,19}, {s="teachThrash"}, {10,15}, {s="waitToFight"}, {s="teachThrash"}, {s="split"}, {10,8}, {20,8}}, -- 6: NUGGET BRIDGE -- To Bill's {36, {0,8}, {9,8}, {9,6}, {9,6}, {8,6}, {8,5}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="thrashGeodude"}, {10,5}, {10,2}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {10,4}, {13,4}, {13,6}, {15,6}, {15,4}, {17,4}, {17,7}, {18,7}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {20,7}, {20,8}, {22,8}, {22,6}, {35,6}, {35,4}, {36,4}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {36,5}, {38,5}, {38,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {45,4}, {45,3}}, -- Save Bill {88, {2,7}, {2,5}, {5,5}, {s="confirm",dir="Right"}, {1,5}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {4,5}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="waitToTalk"}, {s="potionBeforeGoldeen"}, {s="item",item="escape_rope"}}, -- To Misty {3, {19,18}, {19,20}, {30,20}, {30,19}}, -- Misty {65, {4,13}, {s="a",a="Misty's Gym"}, {c="potion",b=false}, {4,8}, {2,8}, {2,5}, {7,5}, {7,3}, {6,3}, {5,3}, {s="waitToFight"}, {s="potionBeforeMisty"}, {5,2}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {s="fightMisty"}, {s="split"}, {s="tweetMisty"}, {5,3}, {7,3}, {7,5}, {5,5}, {5,14}}, -- 7: MISTY -- Past the policeman {3, {30,20}, {c="potion",b=true,yolo=true}, {8,20}, {8,12}, {27,12}, {27,11}}, -- Wrecked house {62, {2,7}, {2,2}, {3,2}, {3,0}}, -- Cerulean Rocket {3, {27,9}, {28,9}, {s="potionBeforeRocket"}, {33,9}, {33,18}, {36,18}, {36,31}, {25,31}, {25,36}}, -- Out of Cerulean {16, {15,0}, {15,28}, {17,28}, {17,27}}, -- Underground entrance {71, {3,7}, {3,4}, {4,4}}, -- Underground to Vermilion {119, {5,4}, {4,4}, {s="jingleSkip"}, {2,4}, {2,41}}, -- Underground exit {74, {4,4}, {3,8}}, -- Oddish {17, {17,14}, {s="a",a="Vermilion City"}, {c="catchOddish"}, {17,15}, {s="potion",hp=10,yolo=7}, {17,19}, {s="catchOddish"}, {11,29}, {s="potion",hp=10,yolo=7}, {11,29}, {s="waitToFight",dir="Down"}, {10,29}, {10,30}, {s="potion",hp=10,yolo=7}, {10,31}, {9,31}, {9,36}}, -- Enter Vermilion {5, {19,0}, {c="disableCatch"}, {19,6}, {21,6}, {21,14}, {23,14}, {23,13}}, -- Vermilion mart {91, {3,7}, {3,5}, {2,5}, {s="shopVermilionMart"}, {3,5}, {3,8}}, -- To S.S. Anne {5, {23,14}, {30,14}, {30,26}, {18,26}, {18,31}}, -- Mew {94, {14,0}, {s="a",a="S.S. Anne"}, {14,3}}, -- First deck {95, {27,0}, {27,1}, {26,1}, {26,7}, {2,7}, {2,6}}, -- Rival 3 {96, {2,4}, {2,11}, {3,11}, {3,12}, {37,12}, {37,9}, {s="teach",move="bubblebeam",replace="tackle",chain=true}, {s="potion",hp=23,yolo=16,close=true}, {37,8}, {s="rivalSandAttack"}, {37,5}, {36,5}, {36,4}}, -- Old man Cut {101, {0,7}, {0,4}, {4,4}, {4,3}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {4,5}, {0,5}, {0,7}}, -- Second deck out {96, {36,4}, {36,12}, {3,12}, {3,11}, {2,11}, {2,4}}, -- First deck out {95, {2,6}, {2,7}, {26,7}, {26,-1}}, -- Departure {94, {14,2}}, -- To Surge {5, {18,29}, {18,26}, {30,26}, {30,14}, {15,14}, {15,17}, {s="potion",hp=20,yolo=5,forced="potion",chain=true}, {s="potion",hp=8,yolo=5,chain=true}, {s="teach",move="cut",poke="oddish",alt="paras",chain=true}, {s="skill",move="cut",done=0x0D4D}, {15,20}, {12,20}, {12,19}}, -- Trashcans {92, {4,17}, {s="a",a="Surge's Gym"}, {4,16}, {2,16}, {2,11}, {s="trashcans"}, {4,6}, {4,3}, {5,3}, {5,2}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="fightSurge"}, {s="split"}, {4,2}, {4,13}, {5,13}, {5,18}}, -- 8: SURGE -- To bicycle house {5, {12,20}, {s="a",a="Bicycle Shop"}, {15,20}, {15,19}, {s="skill",move="cut",done=0x0D4D}, {15,14}, {9,14}, {9,13}}, -- Bicycle cert {90, {2,7}, {2,5}, {0,5}, {0,1}, {2,1}, {s="confirm",dir="Right"}, {s="teach",move="dig",poke="paras",alt="squirtle",chain=true}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=90}}, -- Cerulean warp {3, {19,18}, {19,23}, {16,23}, {16,26}, {13,26}, {13,25}}, -- Bicycle shop {66, {2,7}, {2,3}, {4,3}, {4,2}, {s="procureBicycle"}, {4,7}, {3,7}, {3,8}}, -- Bicycle out of Cerulean {3, {13,26}, {s="swapBicycle"}, {s="teach",move="thunderbolt",replace="horn_attack",chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {19,26}, {19,27}, {s="skill",move="cut",done=0x0D4D}, {19,29}, {36,29}, {36,16}, {40,16}}, -- TPP's Bane {20, {0,8}, {s="a",a="Route 9"}, {4,8}, {s="skill",move="cut",done=0x0C17,val=2}, {13,8}, {13,9}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {12,9}, {12,12}, {23,12}, {23,11}, {29,11}, {29,12}, {41,12}, {41,10}, {40,10}, {40,9}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {41,9}, {41,6}, {39,6}, {39,4}, {45,4}, {45,3}, {51,3}, {51,8}, {60,8}}, -- To the cave {21, {0,8}, {3,8}, {3,10}, {13,10}, {13,15}, {14,15}, {14,26}, {3,26}, {3,18}, {8,18}, {8,17}}, -- Rock tunnel {82, {15,3}, {s="a",a="Rock Tunnel"}, {c="potion",b=false}, {s="item",item="repel"}, {15,6}, {23,6}, {23,7}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {s="redbarCubone"}, {22,7}, {22,10}, {37,10}, {37,3}}, -- B1 {232, {33,25}, {33,30}, {27,30}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {27,31}, {14,31}, {14,29}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {17,29}, {17,24}, {25,24}, {25,16}, {37,16}, {37,11}, {s="item",item="repel"}, {37,3}, {27,3}}, -- B2 {82, {5,3}, {5,9}, {11,9}, {11,14}, {17,14}, {17,11}}, -- B1 {232, {23,11}, {14,11}, {14,17}, {8,17}, {8,10}, {7,10}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {7,11}, {5,11}, {s="item",item="repel"}, {5,3}, {3,3}}, -- Out of the Tunnel {82, {37,17}, {32,17}, {32,23}, {37,23}, {37,28}, {28,28}, {26,24}, {23,24}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {23,27}, {15,27}, {15,33}}, -- To Lavender Town {21, {8,54}, {s="a",a="Lavender Town"}, {15,54}, {15,65}, {11,65}, {11,69}, {6,69}, {6,72}}, -- Through Lavender {4, {6,0}, {6,6}, {0,6}, {0,8}, {-1,8}}, -- Leave Lavender {19, {59,8}, {52,8}, {52,13}, {47,13}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {47,14}, {42,14}, {42,7}, {40,7}, {40,6}, {29,6}, {29,7}, {23,7}, {23,12}, {14,12}, {14,4}, {13,4}, {13,3}}, -- Underground entrance {80, {3,7}, {3,6}, {4,6}, {4,4}}, -- Underground {121, {47,2}, {s="bicycle"}, {47,5}, {22,5}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {2,5}}, -- Underground exit {77, {4,4}, {4,8}}, -- To Celadon {18, {5,14}, {s="bicycle"}, {8,14}, {8,8}, {4,8}, {4,3}, {-1,3}}, -- Celadon {6, {49,11}, {s="a",a="Celadon Mart"}, {14,11}, {14,14}, {10,14}, {10,13}}, -- F1: Department store {122, {16,7}, {c="potion",b=true,yolo=true}, {c="pp",on=true}, {16,3}, {12,3}, {12,1}}, -- F2 {123, {12,2}, {8,2}, {8,5}, {6,5}, {s="shopTM07"}, {5,5}, {s="shopRepels"}, {9,5}, {9,2}, {16,2}, {16,1}}, -- F3 {124, {16,2}, {12,2}, {12,1}}, -- F4: Poke Doll {125, {12,2}, {10,2}, {10,5}, {5,5}, {s="shopPokeDoll"}, {11,5}, {11,2}, {16,2}, {16,1}}, -- F5 {136, {16,2}, {12,2}, {12,1}}, -- Roof {126, {15,3}, {12,3}, {s="shopVending"}, {6,3}, {6,4}, {s="giveWater"}, {6,4}, {7,3}, {12,3}, {s="shopExtraWater"}, {15,3}, {15,2}}, -- F5: Buffs {136, {12,2}, {8,2}, {8,5}, {5,5}, {s="shopBuffs"}, {1,5}, {1,1}}, -- Elevator {127, {1,3}, {1,2}, {3,2}, {3,1}, {s="deptElevator"}, {2,1}, {2,4}}, -- F1: Exit department store {122, {1, 2}, {1,7}, {2,7}, {2,8}}, -- Leave Celadon {6, {8,14}, {s="bicycle"}, {8,15}, {2,15}, {2,18}, {-1,18}}, -- Cut out of Celadon {27, {39,10}, {34,10}, {s="teach",move="horn_drill",replace="bubblebeam",full=true,chain=true}, {s="skill",move="cut",dir="Up",done=0x0D4D}, {34,6}, {27,6}, {27,4}, {23,4}}, -- Old man's hall {186, {7,2}, {-1,2}}, -- To the Fly house {27, {17,4}, {s="a",a="HM02 Fly"}, {10,4}, {10,6}, {7,6}, {7,5}}, -- Fly house {188, {2,7}, {2,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {2,5}, {s="split"}, {2,8}}, -- 9: FLY -- Fly to Lavender {27, {7,6}, {s="swapRepels"}, {s="teach",move="fly",poke="spearow",alt="pidgey",chain=true}, {s="teach",move="horn_drill",replace="bubblebeam",chain=true}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="potion",hp=10,chain=true}, {s="teach",move="rock_slide",replace="poison_sting",chain=true}, {s="fly",dest="lavender",map=4}}, -- To the tower {4, {3,6}, {s="a",a="Pokemon Tower"}, {14,6}, {14,5}}, -- Pokemon Tower {142, {10,17}, {10,10}, {18,10}, {18,9}}, -- F2: Rival {143, {18,9}, {c="setThrash",disable=true}, {18,7}, {16,7}, {16,5}, {15,5}, {s="lavenderRival"}, {5,5}, {5,8}, {3,8}, {3,9}}, -- F3 {144, {3,9}, {3,10}, {6,10}, {6,13}, {8,13}, {8,6}, {17,6}, {17,9}, {18,9}}, -- F4 {145, {18,9}, {s="allowDeath",on=true}, {c="potion",b=false}, {18,7}, {16,7}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {s="digFight"}, {16,9}, {c="potion",b=true,yolo=true}, {14,9}, {14,10}, {13,10}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {14,10}, {14,8}, {11,8}, {11,9}, {10,9}, {10,12}, {7,12}, {7,11}, {4,11}, {4,10}, {3,10}, {3,9}}, -- F5 {146, {3,9}, {4,9}, {4,11}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {4,6}, {13,6}, {13,9}, {9,9}, {9,12}, {14,12}, {14,10}, {18,10}, {s="allowDeath",on=false}, {18,9}}, -- F6 {147, {18,9}, {18,7}, {15,7}, {15,3}, {11,3}, {11,5}, {10,5}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {10,6}, {6,6}, {6,7}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {6,14}, {10,14}, {10,16}, {s="pokeDoll"}, {9,16}}, -- F7: Top {148, {9,16}, {10,16}, {10,9}, {s="fightXAccuracy"}, {c="setThrash",disable=false}, {10,7}, {s="thunderboltFirst"}, {10,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}}, -- Old man's house {149, {3,7}, {3,6}, {2,6}, {2,1}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {2,8}}, -- 10: POKéFLUTE -- Lavender -> Celadon {4, {7,10}, {s="split"}, {s="fly",dest="celadon",map=6}}, -- To Celadon Center {6, {41,10}, {41,9}}, -- Celadon Center {133, {3,7}, {3,3}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {3,8}}, -- Leave Celadon {6, {41,10}, {s="a",a="Snorlax"}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {41,11}, {14,11}, {14,14}, {2,14}, {2,18}, {-1,18}}, -- トトロだ! {27, {39,10}, {27,10}, {s="playPokeflute"}, {23,10}}, -- Snorlax pass {186, {7,8}, {-1,8}}, -- Bicycle road {27, {17,10}, {s="a",a="Bicycle Road"}, {12,10}, {12,13}, {11,13}, {11,18}}, -- Forced down inputs {28, {11,0}, {11,5}, {15,5}, {15,12}, {s="drivebyRareCandy"}, {15,14}, {18,14}, {18,122}, {13,122}, {13,143}}, -- Cycling road exit {29, {13,0}, {13,8}, {34,8}}, -- Exit building {190, {0,4}, {8,4}}, -- Enter Safari City {29, {40,8}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="teach",move="ice_beam",replace="rock_slide",chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {50,8}}, -- Safari City {7, {0,16}, {s="a",a="Safari Zone"}, {3,16}, {3,20}, {23,20}, {23,14}, {29,14}, {29,15}, {35,15}, {35,8}, {37,8}, {37,2}, {22,2}, {22,4}, {18,4}, {18,3}}, -- Safari entrance {156, {3,5}, {3,2}, {4,2}, {s="confirm",dir="Right"}}, -- Safari 1 {220, {15,25}, {s="bicycle"}, {15,16}, {28,16}, {28,11}, {30,11}}, -- Safari 2 {217, {0,23}, {4,23}, {4,24}, {20,24}, {20,20}, {s="safariCarbos"}, {12,20}, {12,22}, {11,22}, {10,22}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="item",item="carbos",poke="nidoking",close=true}, {9,22}, {9,8}, {12,8}, {12,6}, {17,6}, {17,8}, {20,8}, {s="centerSkipFullRestore"}, {20,3}, {7,3}, {7,5}, {-1,5}}, -- Safari 3 {218, {39,31}, {22,31}, {22,22}, {16,22}, {16,28}, {13,28}, {13,9}, {28,9}, {28,3}, {3,3}, {3,36}}, -- Safari 4 {219, {21,0}, {21,5}, {19,5}, {19,6}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {19,5}, {7,5}, {7,6}, {3,6}, {3,3}}, -- Warden {222, {2,7}, {2,6}, {3,6}, {3,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {3,8}}, -- Safari Warp {219, {3,4}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=219}}, -- Celadon again {6, {41,10}, {s="bicycle"}, {41,11}, {50,11}}, -- To Saffron {18, {0,3}, {s="a",a="Saffron City"}, {4,3}, {4,9}, {10,9}, {10,10}, {12,10}}, -- Thirsty guard {76, {0,4}, {6,4}}, -- Saffron entry {18, {18,10}, {s="bicycle"}, {20,10}}, -- Saffron City {10, {0,18}, {3,18}, {3,22}, {18,22}, {18,21}}, -- Silph Co {181, {10,17}, {s="a",a="Silph Co."}, {10,9}, {8,9}, {8,1}, {20,1}, {20,0}}, -- Elivator {236, {1,3}, {1,2}, {3,2}, {3,1}, {s="silphElevator"}, {2,1}, {2,4}}, -- F10 {234, {12,1}, {12,3}, {4,3}, {4,9}, {s="fightSilphMachoke"}, {6,9}, {6,11}, {s="silphCarbos"}, {6,16}, {3,16}, {3,14}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {3,15}, {1,15}, {s="item",item="carbos",poke="nidoking",full=true}, {1,12}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {1,16}, {3,16}, {s="teach",move="surf",poke="squirtle",replace="tail_whip",chain=true}, {s="teach",move="earthquake",replace="thrash",chain=true}, {s="item",item="carbos",poke="nidoking",close=true}, {6,16}, {6,9}, {4,9}, {4,1}, {8,1}, {8,0}}, -- F9 {233, {14,1}, {14,3}, {24,3}, {24,16}, {17,16}, {17,15}}, -- Warped {210, {9,15}, {9,16}, {20,16}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {9,16}, {9,15}}, -- Warp back {233, {17,15}, {17,14}, {17,15}}, -- First card {210, {9,15}, {9,13}, {8,13}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {6,13}, {6,16}, {3,16}, {3,15}}, -- Warp down {208, {3,15}, {3,14}, {18,14}, {18,9}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {14,9}, {14,11}, {11,11}}, -- Rival 5 {212, {5,3}, {s="a",a="Silph Rival"}, {4,3}, {4,2}, {3,2}, {c="potion",b=false}, {s="silphRival"}, {3,7}, {c="potion",b=true,yolo=true}, {5,7}}, -- Giovanni {235, {3,2}, {s="a",a="Silph Giovanni"}, {3,11}, {2,11}, {2,16}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {2,15}, {5,15}, {s="potionBeforeGiovanni"}, {6,15}, {6,14}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {6,13}, {s="fightXAccuracy"}, {s="fightSilphGiovanni"}, {s="split"}, {s="waitToPause"}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=235}}, -- 11: SILPH CO. -- Fly to Fuschia {6, {41,10}, {s="fly",dest="fuchsia",map=7}}, -- To Koga {7, {19,28}, {s="a",a="Koga's Gym"}, {5,28}, {5,27}}, -- Koga {157, {4,17}, {9,17}, {9,9}, {7,9}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {9,9}, {9,1}, {1,1}, {1,2}, {s="earthquakeElixer",min=2,chain=true}, {s="potionBeforeHypno"}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {2,5}, {1,5}, {c="potion",b=false}, {1,7}, {s="fightHypno"}, {1,9}, {2,9}, {s="earthquakeElixer",min=4}, {4,9}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {s="fightKoga"}, {s="split"}, {1,9}, {1,5}, {2,5}, {2,3}, {1,3}, {1,1}, {9,1}, {9,16}, {5,16}, {5,18}}, -- 12: KOGA -- To the Warden {7, {5,28}, {s="bicycle"}, {6,28}, {6,30}, {24,30}, {30,30}, {30,28}, {27,28}, {27,27}}, -- HM04 Strength {155, {4,7}, {4,6}, {2,6}, {2,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {4,4}, {4,8}}, -- Fly home {7, {27,28}, {s="fly",dest="pallet",map=0}}, -- Pallet to Cinnabar {0, {5,6}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="item",item="rare_candy",amount=3,poke="nidoking",chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {s="allowDeath",on=false}, {3,6}, {s="dodgeGirl"}, {3,17}, {s="skill",move="surf",dir="Right",x=4}, {4,18}}, -- To Cinnabar {32, {4,0}, {4,14}, {3,14}, {3,90}}, -- Enter Cinnabar Mansion {8, {3,0}, {s="a",a="Cinnabar Mansion"}, {3,4}, {6,4}, {6,3}}, -- F1 {165, {5,27}, {5,10}}, -- F2 {214, {5,11}, {10,11}, {10,5}, {6,5}, {6,1}}, -- F3 {215, {6,2}, {11,2}, {11,6}, {10,6}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {14,6}, {14,11}, {16,11}, {16,14}}, -- F1 drop {165, {16,14}, {16,15}, {13,15}, {13,20}, {s="cinnabarCarbos"}, {21,23}}, -- B1 {216, {23,22}, {23,15}, {21,15}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="item",item="carbos",poke="nidoking",close=true}, {17,15}, {17,19}, {18,19}, {18,23}, {17,23}, {17,26}, {18,26}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {14,26}, {14,22}, {12,22}, {12,15}, {24,15}, {24,18}, {26,18}, {26,6}, {24,6}, {24,4}, {20,4}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {24,4}, {24,6}, {12,6}, {12,2}, {11,2}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {12,2}, {12,7}, {4,7}, {4,9}, {2,9}, {s="interact",dir="Left"}, {5,9}, {5,10}, {s="teach",move="strength",poke="squirtle",replace="tackle",chain=true}, {s="item",item="rare_candy",amount=2,poke="nidoking",close=true}, {5,12}, {s="interact",dir="Down"}, {5,12}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=216}}, -- Celadon once again {6, {41,10}, {s="bicycle"}, {41,13}, {36,13}, {36,23}, {25,23}, {25,30}, {35,30}, {35,31}, {s="skill",move="cut",dir="Down",done=0x0D4D}, {35,34}, {5,34}, {5,29}, {12,29}, {12,27}}, -- Erika {134, {4,17}, {s="a",a="Erika's Gym"}, {4,16}, {1,16}, {1,9}, {0,9}, {0,4}, {1,4}, {s="skill",move="cut",done=0x0D4D}, {4,4}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="fightErika"}, {s="split"}, {4,5}, {5,5}, {5,6}, {s="skill",move="cut",dir="Down",done=0x0D4D}, {5,18}}, -- 13: ERIKA -- Fly to Cinnabar {6, {12,28}, {s="fly",dest="cinnabar",map=8}}, -- Cinnabar {8, {11,12}, {s="earthquakeElixer",min=4,chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {18,12}, {18,3}}, -- Cinnabar Gym {166, {16,17}, {s="a",a="Blaine's Gym"}, {16,14}, {18,14}, {18,10}, {15,10}, {15,8}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {16,8}, {16,7}, {18,7}, {18,1}, {12,1}, {12,2}, {10,2}, {s="confirm",dir="Up",type="B"}, {12,2}, {12,7}, {10,7}, {10,8}, {9,8}, {s="confirm",dir="Up",type="B"}, {9,11}, {12,11}, {12,13}, {10,13}, {10,14}, {9,14}, {s="confirm",dir="Up",type="B"}, {9,16}, {1,16}, {1,14}, {s="confirm",dir="Up"}, {2,14}, {2,13}, {4,13}, {4,9}, {1,9}, {1,8}, {s="confirm",dir="Up",type="B"}, {2,8}, {2,7}, {4,7}, {4,5}, {3,5}, {3,4}, {c="potion",b=false}, {s="waitToFight",dir="Up"}, {s="split"}, {s="waitToReceive"}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=166}}, -- 14: BLAINE -- Celadon too many times {6, {41,10}, {c="potion",b=true,yolo=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {41,11}, {50,11}}, -- Exit Celadon {18, {0,3}, {4,3}, {4,9}, {10,9}, {10,10}, {12,10}}, -- Saffron gate {76, {0,4}, {s="a",a="Saffron City"}, {6,4}}, -- Saffron edge {18, {18,10}, {s="earthquakeElixer",min=4,chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {20,10}}, -- Saffron again {10, {0,18}, {3,18}, {3,6}, {31,6}, {31,4}, {34,4}, {34,3}}, -- Sabrina {178, {8,17}, {s="a",a="Sabrina's Gym"}, {8,16}, {11,16}, {11,15}, {16,17}, {16,15}, {15,15}, {18,3}, {18,5}, {15,5}, {1,5}, {11,11}, {11,8}, {10,8}, {s="waitToFight",dir="Left"}, {s="split"}, {11,8}, {11,11}, {s="earthquakeElixer",min=4,chain=true}, {s="skill",move="dig",map=178}}, -- 15: SABRINA -- Celadon {6, {41,10}, {s="fly",dest="viridian",map=1}}, -- Viridian again {1, {23,26}, {s="bicycle"}, {19,26}, {19,4}, {27,4}, {27,3}, {34,3}, {34,8}, {32,8}, {32,7}}, -- Giovanni Gym {45, {16,17}, {c="potion",b=false}, {s="a",a="Giovanni's Gym"}, {16,16}, {14,16}, {14,9}, {13,9}, {13,7}, {15,7}, {15,4}, {12,4}, {12,5}, {10,5}, {s="a",a="Machoke"}, {10,4}, {s="fightGiovanniMachoke"}, {10,5}, {s="a",a="Giovanni's Gym"}, {13,5}, {13,4}, {15,4}, {15,7}, {13,7}, {13,11}, {14,11}, {14,16}, {16,16}, {16,18}}, -- Reset Gym {1, {32,8}, {32,7}}, -- Giovanni {45, {16,17}, {c="potion",b=false}, {16,16}, {14,16}, {14,9}, {13,9}, {13,7}, {15,7}, {15,4}, {12,4}, {12,5}, {10,5}, {10,2}, {7,2}, {7,4}, {2,4}, {s="checkGiovanni"}, {2,2}, {s="interact",dir="Up"}, {s="fightGiovanni"}, {s="split"}, {2,4}, {7,4}, {7,2}, {10,2}, {10,5}, {12,5}, {12,4}, {15,4}, {15,7}, {13,7}, {13,11}, {14,11}, {14,16}, {16,16}, {16,18}}, -- 16: GIOVANNI -- Leave Viridian {1, {32,8}, {s="bicycle"}, {32,12}, {17,12}, {17,16}, {16,16}, {16,17}, {-1,17}}, -- To Pokemon League {33, {39,9}, {s="a",a="Viridian Rival"}, {35,9}, {35,12}, {31,12}, {31,5}, {29,5}, {s="viridianRival"}, {16,5}, {16,12}, {5,12}, {5,10}, {11,10}, {11,6}, {8,6}, {8,5}}, -- Pokemon League 1 {193, {4,7}, {4,0}}, -- PL 2 {34, {7,139}, {s="ether",max=true,chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {7,132}, {14,132}, {14,124}, {9,124}, {9,116}, {10,116}, {10,104}, {s="skill",move="surf",y=103}, {10,92}, {7,92}, {7,90}, {s="pickMaxEther"}, {7,72}, {8,72}, {8,71}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="bicycle"}, {8,66}, {10,66}, {10,57}, {12,57}, {12,48}, {6,48}, {6,32}, {4,32}, {4,31}}, -- Victory Road {108, {8,17}, {s="a",a="Victory Road"}, {s="tweetVictoryRoad"}, {8,16}, {4,16}, {4,14}, {5,14}, {s="skill",move="strength"}, {5,15}, {4,15}, {4,16}, {7,16}, {s="push",dir="Right",x=0x0255,y=0x0254}, {7,17}, {9,17}, {9,15}, {8,15}, {8,14}, {15,14}, {15,15}, {16,15}, {16,14}, {s="push",dir="Up",x=0x0255,y=0x0254}, {14,14}, {14,12}, {16,12}, {16,11}, {17,11}, {17,12}, {14,12}, {14,14}, {8,14}, {8,16}, {5,16}, {5,12}, {11,12}, {11,6}, {7,6}, {7,8}, {3,8}, {3,5}, {2,5}, {2,1}, {1,1}}, -- F2 {194, {0,8}, {0,9}, {3,9}, {3,13}, {5,13}, {5,14}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="skill",move="strength"}, {4,14}, {4,13}, {3,13}, {3,15}, {4,15}, {4,16}, {3,16}, {s="push",dir="Left",x=0x02B5,y=0x02B4}, {3,11}, {5,11}, {5,8}, {14,8}, {14,14}, {21,14}, {21,16}, {28,16}, {28,11}, {23,11}, {23,7}}, -- F3 {198, {23,7}, {23,6}, {22,6}, {22,4}, {s="skill",move="strength"}, {22,2}, {23,2}, {23,1}, {7,1}, {7,0}, {6,0}, {6,1}, {7,1}, {7,2}, {3,2}, {3,1}, {2,1}, {2,4}, {1,4}, {1,5}, {2,5}, {2,4}, {4,4}, {4,2}, {7,2}, {7,1}, {20,1}, {20,6}, {17,6}, {17,4}, {9,4}, {9,10}, {5,10}, {5,8}, {1,8}, {1,15}, {11,15}, {11,16}, {20,16}, {20,15}, {23,15}}, -- F2 {194, {22,16}, {s="potionBeforeLorelei"}, {s="item",item="super_repel",chain=true}, {s="skill",move="strength"}, {s="bicycle"}, {22,17}, {24,17}, {24,16}, {11,16}, {s="push",dir="Left",x=0x02D5,y=0x02D4}, {21,16}, {21,14}, {25,14}}, -- F3 {198, {27,15}, {27,8}, {26,8}}, -- F2 Exit {194, {27,7}, {30,7}}, -- Victory end {34, {14,32}, {18,32}, {18,20}, {14,20}, {14,10}, {13,10}, {13,6}, {10,6}, {10,-1}}, -- Elite Four entrance {9, {10,17}, {s="a",a="Elite Four"}, {10,5}}, -- Last Center {174, {7,11}, {15,9}, {15,8}, {s="depositPokemon"}, {7,8}, {7,7}, {s="centerSkip"}, {4,7}, {3,7}, {3,2}, {8,2}, {8,0}}, -- 17: LORELEI -- Lorelei {245, {4,5}, {s="a",a="Lorelei"}, {c="potion",b=false}, {4,2}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {s="lorelei"}, {s="split"}, {4,0}}, -- Bruno {246, {4,5}, {s="a",a="Bruno"}, {s="item",item="elixer",poke="nidoking"}, {4,2}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {s="bruno"}, {s="split"}, {4,0}}, -- Agatha {247, {4,5}, {s="a",a="Agatha"}, {s="potion",hp=113,full=true}, {4,2}, {s="interact",dir="Right"}, {s="agatha"}, {s="split"}, {4,1}, {s="prepareForLance"}, {s="ether"}, {4,0}}, -- Lance {113, {6,11}, {s="a",a="Lance"}, {6,2}, {s="lance"}, {s="split"}, {5,2}, {5,1}, {s="prepareForBlue"}, {5,-1}}, -- Blue {120, {4,3}, {s="a",a="Blue"}, {s="blue"}, {3,0}}, -- Champion {118, {4,2}, {s="champion"}} } return paths