local Pokemon = {} local Bridge = require "util.bridge" local Input = require "util.input" local Memory = require "util.memory" local Menu = require "util.menu" local pokeIDs = { rhydon = 1, kangaskhan = 2, nidoran = 3, spearow = 5, voltorb = 6, nidoking = 7, ivysaur = 9, exeggutor = 10, gengar = 14, nidoranf = 15, nidoqueen = 16, cubone = 17, rhyhorn = 18, lapras = 19, gyarados = 22, growlithe = 33, onix = 34, pidgey = 36, kadabra = 38, hitmonchan = 44, magneton = 54, koffing = 55, venonat = 65, jinx = 72, meowth = 77, pikachu = 84, dragonair = 89, sandshrew = 96, sandslash = 97, zubat = 107, ekans = 108, paras = 109, weedle = 112, kakuna = 113, dugtrio = 118, dewgong = 120, caterpie = 123, metapod = 124, hypno = 129, golbat = 130, weezing = 143, persian = 144, alakazam = 149, pidgeotto = 150, pidgeot = 151, rattata = 165, raticate = 166, nidorino = 167, geodude = 169, charmander = 176, squirtle = 177, oddish = 185, bellsprout = 188, } local moveList = { cut = 15, fly = 19, double_kick = 24, sand_attack = 28, horn_attack = 30, horn_drill = 32, tackle = 33, thrash = 37, tail_whip = 39, poison_sting = 40, leer = 43, growl = 45, water_gun = 55, surf = 57, ice_beam = 58, bubblebeam = 61, strength = 70, thunderbolt = 85, earthquake = 89, dig = 91, rock_slide = 157, } local data = { hp = {1, true}, status = {4}, moves = {8}, pp = {28}, level = {33}, max_hp = {34, true}, attack = {36, true}, defense = {38, true}, speed = {40, true}, special = {42, true}, } local previousPartySize local function getAddress(index) return 0x116B + index * 0x2C end local function index(index, offset) local double if not offset then offset = 0 else local dataTable = data[offset] offset = dataTable[1] double = dataTable[2] end local address = getAddress(index) + offset local value = Memory.raw(address) if double then value = value + Memory.raw(address + 1) end return value end Pokemon.index = index local function indexOf(...) for ni,name in ipairs(arg) do local pid = pokeIDs[name] for i=0,5 do local atIdx = index(i) if atIdx == pid then return i end end end return -1 end Pokemon.indexOf = indexOf local function fieldMoveIndex(move, yellow) local moveIndex = 0 local menuSize = Memory.value("menu", "size") if yellow then if move == "cut" then if Pokemon.inParty("charmander") then moveIndex = 1 end elseif move == "dig" then if not Pokemon.inParty("charmander") then moveIndex = 1 end elseif move == "surf" then moveIndex = 1 end else if menuSize == 4 then if move == "dig" then moveIndex = 1 elseif move == "surf" then if Pokemon.inParty("paras") then moveIndex = 1 end end elseif menuSize == 5 then if move == "dig" then moveIndex = 2 elseif move == "surf" then moveIndex = 1 end end end return moveIndex end -- Table functions function Pokemon.battleMove(name) local mid = moveList[name] for i=1,4 do if mid == Memory.raw(0x101B + i) then return i end end end function Pokemon.moveIndex(move, pokemon) local pokemonIdx if pokemon then pokemonIdx = indexOf(pokemon) else pokemonIdx = 0 end local address = getAddress(pokemonIdx) + 7 local mid = moveList[move] for i=1,4 do if mid == Memory.raw(address + i) then return i end end end function Pokemon.info(name, offset) local targetIndex = name and indexOf(name) or 0 return index(targetIndex, offset) end function Pokemon.getID(name) return pokeIDs[name] end function Pokemon.moveID(move) return moveList[move] end function Pokemon.getName(id) for name,pid in pairs(pokeIDs) do if pid == id then return name end end end function Pokemon.getSacrifice(...) for i,name in ipairs(arg) do local pokemonIndex = indexOf(name) if pokemonIndex ~= -1 and index(pokemonIndex, "hp") > 0 then return name end end end function Pokemon.inParty(...) for i,name in ipairs(arg) do if indexOf(name) ~= -1 then return name end end end function Pokemon.forMove(move) local moveID = moveList[move] for i=0,5 do local address = getAddress(i) for j=8,11 do if Memory.raw(address + j) == moveID then return i end end end return -1 end function Pokemon.hasMove(move) return Pokemon.forMove(move) ~= -1 end function Pokemon.updateParty() local partySize = Memory.value("player", "party_size") if partySize ~= previousPartySize then local poke = Pokemon.inParty("sandshrew", "oddish", "paras", "spearow", "pidgey", "nidoran", "squirtle", "pikachu") if poke then Bridge.caught(poke) previousPartySize = partySize end end end function Pokemon.pp(index, move) local midx = Pokemon.battleMove(move) return Memory.raw(getAddress(index) + 28 + midx) end -- General function Pokemon.isOpponent(...) local oid = Memory.value("battle", "opponent_id") for i,name in ipairs(arg) do if oid == pokeIDs[name] then return name end end end function Pokemon.isDeployed(...) local deployedID = Memory.value("battle", "our_id") for i,name in ipairs(arg) do if deployedID == pokeIDs[name] then return name end end end function Pokemon.mainFighter() return Pokemon.index(0) == Memory.value("battle", "our_id") end function Pokemon.isEvolving() return Memory.value("menu", "pokemon") == 144 end function Pokemon.getExp() local experience = Memory.raw(0x1179) * 256 experience = (experience + Memory.raw(0x117A)) * 256 return experience + Memory.raw(0x117B) end function Pokemon.getExpForLevelFromCurrent(levelups) local level = index(0, "level") + levelups return math.floor((6 / 5 * level^3) - (15 * level^2) + (100 * level) - 140) end function Pokemon.use(move, yellow) local main = Memory.value("menu", "main") local pokeName = Pokemon.forMove(move) if main == 141 then Input.press("A") elseif main == 128 then local column = Menu.getCol() if column == 11 then Menu.select(1, true) elseif column == 10 or column == 12 then Menu.select(fieldMoveIndex(move, yellow), true) else Input.press("B") end elseif main == Menu.pokemon then Pokemon.select(pokeName) elseif main == 228 then Input.press("B") else return false end return true end function Pokemon.getDVs(...) local index = Pokemon.indexOf(...) local baseAddress = getAddress(index) local attackDefense = Memory.raw(baseAddress + 0x1B) local speedSpecial = Memory.raw(baseAddress + 0x1C) return bit.rshift(attackDefense, 4), bit.band(attackDefense, 15), bit.rshift(speedSpecial, 4), bit.band(speedSpecial, 15) end function Pokemon.select(target) if type(target) == "string" then target = indexOf(target) end return Menu.select(target, true, false, nil, false, Memory.value("player", "party_size")) end return Pokemon