local Bridge = {} local socket if INTERNAL then socket = require("socket") end local utils = require("util.utils") local client = nil local timeStopped = true local function send(prefix, body) if client then local message = prefix if body then message = message..","..body end client:send(message.."\n") return true end end local function readln() if client then local s, status, partial = client:receive("*l") if status == "closed" then client = nil return nil end if s and s ~= "" then return s end end end -- Wrapper functions function Bridge.init() if socket then -- io.popen("java -jar Main.jar") client = socket.connect("", 13378) if client then client:settimeout(0.005) client:setoption("keepalive", true) print("Connected to Java!"); return true else print("Error connecting to Java!"); end end end function Bridge.tweet(message) if INTERNAL and STREAMING_MODE then print("tweet::"..message) return send("tweet", message) end end function Bridge.pollForName() Bridge.polling = true send("poll_name") end function Bridge.chat(message, extra, newLine) if extra then p(message.." || "..extra, newLine) else p(message, newLine) end return send("msg", "/me "..message) end function Bridge.time(message) if not timeStopped then return send("time", message) end end function Bridge.stats(message) return send("stats", message) end function Bridge.command(command) return send("livesplit_command", command); end function Bridge.comparisonTime() return send("livesplit_getcomparisontime"); end function Bridge.process() local response = readln() if response then -- print(">"..response) if response:find("name:") then return response:gsub("name:", "") else end end end function Bridge.input(key) send("input", key) end function Bridge.caught(name) if name then send("caught", name) end end function Bridge.hp(curr, max) send("hp", curr..","..max) end function Bridge.liveSplit() send("start") timeStopped = false end function Bridge.split(finished) if finished then timeStopped = true end send("split") end function Bridge.encounter() send("encounter") end function Bridge.reset() send("reset") timeStopped = false end function Bridge.close() if client then client:close() client = nil end print("Bridge closed") end return Bridge