local Control = {} local Battle local Combat = require "ai.combat" local Strategies local Bridge = require "util.bridge" local Memory = require "util.memory" local Paint = require "util.paint" local Utils = require "util.utils" local Inventory = require "storage.inventory" local Pokemon = require "storage.pokemon" local potionInBattle = true local encounters = 0 local canDie, shouldFight, minExp local shouldCatch, attackIdx local extraEncounter, maxEncounters local battleYolo local yellow = YELLOW Control.areaName = "Unknown" Control.moonEncounters = nil Control.getMoonExp = true Control.yolo = false local function withinOneKill(forExp) return Pokemon.getExp() + 80 > forExp end local controlFunctions = { a = function(data) Control.areaName = data.a return true end, potion = function(data) if data.b ~= nil then Control.battlePotion(data.b) end battleYolo = data.yolo end, encounters = function(data) if RESET_FOR_TIME then maxEncounters = data.limit extraEncounter = data.extra end end, pp = function(data) Combat.factorPP(data.on) end, thrash = function(data) Combat.disableThrash = data.disable end, disableCatch = function() shouldCatch = nil shouldFight = nil end, -- RED viridianExp = function() minExp = 210 shouldFight = {{name="rattata",lvl={2,3}}, {name="pidgey",lvl={2}}} end, viridianBackupExp = function() minExp = 210 shouldFight = {{name="rattata",lvl={2,3}}, {name="pidgey",lvl={2,3}}} end, nidoranBackupExp = function() minExp = 210 shouldFight = {{name="rattata"}, {name="pidgey"}, {name="nidoran"}, {name="nidoranf",lvl={2}}} end, startMtMoon = function() Control.moonEncounters = 0 Control.canDie(false) Control.getMoonExp = true if not yellow then local nidoStats = Strategies.stats.nidoran if nidoStats.attack == 16 and not nidoStats.level4 then Control.getMoonExp = false end end end, moon1Exp = function() if Control.getMoonExp then minExp = 2704 local levels = Strategies.stats.nidoran.level4 and {9, 10} or {10} shouldFight = {{name="zubat",lvl=levels}} oneHits = true end end, moon2Exp = function() if Control.getMoonExp then minExp = 3011 shouldFight = {{name="zubat"}, {name="paras"}} oneHits = not withinOneKill(minExp) end end, moon3Exp = function() if Control.getMoonExp then local expTotal = Pokemon.getExp() minExp = 3798 if withinOneKill(minExp) then shouldFight = {{name="zubat"}, {name="paras"}} else shouldFight = nil end end end, catchNidoran = function() shouldCatch = {{name="nidoran",lvl={3,4}}, {name="spearow"}} end, catchFlier = function() shouldCatch = {{name="spearow",alt="pidgey",hp=15}, {name="pidgey",alt="spearow",hp=15}} end, catchParas = function() shouldCatch = {{name="paras",hp=16}} end, catchOddish = function() shouldCatch = {{name="oddish",alt="paras",hp=26}} end, -- YELLOW catchNidoranYellow = function() shouldCatch = {{name="nidoran",lvl={6}}} end, moonExpYellow = function() minExp = 2704 --TODO shouldFight = {{name="geodude"}, {name="clefairy",lvl={12,13}}} oneHits = true end, catchSandshrew = function() shouldCatch = {{name="sandshrew"}} end, } -- COMBAT function Control.battlePotion(enable) potionInBattle = enable end function Control.canDie(enabled) if enabled == nil then return canDie end canDie = enabled end local function isNewFight() if Memory.double("battle", "opponent_hp") == Memory.double("battle", "opponent_max_hp") then return true end end function Control.shouldFight() if not shouldFight then return false end local expTotal = Pokemon.getExp() if expTotal < minExp then local oid = Memory.value("battle", "opponent_id") local olvl = Memory.value("battle", "opponent_level") for i,p in ipairs(shouldFight) do if oid == Pokemon.getID(p.name) and (not p.lvl or Utils.match(olvl, p.lvl)) then if oneHits then local move = Combat.bestMove() if move and move.maxDamage * 0.925 < Memory.double("battle", "opponent_hp") then return false end end return true end end end end function Control.canCatch(partySize) if not partySize then partySize = Memory.value("player", "party_size") end local pokeballs = Inventory.count("pokeball") local minimumCount = (yellow and 3 or 4) - partySize if pokeballs < minimumCount then if yellow and Pokemon.inParty("nidoran", "nidorino", "nidoking") and Pokemon.inParty("pidgey", "spearow") then return false end Strategies.reset("Not enough PokeBalls", pokeballs) return false end return true end function Control.shouldCatch(partySize) if maxEncounters and encounters > maxEncounters then local extraCount = extraEncounter and Pokemon.inParty(extraEncounter) if not extraCount or encounters > maxEncounters + 1 then Strategies.reset("Too many encounters", encounters) return false end end if not shouldCatch then return false end if not partySize then partySize = Memory.value("player", "party_size") end if partySize == 4 then shouldCatch = nil return false end if not Control.canCatch(partySize) then return true end local oid = Memory.value("battle", "opponent_id") for i,poke in ipairs(shouldCatch) do if oid == Pokemon.getID(poke.name) and not Pokemon.inParty(poke.name, poke.alt) then if not poke.lvl or Utils.match(Memory.value("battle", "opponent_level"), poke.lvl) then local penultimate = poke.hp and Memory.double("battle", "opponent_hp") > poke.hp if penultimate then penultimate = Combat.nonKill() end if penultimate then require("action.battle").fight(penultimate.midx) else Inventory.use("pokeball", nil, true) end return true end end end end -- Items function Control.canRecover() return potionInBattle and (not battleYolo or not Control.yolo) end function Control.set(data) controlFunctions[data.c](data) end function Control.setYolo(enabled) Control.yolo = enabled end function Control.setPotion(enabled) potionInBattle = enabled end function Control.encounters() return encounters end function Control.encounter(battleState) if battleState > 0 then local wildBattle = battleState == 1 local isCritical local battleMenu = Memory.value("battle", "menu") if battleMenu == 94 then isCritical = false Control.missed = false elseif Memory.double("battle", "our_hp") == 0 then if Memory.value("battle", "critical") == 1 then isCritical = true end elseif not Control.missed then local turnMarker = Memory.value("battle", "our_turn") if turnMarker == 100 or turnMarker == 128 then local isMiss = Memory.value("battle", "miss") == 1 if isMiss then if not Control.ignoreMiss and Battle.accurateAttack and Memory.value("battle", "accuracy") == 7 then Bridge.chat("gen 1 missed :( (1 in 256 chance)") end Control.missed = true end end end if isCritical ~= nil and isCritical ~= Control.criticaled then Control.criticaled = isCritical end if wildBattle then local opponentHP = Memory.double("battle", "opponent_hp") if not Control.inBattle then if opponentHP > 0 then Control.killedCatch = false Control.inBattle = true encounters = encounters + 1 Paint.wildEncounters(encounters) Bridge.encounter() if Control.moonEncounters then if INTERNAL and STREAMING_MODE and Pokemon.isOpponent("zubat") then Bridge.chat("NightBat") end Control.moonEncounters = Control.moonEncounters + 1 end end else if opponentHP == 0 and shouldCatch and not Control.killedCatch then local gottaCatchEm = {"pidgey", "spearow", "paras", "oddish"} local opponent = Battle.opponent() for i,catch in ipairs(gottaCatchEm) do if opponent == catch then if not Pokemon.inParty(catch) then Bridge.chat("accidentally killed "..Utils.capitalize(catch).." with a "..(Control.criticaled and "critical" or "high damage range").." :(") Control.killedCatch = true end break end end end end end elseif Control.inBattle then Control.inBattle = false Control.escaped = Memory.value("battle", "battle_turns") == 0 end end function Control.reset() canDie = false oneHits = false shouldCatch = nil shouldFight = nil extraEncounter = nil potionInBattle = true encounters = 0 battleYolo = false maxEncounters = nil Control.yolo = false Control.inBattle = false end function Control.init() Battle = require("action.battle") Strategies = require("ai."..GAME_NAME..".strategies") end return Control