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# Gaia client
## Gaia CLI
::: tip Note
If you receive this error message:
Must specify these options: --chain-id when --trust-node is false
you must choose whether you wish to verify lite client proofs. If you trust the node which you are querying, you can simply pass `--trust-node=true` - otherwise you'll need to specify `--chain-id`.
`gaiacli` is the command line interface to manage accounts and transactions on Cosmos testnets. Here is a list of useful `gaiacli` commands, including usage examples.
### Keys
#### Key Types
There are three types of key representations that are used:
- `cosmos`
- Derived from account keys generated by `gaiacli keys add`
- Used to receive funds
- e.g. `cosmos15h6vd5f0wqps26zjlwrc6chah08ryu4hzzdwhc`
* `cosmosvaloper`
- Used to associate a validator to it's operator
- Used to invoke staking commands
- e.g. `cosmosvaloper1carzvgq3e6y3z5kz5y6gxp3wpy3qdrv928vyah`
- `cosmospub`
- Derived from account keys generated by `gaiacli keys add`
- e.g. `cosmospub1zcjduc3q7fu03jnlu2xpl75s2nkt7krm6grh4cc5aqth73v0zwmea25wj2hsqhlqzm`
- `cosmosvalconspub`
- Generated when the node is created with `gaiad init`.
- Get this value with `gaiad tendermint show-validator`
- e.g. `cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepq0ms2738680y72v44tfyqm3c9ppduku8fs6sr73fx7m666sjztznqzp2emf`
#### Generate Keys
You'll need an account private and public key pair \(a.k.a. `sk, pk` respectively\) to be able to receive funds, send txs, bond tx, etc.
To generate a new _secp256k1_ key:
gaiacli keys add <account_name>
Next, you will have to create a passphrase to protect the key on disk. The output of the above
command will contain a _seed phrase_. It is recommended to save the _seed phrase_ in a safe
place so that in case you forget the password, you could eventually regenerate the key from
the seed phrase with the following command:
gaiacli keys add --recover
If you check your private keys, you'll now see `<account_name>`:
gaiacli keys show <account_name>
View the validator operator's address via:
gaiacli keys show <account_name> --bech=val
You can see all your available keys by typing:
gaiacli keys list
View the validator pubkey for your node by typing:
gaiad tendermint show-validator
Note that this is the Tendermint signing key, _not_ the operator key you will use in delegation transactions.
::: danger Warning
We strongly recommend _NOT_ using the same passphrase for multiple keys. The Tendermint team and the Interchain Foundation will not be responsible for the loss of funds.
2018-10-22 13:43:18 -07:00
#### Multisig public keys
You can generate and print a multisig public key by typing:
gaiacli show --multisig-threshold K name1 name2 name3 [...]
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`K` is the minimum weight, e.g. minimum number of private keys that must have signed the transactions that carry the generated public key.
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### Account
#### Get Tokens
The best way to get tokens is from the [Cosmos Testnet Faucet]( If the faucet is not working for you, try asking [#cosmos-validators]( The faucet needs the `cosmos` from the account you wish to use for staking.
#### Query Account balance
After receiving tokens to your address, you can view your account's balance by typing:
gaiacli query account <account_cosmos>
::: warning Note
When you query an account balance with zero tokens, you will get this error: `No account with address <account_cosmos> was found in the state.` This can also happen if you fund the account before your node has fully synced with the chain. These are both normal.
### Send Tokens
The following command could be used to send coins from one account to another:
gaiacli tx send \
--amount=10faucetToken \
--chain-id=<chain_id> \
--from=<key_name> \
::: warning Note
The `--amount` flag accepts the format `--amount=<value|coin_name>`.
2018-08-23 08:10:33 -07:00
::: tip Note
You may want to cap the maximum gas that can be consumed by the transaction via the `--gas` flag.
If you pass `--gas=simulate`, the gas limit will be automatically estimated.
Gas estimate might be inaccurate as state changes could occur in between the end of the simulation and the actual execution of a transaction, thus an adjustment is applied on top of the original estimate in order to ensure the transaction is broadcasted successfully. The adjustment can be controlled via the `--gas-adjustment` flag, whose default value is 1.0.
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Now, view the updated balances of the origin and destination accounts:
gaiacli query account <account_cosmos>
gaiacli query account <destination_cosmos>
You can also check your balance at a given block by using the `--block` flag:
gaiacli query account <account_cosmos> --block=<block_height>
You can simulate a transaction without actually broadcasting it by appending the `--dry-run` flag to the command line:
gaiacli tx send \
--amount=10faucetToken \
--chain-id=<chain_id> \
--from=<key_name> \
--to=<destination_cosmosaccaddr> \
Furthermore, you can build a transaction and print its JSON format to STDOUT by appending `--generate-only` to the list of the command line arguments:
gaiacli tx send \
--amount=10faucetToken \
--chain-id=<chain_id> \
--from=<key_name> \
--to=<destination_cosmosaccaddr> \
--generate-only > unsignedSendTx.json
You can now sign the transaction file generated through the `--generate-only` flag by providing your key to the following command:
gaiacli tx sign \
--chain-id=<chain_id> \
unsignedSendTx.json > signedSendTx.json
2018-10-24 20:44:42 -07:00
You can validate the transaction's signagures by typing the following:
gaiacli tx sign --validate-signatures signedSendTx.json
You can broadcast the signed transaction to a node by providing the JSON file to the following command:
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gaiacli tx broadcast --node=<node> signedSendTx.json
2018-11-27 06:16:33 -08:00
### Query Transactions
#### Matching a set of tags
You can use the transaction search command to query for transactions that match a specific set of `tags`, which are added on every transaction.
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Each tag is conformed by a key-value pair in the form of `<tag>:<value>`. Tags can also be combined to query for a more specific result using the `&` symbol.
The command for querying transactions using a `tag` is the following:
gaiacli query txs --tags='<tag>:<value>'
And for using multiple `tags`:
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2018-11-27 15:00:38 -08:00
gaiacli query txs --tags='<tag1>:<value1>&<tag2>:<value2>'
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::: tip Note
The action tag always equals the message type returned by the `Type()` function of the relevant message.
2018-11-27 06:16:33 -08:00
You can find a list of available `tags` on each of the SDK modules:
- [Common tags](
- [Staking tags](
- [Governance tags](
- [Slashing tags](
- [Distribution tags](
- [Bank tags](
#### Matching a transaction's hash
You can also query a single transaction by its hash using the following command:
gaiacli query tx [hash]
### Staking
#### Set up a Validator
2018-10-03 09:02:34 -07:00
Please refer to the [Validator Setup](../validators/ section for a more complete guide on how to set up a validator-candidate.
#### Delegate to a Validator
On the upcoming mainnet, you can delegate `atom` to a validator. These [delegators](/resources/delegators-faq) can receive part of the validator's fee revenue. Read more about the [Cosmos Token Model](
##### Query Validators
You can query the list of all validators of a specific chain:
gaiacli query stake validators
If you want to get the information of a single validator you can check it with:
gaiacli query stake validator <account_cosmosval>
#### Bond Tokens
On the testnet, we delegate `steak` instead of `atom`. Here's how you can bond tokens to a testnet validator (_i.e._ delegate):
gaiacli tx stake delegate \
--amount=10steak \
--validator=<validator> \
--from=<key_name> \
`<validator>` is the operator address of the validator to which you intend to delegate. If you are running a local testnet, you can find this with:
gaiacli keys show [name] --bech val
where `[name]` is the name of the key you specified when you initialized `gaiad`.
While tokens are bonded, they are pooled with all the other bonded tokens in the network. Validators and delegators obtain a percentage of shares that equal their stake in this pool.
::: tip Note
Don't use more `steak` thank you have! You can always get more by using the [Faucet](!
##### Query Delegations
Once submitted a delegation to a validator, you can see it's information by using the following command:
gaiacli query stake delegation \
--address-delegator=<account_cosmos> \
Or if you want to check all your current delegations with disctinct validators:
gaiacli query stake delegations <account_cosmos>
You can also get previous delegation(s) status by adding the `--height` flag.
#### Unbond Tokens
If for any reason the validator misbehaves, or you just want to unbond a certain amount of tokens, use this following command. You can unbond a specific `shares-amount` (eg:`12.1`\) or a `shares-fraction` (eg:`0.25`) with the corresponding flags.
gaiacli tx stake unbond \
--validator=<account_cosmosval> \
--shares-fraction=0.5 \
--from=<key_name> \
The unbonding will be automatically completed when the unbonding period has passed.
##### Query Unbonding-Delegations
Once you begin an unbonding-delegation, you can see it's information by using the following command:
gaiacli query stake unbonding-delegation \
--address-delegator=<account_cosmos> \
--validator=<account_cosmosval> \
Or if you want to check all your current unbonding-delegations with disctinct validators:
gaiacli query stake unbonding-delegations <account_cosmos>
Additionally, as you can get all the unbonding-delegations from a particular validator:
gaiacli query stake unbonding-delegations-from <account_cosmosval>
To get previous unbonding-delegation(s) status on past blocks, try adding the `--height` flag.
#### Redelegate Tokens
A redelegation is a type delegation that allows you to bond illiquid tokens from one validator to another:
gaiacli tx stake redelegate \
--addr-validator-source=<account_cosmosval> \
--addr-validator-dest=<account_cosmosval> \
--shares-fraction=50 \
--from=<key_name> \
Here you can also redelegate a specific `shares-amount` or a `shares-fraction` with the corresponding flags.
The redelegation will be automatically completed when the unbonding period has passed.
##### Query Redelegations
Once you begin an redelegation, you can see it's information by using the following command:
gaiacli query stake redelegation \
--address-delegator=<account_cosmos> \
--addr-validator-source=<account_cosmosval> \
--addr-validator-dest=<account_cosmosval> \
Or if you want to check all your current unbonding-delegations with disctinct validators:
gaiacli query stake redelegations <account_cosmos>
Additionally, as you can get all the outgoing redelegations from a particular validator:
gaiacli query stake redelegations-from <account_cosmosval>
To get previous redelegation(s) status on past blocks, try adding the `--height` flag.
#### Query Parameters
Parameters define high level settings for staking. You can get the current values by using:
gaiacli query stake parameters
With the above command you will get the values for:
- Unbonding time
- Maximum numbers of validators
- Coin denomination for staking
All these values will be subject to updates though a `governance` process by `ParameterChange` proposals.
#### Query Pool
A staking `Pool` defines the dynamic parameters of the current state. You can query them with the following command:
gaiacli query stake pool
With the `pool` command you will get the values for:
- Loose and bonded tokens
- Token supply
- Current anual inflation and the block in which the last inflation was processed
- Last recorded bonded shares
2018-11-03 22:53:04 -07:00
##### Query Delegations To Validator
You can also query all of the delegations to a particular validator:
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gaiacli query delegations-to <account_cosmosval>
### Governance
Governance is the process from which users in the Cosmos Hub can come to consensus on software upgrades, parameters of the mainnet or on custom text proposals. This is done through voting on proposals, which will be submitted by `Atom` holders on the mainnet.
Some considerations about the voting process:
- Voting is done by bonded `Atom` holders on a 1 bonded `Atom` 1 vote basis
- Delegators inherit the vote of their validator if they don't vote
- **Validators MUST vote on every proposal**. If a validator does not vote on a proposal, they will be **partially slashed**
- Votes are tallied at the end of the voting period (2 weeks on mainnet). Each address can vote multiple times to update its `Option` value (paying the transaction fee each time), only the last casted vote will count as valid
- Voters can choose between options `Yes`, `No`, `NoWithVeto` and `Abstain`
At the end of the voting period, a proposal is accepted if `(YesVotes/(YesVotes+NoVotes+NoWithVetoVotes))>1/2` and `(NoWithVetoVotes/(YesVotes+NoVotes+NoWithVetoVotes))<1/3`. It is rejected otherwise
For more information about the governance process and how it works, please check out the Governance module [specification](./../spec/governance).
#### Create a Governance proposal
In order to create a governance proposal, you must submit an initial deposit along with the proposal details:
- `title`: Title of the proposal
- `description`: Description of the proposal
- `type`: Type of proposal. Must be of value _Text_ (types _SoftwareUpgrade_ and _ParameterChange_ not supported yet).
gaiacli tx gov submit-proposal \
--title=<title> \
--description=<description> \
--type=<Text/ParameterChange/SoftwareUpgrade> \
--deposit=<40steak> \
--from=<name> \
##### Query proposals
Once created, you can now query information of the proposal:
gaiacli query gov proposal --proposal-id=<proposal_id>
Or query all available proposals:
gaiacli query gov proposals
You can also query proposals filtered by `voter` or `depositor` by using the corresponding flags.
#### Increase deposit
In order for a proposal to be broadcasted to the network, the amount deposited must be above a `minDeposit` value (default: `10 steak`). If the proposal you previously created didn't meet this requirement, you can still increase the total amount deposited to activate it. Once the minimum deposit is reached, the proposal enters voting period:
gaiacli tx gov deposit \
--proposal-id=<proposal_id> \
--deposit=<200steak> \
--from=<name> \
> _NOTE_: Proposals that don't meet this requirement will be deleted after `MaxDepositPeriod` is reached.
##### Query deposits
Once a new proposal is created, you can query all the deposits submitted to it:
gaiacli query gov deposits --proposal-id=<proposal_id>
You can also query a deposit submitted by a specific address:
gaiacli query gov deposit \
--proposal-id=<proposal_id> \
#### Vote on a proposal
After a proposal's deposit reaches the `MinDeposit` value, the voting period opens. Bonded `Atom` holders can then cast vote on it:
gaiacli tx gov vote \
--proposal-id=<proposal_id> \
--option=<Yes/No/NoWithVeto/Abstain> \
--from=<name> \
##### Query votes
Check the vote with the option you just submitted:
gaiacli query gov vote \
--proposal-id=<proposal_id> \
You can also get all the previous votes submitted to the proposal with:
gaiacli query gov votes --proposal-id=<proposal_id>
#### Query proposal tally results
To check the current tally of a given proposal you can use the `tally` command:
gaiacli query gov tally --proposal-id=<proposal_id>