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2018-05-08 14:35:24 -07:00
## State
The staking module persists the following information to the store:
* `GlobalState`, a struct describing the global pools, inflation, and
* `ValidatorCandidates: <pubkey | shares> => <candidate>`, a map of all candidates (including current validators) in the store,
indexed by their public key and shares in the global pool.
* `DelegatorBonds: < delegator-address | candidate-pubkey > => <delegator-bond>`. a map of all delegations by a delegator to a candidate,
indexed by delegator address and candidate pubkey.
public key
* `UnbondQueue`, the queue of unbonding delegations
* `RedelegateQueue`, the queue of re-delegations
### Global State
The GlobalState contains information about the total amount of Atoms, the
global bonded/unbonded position, the Atom inflation rate, and the fees.
`Params` is global data structure that stores system parameters and defines overall functioning of the
``` go
type GlobalState struct {
TotalSupply int64 // total supply of Atoms
BondedPool int64 // reserve of bonded tokens
BondedShares rational.Rat // sum of all shares distributed for the BondedPool
UnbondedPool int64 // reserve of unbonding tokens held with candidates
UnbondedShares rational.Rat // sum of all shares distributed for the UnbondedPool
InflationLastTime int64 // timestamp of last processing of inflation
Inflation rational.Rat // current annual inflation rate
DateLastCommissionReset int64 // unix timestamp for last commission accounting reset
FeePool coin.Coins // fee pool for all the fee shares which have already been distributed
ReservePool coin.Coins // pool of reserve taxes collected on all fees for governance use
Adjustment rational.Rat // Adjustment factor for calculating global fee accum
type Params struct {
HoldBonded Address // account where all bonded coins are held
HoldUnbonding Address // account where all delegated but unbonding coins are held
InflationRateChange rational.Rational // maximum annual change in inflation rate
InflationMax rational.Rational // maximum inflation rate
InflationMin rational.Rational // minimum inflation rate
GoalBonded rational.Rational // Goal of percent bonded atoms
ReserveTax rational.Rational // Tax collected on all fees
MaxVals uint16 // maximum number of validators
AllowedBondDenom string // bondable coin denomination
// gas costs for txs
GasDeclareCandidacy int64
GasEditCandidacy int64
GasDelegate int64
GasRedelegate int64
GasUnbond int64
### Candidate
The `Candidate` holds the current state and some historical
actions of validators or candidate-validators.
``` go
2018-05-09 06:55:19 -07:00
type CandidateStatus byte
const (
Bonded CandidateStatus = 0x01
Unbonded CandidateStatus = 0x02
Revoked CandidateStatus = 0x03
2018-05-08 14:35:24 -07:00
type Candidate struct {
Status CandidateStatus
ConsensusPubKey crypto.PubKey
GovernancePubKey crypto.PubKey
Owner crypto.Address
GlobalStakeShares rational.Rat
IssuedDelegatorShares rational.Rat
RedelegatingShares rational.Rat
VotingPower rational.Rat
Commission rational.Rat
CommissionMax rational.Rat
CommissionChangeRate rational.Rat
CommissionChangeToday rational.Rat
ProposerRewardPool coin.Coins
Adjustment rational.Rat
Description Description
type Description struct {
Name string
DateBonded string
Identity string
Website string
Details string
Candidate parameters are described:
* Status: it can be Bonded (active validator), Unbonding (validator candidate)
or Revoked
* ConsensusPubKey: candidate public key that is used strictly for participating in
* GovernancePubKey: public key used by the validator for governance voting
* Owner: Address that is allowed to unbond coins.
* GlobalStakeShares: Represents shares of `GlobalState.BondedPool` if
`Candidate.Status` is `Bonded`; or shares of `GlobalState.Unbondingt Pool`
* IssuedDelegatorShares: Sum of all shares a candidate issued to delegators
(which includes the candidate's self-bond); a delegator share represents
their stake in the Candidate's `GlobalStakeShares`
* RedelegatingShares: The portion of `IssuedDelegatorShares` which are
currently re-delegating to a new validator
* VotingPower: Proportional to the amount of bonded tokens which the validator
has if `Candidate.Status` is `Bonded`; otherwise it is equal to `0`
* Commission: The commission rate of fees charged to any delegators
* CommissionMax: The maximum commission rate this candidate can charge each
day from the date `GlobalState.DateLastCommissionReset`
* CommissionChangeRate: The maximum daily increase of the candidate commission
* CommissionChangeToday: Counter for the amount of change to commission rate
which has occurred today, reset on the first block of each day (UTC time)
* ProposerRewardPool: reward pool for extra fees collected when this candidate
is the proposer of a block
* Adjustment factor used to passively calculate each validators entitled fees
from `GlobalState.FeePool`
* Description
* Name: moniker
* DateBonded: date determined which the validator was bonded
* Identity: optional field to provide a signature which verifies the
validators identity (ex. UPort or Keybase)
* Website: optional website link
* Details: optional details
### DelegatorBond
Atom holders may delegate coins to candidates; under this circumstance their
funds are held in a `DelegatorBond` data structure. It is owned by one
delegator, and is associated with the shares for one candidate. The sender of
the transaction is the owner of the bond.
``` go
type DelegatorBond struct {
Candidate crypto.PubKey
Shares rational.Rat
AdjustmentFeePool coin.Coins
AdjustmentRewardPool coin.Coins
* Candidate: the public key of the validator candidate: bonding too
* Shares: the number of delegator shares received from the validator candidate
* AdjustmentFeePool: Adjustment factor used to passively calculate each bonds
entitled fees from `GlobalState.FeePool`
* AdjustmentRewardPool: Adjustment factor used to passively calculate each
bonds entitled fees from `Candidate.ProposerRewardPool`
### QueueElem
The Unbonding and re-delegation process is implemented using the ordered queue
data structure. All queue elements share a common structure:
type QueueElem struct {
Candidate crypto.PubKey
InitTime int64 // when the element was added to the queue
The queue is ordered so the next element to unbond/re-delegate is at the head.
Every tick the head of the queue is checked and if the unbonding period has
passed since `InitTime`, the final settlement of the unbonding is started or
re-delegation is executed, and the element is popped from the queue. Each
`QueueElem` is persisted in the store until it is popped from the queue.
### QueueElemUnbondDelegation
QueueElemUnbondDelegation structure is used in the unbonding queue.
type QueueElemUnbondDelegation struct {
Payout Address // account to pay out to
Tokens coin.Coins // the value in Atoms of the amount of delegator shares which are unbonding
StartSlashRatio rational.Rat // candidate slash ratio
### QueueElemReDelegate
QueueElemReDelegate structure is used in the re-delegation queue.
type QueueElemReDelegate struct {
Payout Address // account to pay out to
Shares rational.Rat // amount of shares which are unbonding
NewCandidate crypto.PubKey // validator to bond to after unbond