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package types
import (
// NOTE: never use new(Dec) or else we will panic unmarshalling into the
// nil embedded big.Int
type Dec struct {
*big.Int `json:"int"`
// number of decimal places
const (
Precision = 10
// bytes required to represent the above precision
// ceil(log2(9999999999))
DecimalPrecisionBits = 34
var (
precisionReuse = new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(Precision), nil)
fivePrecision = new(big.Int).Quo(precisionReuse, big.NewInt(2))
precisionMultipliers []*big.Int
zeroInt = big.NewInt(0)
oneInt = big.NewInt(1)
tenInt = big.NewInt(10)
// Set precision multipliers
func init() {
precisionMultipliers = make([]*big.Int, Precision+1)
for i := 0; i <= Precision; i++ {
precisionMultipliers[i] = calcPrecisionMultiplier(int64(i))
func precisionInt() *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).Set(precisionReuse)
// nolint - common values
func ZeroDec() Dec { return Dec{new(big.Int).Set(zeroInt)} }
func OneDec() Dec { return Dec{precisionInt()} }
// calculate the precision multiplier
func calcPrecisionMultiplier(prec int64) *big.Int {
if prec > Precision {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("too much precision, maximum %v, provided %v", Precision, prec))
zerosToAdd := Precision - prec
multiplier := new(big.Int).Exp(tenInt, big.NewInt(zerosToAdd), nil)
return multiplier
// get the precision multiplier, do not mutate result
func precisionMultiplier(prec int64) *big.Int {
if prec > Precision {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("too much precision, maximum %v, provided %v", Precision, prec))
return precisionMultipliers[prec]
// create a new Dec from integer assuming whole number
func NewDec(i int64) Dec {
return NewDecWithPrec(i, 0)
// create a new Dec from integer with decimal place at prec
// CONTRACT: prec <= Precision
func NewDecWithPrec(i, prec int64) Dec {
return Dec{
new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(i), precisionMultiplier(prec)),
// create a new Dec from big integer assuming whole numbers
// CONTRACT: prec <= Precision
func NewDecFromBigInt(i *big.Int) Dec {
return NewDecFromBigIntWithPrec(i, 0)
// create a new Dec from big integer assuming whole numbers
// CONTRACT: prec <= Precision
func NewDecFromBigIntWithPrec(i *big.Int, prec int64) Dec {
return Dec{
new(big.Int).Mul(i, precisionMultiplier(prec)),
// create a new Dec from big integer assuming whole numbers
// CONTRACT: prec <= Precision
func NewDecFromInt(i Int) Dec {
return NewDecFromIntWithPrec(i, 0)
// create a new Dec from big integer with decimal place at prec
// CONTRACT: prec <= Precision
func NewDecFromIntWithPrec(i Int, prec int64) Dec {
return Dec{
new(big.Int).Mul(i.BigInt(), precisionMultiplier(prec)),
// create a decimal from an input decimal string.
// valid must come in the form:
// (-) whole integers (.) decimal integers
// examples of acceptable input include:
// -123.456
// 456.7890
// 345
// -456789
// NOTE - An error will return if more decimal places
// are provided in the string than the constant Precision.
// CONTRACT - This function does not mutate the input str.
func NewDecFromStr(str string) (d Dec, err Error) {
if len(str) == 0 {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest("decimal string is empty")
// first extract any negative symbol
neg := false
if str[0] == '-' {
neg = true
str = str[1:]
if len(str) == 0 {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest("decimal string is empty")
strs := strings.Split(str, ".")
lenDecs := 0
combinedStr := strs[0]
if len(strs) == 2 {
lenDecs = len(strs[1])
if lenDecs == 0 || len(combinedStr) == 0 {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest("bad decimal length")
combinedStr = combinedStr + strs[1]
} else if len(strs) > 2 {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest("too many periods to be a decimal string")
if lenDecs > Precision {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest(
fmt.Sprintf("too much precision, maximum %v, len decimal %v", Precision, lenDecs))
// add some extra zero's to correct to the Precision factor
zerosToAdd := Precision - lenDecs
zeros := fmt.Sprintf(`%0`+strconv.Itoa(zerosToAdd)+`s`, "")
combinedStr = combinedStr + zeros
combined, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(combinedStr, 10)
if !ok {
return d, ErrUnknownRequest(fmt.Sprintf("bad string to integer conversion, combinedStr: %v", combinedStr))
if neg {
combined = new(big.Int).Neg(combined)
return Dec{combined}, nil
func (d Dec) IsZero() bool { return (d.Int).Sign() == 0 } // Is equal to zero
func (d Dec) Equal(d2 Dec) bool { return (d.Int).Cmp(d2.Int) == 0 }
func (d Dec) GT(d2 Dec) bool { return (d.Int).Cmp(d2.Int) > 0 } // greater than
func (d Dec) GTE(d2 Dec) bool { return (d.Int).Cmp(d2.Int) >= 0 } // greater than or equal
func (d Dec) LT(d2 Dec) bool { return (d.Int).Cmp(d2.Int) < 0 } // less than
func (d Dec) LTE(d2 Dec) bool { return (d.Int).Cmp(d2.Int) <= 0 } // less than or equal
func (d Dec) Neg() Dec { return Dec{new(big.Int).Neg(d.Int)} } // reverse the decimal sign
// addition
func (d Dec) Add(d2 Dec) Dec {
res := new(big.Int).Add(d.Int, d2.Int)
if res.BitLen() > 255+DecimalPrecisionBits {
panic("Int overflow")
return Dec{res}
// subtraction
func (d Dec) Sub(d2 Dec) Dec {
res := new(big.Int).Sub(d.Int, d2.Int)
if res.BitLen() > 255+DecimalPrecisionBits {
panic("Int overflow")
return Dec{res}
// multiplication
func (d Dec) Mul(d2 Dec) Dec {
mul := new(big.Int).Mul(d.Int, d2.Int)
chopped := chopPrecisionAndRound(mul)
if chopped.BitLen() > 255+DecimalPrecisionBits {
panic("Int overflow")
return Dec{chopped}
// quotient
func (d Dec) Quo(d2 Dec) Dec {
// multiply precision twice
mul := new(big.Int).Mul(d.Int, precisionReuse)
mul.Mul(mul, precisionReuse)
quo := new(big.Int).Quo(mul, d2.Int)
chopped := chopPrecisionAndRound(quo)
if chopped.BitLen() > 255+DecimalPrecisionBits {
panic("Int overflow")
return Dec{chopped}
func (d Dec) String() string {
str := d.ToLeftPaddedWithDecimals(Precision)
placement := len(str) - Precision
if placement < 0 {
panic("too few decimal digits")
return str[:placement] + "." + str[placement:]
// TODO panic if negative or if totalDigits < len(initStr)???
// evaluate as an integer and return left padded string
func (d Dec) ToLeftPaddedWithDecimals(totalDigits int8) string {
intStr := d.Int.String()
fcode := `%0` + strconv.Itoa(int(totalDigits)) + `s`
return fmt.Sprintf(fcode, intStr)
// TODO panic if negative or if totalDigits < len(initStr)???
// evaluate as an integer and return left padded string
func (d Dec) ToLeftPadded(totalDigits int8) string {
chopped := chopPrecisionAndRoundNonMutative(d.Int)
intStr := chopped.String()
fcode := `%0` + strconv.Itoa(int(totalDigits)) + `s`
return fmt.Sprintf(fcode, intStr)
// ____
// __| |__ "chop 'em
// ` \ round!"
// ___|| ~ _ -bankers
// | | __
// | | | __|__|__
// |_____: / | $$$ |
// |________|
// nolint - go-cyclo
// Remove a Precision amount of rightmost digits and perform bankers rounding
// on the remainder (gaussian rounding) on the digits which have been removed.
// Mutates the input. Use the non-mutative version if that is undesired
func chopPrecisionAndRound(d *big.Int) *big.Int {
// remove the negative and add it back when returning
if d.Sign() == -1 {
// make d positive, compute chopped value, and then un-mutate d
d = d.Neg(d)
d = chopPrecisionAndRound(d)
d = d.Neg(d)
return d
// get the trucated quotient and remainder
quo, rem := d, big.NewInt(0)
quo, rem = quo.QuoRem(d, precisionReuse, rem)
if rem.Sign() == 0 { // remainder is zero
return quo
switch rem.Cmp(fivePrecision) {
case -1:
return quo
case 1:
return quo.Add(quo, oneInt)
default: // bankers rounding must take place
// always round to an even number
if quo.Bit(0) == 0 {
return quo
return quo.Add(quo, oneInt)
func chopPrecisionAndRoundNonMutative(d *big.Int) *big.Int {
tmp := new(big.Int).Set(d)
return chopPrecisionAndRound(tmp)
// RoundInt64 rounds the decimal using bankers rounding
func (d Dec) RoundInt64() int64 {
chopped := chopPrecisionAndRoundNonMutative(d.Int)
if !chopped.IsInt64() {
panic("Int64() out of bound")
return chopped.Int64()
// RoundInt round the decimal using bankers rounding
func (d Dec) RoundInt() Int {
return NewIntFromBigInt(chopPrecisionAndRoundNonMutative(d.Int))
// reuse nil values
var (
nilAmino string
nilJSON []byte
func init() {
empty := new(big.Int)
bz, err := empty.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
panic("bad nil amino init")
nilAmino = string(bz)
nilJSON, err = json.Marshal(string(bz))
if err != nil {
panic("bad nil json init")
// wraps d.MarshalText()
func (d Dec) MarshalAmino() (string, error) {
if d.Int == nil {
return nilAmino, nil
bz, err := d.Int.MarshalText()
return string(bz), err
// requires a valid JSON string - strings quotes and calls UnmarshalText
func (d *Dec) UnmarshalAmino(text string) (err error) {
tempInt := new(big.Int)
err = tempInt.UnmarshalText([]byte(text))
if err != nil {
return err
d.Int = tempInt
return nil
// MarshalJSON defines custom encoding scheme
func (d Dec) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if d.Int == nil {
return nilJSON, nil
bz, err := d.Int.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(string(bz))
// UnmarshalJSON defines custom decoding scheme
func (d *Dec) UnmarshalJSON(bz []byte) error {
if d.Int == nil {
d.Int = new(big.Int)
var text string
err := json.Unmarshal(bz, &text)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Int.UnmarshalText([]byte(text))
// helpers
// test if two decimal arrays are equal
func DecsEqual(d1s, d2s []Dec) bool {
if len(d1s) != len(d2s) {
return false
for i, d1 := range d1s {
if !d1.Equal(d2s[i]) {
return false
return true
// minimum decimal between two
func MinDec(d1, d2 Dec) Dec {
if d1.LT(d2) {
return d1
return d2
// intended to be used with require/assert: require.True(DecEq(...))
func DecEq(t *testing.T, exp, got Dec) (*testing.T, bool, string, Dec, Dec) {
return t, exp.Equal(got), "expected:\t%v\ngot:\t\t%v", exp, got