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# ADR 027: Deterministic Protobuf Serialization
## Changelog
- 2020-08-07: Initial Draft
## Status
## Context
seralization is not unique (i.e. there exist a practically unlimited number of
valid binary representations for a protobuf document)<sup>1</sup>. For signature
verification in Cosmos SDK, signer and verifier need to agree on the same
serialization of a SignDoc as defined in
[ADR-020](./ without transmitting the
serialization. This document describes a deterministic serialization scheme for
a subset of protobuf documents, that covers this use case but can be reused in
other cases as well.
## Decision
The following encoding scheme is proposed to be used by other ADRs.
### Scope
This ADR defines a protobuf3 serializer. The output is a valid protobuf
serialization, such that every protobuf parser can parse it.
No maps are supported in version 1 due to the complexity of defining a
derterministic serialization. This might change in future. Implementations must
reject documents containing maps as invalid input.
### Serialization rules
The serialization is based on the
[protobuf 3 encoding](
with the following additions:
1. Fields must be serialized only once in ascending order
2. Extra fields or any extra data must not be added
3. [Default values](
must be omitted
4. `repeated` fields of scalar numeric types must use
[packed encoding](
by default.
5. Variant encoding of integers must not be longer than needed.
While rule number 1. and 2. should be pretty straight forward and describe the
default behaviour of all protobuf encoders the author is aware of, the 3rd rule
is more interesting. After a protobuf 3 deserialization you cannot differentiate
between unset fields and fields set to the default value<sup>2</sup>. At
serialization level however, it is possible to set the fields with an empty
value or omitting them entirely. This is a significant difference to e.g. JSON
where a property can be empty (`""`, `0`), `null` or undefined, leading to 3
different documents.
Omitting fields set to default values is valid because the parser must assign
the default value to fields missing in the serialization<sup>3</sup>. For scalar
types, omitting defaults is required by the spec<sup>4</sup>. For `repeated`
fields, not serializing them is the only way to express empty lists. Enums must
have a first element of numeric value 0, which is the default<sup>5</sup>. And
message fields default to unset<sup>6</sup>.
Omitting defaults allows for some amount of forward compatibility: users of
newer versions of a protobuf schema produce the same serialization as users of
older versions as long as newly added fields are not used (i.e. set to their
default value).
### Implementation
There are three main implementation strategies, ordered from the least to the
most custom development:
- **Use a protobuf serializer that follows the above rules by default.** E.g.
[gogoproto]( is known to
be compliant by in most cases, but not when certain annotations such as
`nullable = false` are used. It might also be an option to configure an
existing serializer accordingly.
- **Normalize default values before encoding them.** If your serializer follows
rule 1. and 2. and allows you to explicitly unset fields for serialization,
you can normalize default values to unset. This can be done when working with
const bytes = SignDoc.encode({
bodyBytes: body.length > 0 ? body : null, // normalize empty bytes to unset
authInfoBytes: authInfo.length > 0 ? authInfo : null, // normalize empty bytes to unset
chainId: chainId || null, // normalize "" to unset
accountNumber: accountNumber || null, // normalize 0 to unset
accountSequence: accountSequence || null, // normalize 0 to unset
- **Use a hand-written serializer for the types you need.** If none of the above
ways works for you, you can write a serializer yourself. For SignDoc this
would look something like this in Go, building on existing protobuf utilities:
if !signDoc.body_bytes.empty() {
buf.WriteUVarInt64(0xA) // wire type and field number for body_bytes
if !signDoc.auth_info.empty() {
buf.WriteUVarInt64(0x12) // wire type and field number for auth_info
if !signDoc.chain_id.empty() {
buf.WriteUVarInt64(0x1a) // wire type and field number for chain_id
if signDoc.account_number != 0 {
buf.WriteUVarInt64(0x20) // wire type and field number for account_number
if signDoc.account_sequence != 0 {
buf.WriteUVarInt64(0x28) // wire type and field number for account_sequence
### Test vectors
Given the protobuf definition `Article.proto`
package blog;
syntax = "proto3";
enum Type {
NEWS = 2;
enum Review {
message Article {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
uint64 created = 3;
uint64 updated = 4;
bool public = 5;
bool promoted = 6;
Type type = 7;
Review review = 8;
repeated string comments = 9;
repeated string backlinks = 10;
serializing the values
title: "The world needs change 🌳"
description: ""
created: 1596806111080
updated: 0
public: true
promoted: false
type: Type.NEWS
review: Review.UNSPECIFIED
comments: ["Nice one", "Thank you"]
backlinks: []
must result in the serialization
When inspecting the serialized document, you see that every second field is
$ echo 0a1b54686520776f726c64206e65656473206368616e676520f09f8cb318e8bebec8bc2e280138024a084e696365206f6e654a095468616e6b20796f75 | xxd -r -p | protoc --decode_raw
1: "The world needs change \360\237\214\263"
3: 1596806111080
5: 1
7: 2
9: "Nice one"
9: "Thank you"
## Consequences
Having such an encoding available allows us to get deterministic serialization
for all protobuf documents we need in the context of Cosmos SDK signing.
### Positive
- Well defined rules that can be verified independent of a reference
- Simple enough to keep the barrier to implement transaction signing low
- It allows us to continue to use 0 and other empty values in SignDoc, avoiding
the need to work around 0 sequences. This does not imply the change from should not be merged, but not
too important anymore.
### Negative
- When implementing transaction signing, the encoding rules above must be
understood and implemented.
- The need for rule number 3. adds some complexity to implementations.
### Neutral
## References
- <sup>1</sup> _When a message is serialized, there is no guaranteed order for
how its known or unknown fields should be written. Serialization order is an
implementation detail and the details of any particular implementation may
change in the future. Therefore, protocol buffer parsers must be able to parse
fields in any order._ from
- <sup>2</sup> _Note that for scalar message fields, once a message is parsed
there's no way of telling whether a field was explicitly set to the default
value (for example whether a boolean was set to false) or just not set at all:
you should bear this in mind when defining your message types. For example,
don't have a boolean that switches on some behaviour when set to false if you
don't want that behaviour to also happen by default._ from
- <sup>3</sup> _When a message is parsed, if the encoded message does not
contain a particular singular element, the corresponding field in the parsed
object is set to the default value for that field._ from
- <sup>4</sup> _Also note that if a scalar message field is set to its default,
the value will not be serialized on the wire._ from
- <sup>5</sup> _For enums, the default value is the first defined enum value,
which must be 0._ from
- <sup>6</sup> _For message fields, the field is not set. Its exact value is
language-dependent._ from
- Encoding rules and parts of the reasoning taken from
[canonical-proto3 Aaron Craelius](