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package merkle
import (
abci ""
cmn ""
dbm ""
// Store contains the merkle tree, and all info to handle abci requests
type Store struct {
height uint64
hash []byte
persisted bool
logger log.Logger
var stateKey = []byte("merkle:state") // Database key for merkle tree save value db values
// MerkleState contains the latest Merkle root hash and the number of times `Commit` has been called
type MerkleState struct {
Hash []byte
Height uint64
// NewStore initializes an in-memory IAVLTree, or attempts to load a persistant
// tree from disk
func NewStore(dbName string, cacheSize int, logger log.Logger) *Store {
// start at 1 so the height returned by query is for the
// next block, ie. the one that includes the AppHash for our current state
initialHeight := uint64(1)
// Non-persistent case
if dbName == "" {
tree := iavl.NewIAVLTree(
return &Store{
State: NewState(tree, false),
height: initialHeight,
logger: logger,
// Expand the path fully
dbPath, err := filepath.Abs(dbName)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Database Name: %s", dbName))
// Some external calls accidently add a ".db", which is now removed
dbPath = strings.TrimSuffix(dbPath, path.Ext(dbPath))
// Split the database name into it's components (dir, name)
dir := path.Dir(dbPath)
name := path.Base(dbPath)
// Make sure the path exists
empty, _ := cmn.IsDirEmpty(dbPath + ".db")
// Open database called "dir/name.db", if it doesn't exist it will be created
db := dbm.NewDB(name, dbm.LevelDBBackendStr, dir)
tree := iavl.NewIAVLTree(cacheSize, db)
var eyesState MerkleState
if empty {
logger.Info("no existing db, creating new db")
eyesState = MerkleState{
Hash: tree.Save(),
Height: initialHeight,
db.Set(stateKey, wire.BinaryBytes(eyesState))
} else {
logger.Info("loading existing db")
eyesStateBytes := db.Get(stateKey)
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(eyesStateBytes, &eyesState)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error reading MerkleEyesState", "err", err)
return &Store{
State: NewState(tree, true),
height: eyesState.Height,
hash: eyesState.Hash,
persisted: true,
logger: logger,
// CloseDB closes the database
// func (s *Store) CloseDB() {
// if s.db != nil {
// s.db.Close()
// }
// }
// Info implements abci.Application. It returns the height, hash and size (in the data).
// The height is the block that holds the transactions, not the apphash itself.
func (s *Store) Info() abci.ResponseInfo {
s.logger.Info("Info synced", "height", s.height, "hash", fmt.Sprintf("%X", s.hash))
return abci.ResponseInfo{
Data: cmn.Fmt("size:%v", s.State.Committed().Size()),
LastBlockHeight: s.height - 1,
LastBlockAppHash: s.hash,
// Commit implements abci.Application
func (s *Store) Commit() abci.Result {
s.hash = s.State.Hash()
s.logger.Debug("Commit synced", "height", s.height, "hash", fmt.Sprintf("%X", s.hash))
s.State.BatchSet(stateKey, wire.BinaryBytes(MerkleState{
Hash: s.hash,
Height: s.height,
hash := s.State.Commit()
if !bytes.Equal(hash, s.hash) {
panic("AppHash is incorrect")
if s.State.Committed().Size() == 0 {
return abci.NewResultOK(nil, "Empty hash for empty tree")
return abci.NewResultOK(s.hash, "")
// Query implements abci.Application
func (s *Store) Query(reqQuery abci.RequestQuery) (resQuery abci.ResponseQuery) {
if len(reqQuery.Data) == 0 {
tree := s.State.Committed()
if reqQuery.Height != 0 {
// TODO: support older commits
resQuery.Code = abci.CodeType_InternalError
resQuery.Log = "merkleeyes only supports queries on latest commit"
// set the query response height to current
resQuery.Height = s.height
switch reqQuery.Path {
case "/store", "/key": // Get by key
key := reqQuery.Data // Data holds the key bytes
resQuery.Key = key
if reqQuery.Prove {
value, proof, exists := tree.Proof(key)
if !exists {
resQuery.Log = "Key not found"
resQuery.Value = value
resQuery.Proof = proof
// TODO: return index too?
} else {
value := tree.Get(key)
resQuery.Value = value
case "/index": // Get by Index
index := wire.GetInt64(reqQuery.Data)
key, value := tree.GetByIndex(int(index))
resQuery.Key = key
resQuery.Index = int64(index)
resQuery.Value = value
case "/size": // Get size
size := tree.Size()
sizeBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(size)
resQuery.Value = sizeBytes
resQuery.Code = abci.CodeType_UnknownRequest
resQuery.Log = cmn.Fmt("Unexpected Query path: %v", reqQuery.Path)