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2019-03-14 11:13:15 -07:00
package simulation
import (
sdk ""
// Operation runs a state machine transition, and ensures the transition
// happened as exported. The operation could be running and testing a fuzzed
2019-03-14 11:13:15 -07:00
// transaction, or doing the same for a message.
// For ease of debugging, an operation returns a descriptive message "action",
// which details what this fuzzed state machine transition actually did.
// Operations can optionally provide a list of "FutureOperations" to run later
// These will be ran at the beginning of the corresponding block.
type Operation func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
ctx sdk.Context, accounts []Account) (
OperationMsg OperationMsg, futureOps []FutureOperation, err error)
// entry kinds for use within OperationEntry
const (
BeginBlockEntryKind = "begin_block"
EndBlockEntryKind = "end_block"
MsgEntryKind = "msg"
QueuedsgMsgEntryKind = "queued_msg"
// OperationEntry - an operation entry for logging (ex. BeginBlock, EndBlock, XxxMsg, etc)
type OperationEntry struct {
EntryKind string `json:"entry_kind"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Order int64 `json:"order"`
Operation json.RawMessage `json:"operation"`
// BeginBlockEntry - operation entry for begin block
func BeginBlockEntry(height int64) OperationEntry {
return OperationEntry{
EntryKind: BeginBlockEntryKind,
Height: height,
Order: -1,
Operation: nil,
// EndBlockEntry - operation entry for end block
func EndBlockEntry(height int64) OperationEntry {
return OperationEntry{
EntryKind: EndBlockEntryKind,
Height: height,
Order: -1,
Operation: nil,
// MsgEntry - operation entry for standard msg
func MsgEntry(height int64, opMsg OperationMsg, order int64) OperationEntry {
return OperationEntry{
EntryKind: MsgEntryKind,
Height: height,
Order: order,
Operation: opMsg.MustMarshal(),
// MsgEntry - operation entry for queued msg
func QueuedMsgEntry(height int64, opMsg OperationMsg) OperationEntry {
return OperationEntry{
EntryKind: QueuedsgMsgEntryKind,
Height: height,
Order: -1,
Operation: opMsg.MustMarshal(),
// OperationEntry - log entry text for this operation entry
func (oe OperationEntry) MustMarshal() json.RawMessage {
out, err := json.Marshal(oe)
if err != nil {
return out
// OperationMsg - structure for operation output
type OperationMsg struct {
Route string `json:"route"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Comment string `json:"comment"`
OK bool `json:"ok"`
Msg json.RawMessage `json:"msg"`
// OperationMsg - create a new operation message from sdk.Msg
func NewOperationMsg(msg sdk.Msg, ok bool, comment string) OperationMsg {
return OperationMsg{
Route: msg.Route(),
Name: msg.Type(),
Comment: comment,
OK: ok,
Msg: msg.GetSignBytes(),
// OperationMsg - create a new operation message from raw input
func NewOperationMsgBasic(route, name, comment string, ok bool, msg []byte) OperationMsg {
return OperationMsg{
Route: route,
Name: name,
Comment: comment,
OK: ok,
Msg: msg,
// NoOpMsg - create a no-operation message
func NoOpMsg() OperationMsg {
return OperationMsg{
Route: "",
Name: "no-operation",
Comment: "",
OK: false,
Msg: nil,
// log entry text for this operation msg
func (om OperationMsg) String() string {
out, err := json.Marshal(om)
if err != nil {
return string(out)
// Marshal the operation msg, panic on error
func (om OperationMsg) MustMarshal() json.RawMessage {
out, err := json.Marshal(om)
if err != nil {
return out
// add event for event stats
func (om OperationMsg) LogEvent(eventLogger func(string)) {
pass := "ok"
if !om.OK {
pass = "failure"
eventLogger(fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", om.Route, om.Name, pass))
// queue of operations
type OperationQueue map[int][]Operation
func newOperationQueue() OperationQueue {
operationQueue := make(OperationQueue)
return operationQueue
// adds all future operations into the operation queue.
func queueOperations(queuedOps OperationQueue,
queuedTimeOps []FutureOperation, futureOps []FutureOperation) {
if futureOps == nil {
for _, futureOp := range futureOps {
if futureOp.BlockHeight != 0 {
if val, ok := queuedOps[futureOp.BlockHeight]; ok {
queuedOps[futureOp.BlockHeight] = append(val, futureOp.Op)
} else {
queuedOps[futureOp.BlockHeight] = []Operation{futureOp.Op}
// TODO: Replace with proper sorted data structure, so don't have the
// copy entire slice
index := sort.Search(
func(i int) bool {
return queuedTimeOps[i].BlockTime.After(futureOp.BlockTime)
queuedTimeOps = append(queuedTimeOps, FutureOperation{})
copy(queuedTimeOps[index+1:], queuedTimeOps[index:])
queuedTimeOps[index] = futureOp
// FutureOperation is an operation which will be ran at the beginning of the
// provided BlockHeight. If both a BlockHeight and BlockTime are specified, it
// will use the BlockHeight. In the (likely) event that multiple operations
// are queued at the same block height, they will execute in a FIFO pattern.
type FutureOperation struct {
BlockHeight int
BlockTime time.Time
Op Operation
// WeightedOperation is an operation with associated weight.
// This is used to bias the selection operation within the simulator.
type WeightedOperation struct {
Weight int
Op Operation
// WeightedOperations is the group of all weighted operations to simulate.
type WeightedOperations []WeightedOperation
func (ops WeightedOperations) totalWeight() int {
totalOpWeight := 0
for _, op := range ops {
totalOpWeight += op.Weight
return totalOpWeight
type selectOpFn func(r *rand.Rand) Operation
func (ops WeightedOperations) getSelectOpFn() selectOpFn {
totalOpWeight := ops.totalWeight()
return func(r *rand.Rand) Operation {
x := r.Intn(totalOpWeight)
for i := 0; i < len(ops); i++ {
if x <= ops[i].Weight {
return ops[i].Op
x -= ops[i].Weight
// shouldn't happen
return ops[0].Op