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package app
2018-07-11 15:14:37 -07:00
import (
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
2018-07-11 15:14:37 -07:00
2018-07-11 15:14:37 -07:00
2018-07-12 13:01:43 -07:00
abci ""
2018-07-12 13:01:43 -07:00
dbm ""
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
sdk ""
2018-10-22 21:53:06 -07:00
authsim ""
2018-07-18 00:05:48 -07:00
banksim ""
2018-10-05 17:32:06 -07:00
distr ""
2018-10-23 11:33:39 -07:00
distrsim ""
govsim ""
2018-10-19 11:36:00 -07:00
2018-07-16 18:25:15 -07:00
slashingsim ""
2018-07-17 11:33:53 -07:00
stake ""
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
stakesim ""
stakeTypes ""
2018-07-16 18:15:50 -07:00
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
var (
2018-09-01 12:32:24 -07:00
seed int64
numBlocks int
blockSize int
enabled bool
verbose bool
commit bool
2018-07-11 15:14:37 -07:00
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
func init() {
flag.Int64Var(&seed, "SimulationSeed", 42, "Simulation random seed")
flag.IntVar(&numBlocks, "SimulationNumBlocks", 500, "Number of blocks")
flag.IntVar(&blockSize, "SimulationBlockSize", 200, "Operations per block")
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
flag.BoolVar(&enabled, "SimulationEnabled", false, "Enable the simulation")
flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "SimulationVerbose", false, "Verbose log output")
2018-08-30 11:47:32 -07:00
flag.BoolVar(&commit, "SimulationCommit", false, "Have the simulation commit")
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
func appStateFn(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account) json.RawMessage {
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
var genesisAccounts []GenesisAccount
2018-07-17 11:33:53 -07:00
amount := int64(r.Intn(1e6))
numInitiallyBonded := int64(r.Intn(250))
numAccs := int64(len(accs))
if numInitiallyBonded > numAccs {
numInitiallyBonded = numAccs
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated parameters for simulated genesis: {amount of steak per account: %v, initially bonded validators: %v}\n", amount, numInitiallyBonded)
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
// Randomly generate some genesis accounts
for _, acc := range accs {
coins := sdk.Coins{sdk.Coin{stakeTypes.DefaultBondDenom, sdk.NewInt(amount)}}
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
genesisAccounts = append(genesisAccounts, GenesisAccount{
Address: acc.Address,
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
Coins: coins,
2018-10-05 17:32:06 -07:00
// Random genesis states
govGenesis := gov.GenesisState{
StartingProposalID: uint64(r.Intn(100)),
DepositParams: gov.DepositParams{
MinDeposit: sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(stakeTypes.DefaultBondDenom, int64(r.Intn(1e3)))},
MaxDepositPeriod: time.Duration(r.Intn(2*172800)) * time.Second,
VotingParams: gov.VotingParams{
VotingPeriod: time.Duration(r.Intn(2*172800)) * time.Second,
TallyParams: gov.TallyParams{
Threshold: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(5, 1),
Veto: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(334, 3),
GovernancePenalty: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(1, 2),
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated governance parameters: %+v\n", govGenesis)
stakeGenesis := stake.GenesisState{
Pool: stake.InitialPool(),
Params: stake.Params{
UnbondingTime: time.Duration(r.Intn(60*60*24*3*2)) * time.Second,
MaxValidators: uint16(r.Intn(250)),
BondDenom: stakeTypes.DefaultBondDenom,
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated staking parameters: %+v\n", stakeGenesis)
slashingGenesis := slashing.GenesisState{
Params: slashing.Params{
MaxEvidenceAge: stakeGenesis.Params.UnbondingTime,
DoubleSignUnbondDuration: time.Duration(r.Intn(60*60*24)) * time.Second,
SignedBlocksWindow: int64(r.Intn(1000)),
DowntimeUnbondDuration: time.Duration(r.Intn(86400)) * time.Second,
MinSignedPerWindow: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(int64(r.Intn(10)), 1),
SlashFractionDoubleSign: sdk.NewDec(1).Quo(sdk.NewDec(int64(r.Intn(50) + 1))),
SlashFractionDowntime: sdk.NewDec(1).Quo(sdk.NewDec(int64(r.Intn(200) + 1))),
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated slashing parameters: %+v\n", slashingGenesis)
mintGenesis := mint.GenesisState{
Minter: mint.Minter{
InflationLastTime: time.Unix(0, 0),
Inflation: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(int64(r.Intn(99)), 2),
Params: mint.Params{
MintDenom: stakeTypes.DefaultBondDenom,
InflationRateChange: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(int64(r.Intn(99)), 2),
InflationMax: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(20, 2),
InflationMin: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(7, 2),
GoalBonded: sdk.NewDecWithPrec(67, 2),
fmt.Printf("Selected randomly generated minting parameters: %v\n", mintGenesis)
var validators []stake.Validator
var delegations []stake.Delegation
2018-10-05 17:32:06 -07:00
valAddrs := make([]sdk.ValAddress, numInitiallyBonded)
for i := 0; i < int(numInitiallyBonded); i++ {
2018-10-05 17:32:06 -07:00
valAddr := sdk.ValAddress(accs[i].Address)
valAddrs[i] = valAddr
validator := stake.NewValidator(valAddr, accs[i].PubKey, stake.Description{})
validator.Tokens = sdk.NewDec(amount)
validator.DelegatorShares = sdk.NewDec(amount)
delegation := stake.Delegation{accs[i].Address, valAddr, sdk.NewDec(amount), 0}
validators = append(validators, validator)
delegations = append(delegations, delegation)
stakeGenesis.Pool.LooseTokens = sdk.NewDec((amount * numAccs) + (numInitiallyBonded * amount))
stakeGenesis.Validators = validators
stakeGenesis.Bonds = delegations
2018-10-05 17:32:06 -07:00
genesis := GenesisState{
Accounts: genesisAccounts,
StakeData: stakeGenesis,
2018-10-19 11:36:00 -07:00
MintData: mintGenesis,
DistrData: distr.DefaultGenesisWithValidators(valAddrs),
2018-10-06 09:08:49 -07:00
SlashingData: slashingGenesis,
GovData: govGenesis,
2018-07-17 11:33:53 -07:00
// Marshal genesis
appState, err := MakeCodec().MarshalJSON(genesis)
2018-07-17 11:33:53 -07:00
if err != nil {
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
return appState
func testAndRunTxs(app *GaiaApp) []simulation.WeightedOperation {
return []simulation.WeightedOperation{
{5, authsim.SimulateDeductFee(app.accountKeeper, app.feeCollectionKeeper)},
{100, banksim.SingleInputSendMsg(app.accountKeeper, app.bankKeeper)},
2018-10-23 11:33:39 -07:00
{50, distrsim.SimulateMsgSetWithdrawAddress(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper)},
{50, distrsim.SimulateMsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardsAll(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper)},
{50, distrsim.SimulateMsgWithdrawDelegatorReward(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper)},
{50, distrsim.SimulateMsgWithdrawValidatorRewardsAll(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper)},
2018-10-22 21:53:06 -07:00
{5, govsim.SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(app.govKeeper, app.stakeKeeper)},
{100, govsim.SimulateMsgDeposit(app.govKeeper)},
{100, stakesim.SimulateMsgCreateValidator(app.accountKeeper, app.stakeKeeper)},
2018-10-22 21:53:06 -07:00
{5, stakesim.SimulateMsgEditValidator(app.stakeKeeper)},
{100, stakesim.SimulateMsgDelegate(app.accountKeeper, app.stakeKeeper)},
{100, stakesim.SimulateMsgBeginUnbonding(app.accountKeeper, app.stakeKeeper)},
{100, stakesim.SimulateMsgBeginRedelegate(app.accountKeeper, app.stakeKeeper)},
{100, slashingsim.SimulateMsgUnjail(app.slashingKeeper)},
func invariants(app *GaiaApp) []simulation.Invariant {
return []simulation.Invariant{
distrsim.AllInvariants(app.distrKeeper, app.stakeKeeper),
stakesim.AllInvariants(app.bankKeeper, app.stakeKeeper,
app.feeCollectionKeeper, app.distrKeeper, app.accountKeeper),
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
// Profile with:
// /usr/local/go/bin/go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkFullGaiaSimulation$ -SimulationCommit=true -cpuprofile cpu.out
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
func BenchmarkFullGaiaSimulation(b *testing.B) {
// Setup Gaia application
var logger log.Logger
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
var db dbm.DB
dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-gaia-sim")
2018-09-01 12:32:24 -07:00
db, _ = dbm.NewGoLevelDB("Simulation", dir)
defer func() {
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
app := NewGaiaApp(logger, db, nil)
// Run randomized simulation
// TODO parameterize numbers, save for a later PR
err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
b, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed,
2018-08-30 00:13:31 -07:00
invariants(app), // these shouldn't get ran
2018-08-30 11:47:32 -07:00
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
if err != nil {
if commit {
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats")
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"])
2018-08-29 23:02:15 -07:00
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
func TestFullGaiaSimulation(t *testing.T) {
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
if !enabled {
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
t.Skip("Skipping Gaia simulation")
// Setup Gaia application
var logger log.Logger
if verbose {
logger = log.TestingLogger()
} else {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
var db dbm.DB
dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-gaia-sim")
db, _ = dbm.NewGoLevelDB("Simulation", dir)
defer func() {
2018-07-17 15:04:10 -07:00
app := NewGaiaApp(logger, db, nil)
require.Equal(t, "GaiaApp", app.Name())
2018-07-16 18:15:50 -07:00
// Run randomized simulation
err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(
2018-07-17 22:37:38 -07:00
t, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed,
2018-07-16 18:25:15 -07:00
2018-07-18 23:40:46 -07:00
2018-07-18 00:54:41 -07:00
2018-08-30 11:47:32 -07:00
2018-07-16 18:15:50 -07:00
if commit {
// for memdb:
// fmt.Println("Database Size", db.Stats()["database.size"])
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats")
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"])
require.Nil(t, err)
2018-07-11 15:14:37 -07:00
func TestGaiaImportExport(t *testing.T) {
if !enabled {
t.Skip("Skipping Gaia import/export simulation")
// Setup Gaia application
var logger log.Logger
if verbose {
logger = log.TestingLogger()
} else {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
var db dbm.DB
dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-gaia-sim")
db, _ = dbm.NewGoLevelDB("Simulation", dir)
defer func() {
app := NewGaiaApp(logger, db, nil)
require.Equal(t, "GaiaApp", app.Name())
// Run randomized simulation
err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(
t, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed,
if commit {
// for memdb:
// fmt.Println("Database Size", db.Stats()["database.size"])
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats")
fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"])
require.Nil(t, err)
fmt.Printf("Exporting genesis...\n")
appState, _, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Importing genesis...\n")
newDir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-gaia-sim-2")
newDB, _ := dbm.NewGoLevelDB("Simulation-2", dir)
defer func() {
newApp := NewGaiaApp(log.NewNopLogger(), newDB, nil)
require.Equal(t, "GaiaApp", newApp.Name())
request := abci.RequestInitChain{
AppStateBytes: appState,
fmt.Printf("Comparing stores...\n")
ctxA := app.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
ctxB := newApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{})
type StoreKeysPrefixes struct {
A sdk.StoreKey
B sdk.StoreKey
Prefixes [][]byte
storeKeysPrefixes := []StoreKeysPrefixes{
{app.keyMain, newApp.keyMain, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyAccount, newApp.keyAccount, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyStake, newApp.keyStake, [][]byte{stake.UnbondingQueueKey, stake.RedelegationQueueKey, stake.ValidatorQueueKey}}, // ordering may change but it doesn't matter
{app.keySlashing, newApp.keySlashing, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyMint, newApp.keyMint, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyDistr, newApp.keyDistr, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyFeeCollection, newApp.keyFeeCollection, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyParams, newApp.keyParams, [][]byte{}},
{app.keyGov, newApp.keyGov, [][]byte{}},
for _, storeKeysPrefix := range storeKeysPrefixes {
storeKeyA := storeKeysPrefix.A
storeKeyB := storeKeysPrefix.B
prefixes := storeKeysPrefix.Prefixes
storeA := ctxA.KVStore(storeKeyA)
storeB := ctxB.KVStore(storeKeyB)
kvA, kvB, count, equal := sdk.DiffKVStores(storeA, storeB, prefixes)
fmt.Printf("Compared %d key/value pairs between %s and %s\n", count, storeKeyA, storeKeyB)
require.True(t, equal, "unequal stores: %s / %s:\nstore A %s (%X) => %s (%X)\nstore B %s (%X) => %s (%X)",
storeKeyA, storeKeyB, kvA.Key, kvA.Key, kvA.Value, kvA.Value, kvB.Key, kvB.Key, kvB.Value, kvB.Value)
// TODO: Make another test for the fuzzer itself, which just has noOp txs
// and doesn't depend on gaia
func TestAppStateDeterminism(t *testing.T) {
if !enabled {
t.Skip("Skipping Gaia simulation")
numSeeds := 3
numTimesToRunPerSeed := 5
appHashList := make([]json.RawMessage, numTimesToRunPerSeed)
for i := 0; i < numSeeds; i++ {
seed := rand.Int63()
for j := 0; j < numTimesToRunPerSeed; j++ {
logger := log.NewNopLogger()
db := dbm.NewMemDB()
app := NewGaiaApp(logger, db, nil)
// Run randomized simulation
t, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed,
appHash := app.LastCommitID().Hash
appHashList[j] = appHash
for k := 1; k < numTimesToRunPerSeed; k++ {
require.Equal(t, appHashList[0], appHashList[k], "appHash list: %v", appHashList)