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2018-05-25 15:52:34 -07:00
# Validator Set Changes
## Slashing
Messges which may compromise the safety of the underlying consensus protocol ("equivocations")
result in some amount of the offending validator's shares being removed ("slashed").
Currently, such messages include only the following:
- prevotes by the same validator for more than one BlockID at the same
Height and Round
- precommits by the same validator for more than one BlockID at the same
Height and Round
We call any such pair of conflicting votes `Evidence`. Full nodes in the network prioritize the
detection and gossipping of `Evidence` so that it may be rapidly included in blocks and the offending
validators punished.
For some `evidence` to be valid, it must satisfy:
`evidence.Timestamp >= block.Timestamp - MAX_EVIDENCE_AGE`
where `evidence.Timestamp` is the timestamp in the block at height
`evidence.Height` and `block.Timestamp` is the current block timestamp.
If valid evidence is included in a block, the offending validator loses
a constant `SLASH_PROPORTION` of their current stake at the beginning of the block:
oldShares = validator.shares
validator.shares = oldShares * (1 - SLASH_PROPORTION)
This ensures that offending validators are punished the same amount whether they
act as a single validator with X stake or as N validators with collectively X
## Automatic Unbonding
Every block includes a set of precommits by the validators for the previous block,
known as the LastCommit. A LastCommit is valid so long as it contains precommits from +2/3 of voting power.
Proposers are incentivized to include precommits from all
validators in the LastCommit by receiving additional fees
proportional to the difference between the voting power included in the
LastCommit and +2/3 (see [TODO](
Validators are penalized for failing to be included in the LastCommit for some
number of blocks by being automatically unbonded.
The following information is stored with each validator, and is only non-zero if the validator becomes an active validator:
type ValidatorSigningInfo struct {
StartHeight int64
SignedBlocksBitArray BitArray
* `StartHeight` is set to the height that the validator became an active validator (with non-zero voting power).
* `SignedBlocksBitArray` is a bit-array of size `SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW` that records, for each of the last `SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW` blocks,
whether or not this validator was included in the LastCommit. It uses a `0` if the validator was included, and a `1` if it was not.
Note it is initialized with all 0s.
At the beginning of each block, we update the signing info for each validator and check if they should be automatically unbonded:
h = block.Height
for val in block.Validators:
signInfo = val.SignInfo
if val in block.LastCommit:
signInfo.SignedBlocksBitArray.Set(index, 0)
signInfo.SignedBlocksBitArray.Set(index, 1)
// validator must be active for at least SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW
// before they can be automatically unbonded for failing to be
// included in 50% of the recent LastCommits
minHeight = signInfo.StartHeight + SIGNED_BLOCKS_WINDOW
blocksSigned = signInfo.SignedBlocksBitArray.Sum()
if h > minHeight AND blocksSigned < minSigned:
unbond the validator