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2018-02-23 15:57:31 -08:00
package stake
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
import (
crypto ""
sdk ""
func newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(address sdk.Address, pubKey crypto.PubKey, amt int64) MsgDeclareCandidacy {
return MsgDeclareCandidacy{
Description: Description{},
CandidateAddr: address,
Bond: sdk.Coin{"fermion", amt},
PubKey: pubKey,
func newTestMsgDelegate(amt int64, delegatorAddr, candidateAddr sdk.Address) MsgDelegate {
return MsgDelegate{
DelegatorAddr: delegatorAddr,
CandidateAddr: candidateAddr,
Bond: sdk.Coin{"fermion", amt},
func TestDuplicatesMsgDeclareCandidacy(t *testing.T) {
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
ctx, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 1000)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
msgDeclareCandidacy := newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(addrs[0], pks[0], 10)
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
got := handleMsgDeclareCandidacy(ctx, msgDeclareCandidacy, keeper)
assert.True(t, got.IsOK(), "%v", got)
// one sender cannot bond twice
msgDeclareCandidacy.PubKey = pks[1]
got = handleMsgDeclareCandidacy(ctx, msgDeclareCandidacy, keeper)
assert.False(t, got.IsOK(), "%v", got)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
func TestIncrementsMsgDelegate(t *testing.T) {
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
ctx, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 1000)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
// first declare candidacy
bondAmount := int64(10)
msgDeclareCandidacy := newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(addrs[0], pks[0], bondAmount)
got := deliverer.declareCandidacy(msgDeclareCandidacy)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected declare candidacy msg to be ok, got %v", got)
expectedBond := bondAmount // 1 since we send 1 at the start of loop,
// just send the same msgbond multiple times
msgDelegate := newTestMsgDelegate(bondAmount, addrs[0])
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
got := deliverer.delegate(msgDelegate)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the accounts and the bond account have the appropriate values
candidates := mapper.GetCandidates()
expectedBond += bondAmount
//expectedSender := initSender - expectedBond
gotBonded := candidates[0].Liabilities.Evaluate()
//gotSender := accStore[string(deliverer.sender)] //XXX use StoreMapper
assert.Equal(t, expectedBond, gotBonded, "i: %v, %v, %v", i, expectedBond, gotBonded)
//assert.Equal(t, expectedSender, gotSender, "i: %v, %v, %v", i, expectedSender, gotSender) // XXX fix
func TestIncrementsMsgUnbond(t *testing.T) {
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
ctx, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 0)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
// set initial bond
initBond := int64(1000)
//accStore[string(deliverer.sender)] = initBond //XXX use StoreMapper
got := deliverer.declareCandidacy(newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(addrs[0], pks[0], initBond))
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected initial bond msg to be ok, got %v", got)
// just send the same msgunbond multiple times
// XXX use decimals here
unbondShares, unbondSharesStr := int64(10), "10"
msgUndelegate := NewMsgUnbond(addrs[0], unbondSharesStr)
nUnbonds := 5
for i := 0; i < nUnbonds; i++ {
got := deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the accounts and the bond account have the appropriate values
candidates := mapper.GetCandidates()
expectedBond := initBond - int64(i+1)*unbondShares // +1 since we send 1 at the start of loop
//expectedSender := initSender + (initBond - expectedBond)
gotBonded := candidates[0].Liabilities.Evaluate()
//gotSender := accStore[string(deliverer.sender)] // XXX use storemapper
assert.Equal(t, expectedBond, gotBonded, "%v, %v", expectedBond, gotBonded)
//assert.Equal(t, expectedSender, gotSender, "%v, %v", expectedSender, gotSender) //XXX fix
// these are more than we have bonded now
errorCases := []int64{
//1<<64 - 1, // more than int64
//1<<63 + 1, // more than int64
1<<63 - 1,
1 << 31,
for _, c := range errorCases {
unbondShares := strconv.Itoa(int(c))
msgUndelegate := NewMsgUnbond(addrs[0], unbondShares)
got = deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
assert.Error(t, got, "expected unbond msg to fail")
leftBonded := initBond - unbondShares*int64(nUnbonds)
// should be unable to unbond one more than we have
msgUndelegate = NewMsgUnbond(addrs[0], strconv.Itoa(int(leftBonded)+1))
got = deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
assert.Error(t, got, "expected unbond msg to fail")
// should be able to unbond just what we have
msgUndelegate = NewMsgUnbond(addrs[0], strconv.Itoa(int(leftBonded)))
got = deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected unbond msg to pass")
func TestMultipleMsgDeclareCandidacy(t *testing.T) {
initSender := int64(1000)
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
//ctx, accStore, mapper, deliverer := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, initSender)
ctx, mapper, keeper := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, initSender)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
addrs := []sdk.Address{addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[2]}
// bond them all
for i, addr := range addrs {
msgDeclareCandidacy := newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(addrs[i], pks[i], 10)
deliverer.sender = addr
got := deliverer.declareCandidacy(msgDeclareCandidacy)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the account is bonded
candidates := mapper.GetCandidates()
require.Equal(t, i, len(candidates))
val := candidates[i]
balanceExpd := initSender - 10
balanceGot := accStore.GetAccount(ctx, val.Address).GetCoins()
assert.Equal(t, i+1, len(candidates), "expected %d candidates got %d, candidates: %v", i+1, len(candidates), candidates)
assert.Equal(t, 10, int(val.Liabilities.Evaluate()), "expected %d shares, got %d", 10, val.Liabilities)
assert.Equal(t, balanceExpd, balanceGot, "expected account to have %d, got %d", balanceExpd, balanceGot)
// unbond them all
for i, addr := range addrs {
candidatePre := mapper.GetCandidate(addrs[i])
msgUndelegate := NewMsgUnbond(addrs[i], "10")
deliverer.sender = addr
got := deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the account is unbonded
candidates := mapper.GetCandidates()
assert.Equal(t, len(addrs)-(i+1), len(candidates), "expected %d candidates got %d", len(addrs)-(i+1), len(candidates))
candidatePost := mapper.GetCandidate(addrs[i])
balanceExpd := initSender
balanceGot := accStore.GetAccount(ctx, candidatePre.Address).GetCoins()
assert.Nil(t, candidatePost, "expected nil candidate retrieve, got %d", 0, candidatePost)
assert.Equal(t, balanceExpd, balanceGot, "expected account to have %d, got %d", balanceExpd, balanceGot)
func TestMultipleMsgDelegate(t *testing.T) {
sender, delegators := addrs[0], addrs[1:]
_, _, mapper, deliverer := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 1000)
2018-03-30 10:28:51 -07:00
ctx, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 0)
2018-03-29 07:49:18 -07:00
//first make a candidate
msgDeclareCandidacy := newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(sender, pks[0], 10)
got := deliverer.declareCandidacy(msgDeclareCandidacy)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected msg to be ok, got %v", got)
// delegate multiple parties
for i, delegator := range delegators {
msgDelegate := newTestMsgDelegate(10, sender)
deliverer.sender = delegator
got := deliverer.delegate(msgDelegate)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the account is bonded
bond := mapper.getDelegatorBond(delegator, sender)
assert.NotNil(t, bond, "expected delegatee bond %d to exist", bond)
// unbond them all
for i, delegator := range delegators {
msgUndelegate := NewMsgUnbond(sender, "10")
deliverer.sender = delegator
got := deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected msg %d to be ok, got %v", i, got)
//Check that the account is unbonded
bond := mapper.getDelegatorBond(delegator, sender)
assert.Nil(t, bond, "expected delegatee bond %d to be nil", bond)
func TestVoidCandidacy(t *testing.T) {
sender, delegator := addrs[0], addrs[1]
_, _, _, deliverer := createTestInput(t, addrs[0], false, 1000)
// create the candidate
msgDeclareCandidacy := newTestMsgDeclareCandidacy(addrs[0], pks[0], 10)
got := deliverer.declareCandidacy(msgDeclareCandidacy)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected no error on runMsgDeclareCandidacy")
// bond a delegator
msgDelegate := newTestMsgDelegate(10, addrs[0])
deliverer.sender = delegator
got = deliverer.delegate(msgDelegate)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected ok, got %v", got)
// unbond the candidates bond portion
msgUndelegate := NewMsgUnbond(addrs[0], "10")
deliverer.sender = sender
got = deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected no error on runMsgDeclareCandidacy")
// test that this pubkey cannot yet be bonded too
deliverer.sender = delegator
got = deliverer.delegate(msgDelegate)
assert.Error(t, got, "expected error, got %v", got)
// test that the delegator can still withdraw their bonds
got = deliverer.unbond(msgUndelegate)
require.NoError(t, got, "expected no error on runMsgDeclareCandidacy")
// verify that the pubkey can now be reused
got = deliverer.declareCandidacy(msgDeclareCandidacy)
assert.NoError(t, got, "expected ok, got %v", got)