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package types
import (
type internalIntTestSuite struct {
func TestInternalIntTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(internalIntTestSuite))
func (s *internalIntTestSuite) TestEncodingRandom() {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
n := rand.Int63()
ni := NewInt(n)
var ri Int
str, err := ni.Marshal()
err = (&ri).Unmarshal(str)
s.Require().Equal(ni, ri, "binary mismatch; tc #%d, expected %s, actual %s", i, ni.String(), ri.String())
s.Require().True(ni.i != ri.i, "pointer addresses are equal; tc #%d", i)
bz, err := ni.MarshalJSON()
err = (&ri).UnmarshalJSON(bz)
s.Require().Equal(ni, ri, "json mismatch; tc #%d, expected %s, actual %s", i, ni.String(), ri.String())
s.Require().True(ni.i != ri.i, "pointer addresses are equal; tc #%d", i)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
n := rand.Uint64()
ni := NewUint(n)
var ri Uint
str, err := ni.Marshal()
err = (&ri).Unmarshal(str)
s.Require().Equal(ni, ri, "binary mismatch; tc #%d, expected %s, actual %s", i, ni.String(), ri.String())
s.Require().True(ni.i != ri.i, "pointer addresses are equal; tc #%d", i)
bz, err := ni.MarshalJSON()
err = (&ri).UnmarshalJSON(bz)
s.Require().Equal(ni, ri, "json mismatch; tc #%d, expected %s, actual %s", i, ni.String(), ri.String())
s.Require().True(ni.i != ri.i, "pointer addresses are equal; tc #%d", i)
func (s *internalIntTestSuite) TestSerializationOverflow() {
fix: Handle MAX_INT_256 (#9511) Change maxBitLen of sdk.Int to handle max Erc20 value. <!-- The default pull request template is for types feat, fix, or refactor. For other templates, add one of the following parameters to the url: - - --> ## Description Closes: #XXXX <!-- Add a description of the changes that this PR introduces and the files that are the most critical to review. --> --- ### Author Checklist *All items are required. Please add a note to the item if the item is not applicable and please add links to any relevant follow up issues.* I have... - [x] included the correct [type prefix]( in the PR title - [ ] added `!` to the type prefix if API or client breaking change - [x] targeted the correct branch (see [PR Targeting]( - [ ] provided a link to the relevant issue or specification - [ ] followed the guidelines for [building modules]( - [ ] included the necessary unit and integration [tests]( - [x] added a changelog entry to `` - [ ] included comments for [documenting Go code]( - [ ] updated the relevant documentation or specification - [ ] reviewed "Files changed" and left comments if necessary - [ ] confirmed all CI checks have passed ### Reviewers Checklist *All items are required. Please add a note if the item is not applicable and please add your handle next to the items reviewed if you only reviewed selected items.* I have... - [ ] confirmed the correct [type prefix]( in the PR title - [ ] confirmed `!` in the type prefix if API or client breaking change - [ ] confirmed all author checklist items have been addressed - [ ] reviewed state machine logic - [ ] reviewed API design and naming - [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate - [ ] reviewed tests and test coverage - [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
2021-06-16 07:18:02 -07:00
bx, _ := new(big.Int).SetString("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936", 10)
x := Int{bx}
y := new(Int)
bz, err := x.Marshal()
// require deserialization to fail due to overflow
// require JSON deserialization to fail due to overflow
bz, err = x.MarshalJSON()
fix: Handle MAX_INT_256 (#9511) Change maxBitLen of sdk.Int to handle max Erc20 value. <!-- The default pull request template is for types feat, fix, or refactor. For other templates, add one of the following parameters to the url: - - --> ## Description Closes: #XXXX <!-- Add a description of the changes that this PR introduces and the files that are the most critical to review. --> --- ### Author Checklist *All items are required. Please add a note to the item if the item is not applicable and please add links to any relevant follow up issues.* I have... - [x] included the correct [type prefix]( in the PR title - [ ] added `!` to the type prefix if API or client breaking change - [x] targeted the correct branch (see [PR Targeting]( - [ ] provided a link to the relevant issue or specification - [ ] followed the guidelines for [building modules]( - [ ] included the necessary unit and integration [tests]( - [x] added a changelog entry to `` - [ ] included comments for [documenting Go code]( - [ ] updated the relevant documentation or specification - [ ] reviewed "Files changed" and left comments if necessary - [ ] confirmed all CI checks have passed ### Reviewers Checklist *All items are required. Please add a note if the item is not applicable and please add your handle next to the items reviewed if you only reviewed selected items.* I have... - [ ] confirmed the correct [type prefix]( in the PR title - [ ] confirmed `!` in the type prefix if API or client breaking change - [ ] confirmed all author checklist items have been addressed - [ ] reviewed state machine logic - [ ] reviewed API design and naming - [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate - [ ] reviewed tests and test coverage - [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
2021-06-16 07:18:02 -07:00
func (s *internalIntTestSuite) TestDeserializeMaxERC20() {
bx, _ := new(big.Int).SetString("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935", 10)
x := Int{bx}
y := new(Int)
bz, err := x.Marshal()
// require deserialization to be successful
// require JSON deserialization to succeed
bz, err = x.MarshalJSON()
func (s *internalIntTestSuite) TestImmutabilityArithInt() {
size := 500
ops := []intOp{
applyWithRand(Int.Add, (*big.Int).Add),
applyWithRand(Int.Sub, (*big.Int).Sub),
applyWithRand(Int.Mul, (*big.Int).Mul),
applyWithRand(Int.Quo, (*big.Int).Quo),
applyRawWithRand(Int.AddRaw, (*big.Int).Add),
applyRawWithRand(Int.SubRaw, (*big.Int).Sub),
applyRawWithRand(Int.MulRaw, (*big.Int).Mul),
applyRawWithRand(Int.QuoRaw, (*big.Int).Quo),
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
uis := make([]Int, size)
bis := make([]*big.Int, size)
n := rand.Int63()
ui := NewInt(n)
bi := new(big.Int).SetInt64(n)
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
op := ops[rand.Intn(len(ops))]
uis[j], bis[j] = op(ui, bi)
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
s.Require().Equal(0, bis[j].Cmp(uis[j].BigInt()), "Int is different from *big.Int. tc #%d, Int %s, *big.Int %s", j, uis[j].String(), bis[j].String())
s.Require().Equal(NewIntFromBigInt(bis[j]), uis[j], "Int is different from *big.Int. tc #%d, Int %s, *big.Int %s", j, uis[j].String(), bis[j].String())
s.Require().True(uis[j].i != bis[j], "Pointer addresses are equal. tc #%d, Int %s, *big.Int %s", j, uis[j].String(), bis[j].String())
type (
intOp func(Int, *big.Int) (Int, *big.Int)
bigIntFunc func(*big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int) *big.Int
func applyWithRand(intFn func(Int, Int) Int, bigIntFn bigIntFunc) intOp {
return func(integer Int, bigInteger *big.Int) (Int, *big.Int) {
r := rand.Int63()
br := new(big.Int).SetInt64(r)
return intFn(integer, NewInt(r)), bigIntFn(new(big.Int), bigInteger, br)
func applyRawWithRand(intFn func(Int, int64) Int, bigIntFn bigIntFunc) intOp {
return func(integer Int, bigInteger *big.Int) (Int, *big.Int) {
r := rand.Int63()
br := new(big.Int).SetInt64(r)
return intFn(integer, r), bigIntFn(new(big.Int), bigInteger, br)