Additional Unit Tests




int, got it working!

This commit is contained in:
rigelrozanski 2017-03-01 13:07:12 -05:00 committed by Rigel Rozanski
parent 221421ad3e
commit 4bf37baf0b
5 changed files with 350 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func NewBasecoin(eyesCli *eyes.Client) *Basecoin {
// For testing, not thread safe!
// XXX For testing, not thread safe!
func (app *Basecoin) GetState() *sm.State {
return app.state.CacheWrap()

glide.lock generated
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@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ imports:
- transport
- name:
version: 6d212800a42e8ab5c146b8ace3490ee17e5225f9
version: 346938d642f2ec3594ed81d874461961cd0faa76
- spew
- name:
version: d8ed2627bdf02c080bf22230dbb337003b7aba2d
version: 792786c7400a136282c1664665ae0a8db921c6c2
- difflib
- name:

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package state
import (
abci ""
cmn ""
@ -219,6 +221,7 @@ func validateInputsBasic(ins []types.TxInput) (res abci.Result) {
// Validate inputs and compute total amount of coins
func validateInputsAdvanced(accounts map[string]*types.Account, signBytes []byte, ins []types.TxInput) (total types.Coins, res abci.Result) {
for _, in := range ins {
fmt.Println("IN", in)
acc := accounts[string(in.Address)]
if acc == nil {
cmn.PanicSanity("validateInputsAdvanced() expects account in accounts")
@ -244,6 +247,9 @@ func validateInputAdvanced(acc *types.Account, signBytes []byte, in types.TxInpu
return abci.ErrBaseInsufficientFunds.AppendLog(cmn.Fmt("balance is %v, tried to send %v", balance, in.Coins))
// Check signatures
fmt.Printf("signbytes %X\n", signBytes)
fmt.Println("PUBKEY", acc.PubKey)
if !acc.PubKey.VerifyBytes(signBytes, in.Signature.Signature) {
return abci.ErrBaseInvalidSignature.AppendLog(cmn.Fmt("SignBytes: %X", signBytes))

state/execution_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
package state
import (
func TestExecution(t *testing.T) {
//States and Stores for tests
var store types.KVStore
var state *State
var accsFoo, accsBar, accsFooBar, accsDup []types.PrivAccount
chainID := "test_chain_id"
makeAccs := func(secrets []string) (accs []types.PrivAccount) {
for _, secret := range secrets {
privAcc := types.PrivAccountFromSecret(secret)
privAcc.Account.Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 1000}}
accs = append(accs, privAcc)
return accs
acc2State := func(accs []types.PrivAccount) {
for _, acc := range accs {
state.SetAccount(acc.Account.PubKey.Address(), &acc.Account)
//each tx input signs the tx bytes
signSend := func(tx *types.SendTx, accs []types.PrivAccount) {
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID)
for i, _ := range tx.Inputs {
tx.Inputs[i].Signature = crypto.SignatureS{accs[i].Sign(signBytes)}
//turn a list of accounts into basic list of transaction inputs
accs2TxInputs := func(accs []types.PrivAccount) []types.TxInput {
var txs []types.TxInput
for _, acc := range accs {
tx := types.NewTxInput(
types.Coins{{"mycoin", 10}},
txs = append(txs, tx)
return txs
//turn a list of accounts into basic list of transaction outputs
accs2TxOutputs := func(accs []types.PrivAccount) []types.TxOutput {
var txs []types.TxOutput
for _, acc := range accs {
tx := types.TxOutput{
types.Coins{{"mycoin", 9}}}
txs = append(txs, tx)
return txs
//reset the store/state/Inputs
reset := func() {
accsFoo = makeAccs([]string{"foo"})
accsBar = makeAccs([]string{"bar"})
accsFooBar = makeAccs([]string{"foo", "bar"})
accsDup = makeAccs([]string{"foo", "foo", "foo"})
store = types.NewMemKVStore()
state = NewState(store)
type er struct {
exp bool //assert true
msg string //msg is assert fails
//define the test list
testList := []struct {
tester func() []er
//nil submissions
{func() []er {
acc, res := getInputs(nil, nil)
return []er{
{!res.IsErr(), "getInputs: error on nil submission"},
{len(acc) == 0, "getInputs: accounts returned on nil submission"},
//test getInputs for registered, non-registered account
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxInputs(accsFoo)
_, res1 := getInputs(state, txs)
_, res2 := getInputs(state, txs)
return []er{
{res1.IsErr(), "getInputs: expected to getInput from registered Input"},
{!res2.IsErr(), "getInputs: expected to getInput from registered Input"},
//test sending duplicate accounts
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxInputs(accsDup)
_, res := getInputs(state, txs)
return []er{{res.IsErr(), "getInputs: expected error when sending duplicate accounts"}}
//nil submissions
{func() []er {
acc, res := getOrMakeOutputs(nil, nil, nil)
return []er{
{!res.IsErr(), "getOrMakeOutputs: error on nil submission"},
{len(acc) == 0, "getOrMakeOutputs: accounts returned on nil submission"},
//test sending duplicate accounts
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxOutputs(accsDup)
_, res := getOrMakeOutputs(state, nil, txs)
return []er{{res.IsErr(), "getOrMakeOutputs: expected error when sending duplicate accounts"}}
//test sending to existing/new account account
{func() []er {
txs1 := accs2TxOutputs(accsFoo)
txs2 := accs2TxOutputs(accsBar)
_, res1 := getOrMakeOutputs(state, nil, txs1)
mapRes2, res2 := getOrMakeOutputs(state, nil, txs2)
//TODO Fix this commented out test
//test the map results
//acc2, map2ok := mapRes2[string(txs2[0].Address)]
_, map2ok := mapRes2[string(txs2[0].Address)]
return []er{
{!res1.IsErr(), "getOrMakeOutputs: error when sending to existing account"},
{!res2.IsErr(), "getOrMakeOutputs: error when sending to new account"},
{map2ok, "getOrMakeOutputs: account output does not contain new account map item"},
//{accs2[0].PubKey.Equals(acc2.PubKey), "getOrMakeOutputs: account output does not contain new account pointer"}}
//validate input basic
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxInputs(accsFoo)
res1 := validateInputsBasic(txs)
txs[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res2 := validateInputsBasic(txs)
return []er{
{!res1.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateInputsBasic: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res1.Error())},
{res2.IsErr(), "validateInputsBasic: expected error on bad tx input"},
//validate inputs advanced
{func() []er {
txs := types.SendTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: types.Coin{"mycoin", 1},
Inputs: accs2TxInputs(accsFooBar),
Outputs: accs2TxOutputs(accsBar),
accMap, res1 := getInputs(state, txs.Inputs)
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(chainID)
//test bad case, unsigned
totalCoins, res2 := validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, txs.Inputs)
//test good case sgined
signSend(&txs, accsFooBar)
totalCoins, res3 := validateInputsAdvanced(accMap, signBytes, txs.Inputs)
return []er{
{!res1.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateInputsAdvanced: error retrieving accMap. Error: %v", res1.Error())},
{res2.IsErr(), "validateInputsAdvanced: expected an error on an unsigned tx input"},
{!res3.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateInputsAdvanced: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res3.Error())},
{totalCoins.IsEqual(txs.Inputs[0].Coins.Plus(txs.Inputs[1].Coins)), "ValidateInputsAdvanced: transaction total coins are not equal"},
//validate input advanced
{func() []er {
txs := types.SendTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: types.Coin{"mycoin", 1},
Inputs: accs2TxInputs(accsFooBar),
Outputs: accs2TxOutputs(accsBar),
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(chainID)
//unsigned case
res1 := validateInputAdvanced(&accsFooBar[0].Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
//good signed case
signSend(&txs, accsFooBar)
res2 := validateInputAdvanced(&accsFooBar[0].Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
//bad sequence case
accsFooBar[0].Sequence = 2
signSend(&txs, accsFooBar)
res3 := validateInputAdvanced(&accsFooBar[0].Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
accsFooBar[0].Account.Sequence = 1 //restore sequence
//bad balance case
accsFooBar[1].Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 2}}
signSend(&txs, accsFooBar)
res4 := validateInputAdvanced(&accsFooBar[0].Account, signBytes, txs.Inputs[0])
return []er{
{res1.IsErr(), "validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input without signature"},
{!res2.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateInputAdvanced: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res1.Error())},
{res3.IsErr(), "validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input with bad sequence"},
{res4.IsErr(), "validateInputAdvanced: expected error on tx input with insufficient funds"},
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxOutputs(accsFoo)
res1 := validateOutputsBasic(txs)
txs[0].Coins[0].Amount = 0
res2 := validateOutputsBasic(txs)
return []er{{!res1.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateOutputsBasic: expected no error on good tx input. Error: %v", res1.Error())},
{res2.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("validateInputBasic: expected error on bad tx inputi. Error: %v", res2.Error())}}
{func() []er {
txs := accs2TxOutputs(accsFooBar)
total := sumOutputs(txs)
return []er{{total.IsEqual(txs[0].Coins.Plus(txs[1].Coins)), "sumOutputs: total coins are not equal"}}
//sending transaction from Foo to Bar
{func() []er {
initBalFoo := accsFooBar[0].Account.Balance
initBalBar := accsFooBar[1].Account.Balance
txIn := accs2TxInputs(accsFoo)
txOut := accs2TxOutputs(accsBar)
accMap, _ := getInputs(state, txIn)
accMap, _ = getOrMakeOutputs(state, accMap, txOut)
adjustByInputs(state, accMap, txIn)
adjustByOutputs(state, accMap, txOut, false)
endBalFoo := accMap[string(accsFooBar[0].Account.PubKey.Address())].Balance
endBalBar := accMap[string(accsFooBar[1].Account.PubKey.Address())].Balance
decrBalFoo := initBalFoo.Minus(endBalFoo)
incrBalBar := endBalBar.Minus(initBalBar)
return []er{
fmt.Sprintf("adjustByInputs: total coins are not equal. diff: %v, tx: %v", decrBalFoo.String(), txIn[0].Coins.String())},
fmt.Sprintf("adjustByInputs: total coins are not equal. diff: %v, tx: %v", incrBalBar.String(), txOut[0].Coins.String())},
{func() []er {
txs := &types.SendTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: types.Coin{"mycoin", 1},
Inputs: accs2TxInputs(accsFoo),
Outputs: accs2TxOutputs(accsBar),
initBalFoo := accsFooBar[0].Account.Balance
initBalBar := accsFooBar[1].Account.Balance
//sign that puppy
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(chainID)
sig := accsFoo[0].Sign(signBytes)
txs.Inputs[0].Signature = crypto.SignatureS{sig}
//TODO tests for CheckTx, some bad transactions
err := ExecTx(state, nil, txs, false, nil)
fmt.Println("ERR", err)
endBalFoo := state.GetAccount(accsFooBar[0].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
endBalBar := state.GetAccount(accsFooBar[1].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
decrBalFoo := initBalFoo.Minus(endBalFoo)
decrBalFooExp := txs.Outputs[0].Coins.Plus(types.Coins{txs.Fee})
incrBalBar := endBalBar.Minus(initBalBar)
return []er{
fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx(sendTx): unexpected change in input coins. exp: %v, change: %v", decrBalFooExp.String(), decrBalFoo.String())},
fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx(sendTx): unexpected change in output coins. exp: %v, change: %v", incrBalBar.String(), txs.Outputs[0].Coins.String())},
//execute the tests
for _, tl := range testList {
for _, tr := range tl.tester() { //loop through all outputs of a test
assert.True(t, tr.exp, tr.msg)

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@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ func (coin Coin) String() string {
type Coins []Coin
func (coins Coins) String() string {
out := ""
for _, coin := range coins {
out += fmt.Sprintf("(%v %v) ", coin.Denom, coin.Amount)
return out
// Must be sorted, and not have 0 amounts
func (coins Coins) IsValid() bool {
switch len(coins) {