refactor historical info test

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Jonathan Gimeno 2020-02-18 14:03:06 +01:00
parent 918949cf23
commit 6025132720
1 changed files with 72 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
sdk ""
@ -38,72 +40,73 @@ func TestHistoricalInfo(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, types.HistoricalInfo{}, recv, "HistoricalInfo is not empty")
//func TestTrackHistoricalInfo(t *testing.T) {
// ctx, _, _, k, _ := CreateTestInput(t, false, 10)
// // set historical entries in params to 5
// params := types.DefaultParams()
// params.HistoricalEntries = 5
// k.SetParams(ctx, params)
// // set historical info at 5, 4 which should be pruned
// // and check that it has been stored
// h4 := abci.Header{
// ChainID: "HelloChain",
// Height: 4,
// }
// h5 := abci.Header{
// ChainID: "HelloChain",
// Height: 5,
// }
// valSet := []types.Validator{
// types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[0]), PKs[0], types.Description{}),
// types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[1]), PKs[1], types.Description{}),
// }
// hi4 := types.NewHistoricalInfo(h4, valSet)
// hi5 := types.NewHistoricalInfo(h5, valSet)
// k.SetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4, hi4)
// k.SetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5, hi5)
// recv, found := k.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4)
// require.True(t, found)
// require.Equal(t, hi4, recv)
// recv, found = k.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5)
// require.True(t, found)
// require.Equal(t, hi5, recv)
// // Set last validators in keeper
// val1 := types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[2]), PKs[2], types.Description{})
// k.SetValidator(ctx, val1)
// k.SetLastValidatorPower(ctx, val1.OperatorAddress, 10)
// val2 := types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[3]), PKs[3], types.Description{})
// vals := []types.Validator{val1, val2}
// sort.Sort(types.Validators(vals))
// k.SetValidator(ctx, val2)
// k.SetLastValidatorPower(ctx, val2.OperatorAddress, 8)
// // Set Header for BeginBlock context
// header := abci.Header{
// ChainID: "HelloChain",
// Height: 10,
// }
// ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(header)
// k.TrackHistoricalInfo(ctx)
// // Check HistoricalInfo at height 10 is persisted
// expected := types.HistoricalInfo{
// Header: header,
// Valset: vals,
// }
// recv, found = k.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 10)
// require.True(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo failed after BeginBlock")
// require.Equal(t, expected, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo returned eunexpected result")
// // Check HistoricalInfo at height 5, 4 is pruned
// recv, found = k.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4)
// require.False(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo did not prune earlier height")
// require.Equal(t, types.HistoricalInfo{}, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo at height 4 is not empty after prune")
// recv, found = k.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5)
// require.False(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo did not prune first prune height")
// require.Equal(t, types.HistoricalInfo{}, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo at height 5 is not empty after prune")
func TestTrackHistoricalInfo(t *testing.T) {
app := simapp.Setup(false)
ctx := app.BaseApp.NewContext(false, abci.Header{})
// set historical entries in params to 5
params := types.DefaultParams()
params.HistoricalEntries = 5
app.StakingKeeper.SetParams(ctx, params)
// set historical info at 5, 4 which should be pruned
// and check that it has been stored
h4 := abci.Header{
ChainID: "HelloChain",
Height: 4,
h5 := abci.Header{
ChainID: "HelloChain",
Height: 5,
valSet := []types.Validator{
types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[0]), PKs[0], types.Description{}),
types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[1]), PKs[1], types.Description{}),
hi4 := types.NewHistoricalInfo(h4, valSet)
hi5 := types.NewHistoricalInfo(h5, valSet)
app.StakingKeeper.SetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4, hi4)
app.StakingKeeper.SetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5, hi5)
recv, found := app.StakingKeeper.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4)
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, hi4, recv)
recv, found = app.StakingKeeper.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5)
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, hi5, recv)
// Set last validators in keeper
val1 := types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[2]), PKs[2], types.Description{})
app.StakingKeeper.SetValidator(ctx, val1)
app.StakingKeeper.SetLastValidatorPower(ctx, val1.OperatorAddress, 10)
val2 := types.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(Addrs[3]), PKs[3], types.Description{})
vals := []types.Validator{val1, val2}
app.StakingKeeper.SetValidator(ctx, val2)
app.StakingKeeper.SetLastValidatorPower(ctx, val2.OperatorAddress, 8)
// Set Header for BeginBlock context
header := abci.Header{
ChainID: "HelloChain",
Height: 10,
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(header)
// Check HistoricalInfo at height 10 is persisted
expected := types.HistoricalInfo{
Header: header,
Valset: vals,
recv, found = app.StakingKeeper.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 10)
require.True(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo failed after BeginBlock")
require.Equal(t, expected, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo returned eunexpected result")
// Check HistoricalInfo at height 5, 4 is pruned
recv, found = app.StakingKeeper.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 4)
require.False(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo did not prune earlier height")
require.Equal(t, types.HistoricalInfo{}, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo at height 4 is not empty after prune")
recv, found = app.StakingKeeper.GetHistoricalInfo(ctx, 5)
require.False(t, found, "GetHistoricalInfo did not prune first prune height")
require.Equal(t, types.HistoricalInfo{}, recv, "GetHistoricalInfo at height 5 is not empty after prune")