Added counter tests as well

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Frey 2017-06-15 21:13:56 +02:00
parent 9341b8be5d
commit 81d6d2425f
3 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ dist:
test: test_unit test_cli
wget "" \
-q -O clitest/shunit2
test_cli: clitest/shunit2
# sudo apt-get install jq
# @./clitest/
go test $(PACKAGES)
#go run tests/tendermint/*.go

tests/cli/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# these are two globals to control all scripts (can use eg. counter instead)
CLIENT_EXE=basecli # TODO: move to countercli
oneTimeSetUp() {
# these are passed in as args
rm -rf $BASE_DIR 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p $BASE_DIR
# set up client - make sure you use the proper prefix if you set
# a custom CLIENT_EXE
export BC_HOME=${BASE_DIR}/client
# start basecoin server (with counter)
initServer $BASE_DIR $CHAIN_ID 1234
echo pid $PID_SERVER
initClient $CHAIN_ID 1234
echo "...Testing may begin!"
oneTimeTearDown() {
echo "stopping $SERVER_EXE test server..."
kill -9 $PID_SERVER >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1
# blatently copied to make sure it works with counter as well
test00GetAccount() {
SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH)
RECV=$(getAddr $POOR)
assertFalse "requires arg" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account"
ACCT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $SENDER)
assertTrue "must have proper genesis account" $?
assertEquals "no tx" "0" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.sequence)
assertEquals "has money" "9007199254740992" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.coins[0].amount)
ACCT2=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV)
assertFalse "has no genesis account" $?
# blatently copied to make sure it works with counter as well
test01SendTx() {
SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH)
RECV=$(getAddr $POOR)
assertFalse "missing dest" "${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 2>/dev/null"
assertFalse "bad password" "echo foo | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 --to=$RECV --name=$RICH 2>/dev/null"
# we have to remove the password request from stdout, to just get the json
RES=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 --to=$RECV --name=$RICH 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2)
assertTrue "sent tx" $?
HASH=$(echo $RES | jq .hash | tr -d \")
TX_HEIGHT=$(echo $RES | jq .height)
assertEquals "good check" "0" $(echo $RES | jq .check_tx.code)
assertEquals "good deliver" "0" $(echo $RES | jq .deliver_tx.code)
# make sure sender goes down
ACCT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $SENDER)
assertTrue "must have genesis account" $?
assertEquals "one tx" "1" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.sequence)
assertEquals "has money" "9007199254740000" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.coins[0].amount)
# make sure recipient goes up
ACCT2=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV)
assertTrue "must have new account" $?
assertEquals "no tx" "0" $(echo $ACCT2 | jq .data.sequence)
assertEquals "has money" "992" $(echo $ACCT2 | jq .data.coins[0].amount)
# make sure tx is indexed
TX=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query tx $HASH)
assertTrue "found tx" $?
assertEquals "proper height" $TX_HEIGHT $(echo $TX | jq .height)
assertEquals "type=send" '"send"' $(echo $TX | jq .data.type)
assertEquals "proper sender" "\"$SENDER\"" $(echo $TX | jq[0].address)
assertEquals "proper out amount" "992" $(echo $TX | jq[0].coins[0].amount)
test02GetCounter() {
COUNT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query counter)
assertFalse "no default count" $?
test02AddCount() {
SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH)
assertFalse "bad password" "echo hi | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx counter --amount=1000mycoin --sequence=2 --name=${RICH} 2>/dev/null"
# we have to remove the password request from stdout, to just get the json
RES=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx counter --amount=10mycoin --sequence=2 --name=${RICH} --valid --countfee=5mycoin 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2)
assertTrue "sent tx" $?
HASH=$(echo $RES | jq .hash | tr -d \")
TX_HEIGHT=$(echo $RES | jq .height)
assertEquals "good check" "0" $(echo $RES | jq .check_tx.code)
assertEquals "good deliver" "0" $(echo $RES | jq .deliver_tx.code)
# check new state
COUNT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query counter)
assertTrue "count now set" $?
assertEquals "one tx" "1" $(echo $COUNT | jq .data.Counter)
assertEquals "has money" "5" $(echo $COUNT | jq .data.TotalFees[0].amount)
# FIXME: cannot load apptx properly.
# Look at the stack trace
# This cannot be fixed with the current ugly apptx structure...
# Leave for refactoring
# make sure tx is indexed
# echo hash $HASH
# TX=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query tx $HASH --trace)
# echo tx $TX
# if [-z assertTrue "found tx" $?]; then
# assertEquals "proper height" $TX_HEIGHT $(echo $TX | jq .height)
# assertEquals "type=app" '"app"' $(echo $TX | jq .data.type)
# assertEquals "proper sender" "\"$SENDER\"" $(echo $TX | jq
# fi
# echo $TX
# load and run these tests with shunit2!
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" #get this files directory
# load common helpers
. $DIR/
. $DIR/shunit2