simple distribution overview

This commit is contained in:
rigelrozanski 2018-08-08 13:09:51 -04:00
parent 7ba479e57a
commit 97397e63da
6 changed files with 646 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# End Block
At each endblock, the fees received are sorted to the proposer, community fund,
and global pool. When the validator is the proposer of the round, that
validator (and their delegators) receives between 1% and 5% of fee rewards, the
reserve tax is then charged, then the remainder is distributed proportionally
by voting power to all bonded validators independent of whether they voted
(social distribution). Note the social distribution is applied to proposer
validator in addition to the proposer reward.
The amount of proposer reward is calculated from pre-commits Tendermint
messages in order to incentivize validators to wait and include additional
pre-commits in the block. All provision rewards are added to a provision reward
pool which validator holds individually
func SortFees(feesCollected sdk.Coins, global Global, proposer ValidatorDistribution,
sumPowerPrecommitValidators, totalBondedTokens, communityTax sdk.Dec)
feesCollectedDec = MakeDecCoins(feesCollected)
proposerReward = feesCollectedDec * (0.01 + 0.04
* sumPowerPrecommitValidators / totalBondedTokens)
proposer.ProposerPool += proposerReward
communityFunding = feesCollectedDec * communityTax
global.CommunityFund += communityFunding
poolReceived = feesCollectedDec - proposerReward - communityFunding
global.Pool += poolReceived
global.EverReceivedPool += poolReceived
global.LastReceivedPool = poolReceived

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## Future Improvements
### Power Change
Within the current implementation all power changes ever made are indefinitely stored
within the current state. In the future this state should be trimmed on an epoch basis. Delegators
which will have not withdrawn their fees will be penalized in some way, depending on what is
computationally feasible this may include:
- burning non-withdrawn fees
- requiring more expensive withdrawal costs which include proofs from archive nodes of historical state
In addition or as an alternative it may make sense to implement a "rolling" epoch which cycles through
all the delegators in small groups (for example 5 delegators per block) and just runs the withdrawal transaction
at standard rates and takes transaction fees from the withdrawal amount.

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# Distribution
## Overview
This _simple_ distribution mechanism describes a functional way to passively
distribute rewards between validator and delegators. Note that this mechanism does
not distribute funds in as precisely as active reward distribution and will therefor
be upgraded in the future.
The mechanism operates as follows. Collected rewards are pooled globally and
divided out passively to validators and delegators. Each validator has the
opportunity to charge commission to the delegators on the rewards collected on
behalf of the delegators by the validators. Fees are paid directly into a
global reward pool, and validator proposer-reward pool. Due to the nature of
passive accounting whenever changes to parameters which affect the rate of reward
distribution occurs, withdrawal of rewards must also occur when:
- withdrawing one must withdrawal the maximum amount they are entitled
too, leaving nothing in the pool,
- bonding, unbonding, or re-delegating tokens to an existing account a
full withdrawal of the rewards must occur (as the rules for lazy accounting
- a validator chooses to change the commission on rewards, all accumulated
commission rewards must be simultaneously withdrawn.
The above scenarios are covered in ``.
The distribution mechanism outlines herein is used to lazily distribute the
following rewards between validators and associated delegators:
- multi-token fees to be socially distributed,
- proposer reward pool,
- inflated atom provisions, and
- validator commission on all rewards earned by their delegators stake
Fees are pooled within a global pool, as well as validator specific
proposer-reward pools. The mechanisms used allow for validators and delegators
to independently and lazily withdrawn their rewards.
Within this spec
As a part of the lazy computations, each validator and delegator holds an
accumulation term which is used to estimate what their approximate fair portion
of tokens held in the global pool is owed to them. This approximation of owed
rewards would be equivalent to the active distribution under the situation that
there was a constant flow of incoming reward tokens every block. Because this
is not the case, the approximation of owed rewards will deviate from the active
distribution based on fluctuations of incoming reward tokens as well as timing
of reward withdrawal by other delegators and validators from the reward pool.
## Affect on Staking
Charging commission on Atom provisions while also allowing for Atom-provisions
to be auto-bonded (distributed directly to the validators bonded stake) is
problematic within DPoS. Fundamentally these two mechnisms are mutually
exclusive. If there are atoms commissions and auto-bonding Atoms, the portion
of Atoms the reward distribution calculation would become very large as the Atom
portion for each delegator would change each block making a withdrawal of rewards
for a delegator require a calculation for every single block since the last
withdrawal. In conclusion we can only have atom commission and unbonded atoms
provisions, or bonded atom provisions with no Atom commission, and we elect to
implement the former. Stakeholders wishing to rebond their provisions may elect
to set up a script to periodically withdraw and rebond rewards.

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## State
### Global
All globally tracked parameters for distribution are stored within
`Global`. Rewards are collected and added to the reward pool and
distributed to validators/delegators from here.
Note that the reward pool holds decimal coins (`DecCoins`) to allow
for fractions of coins to be received from operations like inflation.
When coins are distributed from the pool they are truncated back to
`sdk.Coins` which are non-decimal.
- Global: `0x00 -> amino(global)`
// coins with decimal
type DecCoins []DecCoin
type DecCoin struct {
Amount sdk.Dec
Denom string
type Global struct {
PrevBondedTokens sdk.Dec // bonded token amount for the global pool on the previous block
Adjustment sdk.Dec // global adjustment factor for lazy calculations
Pool DecCoins // funds for all validators which have yet to be withdrawn
PrevReceivedPool DecCoins // funds added to the pool on the previous block
EverReceivedPool DecCoins // total funds ever added to the pool
CommunityFund DecCoins // pool for community funds yet to be spent
### Validator Distribution
Validator distribution information for the relevant validator is updated each time:
1. delegation amount to a validator are updated,
2. a validator successfully proposes a block and receives a reward,
3. any delegator withdraws from a validator, or
4. the validator withdraws it's commission.
- ValidatorDistribution: `0x02 | ValOwnerAddr -> amino(validatorDistribution)`
type ValidatorDistribution struct {
CommissionWithdrawalHeight int64 // last time this validator withdrew commission
Adjustment sdk.Dec // global pool adjustment factor
ProposerAdjustment DecCoins // proposer pool adjustment factor
ProposerPool DecCoins // reward pool collected from being the proposer
EverReceivedProposerReward DecCoins // all rewards ever collected from being the proposer
PrevReceivedProposerReward DecCoins // previous rewards collected from being the proposer
PrevBondedTokens sdk.Dec // bonded token amount on the previous block
PrevDelegatorShares sdk.Dec // amount of delegator shares for the validator on the previous block
### Delegation Distribution
Each delegation holds multiple adjustment factors to specify its entitlement to
the rewards from a validator. `AdjustmentPool` is used to passively calculate
each bonds entitled fees from the `RewardPool`. `AdjustmentPool` is used to
passively calculate each bonds entitled fees from
- DelegatorDistribution: ` 0x02 | DelegatorAddr | ValOwnerAddr -> amino(delegatorDist)`
type DelegatorDist struct {
WithdrawalHeight int64 // last time this delegation withdrew rewards
Adjustment sdk.Dec // fee provisioning adjustment factor
AdjustmentProposer DecCoins // proposers pool adjustment factor
PrevTokens sdk.Dec // bonded tokens held by the delegation on the previous block
PrevShares sdk.Dec // delegator shares held by the delegation on the previous block
### Power Change
Every instance that the voting power changes, information about the state of
the validator set during the change must be recorded as a `PowerChange` for
other validators to run through. Each power change is indexed by its block
- PowerChange: `0x03 | amino(Height) -> amino(validatorDist)`
type PowerChange struct {
Height int64 // block height at change
ValidatorBondedTokens sdk.Dec // following used to create distribution scenarios
ValidatorDelegatorShares sdk.Dec
ValidatorDelegatorShareExRate sdk.Dec
ValidatorCommission sdk.Dec
PoolBondedTokens sdk.Dec
Global Global
ValDistr ValidatorDistribution
DelegationShares sdk.Dec
DelDistr DelegatorDistribution

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# Transactions
## TxWithdrawDelegation
When a delegator wishes to withdraw their transaction fees it must send
`TxWithdrawDelegation`. Note that parts of this transaction logic are also
triggered each with any change in individual delegations, such as an unbond,
redelegation, or delegation of additional tokens to a specific validator.
Each time a withdrawal is made by a recipient the adjustment term must be
modified for each block with a change in distributors shares since the time of
last withdrawal. This is accomplished by iterating over all relevant
`PowerChange`'s stored in distribution state.
type TxWithdrawDelegation struct {
delegatorAddr sdk.AccAddress
withdrawAddr sdk.AccAddress // address to make the withdrawal to
func WithdrawDelegator(delegatorAddr, withdrawAddr sdk.AccAddress)
entitlement = GetDelegatorEntitlement(delegatorAddr)
AddCoins(withdrawAddr, totalEntitlment.TruncateDecimal())
func GetDelegatorEntitlement(delegatorAddr sdk.AccAddress) DecCoins
// compile all the distribution scenarios
delegations = GetDelegations(delegatorAddr)
DelDistr = GetDelegationDistribution(delegation.DelegatorAddr,
pcs = GetPowerChanges(DelDistr.WithdrawalHeight)
// update all adjustment factors for each delegation since last withdrawal
for pc = range pcs
for delegation = range delegations
DelDistr = GetDelegationDistribution(delegation.DelegatorAddr,
pc.ProcessPowerChangeDelegation(delegation, DelDistr)
// collect all entitled fees
entitlement = 0
for delegation = range delegations
global = GetGlobal()
pool = GetPool()
DelDistr = GetDelegationDistribution(delegation.DelegatorAddr,
ValDistr = GetValidatorDistribution(delegation.ValidatorAddr)
validator = GetValidator(delegation.ValidatorAddr)
scenerio1 = NewDelegationFromGlobalPool(delegation, validator,
pool, global, ValDistr, DelDistr)
scenerio2 = NewDelegationFromProvisionPool(delegation, validator,
ValDistr, DelDistr)
entitlement += scenerio1.WithdrawalEntitlement()
entitlement += scenerio2.WithdrawalEntitlement()
return entitlement
func (pc PowerChange) ProcessPowerChangeDelegation(delegation sdk.Delegation,
DelDistr DelegationDistribution)
// get the historical scenarios
scenario1 = pc.DelegationFromGlobalPool(delegation, DelDistr)
scenario2 = pc.DelegationFromProvisionPool(delegation, DelDistr)
// process the adjustment factors
## TxWithdrawValidator
When a validator wishes to withdraw their transaction fees it must send
`TxWithdrawDelegation`. Note that parts of this transaction logic is also
triggered each with any change in individual delegations, such as an unbond,
redelegation, or delegation of additional tokens to a specific validator. This
transaction withdraws the validators commission rewards, as well as any rewards
earning on their self-delegation.
type TxWithdrawValidator struct {
ownerAddr sdk.AccAddress // validator address to withdraw from
withdrawAddr sdk.AccAddress // address to make the withdrawal to
func WithdrawalValidator(ownerAddr, withdrawAddr sdk.AccAddress)
// update the delegator adjustment factors and also withdrawal delegation fees
entitlement = GetDelegatorEntitlement(ownerAddr)
// update the validator adjustment factors for commission
ValDistr = GetValidatorDistribution(ownerAddr.ValidatorAddr)
pcs = GetPowerChanges(ValDistr.CommissionWithdrawalHeight)
for pc = range pcs
// withdrawal validator commission rewards
global = GetGlobal()
pool = GetPool()
ValDistr = GetValidatorDistribution(delegation.ValidatorAddr)
validator = GetValidator(delegation.ValidatorAddr)
scenerio1 = NewCommissionFromGlobalPool(validator,
pool, global, ValDistr)
scenerio2 = CommissionFromProposerPool(validator, ValDistr)
entitlement += scenerio1.WithdrawalEntitlement()
entitlement += scenerio2.WithdrawalEntitlement()
AddCoins(withdrawAddr, totalEntitlment.TruncateDecimal())
func (pc PowerChange) ProcessPowerChangeCommission()
// get the historical scenarios
scenario1 = pc.CommissionFromGlobalPool()
scenario2 = pc.CommissionFromProposerPool()
// process the adjustment factors
## Common Calculations
### Distribution scenario
A common form of abstracted calculations exists between validators and
delegations attempting to withdrawal their rewards, either from `Global.Pool`
or from `ValidatorDistribution.ProposerPool`. With the following interface
fulfilled the entitled fees for the various scenarios can be calculated.
type DistributionScenario interface {
DistributorTokens() DecCoins // current tokens from distributor
DistributorCumulativeTokens() DecCoins // total tokens ever received
DistributorPrevReceivedTokens() DecCoins // last value of tokens received
DistributorShares() sdk.Dec // current shares
DistributorPrevShares() sdk.Dec // shares last block
RecipientAdjustment() sdk.Dec
RecipientShares() sdk.Dec // current shares
RecipientPrevShares() sdk.Dec // shares last block
ModifyAdjustments(withdrawal sdk.Dec) // proceedure to modify adjustment factors
#### Entitled reward from distribution scenario
The entitlement to the distributor's tokens held can be accounted for lazily.
To begin this calculation we must determine the recipient's _simple pool_ and
_projected pool_. The simple pool represents a lazy accounting of what a
recipient's entitlement to the distributor's tokens would be if all recipients
for that distributor had static shares (equal to the current shares), and no
recipients had ever withdrawn their entitled rewards. The projected pool
represents the anticipated recipient's entitlement to the distributors tokens
based on the current blocks token input (for example fees reward received) to
the distributor, and the distributor's tokens and shares of the previous block
assuming that neither had changed in the current block. Using the simple and
projected pools we can determine all cumulative changes which have taken place
outside of the recipient and adjust the recipient's _adjustment factor_ to
account for these changes and ultimately keep track of the correct entitlement
to the distributors tokens.
func (d DistributionScenario) RecipientCount(height int64) sdk.Dec
return v.RecipientShares() * height
func (d DistributionScenario) GlobalCount(height int64) sdk.Dec
return d.DistributorShares() * height
func (d DistributionScenario) SimplePool() DecCoins
return d.RecipientCount() / d.GlobalCount() * d.DistributorCumulativeTokens
func (d DistributionScenario) ProjectedPool(height int64) DecCoins
return d.RecipientPrevShares() * (height-1)
/ (d.DistributorPrevShares() * (height-1))
* d.DistributorCumulativeTokens
+ d.RecipientShares() / d.DistributorShares()
* d.DistributorPrevReceivedTokens()
The `DistributionScenario` _adjustment_ terms account for changes in
recipient/distributor shares and recipient withdrawals. The adjustment factor
must be modified whenever the recipient withdraws from the distributor or the
distributor's/recipient's shares are changed.
- When the shares of the recipient is changed the adjustment factor is
increased/decreased by the difference between the _simple_ and _projected_
pools. In other words, the cumulative difference in the shares if the shares
has been the new shares as opposed to the old shares for the entire duration of
the blockchain up the previous block.
- When a recipient makes a withdrawal the adjustment factor is increased by the
withdrawal amount.
func (d DistributionScenario) UpdateAdjustmentForPowerChange(height int64)
simplePool = d.SimplePool()
projectedPool = d.ProjectedPool(height)
AdjustmentChange = simplePool - projectedPool
if AdjustmentChange > 0
func (d DistributionScenario) WithdrawalEntitlement() DecCoins
entitlement = d.SimplePool() - d.RecipientAdjustment()
return entitlement
### Distribution scenarios
Note that the distribution scenario structures are found in ``.
#### Delegation's entitlement to Global.Pool
For delegations (including validator's self-delegation) all fees from fee pool
are subject to commission rate from the owner of the validator. The global
shares should be taken as true number of global bonded shares. The recipients
shares should be taken as the bonded tokens less the validator's commission.
type DelegationFromGlobalPool struct {
DelegationShares sdk.Dec
ValidatorCommission sdk.Dec
ValidatorBondedTokens sdk.Dec
ValidatorDelegatorShareExRate sdk.Dec
PoolBondedTokens sdk.Dec
Global Global
ValDistr ValidatorDistribution
DelDistr DelegatorDistribution
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) DistributorTokens() DecCoins
return d.Global.Pool
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) DistributorCumulativeTokens() DecCoins
return d.Global.EverReceivedPool
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) DistributorPrevReceivedTokens() DecCoins
return d.Global.PrevReceivedPool
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) DistributorShares() sdk.Dec
return d.PoolBondedTokens
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) DistributorPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return d.Global.PrevBondedTokens
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) RecipientShares() sdk.Dec
return d.DelegationShares * d.ValidatorDelegatorShareExRate() *
d.ValidatorBondedTokens() * (1 - d.ValidatorCommission)
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) RecipientPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return d.DelDistr.PrevTokens
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) RecipientAdjustment() sdk.Dec
return d.DelDistr.Adjustment
func (d DelegationFromGlobalPool) ModifyAdjustments(withdrawal sdk.Dec)
d.ValDistr.Adjustment += withdrawal
d.DelDistr.Adjustment += withdrawal += withdrawal
#### Delegation's entitlement to ValidatorDistribution.ProposerPool
Delegations (including validator's self-delegation) are still subject
commission on the rewards gained from the proposer pool. Global shares in this
context is actually the validators total delegations shares. The recipient's
shares is taken as the effective delegation shares less the validator's
type DelegationFromProposerPool struct {
DelegationShares sdk.Dec
ValidatorCommission sdk.Dec
ValidatorDelegatorShares sdk.Dec
ValDistr ValidatorDistribution
DelDistr DelegatorDistribution
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) DistributorTokens() DecCoins
return d.ValDistr.ProposerPool
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) DistributorCumulativeTokens() DecCoins
return d.ValDistr.EverReceivedProposerReward
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) DistributorPrevReceivedTokens() DecCoins
return d.ValDistr.PrevReceivedProposerReward
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) DistributorShares() sdk.Dec
return d.ValidatorDelegatorShares
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) DistributorPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return d.ValDistr.PrevDelegatorShares
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) RecipientShares() sdk.Dec
return d.DelegationShares * (1 - d.ValidatorCommission)
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) RecipientPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return d.DelDistr.PrevShares
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) RecipientAdjustment() sdk.Dec
return d.DelDistr.AdjustmentProposer
func (d DelegationFromProposerPool) ModifyAdjustments(withdrawal sdk.Dec)
d.ValDistr.AdjustmentProposer += withdrawal
d.DelDistr.AdjustmentProposer += withdrawal
#### Validators's commission entitlement to Global.Pool
Similar to a delegator's entitlement, but with recipient shares based on the
commission portion of bonded tokens.
type CommissionFromGlobalPool struct {
ValidatorBondedTokens sdk.Dec
ValidatorCommission sdk.Dec
PoolBondedTokens sdk.Dec
Global Global
ValDistr ValidatorDistribution
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) DistributorTokens() DecCoins
return c.Global.Pool
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) DistributorCumulativeTokens() DecCoins
return c.Global.EverReceivedPool
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) DistributorPrevReceivedTokens() DecCoins
return c.Global.PrevReceivedPool
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) DistributorShares() sdk.Dec
return c.PoolBondedTokens
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) DistributorPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return c.Global.PrevBondedTokens
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) RecipientShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValidatorBondedTokens() * c.ValidatorCommission
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) RecipientPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValDistr.PrevBondedTokens * c.ValidatorCommission
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) RecipientAdjustment() sdk.Dec
return c.ValDistr.Adjustment
func (c CommissionFromGlobalPool) ModifyAdjustments(withdrawal sdk.Dec)
c.ValDistr.Adjustment += withdrawal
c.Global.Adjustment += withdrawal
#### Validators's commission entitlement to ValidatorDistribution.ProposerPool
Similar to a delegators entitlement to the proposer pool, but with recipient
shares based on the commission portion of the total delegator shares.
type CommissionFromProposerPool struct {
ValidatorDelegatorShares sdk.Dec
ValidatorCommission sdk.Dec
ValDistr ValidatorDistribution
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) DistributorTokens() DecCoins
return c.ValDistr.ProposerPool
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) DistributorCumulativeTokens() DecCoins
return c.ValDistr.EverReceivedProposerReward
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) DistributorPrevReceivedTokens() DecCoins
return c.ValDistr.PrevReceivedProposerReward
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) DistributorShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValidatorDelegatorShares
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) DistributorPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValDistr.PrevDelegatorShares
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) RecipientShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValidatorDelegatorShares * (c.ValidatorCommission)
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) RecipientPrevShares() sdk.Dec
return c.ValDistr.PrevDelegatorShares * (c.ValidatorCommission)
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) RecipientAdjustment() sdk.Dec
return c.ValDistr.AdjustmentProposer
func (c CommissionFromProposerPool) ModifyAdjustments(withdrawal sdk.Dec)
c.ValDistr.AdjustmentProposer += withdrawal

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# Triggers
## Create validator distribution
- triggered-by: validator entering bonded validator group (`stake.bondValidator()`)
Whenever a new validator is added to the Tendermint validator set they are
entitled to begin earning rewards of atom provisions and fees. At this point
`ValidatorDistribution.Pool()` must be zero (as the validator has not yet
earned any rewards) meaning that the initial value for `validator.Adjustment`
must be set to the value of `validator.SimplePool()` for the height which the
validator is added on the validator set.
## Create or modify delegation distribution
- triggered-by: `stake.TxDelegate`, `stake.TxBeginRedelegate`, `stake.TxBeginUnbonding`
The pool of a new delegator bond will be 0 for the height at which the bond was
added. This is achieved by setting `DelegationDistribution.WithdrawalHeight` to
the height which the bond was added. Additionally the `AdjustmentPool` and
`AdjustmentProposerPool` must be set to the equivalent values of
`DelegationDistribution.SimplePool()` and
`DelegationDistribution.SimpleProposerPool()` for the height of delegation.
## Commission rate change
- triggered-by: `stake.TxEditValidator`
If a validator changes its commission rate, all commission on fees must be
simultaneously withdrawn using the transaction `TxWithdrawValidator`