docs: update basics and plugins

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Ethan Buchman 2017-06-20 21:36:04 -04:00
parent 7b595b3f87
commit 9b0f4fc650
2 changed files with 98 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -14,56 +14,51 @@ go get -u
If you have trouble, see the [installation guide](
Note the above command installs two binaries: `basecoin` and `basecli`.
The former is the running node. The latter is a command-line light-client.
## Generate some keys
Let's generate two keys, one to receive an initial allocation of coins,
and one to send some coins to later:
# WARNING: this will wipe out any existing info in the ~/.basecli dir
# including private keys, don't run if you have lots of local state already
basecli reset_all
basecli keys new cool
basecli keys new friend
You'll need to enter passwords. You can view your key names and addresses with `basecli keys list`,
or see a particular key's address with `basecli keys get <NAME>`.
## Initialize Basecoin
To initialize a new Basecoin blockchain, run:
# WARNING: this will wipe out any existing info in the ~/.basecoin dir
# don't run if you have lots of local state already
rm -rf ~/.basecoin
basecoin init
basecoin init <ADDRESS>
If you prefer not to copy-paste, you can provide the address programatically:
basecoin init $(basecli keys get cool | awk '{print $2}')
This will create the necessary files for a Basecoin blockchain with one
validator and one account in `~/.basecoin`. For more options on setup, see the
validator and one account (corresponding to your key) in `~/.basecoin`. For more options on setup, see the
[guide to using the Basecoin tool](/docs/guide/
For this example, we will change the genesis account to a new account named
`cool`. First create a new account:
# WARNING: this will wipe out any existing info in the ~/.basecli dir
# including private keys, don't run if you have lots of local state already
basecli reset_all
basecli keys new cool
While we're at it let's setup a second account which we will use later in the tutorial
basecli keys new friend
Next we need to copy in the public address from our new key into the genesis block:
basecli keys get cool -o=json
vi ~/.basecoin/genesis.json
-> cut/paste your pubkey from the results above
or alternatively, without manual copy pasting:
GENKEY=`basecli keys get cool -o json | jq`
GENJSON=`cat ~/.basecoin/genesis.json`
echo $GENJSON | jq '.app_options.accounts[0]'$GENKEY > ~/.basecoin/genesis.json
Hurray! you are very rich and cool on this blockchain now.
If you like, you can manually add some more accounts to the blockchain by generating keys and editing the `~/.basecoin/genesis.json`.
## Start
Now we can start Basecoin:
@ -74,22 +69,26 @@ You should see blocks start streaming in!
## Initialize Light-Client
Now that Basecoin is running we can initialize the light-client utility named
`basecli`. Basecli is used for sending transactions and querying the state.
Now that Basecoin is running we can initialize `basecli`, the light-client utility.
Basecli is used for sending transactions and querying the state.
Leave Basecoin running and open a new terminal window. Here run:
basecli init --chain-id=test_chain_id --node=tcp://localhost:46657
Note it will ask you to verify the validator hash. For a blockchain on your local computer, don't worry about it.
If you're connecting to a blockchain over the internet, you should verify that the validator hash is correct.
This is so that all queries done with `basecli` can be cryptographically proven to be correct according to a known validator set.
## Send transactions
Now we are ready to send some transactions. First Let's check the balance of
the two accounts we setup earlier these two accounts:
the two accounts we setup earlier:
ME=`basecli keys get cool -o=json | jq .address | tr -d '"'`
YOU=`basecli keys get friend -o=json | jq .address | tr -d '"'`
ME=$(basecli keys get cool | awk '{print $2}')
YOU=$(basecli keys get friend | awk '{print $2}')
basecli query account $ME
basecli query account $YOU
@ -101,9 +100,6 @@ Let's send funds from the first account to the second:
basecli tx send --name=cool --amount=1000mycoin --to=0x$YOU --sequence=1
By default, the CLI looks for a `key.json` to sign the transaction with.
To specify a different key, we can use the `--from` flag.
Now if we check the second account, it should have `1000` 'mycoin' coins!
@ -124,21 +120,42 @@ If we try to send too much, we'll get an error:
basecli tx send --name=friend --amount=500000mycoin --to=$ME --sequence=1
And if you want to see the original tx, as well as verifying that it
really is in the blockchain, look at the send response:
Let's send another transaction:
basecli tx send --name=cool --amount=2345mycoin --to=$YOU --sequence=2
# TXHASH from the json output
basecli query tx $TXHASH
Note the `hash` value in the response - this is the hash of the transaction.
We can query for the transaction by this hash:
basecli query tx <HASH>
See `basecli tx send --help` for additional details.
For a better understanding of the options, it helps to understand the
## Proof
Even if you don't see it in the UI, the result of every query comes with a proof.
This is a Merkle proof that the result of the query is actually contained in the state.
and the state's Merkle root is contained in a recent block header.
Behind the scenes, `countercli` will not only verify that this state matches the header,
but also that the header is properly signed by the known validator set.
It will even update the validator set as needed, so long
as there have not been major changes and it is secure to do so. So, if you wonder
why the query may take a second... there is a lot of work going on in the
background to make sure even a lying full node can't trick your client.
In a latter [guide on InterBlockchainCommunication](, we'll use these
proofs to post transactions to other chains.
## Accounts and Transactions
For a better understanding of how to further use the tools, it helps to understand the
underlying data structures.
## Accounts
### Accounts
The Basecoin state consists entirely of a set of accounts. Each account
contains a public key, a balance in many different coin denominations, and a
@ -162,6 +179,9 @@ type Coin struct {
If you want to add more coins to a blockchain, you can do so manually in the `~/.basecoin/genesis.json` before
you start the blockchain for the first time.
Accounts are serialized and stored in a Merkle tree under the key
`base/a/<address>`, where `<address>` is the address of the account.
Typically, the address of the account is the 20-byte `RIPEMD160` hash of the
@ -170,7 +190,7 @@ public key, but other formats are acceptable as well, as defined in the
Merkle tree used in Basecoin is a balanced, binary search tree, which we call
an [IAVL tree](
## Transactions
### Transactions
Basecoin defines a simple transaction type, the `SendTx`, which allows tokens
to be sent to other accounts. The `SendTx` takes a list of inputs and a list
@ -229,9 +249,9 @@ transaction.
## Conclusion
In this guide, we introduced the `basecoin` tool, demonstrated how to use it to
send tokens between accounts, and discussed the underlying data types for
accounts and transactions, specifically the `Account` and the `SendTx`. In the
[next guide](, we introduce the Basecoin plugin system,
In this guide, we introduced the `basecoin` and `basecli` tools,
demonstrated how to start a new basecoin blockchain and how to send tokens between accounts,
and discussed the underlying data types for accounts and transactions, specifically the `Account` and the `SendTx`.
In the [next guide](, we introduce the Basecoin plugin system,
which uses a new transaction type, the `AppTx`, to extend the functionality of
the Basecoin system with arbitrary logic.

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@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
# Basecoin Plugins
In the [previous guide](, we saw how to use the `basecoin`
tool to start a blockchain and send transactions. We also learned about
tool to start a blockchain and the `basecli` tools to send transactions. We also learned about
`Account` and `SendTx`, the basic data types giving us a multi-asset
cryptocurrency. Here, we will demonstrate how to extend the `basecoin` tool to
use another transaction type, the `AppTx`, to send data to a custom plugin. In
this example we explore a simple plugin name `counter`.
cryptocurrency. Here, we will demonstrate how to extend the tools to
use another transaction type, the `AppTx`, so we can send data to a custom plugin. In
this example we explore a simple plugin named `counter`.
## Example Plugin
The design of the `basecoin` tool makes it easy to extend for custom
functionality. The Counter plugin is bundled with basecoin, so if you have
already [installed basecoin]( then you should be able to run a full
node with `counter` and the a light-client `countercli` from terminal. The
Counter plugin is just like the `basecoin` tool. They both use the same
library of commands, including one for signing and broadcasting `SendTx`.
The design of the `basecoin` and `basecli` tools makes it easy to extend for custom
functionality. We provide examples of such extensions in the basecoin repository under `docs/guide/counter`.
You can install them from the basecoin directory with:
`go install ./docs/guide/counter/cmd/...
This will give you both the `counter` and `countercli` binaries.
The former is just like `basecoin`, but with the counter plugin activated.
The latter is just like `basecli`, but with support for sending transactions to the counter plugin.
Counter transactions take two custom inputs, a boolean argument named `valid`,
and a coin amount named `countfee`. The transaction is only accepted if both
`valid` is set to true and the transaction input coins is greater than
`countfee` that the user provides.
A new blockchain can be initialized and started just like with in the [previous
A new blockchain can be initialized and started just like in the [previous
@ -29,16 +34,12 @@ guide](
rm -rf ~/.counter
countercli reset_all
counter init
countercli keys new cool
countercli keys new friend
GENKEY=`countercli keys get cool -o json | jq`
GENJSON=`cat ~/.counter/genesis.json`
echo $GENJSON | jq '.app_options.accounts[0]'$GENKEY > ~/.counter/genesis.json
counter init $(countercli keys get cool | awk '{print $2}')
counter start
The default files are stored in `~/.counter`. In another window we can
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ initialize the light-client and send a transaction:
countercli init --chain-id=test_chain_id --node=tcp://localhost:46657
YOU=`countercli keys get friend -o=json | jq .address | tr -d '"'`
YOU=$(countercli keys get friend | awk '{print $2}')
countercli tx send --name=cool --amount=1000mycoin --to=0x$YOU --sequence=1
@ -78,21 +79,12 @@ countercli tx counter --name cool --amount=2mycoin --sequence=4 --valid --countf
countercli query counter
The value Counter value should be 2, because we sent a second valid transaction.
The Counter value should be 2, because we sent a second valid transaction.
And this time, since we sent a countfee (which must be less than or equal to the
total amount sent with the tx), it stores the `TotalFees` on the counter as well.
Even if you don't see it in the UI, the result of the query comes with a proof.
This is a Merkle proof that the state is what we say it is, and ties that query
to a particular header. Behind the scenes, `countercli` will not only verify that
this state matches the header, but also that the header is properly signed by
the known validator set. It will even update the validator set as needed, so long
as there have not been major changes and it is secure to do so. So, if you wonder
why the query may take a second... there is a lot of work going on in the
background to make sure even a lying full node can't trick your client.
In a latter [guide on InterBlockchainCommunication](, we'll use these
proofs to post transactions to other chains.
Keep it mind that, just like with `basecli`, the `countercli` verifies a proof
that the query response is correct and up-to-date.
Now, before we implement our own plugin and tooling, it helps to understand the
`AppTx` and the design of the plugin system.
@ -178,12 +170,11 @@ alone, but you should change any occurrences of `counter` to whatever your
plugin tool is going to be called. You must also register your plugin(s) with
the basecoin app with `RegisterStartPlugin`.
The light-client which is located in `cmd/countercli/main.go` allows for is
where transaction and query commands are designated. Similarity this command
can be mostly left alone besides replacing the application name and adding
references to new plugin commands
The light-client is located in `cmd/countercli/main.go` and allows for
transaction and query commands. This file can also be left mostly alone besides replacing the application name and adding
references to new plugin commands.
Next is the custom commands in `cmd/countercli/commands/`. These files is
Next is the custom commands in `cmd/countercli/commands/`. These files are
where we extend the tool with any new commands and flags we need to send
transactions or queries to our plugin. You define custom `tx` and `query`
subcommands, which are registered in `main.go` (avoiding `init()`