spec/governance: update transactions.md

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Buchman 2018-05-08 15:53:23 -04:00
parent ac8597e49d
commit b3421a884d
1 changed files with 162 additions and 185 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ transaction.
type TxGovSubmitProposal struct {
Title string // Title of the proposal
Description string // Description of the proposal
Type string // Type of proposal. Initial set {PlainTextProposal, SoftwareUpgradeProposal}
Type ProposalType // Type of proposal
InitialDeposit int64 // Initial deposit paid by sender. Must be strictly positive.
@ -36,61 +36,58 @@ upon receiving txGovSubmitProposal from sender do
if !correctlyFormatted(txGovSubmitProposal) then
// check if proposal is correctly formatted. Includes fee payment.
if (txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < InitialDeposit) then
// InitialDeposit is negative or null OR sender has insufficient funds
initialDeposit = txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit
if (initialDeposit <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < initialDeposit) then
// InitialDeposit is negative or null OR sender has insufficient funds
sender.AtomBalance -= initialDeposit
proposalID = generate new proposalID
proposal = NewProposal()
proposal.Title = txGovSubmitProposal.Title
proposal.Description = txGovSubmitProposal.Description
proposal.Type = txGovSubmitProposal.Type
proposal.TotalDeposit = initialDeposit
proposal.SubmitBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.Deposits.append({initialDeposit, sender})
proposal.Submitter = sender
proposal.Votes.Yes = 0
proposal.Votes.No = 0
proposal.Votes.NoWithVeto = 0
proposal.Votes.Abstain = 0
activeProcedure = load(params, 'ActiveProcedure')
if (initialDeposit < activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit is not reached
sender.AtomBalance -= txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit
proposalID = generate new proposalID
proposal = NewProposal()
proposal.Title = txGovSubmitProposal.Title
proposal.Description = txGovSubmitProposal.Description
proposal.Type = txGovSubmitProposal.Type
proposal.TotalDeposit = txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit
proposal.SubmitBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.Deposits.append({InitialDeposit, sender})
proposal.Submitter = sender
proposal.Votes.YesVotes = 0
proposal.Votes.NoVotes = 0
proposal.Votes.NoWithVetoVotes = 0
proposal.Votes.AbstainVotes = 0
activeProcedure = load(params, 'ActiveProcedure')
proposal.VotingStartBlock = -1
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = 0
if (txGovSubmitProposal.InitialDeposit < activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit is not reached
proposal.VotingStartBlock = -1
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = 0
// MinDeposit is reached
proposal.VotingStartBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = TotalVotingPower
proposal.InitProcedure = activeProcedure
for each validator in CurrentBondedValidators
// Store voting power of each bonded validator
// MinDeposit is reached
proposal.VotingStartBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = TotalVotingPower
proposal.InitProcedure = activeProcedure
for each validator in CurrentBondedValidators
// Store voting power of each bonded validator
validatorGovInfo = new ValidatorGovInfo
validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower = validator.VotingPower
validatorGovInfo.Minus = 0
validatorGovInfo = new ValidatorGovInfo
validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower = validator.VotingPower
validatorGovInfo.Minus = 0
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <proposalID>:<validator.Address>, validatorGovInfo)
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <proposalID | validator.Address>, validatorGovInfo)
store(Proposals, proposalID, proposal) // Store proposal in Proposals mapping
return proposalID
store(Proposals, proposalID, proposal) // Store proposal in Proposals mapping
return proposalID
### Deposit
@ -127,61 +124,54 @@ upon receiving txGovDeposit from sender do
if !correctlyFormatted(txGovDeposit) then
proposal = load(Proposals, txGovDeposit.ProposalID)
proposal = load(Proposals, txGovDeposit.ProposalID)
if (proposal == nil) then
// There is no proposal for this proposalID
if (proposal == nil) then
// There is no proposal for this proposalID
if (txGovDeposit.Deposit <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < txGovDeposit.Deposit)
// deposit is negative or null OR sender has insufficient funds
activeProcedure = load(params, 'ActiveProcedure')
if (proposal.TotalDeposit >= activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit was reached
// TODO: shouldnt we do something here ?
if (CurrentBlock >= proposal.SubmitBlock + activeProcedure.MaxDepositPeriod) then
// Maximum deposit period reached
if (txGovDeposit.Deposit <= 0) OR (sender.AtomBalance < txGovDeposit.Deposit)
// deposit is negative or null OR sender has insufficient funds
// sender can deposit
sender.AtomBalance -= txGovDeposit.Deposit
proposal.Deposits.append({txGovVote.Deposit, sender})
proposal.TotalDeposit += txGovDeposit.Deposit
if (proposal.TotalDeposit >= activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit is reached, vote opens
activeProcedure = load(params, 'ActiveProcedure')
proposal.VotingStartBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = TotalVotingPower
proposal.InitProcedure = activeProcedure
for each validator in CurrentBondedValidators
// Store voting power of each bonded validator
if (proposal.TotalDeposit >= activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit was reached
if (CurrentBlock >= proposal.SubmitBlock + activeProcedure.MaxDepositPeriod) then
// Maximum deposit period reached
// sender can deposit
sender.AtomBalance -= txGovDeposit.Deposit
validatorGovInfo = NewValidatorGovInfo()
validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower = validator.VotingPower
validatorGovInfo.Minus = 0
proposal.Deposits.append({txGovVote.Deposit, sender})
proposal.TotalDeposit += txGovDeposit.Deposit
if (proposal.TotalDeposit >= activeProcedure.MinDeposit) then
// MinDeposit is reached, vote opens
proposal.VotingStartBlock = CurrentBlock
proposal.InitTotalVotingPower = TotalVotingPower
proposal.InitProcedure = activeProcedure
for each validator in CurrentBondedValidators
// Store voting power of each bonded validator
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <proposalID | validator.Address>, validatorGovInfo)
validatorGovInfo = NewValidatorGovInfo()
validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower = validator.VotingPower
validatorGovInfo.Minus = 0
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <proposalID>:<validator.Address>, validatorGovInfo)
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)
### Vote
@ -227,101 +217,88 @@ handled:
if !correctlyFormatted(txGovDeposit) then
proposal = load(Proposals, txGovDeposit.ProposalID)
proposal = load(Proposals, txGovDeposit.ProposalID)
if (proposal == nil) then
// There is no proposal for this proposalID
if (proposal == nil) then
// There is no proposal for this proposalID
validator = load(CurrentValidators, txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
if !proposal.InitProcedure.OptionSet.includes(txGovVote.Option) OR
(validator == nil) then
// Throws if
// Option is not in Option Set of procedure that was active when vote opened OR if
// ValidatorAddress is not the address of a current validator
option = load(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>)
if (option != nil)
// sender has already voted with the Atoms bonded to ValidatorAddress
if (proposal.VotingStartBlock < 0) OR
(CurrentBlock > proposal.VotingStartBlock + proposal.InitProcedure.VotingPeriod) OR
(proposal.VotingStartBlock < lastBondingBlock(sender, txGovVote.ValidatorAddress) OR
(proposal.VotingStartBlock < lastUnbondingBlock(sender, txGovVote.Address) OR
(proposal.Votes.YesVotes/proposal.InitTotalVotingPower >= 2/3) then
// Throws if
// Vote has not started OR if
// Vote had ended OR if
// sender bonded Atoms to ValidatorAddress after start of vote OR if
// sender unbonded Atoms from ValidatorAddress after start of vote OR if
// special condition is met, i.e. proposal is accepted and closed
validatorGovInfo = load(ValidatorGovInfos, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<validator.ValidatorAddress>)
if (validatorGovInfo == nil)
// validator became validator after proposal entered voting period
// sender can vote, check if sender == validator and store sender's option in Options
store(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>, txGovVote.Option)
if (sender != validator.address)
// Here, sender is not the Address of the validator whose Address is txGovVote.ValidatorAddress
if sender does not have bonded Atoms to txGovVote.ValidatorAddress then
// check in Staking module
validatorOption = load(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>)
if (validatorOption == nil)
// Validator has not voted already
validatorGovInfo.Minus += sender.bondedAmounTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<validator.ValidatorAddress>, validatorGovInfo)
validator = load(CurrentValidators, txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
if !proposal.InitProcedure.OptionSet.includes(txGovVote.Option) OR
(validator == nil) then
// Throws if
// Option is not in Option Set of procedure that was active when vote opened OR if
// ValidatorAddress is not the address of a current validator
option = load(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>)
// Validator has already voted
// Reduce votes of option chosen by validator by sender's bonded Amount
if (option != nil)
// sender has already voted with the Atoms bonded to ValidatorAddress
proposal.Votes.validatorOption -= sender.bondedAmountTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
// increase votes of option chosen by sender by bonded Amount
if (proposal.VotingStartBlock < 0) OR
(CurrentBlock > proposal.VotingStartBlock + proposal.InitProcedure.VotingPeriod) OR
(proposal.VotingStartBlock < lastBondingBlock(sender, txGovVote.ValidatorAddress) OR
(proposal.VotingStartBlock < lastUnbondingBlock(sender, txGovVote.Address) OR
(proposal.Votes.YesVotes/proposal.InitTotalVotingPower >= 2/3) then
senderOption = txGovVote.Option
propoal.Votes.senderOption -= sender.bondedAmountTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
// Throws if
// Vote has not started OR if
// Vote had ended OR if
// sender bonded Atoms to ValidatorAddress after start of vote OR if
// sender unbonded Atoms from ValidatorAddress after start of vote OR if
// special condition is met, i.e. proposal is accepted and closed
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)
// sender is the address of the validator whose main Address is txGovVote.ValidatorAddress
// i.e. sender == validator
validatorGovInfo = load(ValidatorGovInfos, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<validator.ValidatorAddress>)
proposal.Votes.validatorOption += (validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower - validatorGovInfo.Minus)
if (validatorGovInfo == nil)
// validator became validator after proposal entered voting period
// sender can vote, check if sender == validator and store sender's option in Options
store(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>, txGovVote.Option)
if (sender != validator.address)
// Here, sender is not the Address of the validator whose Address is txGovVote.ValidatorAddress
if sender does not have bonded Atoms to txGovVote.ValidatorAddress then
// check in Staking module
validatorOption = load(Options, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<sender>:<txGovVote.ValidatorAddress>)
if (validatorOption == nil)
// Validator has not voted already
validatorGovInfo.Minus += sender.bondedAmounTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
store(ValidatorGovInfos, <txGovVote.ProposalID>:<validator.ValidatorAddress>, validatorGovInfo)
// Validator has already voted
// Reduce votes of option chosen by validator by sender's bonded Amount
proposal.Votes.validatorOption -= sender.bondedAmountTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
// increase votes of option chosen by sender by bonded Amount
senderOption = txGovVote.Option
propoal.Votes.senderOption -= sender.bondedAmountTo(txGovVote.ValidatorAddress)
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)
// sender is the address of the validator whose main Address is txGovVote.ValidatorAddress
// i.e. sender == validator
proposal.Votes.validatorOption += (validatorGovInfo.InitVotingPower - validatorGovInfo.Minus)
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)
store(Proposals, txGovVote.ProposalID, proposal)