working on app3

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Ethan Buchman 2018-06-27 09:02:11 -04:00
parent d6a01ba3a4
commit bd581b22e8
1 changed files with 56 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ transactions. We also introduced additional data to the `Tx`, and used a simple
Here, in `App3`, we introduce two built-in SDK modules to
replace the `Msg`, `Tx`, `Handler`, and `AnteHandler` implementations we've seen
so far.
so far: `x/auth` and `x/bank`.
The `x/auth` module implements `Tx` and `AnteHandler - it has everything we need to
The `x/auth` module implements `Tx` and `AnteHandler` - it has everything we need to
authenticate transactions. It also includes a new `Account` type that simplifies
working with accounts in the store.
@ -81,31 +81,35 @@ type BaseAccount struct {
It simply contains a field for each of the methods.
The `Address`, `PubKey`, and `AccountNumber` of the `BaseAccpunt` cannot be changed once they are set.
The `Sequence` increments by one with every transaction. This ensures that a
given transaction can only be executed once, as the `Sequence` contained in the
transaction must match that contained in the account.
The `Coins` will change according to the logic of each transaction type.
If the `Coins` are ever emptied, the account will be deleted from the store. If
coins are later sent to the same `Address`, the account will be recreated but
with a new `AccountNumber`. This allows us to prune empty accounts from the
store, while still preventing transaction replay if accounts become non-empty
again in the future.
### AccountMapper
In previous apps using our `appAccount`, we handled
marshaling/unmarshaling the account from the store ourselves, by performing
operations directly on the KVStore. But unrestricted access to a KVStore isn't really the interface we want
to work with in our applications. In the SDK, we use the term `Mapper` to refer
to an abstaction over a KVStore that handles marshalling and unmarshalling a
particular data type to and from the underlying store.
## Transaction
The `x/auth` module provides an `AccountMapper` that allows us to get and
set `Account` types to the store. Note the benefit of using the `Account`
interface here - developers can implement their own account type that extends
the `BaseAccount` to store additional data without requiring another lookup from
the store.
Creating an AccountMapper is easy - we just need to specify a codec, a
capability key, and a prototype of the object being encoded (TODO: change to
### StdTx
accountMapper := auth.NewAccountMapper(cdc, keyAccount, &auth.BaseAccount{})
The standard way to create a transaction from a message is to use the `StdTx` struct defined in the `x/auth` module:
See the [AccountMapper API docs](TODO) for more information.
## StdTx
Now that we have a native model for accounts, it's time to introduce the native
`Tx` type, the `auth.StdTx`:
// StdTx is a standard way to wrap a Msg with Fee and Signatures.
@ -118,12 +122,17 @@ type StdTx struct {
The `StdTx` includes a list of messages, information about the fee being paid,
and a list of signatures. It also includes an optional `Memo` for additional
data. Note that the list of signatures must match the result of `GetSigners()`
for each `Msg`!
This is the standard form for a transaction in the SDK. Besides the Msgs, it
The signatures are provided in a standard form as `StdSignature`:
- a fee to be paid by the first signer
- replay protecting nonces in the signature
- a memo of prunable additional data
Details on how these components are validated is provided under
[auth.AnteHandler](#ante-handler) below.
The standard form for signatures is `StdSignature`:
// StdSignature wraps the Signature and includes counters for replay protection.
@ -137,17 +146,7 @@ type StdSignature struct {
Recall that the `Sequence` is expected to increment every time a
message is signed by a given account in order to prevent "replay attacks" where
the same message could be executed over and over again. The `AccountNumber` is
assigned when the account is created or recreated after being emptied.
The `StdSignature` can also optionally include the public key for verifying the
signature. The public key only needs to be included the first time a transaction
is sent from a given account - from then on it will be stored in the `Account`
and can be left out of transactions.
The fee is provided in a standard form as `StdFee`:
And the standard form for a transaction fee is `StdFee`:
// StdFee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum
@ -159,11 +158,7 @@ type StdFee struct {
Note that the address responsible for paying the transactions fee is the first address
returned by msg.GetSigners() for the first `Msg`. The convenience function `FeePayer(tx Tx)` is provided
to return this.
### Signing
## Signing
The standard bytes for signers to sign over is provided by:
@ -175,6 +170,25 @@ TODO
The list of signatures in the `StdTx` must match the result of `GetSigners()`
for each `Msg`. The validation rules for the `StdTx` will be defined in the
Recall that the `Sequence` is expected to increment every time a
message is signed by a given account in order to prevent "replay attacks" where
the same message could be executed over and over again. The `AccountNumber` is
assigned when the account is created or recreated after being emptied.
The `StdSignature` can also optionally include the public key for verifying the
signature. The public key only needs to be included the first time a transaction
is sent from a given account - from then on it will be stored in the `Account`
and can be left out of transactions.
The fee is provided in a standard form as `StdFee`:
Note that the address responsible for paying the transactions fee is the first address
returned by msg.GetSigners() for the first `Msg`. The convenience function `FeePayer(tx Tx)` is provided
to return this.
## App3
Putting it all together, we get: