Merge branch 'master' into adr-epoched-staking

This commit is contained in:
Sunny Aggarwal 2021-02-28 16:48:22 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit c7da188b42
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 167 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Ref:
* (x/bank) [\#8614]( Add `Name` and `Symbol` fields to denom metadata
* (x/auth) [\#8522]( Allow to query all stored accounts
* (crypto/types) [\#8600]( `CompactBitArray`: optimize the `NumTrueBitsBefore` method and add an `Equal` method.
* (store/cachekv), (x/bank/types) [\#8719]( algorithmically fix pathologically slow code

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@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import (
dbm ""
@ -177,18 +179,48 @@ func (store *Store) iterator(start, end []byte, ascending bool) types.Iterator {
return newCacheMergeIterator(parent, cache, ascending)
// strToByte is meant to make a zero allocation conversion
// from string -> []byte to speed up operations, it is not meant
// to be used generally, but for a specific pattern to check for available
// keys within a domain.
func strToByte(s string) []byte {
var b []byte
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
hdr.Cap = len(s)
hdr.Len = len(s)
hdr.Data = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data
return b
// byteSliceToStr is meant to make a zero allocation conversion
// from []byte -> string to speed up operations, it is not meant
// to be used generally, but for a specific pattern to delete keys
// from a map.
func byteSliceToStr(b []byte) string {
hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(hdr))
// Constructs a slice of dirty items, to use w/ memIterator.
func (store *Store) dirtyItems(start, end []byte) {
unsorted := make([]*kv.Pair, 0)
n := len(store.unsortedCache)
for key := range store.unsortedCache {
if dbm.IsKeyInDomain(strToByte(key), start, end) {
cacheValue := store.cache[key]
if dbm.IsKeyInDomain([]byte(key), start, end) {
unsorted = append(unsorted, &kv.Pair{Key: []byte(key), Value: cacheValue.value})
if len(unsorted) == n { // This pattern allows the Go compiler to emit the map clearing idiom for the entire map.
for key := range store.unsortedCache {
delete(store.unsortedCache, key)
} else { // Otherwise, normally delete the unsorted keys from the map.
for _, kv := range unsorted {
delete(store.unsortedCache, byteSliceToStr(kv.Key))
sort.Slice(unsorted, func(i, j int) bool {

View File

@ -32,21 +32,21 @@ func GetMultiSignCommand() *cobra.Command {
Long: strings.TrimSpace(
fmt.Sprintf(`Sign transactions created with the --generate-only flag that require multisig signatures.
Read signature(s) from [signature] file(s), generate a multisig signature compliant to the
multisig key [name], and attach it to the transaction read from [file].
Read one or more signatures from one or more [signature] file, generate a multisig signature compliant to the
multisig key [name], and attach the key name to the transaction read from [file].
$ %s tx multisign transaction.json k1k2k3 k1sig.json k2sig.json k3sig.json
If the flag --signature-only flag is on, it outputs a JSON representation
of the generated signature only.
If --signature-only flag is on, output a JSON representation
of only the generated signature.
The --offline flag makes sure that the client will not reach out to an external node.
Thus account number or sequence number lookups will not be performed and it is
recommended to set such parameters manually.
If the --offline flag is on, the client will not reach out to an external node.
Account number or sequence number lookups are not performed so you must
set these parameters manually.
The current multisig implementation doesn't support SIGN_MORE_DIRECT and defaults
to amino-json sign mode.'
The current multisig implementation defaults to amino-json sign mode.
The SIGN_MODE_DIRECT sign mode is not supported.'
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ to amino-json sign mode.'
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagSigOnly, false, "Print only the generated signature, then exit")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagOutputDocument, "", "The document will be written to the given file instead of STDOUT")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagAmino, false, "Generate Amino encoded JSON suitable for submiting to the txs REST endpoint")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagOutputDocument, "", "The document is written to the given file instead of STDOUT")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagAmino, false, "Generate Amino-encoded JSON suitable for submitting to the txs REST endpoint")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagChainID, "", "network chain ID")
@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ func GetMultiSignBatchCmd() *cobra.Command {
Long: strings.TrimSpace(
fmt.Sprintf(`Assemble a batch of multisig transactions generated by batch sign command.
Read signature(s) from [signature] file(s), generates multisig signatures compliant to the
multisig key [name], and attach it to the transactions read from [file].
Read one or more signatures from one or more [signature] file, generate a multisig signature compliant to the
multisig key [name], and attach the key name to the transaction read from [file].
$ %s tx multisign-batch transactions.json multisigk1k2k3 k1sigs.json k2sigs.json k3sig.json
The current multisig implementation doesn't support sign_mode_direct and defaults
to amino-json sign mode.'
The current multisig implementation defaults to amino-json sign mode.
The SIGN_MODE_DIRECT sign mode is not supported.'
`, version.AppName,
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ to amino-json sign mode.'
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagNoAutoIncrement, false, "disable sequence auto increment")
flagMultisig, "",
"Address of the multisig account on behalf of which the transaction shall be signed",
"Address of the multisig account that the transaction signs on behalf of",

View File

@ -62,16 +62,47 @@ func (b Balance) Validate() error {
// SanitizeGenesisBalances sorts addresses and coin sets.
func SanitizeGenesisBalances(balances []Balance) []Balance {
sort.Slice(balances, func(i, j int) bool {
addr1, _ := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(balances[i].Address)
addr2, _ := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(balances[j].Address)
return bytes.Compare(addr1.Bytes(), addr2.Bytes()) < 0
// Given that this function sorts balances, using the standard library's
// Quicksort based algorithms, we have algorithmic complexities of:
// * Best case: O(nlogn)
// * Worst case: O(n^2)
// The comparator used MUST be cheap to use lest we incur expenses like we had
// before whereby sdk.AccAddressFromBech32, which is a very expensive operation
// compared n * n elements yet discarded computations each time, as per:
// with this change the first step is to extract out and singly produce the values
// that'll be used for comparisons and keep them cheap and fast.
// 1. Retrieve the byte equivalents for each Balance's address and maintain a mapping of
// its Balance, as the mapper will be used in sorting.
type addrToBalance struct {
// We use a pointer here to avoid averse effects of value copying
// wasting RAM all around.
balance *Balance
accAddr []byte
adL := make([]*addrToBalance, 0, len(balances))
for _, balance := range balances {
balance.Coins = balance.Coins.Sort()
balance := balance
addr, _ := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(balance.Address)
adL = append(adL, &addrToBalance{
balance: &balance,
accAddr: []byte(addr),
// 2. Sort with the cheap mapping, using the mapper's
// already accAddr bytes values which is a cheaper operation.
sort.Slice(adL, func(i, j int) bool {
ai, aj := adL[i], adL[j]
return bytes.Compare(ai.accAddr, aj.accAddr) < 0
// 3. To complete the sorting, we have to now just insert
// back the balances in the order returned by the sort.
for i, ad := range adL {
balances[i] = *ad.balance
return balances

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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package types_test
import (
sdk ""
bank ""
@ -101,3 +103,79 @@ func TestBalance_GetAddress(t *testing.T) {
func TestSanitizeBalances(t *testing.T) {
// 1. Generate balances
tokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(81)
coin := sdk.NewCoin("benchcoin", tokens)
coins := sdk.Coins{coin}
addrs, _ := makeRandomAddressesAndPublicKeys(20)
var balances []bank.Balance
for _, addr := range addrs {
balances = append(balances, bank.Balance{
Address: addr.String(),
Coins: coins,
// 2. Sort the values.
sorted := bank.SanitizeGenesisBalances(balances)
// 3. Compare and ensure that all the values are sorted in ascending order.
// Invariant after sorting:
// a[i] <= a[i+1...n]
for i := 0; i < len(sorted); i++ {
ai := sorted[i]
// Ensure that every single value that comes after i is less than it.
for j := i + 1; j < len(sorted); j++ {
aj := sorted[j]
if got := bytes.Compare(ai.GetAddress(), aj.GetAddress()); got > 0 {
t.Errorf("Balance(%d) > Balance(%d)", i, j)
func makeRandomAddressesAndPublicKeys(n int) (accL []sdk.AccAddress, pkL []*ed25519.PubKey) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
pk := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey().(*ed25519.PubKey)
pkL = append(pkL, pk)
accL = append(accL, sdk.AccAddress(pk.Address()))
return accL, pkL
var sink, revert interface{}
func BenchmarkSanitizeBalances500(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkSanitizeBalances(b, 500)
func BenchmarkSanitizeBalances1000(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkSanitizeBalances(b, 1000)
func benchmarkSanitizeBalances(b *testing.B, nAddresses int) {
tokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(81)
coin := sdk.NewCoin("benchcoin", tokens)
coins := sdk.Coins{coin}
addrs, _ := makeRandomAddressesAndPublicKeys(nAddresses)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var balances []bank.Balance
for _, addr := range addrs {
balances = append(balances, bank.Balance{
Address: addr.String(),
Coins: coins,
sink = bank.SanitizeGenesisBalances(balances)
if sink == nil {
b.Fatal("Benchmark did not run")
sink = revert