Merge pull request #1289 from cosmos/bucky/docs

Refactor Docs
This commit is contained in:
Ethan Buchman 2018-06-21 15:53:17 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit d08b916f01
No known key found for this signature in database
28 changed files with 717 additions and 2030 deletions

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[![API Reference](
[![Go Report Card](](
@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ Branch | Tests | Coverage
develop | [![CircleCI](]( | [![codecov](](
master | [![CircleCI](]( | [![codecov](](
**WARNING**: the libraries are still undergoing breaking changes as we get better ideas and start building out the Apps.
The Cosmos-SDK is a framework for building blockchain applications in Golang.
It is being used to build `Gaia`, the first implementation of the [Cosmos Hub](,
**WARNING**: The SDK has mostly stabilized, but we are still making some
breaking changes.
**Note**: Requires [Go 1.10+](
## Testnet
## Gaia Testnet
For more information on connecting to the testnet, see
@ -26,59 +30,14 @@ For more information on connecting to the testnet, see
For the latest status of the testnet, see the [status
## Install
## Overview
See the [install instructions](/docs/
The Cosmos-SDK is a platform for building multi-asset Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains, like the [Cosmos Hub]( It is both a library for building and securely interacting with blockchain applications.
## Quick Start
The goal of the Cosmos-SDK is to allow developers to easily create custom interoperable blockchain applications within the Cosmos Network without having to recreate common blockchain functionality, thus abstracting away the complexities of building a Tendermint ABCI application. We envision the SDK as the `npm`-like framework to build secure blockchain applications on top of Tendermint.
In terms of its design, the SDK optimizes flexibility and security. The framework is designed around a modular execution stack which allows applications to mix and match elements as desired. In addition, all modules are sandboxed for greater application security.
It is based on two major principles:
- **Composability**: Anyone can create a module for the Cosmos-SDK and integrating the already-built modules is as simple as importing them into your blockchain application.
- **Capabilities**: The SDK is inspired by capabilities-based security, and informed by years of wrestling with blockchain state machines. Most developers will need to access other 3rd party modules when building their own modules. Given that the Cosmos-SDK is an open framework and that we assume that some those modules may be malicious, we designed the SDK using object-capabilities (_ocaps_) based principles. In practice, this means that instead of having each module keep an access control list for other modules, each module implements `keepers` that can be passed to other modules to grant a pre-defined set of capabilities. For example, if an instance of module A's `keepers` is passed to module B, the latter will be able to call a restricted set of module A's functions.
The capabilities of each `keeper` are defined by the module's developer, and it's their job to understand and audit the safety of foreign code from 3rd party modules based on the capabilities they are passing into each 3rd party module. For a deeper look at capabilities, you can read this [article](
_Note: For now the Cosmos-SDK only exists in [Golang](, which means that developers can only develop SDK modules in Golang. In the future, we expect that the SDK will be implemented in other programming languages. Funding opportunities supported by the Tendermint team may be available eventually._
## Application architecture
#### Modules
The Cosmos-SDK has all the necessary pre-built modules to add functionality on top of a `BaseApp`, which is the template to build a blockchain dApp in Cosmos. In this context, a `module` is a fundamental unit in the Cosmos-SDK. Each module is an extension of the `BaseApp` functionalities that defines transactions, handles application state and the state transition logic. Each module also contains handlers for messages and transactions, as well as REST and CLI for secure user interactions.
Some of the most important modules already integrated in the SDK are:
- `Auth`: Defines a standard account structure (`BaseAccount`) and how transaction signers are authenticated.
- `Bank`: Defines how coins (i.e cryptocurrencies) are transferred.
- `Governance`: Governance related implementation including proposals and voting.
- `Staking`: Proof of Stake related implementation including bonding and delegation transactions, inflation, fees, unbonding, etc.
- `IBC`: Defines the intereoperability of blockchain zones according to the specifications of the [IBC Protocol](
#### Directories
The key directories of the SDK are:
- `baseapp`: Defines the template for a basic [ABCI ]( application so that your Cosmos-SDK application can communicate with the underlying Tendermint node.
- `client`: CLI and REST server tooling.
- `server`: RPC server to communicate with the node.
- `examples`: Contains examples on how to build working standalone applications.
- `store`: Contains code for the multistore (_i.e._ state). Each module can create any number of `KVStores` (key-value stores) from the multistore.
- `types`: Common types required in any SDK-based application.
- `x`(for e**X**tensions): Folder for storing the `BaseApp` module and all the already-built modules described in the previous section.
## Prerequisites
- [Golang](
## Getting Started
See the [documentation](
- [Documentation](/docs/sdk)
- [Examples](/examples)
## Disambiguation

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# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = python -msphinx
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Cosmos SDK Documentation
NOTE: This documentation is a work-in-progress!
- [Overview](overview)
- [Overview](overview/ - An overview of the Cosmos-SDK
- [The Object-Capability Model](overview/ - Security by
- [Application Architecture](overview/ - Layers in the application architecture
- [Install]( - Install the library and example applications
- [Core](core)
- [Messages](core/ - Messages contain the content of a transaction
- [Handlers](core/ - Handlers are the workhorse of the app!
- [BaseApp](core/ - BaseApp is the base layer of the application
- [The MultiStore](core/ - MultiStore is a rich Merkle database
- [Amino](core/ - Amino is the primary serialization library used in the SDK
- [Accounts](core/ - Accounts are the prototypical object kept in the store
- [Transactions](core/ - Transactions wrap messages and provide authentication
- [Keepers](core/ - Keepers are the interfaces between handlers
- [Clients](core/ - Hook up your app to standard CLI and REST
interfaces for clients to use!
- [Advanced](core/ - Trigger logic on a timer, use custom
serialization formats, advanced Merkle proofs, and more!
- [Modules](modules)
- [Bank](modules/
- [Staking](modules/
- [Slashing](modules/
- [Provisions](modules/
- [Governance](modules/
- [IBC](modules/
- [Clients](clients)
- [Running a Node](clients/ - Run a full node!
- [Key Management](clients/ - Managing user keys
- [CLI](clients/ - Queries and transactions via command line
- [Light Client Daemon](clients/ - Queries and transactions via REST

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Accounts
### auth.Account
// Account is a standard account using a sequence number for replay protection
// and a pubkey for authentication.
type Account interface {
GetAddress() sdk.Address
SetAddress(sdk.Address) error // errors if already set.
GetPubKey() crypto.PubKey // can return nil.
SetPubKey(crypto.PubKey) error
GetAccountNumber() int64
SetAccountNumber(int64) error
GetSequence() int64
SetSequence(int64) error
GetCoins() sdk.Coins
SetCoins(sdk.Coins) error
Accounts are the standard way for an application to keep track of addresses and their associated balances.
### auth.BaseAccount
// BaseAccount - base account structure.
// Extend this by embedding this in your AppAccount.
// See the examples/basecoin/types/account.go for an example.
type BaseAccount struct {
Address sdk.Address `json:"address"`
Coins sdk.Coins `json:"coins"`
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"public_key"`
AccountNumber int64 `json:"account_number"`
Sequence int64 `json:"sequence"`
The `auth.BaseAccount` struct provides a standard implementation of the Account interface with replay protection.
BaseAccount can be extended by embedding it in your own Account struct.
### auth.AccountMapper
// This AccountMapper encodes/decodes accounts using the
// go-amino (binary) encoding/decoding library.
type AccountMapper struct {
// The (unexposed) key used to access the store from the Context.
key sdk.StoreKey
// The prototypical Account concrete type.
proto Account
// The wire codec for binary encoding/decoding of accounts.
cdc *wire.Codec
The AccountMapper is responsible for managing and storing the state of all accounts in the application.
Example Initialization:
// File: examples/basecoin/app/app.go
// Define the accountMapper.
app.accountMapper = auth.NewAccountMapper(
app.keyAccount, // target store
&types.AppAccount{}, // prototype
The accountMapper allows you to retrieve the current account state by `GetAccount(ctx Context, addr auth.Address)` and change the state by
`SetAccount(ctx Context, acc Account)`.
Note: To update an account you will first have to get the account, update the appropriate fields with its associated setter method, and then call
`SetAccount(ctx Context, acc updatedAccount)`.
Updating accounts is made easier by using the `Keeper` struct in the `x/bank` module.
Example Initialization:
// File: examples/basecoin/app/app.go
app.coinKeeper = bank.NewKeeper(app.accountMapper)
Example Usage:
// Finds account with addr in accountmapper
// Adds coins to account's coin array
// Sets updated account in accountmapper
app.coinKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, addr, coins)

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# Amino
The SDK is flexible about serialization - application developers can use any
serialization scheme to encode transactions and state. However, the SDK provides
a native serialization format called
The goal of Amino is to improve over the latest version of Protocol Buffers,
`proto3`. To that end, Amino is compatible with the subset of `proto3` that
excludes the `oneof` keyword.
While `oneof` provides union types, Amino aims to provide interfaces.
The main difference being that with union types, you have to know all the types
up front. But anyone can implement an interface type whenever and however
they like.
To implement interface types, Amino allows any concrete implementation of an
interface to register a globally unique name that is carried along whenever the
type is serialized. This allows Amino to seamlessly deserialize into interface
The primary use for Amino in the SDK is for messages that implement the
`Msg` interface. By registering each message with a distinct name, they are each
given a distinct Amino prefix, allowing them to be easily distinguished in
Amino can also be used for persistent storage of interfaces.
To use Amino, simply create a codec, and then register types:
cdc := wire.NewCodec()
cdc.RegisterConcrete(MsgSend{}, "cosmos-sdk/Send", nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(MsgIssue{}, "cosmos-sdk/Issue", nil)

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# BaseApp
The BaseApp is an abstraction over the [Tendermint
ABCI]( that
simplifies application development by handling common low-level concerns.
It serves as the mediator between the two key components of an SDK app: the store
and the message handlers.
The BaseApp implements the
[`abci.Application`]( interface.
It uses a `MultiStore` to manage the state, a `Router` for transaction handling, and
`Set` methods to specify functions to run at the beginning and end of every
Every SDK app begins with a BaseApp:
app := baseapp.NewBaseApp(appName, cdc, logger, db),

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Message Handling
## Context
The SDK uses a `Context` to propogate common information across functions. The
`Context` is modeled after the Golang `context.Context` object, which has
become ubiquitous in networking middleware and routing applications as a means
to easily propogate request context through handler functions.
The main information stored in the `Context` includes the application
MultiStore, the last block header, and the transaction bytes.
Effectively, the context contains all data that may be necessary for processing
a transaction.
Many methods on SDK objects receive a context as the first argument.
## Handler
Message processing in the SDK is defined through `Handler` functions:
type Handler func(ctx Context, msg Msg) Result
A handler takes a context and a message and returns a result. All
information necessary for processing a message should be available in the
While the context holds the entire application state (ie. the
MultiStore), handlers are restricted in what they can do based on the
capabilities they were given when the application was set up.
For instance, suppose we have a `newFooHandler`:
func newFooHandler(key sdk.StoreKey) sdk.Handler {
return func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) sdk.Result {
store := ctx.KVStore(key)
// ...
This handler can only access one store based on whichever key its given.
So when we register the handler for the `foo` message type, we make sure
to give it the `fooKey`:
app.Router().AddRoute("foo", newFooHandler(fooKey))
Now it can only access the `foo` store, but not the `bar` or `cat` stores!

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Messages
Messages are the primary inputs to application state machines.
Developers can create messages containing arbitrary information by
implementing the `Msg` interface:
type Msg interface {
// Return the message type.
// Must be alphanumeric or empty.
Type() string
// Get the canonical byte representation of the Msg.
GetSignBytes() []byte
// ValidateBasic does a simple validation check that
// doesn't require access to any other information.
ValidateBasic() error
// Signers returns the addrs of signers that must sign.
// CONTRACT: All signatures must be present to be valid.
// CONTRACT: Returns addrs in some deterministic order.
GetSigners() []Address
Messages must specify their type via the `Type()` method. The type should
correspond to the messages handler, so there can be many messages with the same
Messages must also specify how they are to be authenticated. The `GetSigners()`
method return a list of SDK addresses that must sign the message, while the
`GetSignBytes()` method returns the bytes that must be signed for a signature
to be valid.
Addresses in the SDK are arbitrary byte arrays that are hex-encoded when
displayed as a string or rendered in JSON.
Messages can specify basic self-consistency checks using the `ValidateBasic()`
method to enforce that message contents are well formed before any actual logic
For instance, the `Basecoin` message types are defined in `x/bank/tx.go`:
// Send coins from many inputs to many outputs.
type MsgSend struct {
Inputs []Input `json:"inputs"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
// Issue new coins to many outputs.
type MsgIssue struct {
Banker sdk.Address `json:"banker"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
Each specifies the addresses that must sign the message:
func (msg MsgSend) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
addrs := make([]sdk.Address, len(msg.Inputs))
for i, in := range msg.Inputs {
addrs[i] = in.Address
return addrs
func (msg MsgIssue) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
return []sdk.Address{msg.Banker}

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# MultiStore
The Cosmos-SDK provides a special Merkle database called a `MultiStore` to be used for all application
storage. The MultiStore consists of multiple Stores that must be mounted to the
MultiStore during application setup. Stores are mounted to the MultiStore using a capabilities key,
ensuring that only parts of the program with access to the key can access the store.
The goals of the MultiStore are as follows:
- Enforce separation of concerns at the storage level
- Restrict access to storage using capabilities
- Support multiple Store implementations in a single MultiStore, for instance the Tendermint IAVL tree and
the Ethereum Patricia Trie
- Merkle proofs for various queries (existence, absence, range, etc.) on current and retained historical state
- Allow for iteration within Stores
- Provide caching for intermediate state during execution of blocks and transactions (including for iteration)
- Support historical state pruning and snapshotting
Currently, all Stores in the MultiStore must satisfy the `KVStore` interface,
which defines a simple key-value store. In the future,
we may support more kinds of stores, such as a HeapStore
or a NDStore for multidimensional storage.
## Mounting Stores
Stores are mounted during application setup. To mount some stores, first create
their capability-keys:
fooKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("foo")
barKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("bar")
catKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("cat")
Stores are mounted directly on the BaseApp.
They can either specify their own database, or share the primary one already
passed to the BaseApp.
In this example, `foo` and `bar` will share the primary database, while `cat` will
specify its own:
catDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
app.MountStore(fooKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL)
app.MountStore(barKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL)
app.MountStoreWithDB(catKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, catDB)
## Accessing Stores
In the Cosmos-SDK, the only way to access a store is with a capability-key.
Only modules given explicit access to the capability-key will
be able to access the corresponding store. Access to the MultiStore is mediated
through the `Context`.
## Notes
In the example above, all IAVL nodes (inner and leaf) will be stored
in mainDB with the prefix of "s/k:foo/" and "s/k:bar/" respectively,
thus sharing the mainDB. All IAVL nodes (inner and leaf) for the
cat KVStore are stored separately in catDB with the prefix of
"s/\_/". The "s/k:KEY/" and "s/\_/" prefixes are there to
disambiguate store items from other items of non-storage concern.

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### Transactions
A message is a set of instructions for a state transition.
For a message to be valid, it must be accompanied by at least one
digital signature. The signatures required are determined solely
by the contents of the message.
A transaction is a message with additional information for authentication:
type Tx interface {
GetMsg() Msg
The standard way to create a transaction from a message is to use the `StdTx` struct defined in the `x/auth` module.
type StdTx struct {
Msg sdk.Msg `json:"msg"`
Fee StdFee `json:"fee"`
Signatures []StdSignature `json:"signatures"`
The `StdTx.GetSignatures()` method returns a list of signatures, which must match
the list of addresses returned by `tx.Msg.GetSigners()`. The signatures come in
a standard form:
type StdSignature struct {
crypto.PubKey // optional
AccountNumber int64
Sequence int64
It contains the signature itself, as well as the corresponding account's
sequence number. The sequence number is expected to increment every time a
message is signed by a given account. This prevents "replay attacks", where
the same message could be executed over and over again.
The `StdSignature` can also optionally include the public key for verifying the
signature. An application can store the public key for each address it knows
about, making it optional to include the public key in the transaction. In the
case of Basecoin, the public key only needs to be included in the first
transaction send by a given account - after that, the public key is forever
stored by the application and can be left out of transactions.
The address responsible for paying the transactions fee is the first address
returned by msg.GetSigners(). The convenience function `FeePayer(tx Tx)` is provided
to return this.
The standard bytes for signers to sign over is provided by:
func StdSignByes(chainID string, accnums []int64, sequences []int64, fee StdFee, msg sdk.Msg) []byte
in `x/auth`. The standard way to construct fees to pay for the processing of transactions is:
// StdFee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum
// gas to be used by the transaction. The ratio yields an effective "gasprice",
// which must be above some miminum to be accepted into the mempool.
type StdFee struct {
Amount sdk.Coins `json:"amount"`
Gas int64 `json:"gas"`
### Encoding and Decoding Transactions
Messages and transactions are designed to be generic enough for developers to
specify their own encoding schemes. This enables the SDK to be used as the
framwork for constructing already specified cryptocurrency state machines, for
instance Ethereum.
When initializing an application, a developer can specify a `TxDecoder`
function which determines how an arbitrary byte array should be unmarshalled
into a `Tx`:
type TxDecoder func(txBytes []byte) (Tx, error)
The default tx decoder is the Tendermint wire format which uses the go-amino library
for encoding and decoding all message types.
In `Basecoin`, we use the default transaction decoder. The `go-amino` library has the nice
property that it can unmarshal into interface types, but it requires the
relevant types to be registered ahead of type. Registration happens on a
`Codec` object, so as not to taint the global name space.
For instance, in `Basecoin`, we wish to register the `MsgSend` and `MsgIssue`
cdc.RegisterInterface((*sdk.Msg)(nil), nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.MsgSend{}, "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend", nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.MsgIssue{}, "cosmos-sdk/MsgIssue", nil)
Note how each concrete type is given a name - these name determine the type's
unique "prefix bytes" during encoding. A registered type will always use the
same prefix-bytes, regardless of what interface it is satisfying. For more
details, see the [go-amino documentation](
If you wish to use a custom encoding scheme, you must define a TxDecoder function
and set it as the decoder in your extended baseapp using the `SetTxDecoder(decoder sdk.TxDecoder)`.
## AnteHandler
The AnteHandler is used to do all transaction-level processing (i.e. Fee payment, signature verification)
before passing the message to its respective handler.
type AnteHandler func(ctx Context, tx Tx) (newCtx Context, result Result, abort bool)
The antehandler takes a Context and a transaction and returns a new Context, a Result, and the abort boolean.
As with the handler, all information necessary for processing a message should be available in the
If the transaction fails, then the application should not waste time processing the message. Thus, the antehandler should
return an Error's Result method and set the abort boolean to `true` so that the application knows not to process the message in a handler.
Most applications can use the provided antehandler implementation in `x/auth` which handles signature verification
as well as collecting fees.
Note: Signatures must be over `auth.StdSignDoc` introduced above to use the provided antehandler.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/app.go
app.SetAnteHandler(auth.NewAnteHandler(app.accountMapper, app.feeCollectionKeeper))
### Handling Fee payment
### Handling Authentication
The antehandler is responsible for handling all authentication of a transaction before passing the message onto its handler.
This generally involves signature verification. The antehandler should check that all of the addresses that are returned in
`tx.GetMsg().GetSigners()` signed the message and that they signed over `tx.GetMsg().GetSignBytes()`.

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## Introduction
If you want to see some examples, take a look at the [examples/basecoin](/examples/basecoin) directory.
## Design Goals
The design of the Cosmos SDK is based on the principles of "capabilities systems".
## Capabilities systems
### Need for module isolation
### Capability is implied permission
### TODO Link to thesis
## Tx & Msg
The SDK distinguishes between transactions (Tx) and messages
(Msg). A Tx is a list of Msgs wrapped with authentication and fee data.
### Messages
Users can create messages containing arbitrary information by
implementing the `Msg` interface:
type Msg interface {
// Return the message type.
// Must be alphanumeric or empty.
Type() string
// Get the canonical byte representation of the Msg.
GetSignBytes() []byte
// ValidateBasic does a simple validation check that
// doesn't require access to any other information.
ValidateBasic() error
// Signers returns the addrs of signers that must sign.
// CONTRACT: All signatures must be present to be valid.
// CONTRACT: Returns addrs in some deterministic order.
GetSigners() []Address
Messages must specify their type via the `Type()` method. The type should
correspond to the messages handler, so there can be many messages with the same
Messages must also specify how they are to be authenticated. The `GetSigners()`
method return a list of addresses that must sign the message, while the
`GetSignBytes()` method returns the bytes that must be signed for a signature
to be valid.
Addresses in the SDK are arbitrary byte arrays that are hex-encoded when
displayed as a string or rendered in JSON.
Messages can specify basic self-consistency checks using the `ValidateBasic()`
method to enforce that message contents are well formed before any actual logic
For instance, the `Basecoin` message types are defined in `x/bank/tx.go`:
type MsgSend struct {
Inputs []Input `json:"inputs"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
type MsgIssue struct {
Banker sdk.Address `json:"banker"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
Each specifies the addresses that must sign the message:
func (msg MsgSend) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
addrs := make([]sdk.Address, len(msg.Inputs))
for i, in := range msg.Inputs {
addrs[i] = in.Address
return addrs
func (msg MsgIssue) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
return []sdk.Address{msg.Banker}
### Transactions
A transaction is a list of messages with additional information for authentication:
type Tx interface {
GetMsgs() Msg
The standard way to create a transaction from a message is to use the `StdTx` struct defined in the `x/auth` module.
type StdTx struct {
Msg sdk.Msg `json:"msg"`
Fee StdFee `json:"fee"`
Signatures []StdSignature `json:"signatures"`
The `StdTx.GetSignatures()` method returns a list of signatures, which must match
the list of addresses returned by `tx.Msg.GetSigners()`. The signatures come in
a standard form:
type StdSignature struct {
crypto.PubKey // optional
AccountNumber int64
Sequence int64
It contains the signature itself, as well as the corresponding account's
sequence number. The sequence number is expected to increment every time a
message is signed by a given account. This prevents "replay attacks", where
the same message could be executed over and over again.
The `StdSignature` can also optionally include the public key for verifying the
signature. An application can store the public key for each address it knows
about, making it optional to include the public key in the transaction. In the
case of Basecoin, the public key only needs to be included in the first
transaction send by a given account - after that, the public key is forever
stored by the application and can be left out of transactions.
The address responsible for paying the transactions fee is the first address
returned by msg.GetSigners(). The convenience function `FeePayer(tx Tx)` is provided
to return this.
The standard bytes for signers to sign over is provided by:
func StdSignByes(chainID string, accnums []int64, sequences []int64, fee StdFee, msg sdk.Msg) []byte
in `x/auth`. The standard way to construct fees to pay for the processing of transactions is:
// StdFee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum
// gas to be used by the transaction. The ratio yields an effective "gasprice",
// which must be above some miminum to be accepted into the mempool.
type StdFee struct {
Amount sdk.Coins `json:"amount"`
Gas int64 `json:"gas"`
### Encoding and Decoding Transactions
Messages and transactions are designed to be generic enough for developers to
specify their own encoding schemes. This enables the SDK to be used as the
framwork for constructing already specified cryptocurrency state machines, for
instance Ethereum.
When initializing an application, a developer can specify a `TxDecoder`
function which determines how an arbitrary byte array should be unmarshalled
into a `Tx`:
type TxDecoder func(txBytes []byte) (Tx, error)
The default tx decoder is the Tendermint wire format which uses the go-amino library
for encoding and decoding all message types.
In `Basecoin`, we use the default transaction decoder. The `go-amino` library has the nice
property that it can unmarshal into interface types, but it requires the
relevant types to be registered ahead of type. Registration happens on a
`Codec` object, so as not to taint the global name space.
For instance, in `Basecoin`, we wish to register the `MsgSend` and `MsgIssue`
cdc.RegisterInterface((*sdk.Msg)(nil), nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.MsgSend{}, "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend", nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.MsgIssue{}, "cosmos-sdk/MsgIssue", nil)
Note how each concrete type is given a name - these name determine the type's
unique "prefix bytes" during encoding. A registered type will always use the
same prefix-bytes, regardless of what interface it is satisfying. For more
details, see the [go-amino documentation](
If you wish to use a custom encoding scheme, you must define a TxDecoder function
and set it as the decoder in your extended baseapp using the `SetTxDecoder(decoder sdk.TxDecoder)`.
## Storage
### MultiStore
MultiStore is like a root filesystem of an operating system, except
all the entries are fully Merkleized. You mount onto a MultiStore
any number of Stores. Currently only KVStores are supported, but in
the future we may support more kinds of stores, such as a HeapStore
or a NDStore for multidimensional storage.
The MultiStore as well as all mounted stores provide caching (aka
cache-wrapping) for intermediate state (aka software transactional
memory) during the execution of transactions. In the case of the
KVStore, this also works for iterators. For example, after running
the app's AnteHandler, the MultiStore is cache-wrapped (and each
store is also cache-wrapped) so that should processing of the
transaction fail, at least the transaction fees are paid and
sequence incremented.
The MultiStore as well as all stores support (or will support)
historical state pruning and snapshotting and various kinds of
queries with proofs.
### KVStore
Here we'll focus on the IAVLStore, which is a kind of KVStore.
IAVLStore is a fast balanced dynamic Merkle store that also supports
iteration, and of course cache-wrapping, state pruning, and various
queries with proofs, such as proofs of existence, absence, range,
and so on.
Here's how you mount them to a MultiStore.
mainDB, catDB := dbm.NewMemDB(), dbm.NewMemDB()
fooKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("foo")
barKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("bar")
catKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("cat")
ms := NewCommitMultiStore(mainDB)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(fooKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, nil)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(barKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, nil)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(catKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, catDB)
In the example above, all IAVL nodes (inner and leaf) will be stored
in mainDB with the prefix of "s/k:foo/" and "s/k:bar/" respectively,
thus sharing the mainDB. All IAVL nodes (inner and leaf) for the
cat KVStore are stored separately in catDB with the prefix of
"s/\_/". The "s/k:KEY/" and "s/\_/" prefixes are there to
disambiguate store items from other items of non-storage concern.
## Context
The SDK uses a `Context` to propogate common information across functions. The
`Context` is modeled after the Golang `context.Context` object, which has
become ubiquitous in networking middleware and routing applications as a means
to easily propogate request context through handler functions.
The main information stored in the `Context` includes the application
MultiStore (see below), the last block header, and the transaction bytes.
Effectively, the context contains all data that may be necessary for processing
a transaction.
Many methods on SDK objects receive a context as the first argument.
## Handler
Message processing in the SDK is defined through `Handler` functions:
type Handler func(ctx Context, msg Msg) Result
A handler takes a context and a message and returns a result. All
information necessary for processing a message should be available in the
While the context holds the entire application state (all referenced from the
root MultiStore), a particular handler only needs a particular kind of access
to a particular store (or two or more). Access to stores is managed using
capabilities keys and mappers. When a handler is initialized, it is passed a
key or mapper that gives it access to the relevant stores.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_stores.go
app.BaseApp.MountStore(app.capKeyMainStore, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL)
app.accountMapper = auth.NewAccountMapper(
app.capKeyMainStore, // target store
&types.AppAccount{}, // prototype
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_handlers.go
app.router.AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.accountMapper))
// File: cosmos-sdk/x/bank/handler.go
// NOTE: Technically, NewHandler only needs a CoinMapper
func NewHandler(am sdk.AccountMapper) sdk.Handler {
return func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) sdk.Result {
cm := CoinMapper{am}
## AnteHandler
The AnteHandler is used to do all transaction-level processing (i.e. Fee payment, signature verification)
before passing the message to its respective handler.
type AnteHandler func(ctx Context, tx Tx) (newCtx Context, result Result, abort bool)
The antehandler takes a Context and a transaction and returns a new Context, a Result, and the abort boolean.
As with the handler, all information necessary for processing a message should be available in the
If the transaction fails, then the application should not waste time processing the message. Thus, the antehandler should
return an Error's Result method and set the abort boolean to `true` so that the application knows not to process the message in a handler.
Most applications can use the provided antehandler implementation in `x/auth` which handles signature verification
as well as collecting fees.
Note: Signatures must be over `auth.StdSignDoc` introduced above to use the provided antehandler.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/app.go
app.SetAnteHandler(auth.NewAnteHandler(app.accountMapper, app.feeCollectionKeeper))
### Handling Fee payment
### Handling Authentication
The antehandler is responsible for handling all authentication of a transaction before passing the message onto its handler.
This generally involves signature verification. The antehandler should check that all of the addresses that are returned in
`tx.GetMsg().GetSigners()` signed the message and that they signed over `tx.GetMsg().GetSignBytes()`.
## Accounts and x/auth
### auth.Account
// Account is a standard account using a sequence number for replay protection
// and a pubkey for authentication.
type Account interface {
GetAddress() sdk.Address
SetAddress(sdk.Address) error // errors if already set.
GetPubKey() crypto.PubKey // can return nil.
SetPubKey(crypto.PubKey) error
GetAccountNumber() int64
SetAccountNumber(int64) error
GetSequence() int64
SetSequence(int64) error
GetCoins() sdk.Coins
SetCoins(sdk.Coins) error
Accounts are the standard way for an application to keep track of addresses and their associated balances.
### auth.BaseAccount
// BaseAccount - base account structure.
// Extend this by embedding this in your AppAccount.
// See the examples/basecoin/types/account.go for an example.
type BaseAccount struct {
Address sdk.Address `json:"address"`
Coins sdk.Coins `json:"coins"`
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"public_key"`
AccountNumber int64 `json:"account_number"`
Sequence int64 `json:"sequence"`
The `auth.BaseAccount` struct provides a standard implementation of the Account interface with replay protection.
BaseAccount can be extended by embedding it in your own Account struct.
### auth.AccountMapper
// This AccountMapper encodes/decodes accounts using the
// go-amino (binary) encoding/decoding library.
type AccountMapper struct {
// The (unexposed) key used to access the store from the Context.
key sdk.StoreKey
// The prototypical Account concrete type.
proto Account
// The wire codec for binary encoding/decoding of accounts.
cdc *wire.Codec
The AccountMapper is responsible for managing and storing the state of all accounts in the application.
Example Initialization:
// File: examples/basecoin/app/app.go
// Define the accountMapper.
app.accountMapper = auth.NewAccountMapper(
app.keyAccount, // target store
&types.AppAccount{}, // prototype
The accountMapper allows you to retrieve the current account state by `GetAccount(ctx Context, addr auth.Address)` and change the state by
`SetAccount(ctx Context, acc Account)`.
Note: To update an account you will first have to get the account, update the appropriate fields with its associated setter method, and then call
`SetAccount(ctx Context, acc updatedAccount)`.
Updating accounts is made easier by using the `Keeper` struct in the `x/bank` module.
Example Initialization:
// File: examples/basecoin/app/app.go
app.coinKeeper = bank.NewKeeper(app.accountMapper)
Example Usage:
// Finds account with addr in accountmapper
// Adds coins to account's coin array
// Sets updated account in accountmapper
app.coinKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, addr, coins)
## Wire codec
### Why another codec?
### vs encoding/json
### vs protobuf
## KVStore example
## Basecoin example
The quintessential SDK application is Basecoin - a simple
multi-asset cryptocurrency. Basecoin consists of a set of
accounts stored in a Merkle tree, where each account may have
many coins. There are two message types: MsgSend and MsgIssue.
MsgSend allows coins to be sent around, while MsgIssue allows a
set of predefined users to issue new coins.
## Conclusion

View File

@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
The SDK design optimizes flexibility and security. The
framework is designed around a modular execution stack which allows
applications to mix and match elements as desired. In addition,
all modules are sandboxed for greater application security.
Framework Overview
Object-Capability Model
When thinking about security, it's good to start with a specific threat model. Our threat model is the following:
We assume that a thriving ecosystem of Cosmos-SDK modules that are easy to compose into a blockchain application will contain faulty or malicious modules.
The Cosmos-SDK is designed to address this threat by being the foundation of an object capability system.
The structural properties of object capability systems favor
modularity in code design and ensure reliable encapsulation in
code implementation.
These structural properties facilitate the analysis of some
security properties of an object-capability program or operating
system. Some of these — in particular, information flow properties
— can be analyzed at the level of object references and
connectivity, independent of any knowledge or analysis of the code
that determines the behavior of the objects. As a consequence,
these security properties can be established and maintained in the
presence of new objects that contain unknown and possibly
malicious code.
These structural properties stem from the two rules governing
access to existing objects:
1) An object A can send a message to B only if object A holds a
reference to B.
2) An object A can obtain a reference to C only
if object A receives a message containing a reference to C. As a
consequence of these two rules, an object can obtain a reference
to another object only through a preexisting chain of references.
In short, "Only connectivity begets connectivity."
See the `wikipedia article <>`__ for more information.
Strictly speaking, Golang does not implement object capabilities completely, because of several issues:
* pervasive ability to import primitive modules (e.g. "unsafe", "os")
* pervasive ability to override module vars
* data-race vulnerability where 2+ goroutines can create illegal interface values
The first is easy to catch by auditing imports and using a proper dependency version control system like Dep. The second and third are unfortunate but it can be audited with some cost.
Perhaps `Go2 will implement the object capability model <>`__.
What does it look like?
Only reveal what is necessary to get the work done.
For example, the following code snippet violates the object capabilities principle:
type AppAccount struct {...}
var account := &AppAccount{
Address: pub.Address(),
Coins: sdk.Coins{{"ATM", 100}},
var sumValue := externalModule.ComputeSumValue(account)
The method "ComputeSumValue" implies a pure function, yet the implied capability of accepting a pointer value is the capability to modify that value. The preferred method signature should take a copy instead.
var sumValue := externalModule.ComputeSumValue(*account)
In the Cosmos SDK, you can see the application of this principle in the basecoin examples folder.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_handlers.go
package app
import (
func (app *BasecoinApp) initRouterHandlers() {
// All handlers must be added here.
// The order matters.
app.router.AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.accountMapper))
app.router.AddRoute("sketchy", sketchy.NewHandler())
In the Basecoin example, the sketchy handler isn't provided an account mapper, which does provide the bank handler with the capability (in conjunction with the context of a transaction run).
Security Overview
For examples, see the `examples <>`__ directory.
Design Goals
The design of the Cosmos SDK is based on the principles of "capabilities systems".
Capabilities systems
* Need for module isolation
* Capability is implied permission
* Link to thesis
Tx & Msg
The SDK distinguishes between transactions (Tx) and messages
(Msg). A Tx is a Msg wrapped with authentication and fee data.
Users can create messages containing arbitrary information by
implementing the ``Msg`` interface:
type Msg interface {
// Return the message type.
// Must be alphanumeric or empty.
Type() string
// Get the canonical byte representation of the Msg.
GetSignBytes() []byte
// ValidateBasic does a simple validation check that
// doesn't require access to any other information.
ValidateBasic() error
// Signers returns the addrs of signers that must sign.
// CONTRACT: All signatures must be present to be valid.
// CONTRACT: Returns addrs in some deterministic order.
GetSigners() []Address
Messages must specify their type via the ``Type()`` method. The type should
correspond to the messages handler, so there can be many messages with the same
Messages must also specify how they are to be authenticated. The ``GetSigners()``
method return a list of addresses that must sign the message, while the
``GetSignBytes()`` method returns the bytes that must be signed for a signature
to be valid.
Addresses in the SDK are arbitrary byte arrays that are hex-encoded when
displayed as a string or rendered in JSON.
Messages can specify basic self-consistency checks using the ``ValidateBasic()``
method to enforce that message contents are well formed before any actual logic
For instance, the ``Basecoin`` message types are defined in ``x/bank/tx.go``:
type SendMsg struct {
Inputs []Input `json:"inputs"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
type IssueMsg struct {
Banker sdk.Address `json:"banker"`
Outputs []Output `json:"outputs"`
Each specifies the addresses that must sign the message:
func (msg SendMsg) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
addrs := make([]sdk.Address, len(msg.Inputs))
for i, in := range msg.Inputs {
addrs[i] = in.Address
return addrs
func (msg IssueMsg) GetSigners() []sdk.Address {
return []sdk.Address{msg.Banker}
A transaction is a message with additional information for authentication:
type Tx interface {
GetMsg() Msg
// Signatures returns the signature of signers who signed the Msg.
// CONTRACT: Length returned is same as length of
// pubkeys returned from MsgKeySigners, and the order
// matches.
// CONTRACT: If the signature is missing (ie the Msg is
// invalid), then the corresponding signature is
// .Empty().
GetSignatures() []StdSignature
The ``tx.GetSignatures()`` method returns a list of signatures, which must match
the list of addresses returned by ``tx.Msg.GetSigners()``. The signatures come in
a standard form:
type StdSignature struct {
crypto.PubKey // optional
AccountNumber int64
Sequence int64
It contains the signature itself, as well as the corresponding account's account and
sequence numbers. The sequence number is expected to increment every time a
message is signed by a given account. The account number stays the same and is assigned
when the account is first generated. These prevent "replay attacks", where
the same message could be executed over and over again.
The ``StdSignature`` can also optionally include the public key for verifying the
signature. An application can store the public key for each address it knows
about, making it optional to include the public key in the transaction. In the
case of Basecoin, the public key only needs to be included in the first
transaction send by a given account - after that, the public key is forever
stored by the application and can be left out of transactions.
The standard way to create a transaction from a message is to use the ``StdTx``:
type StdTx struct {
Signatures []StdSignature
Encoding and Decoding Transactions
Messages and transactions are designed to be generic enough for developers to
specify their own encoding schemes. This enables the SDK to be used as the
framwork for constructing already specified cryptocurrency state machines, for
instance Ethereum.
When initializing an application, a developer must specify a ``TxDecoder``
function which determines how an arbitrary byte array should be unmarshalled
into a ``Tx``:
type TxDecoder func(txBytes []byte) (Tx, error)
In ``Basecoin``, we use the Tendermint wire format and the ``go-amino`` library for
encoding and decoding all message types. The ``go-amino`` library has the nice
property that it can unmarshal into interface types, but it requires the
relevant types to be registered ahead of type. Registration happens on a
``Codec`` object, so as not to taint the global name space.
For instance, in ``Basecoin``, we wish to register the ``SendMsg`` and ``IssueMsg``
cdc.RegisterInterface((*sdk.Msg)(nil), nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.SendMsg{}, "cosmos-sdk/SendMsg", nil)
cdc.RegisterConcrete(bank.IssueMsg{}, "cosmos-sdk/IssueMsg", nil)
Note how each concrete type is given a name - these name determine the type's
unique "prefix bytes" during encoding. A registered type will always use the
same prefix-bytes, regardless of what interface it is satisfying. For more
details, see the `go-amino documentation <>`__.
MultiStore is like a filesystem
Mounting an IAVLStore
* IAVLStore: Fast balanced dynamic Merkle store.
* supports iteration.
* MultiStore: multiple Merkle tree backends in a single store
* allows using Ethereum Patricia Trie and Tendermint IAVL in same app
* Provide caching for intermediate state during execution of blocks and transactions (including for iteration)
* Historical state pruning and snapshotting.
* Query proofs (existence, absence, range, etc.) on current and retained historical state.
The SDK uses a ``Context`` to propogate common information across functions. The
``Context`` is modelled after the Golang ``context.Context`` object, which has
become ubiquitous in networking middleware and routing applications as a means
to easily propogate request context through handler functions.
The main information stored in the ``Context`` includes the application
MultiStore (see below), the last block header, and the transaction bytes.
Effectively, the context contains all data that may be necessary for processing
a transaction.
Many methods on SDK objects receive a context as the first argument.
Transaction processing in the SDK is defined through ``Handler`` functions:
type Handler func(ctx Context, tx Tx) Result
A handler takes a context and a transaction and returns a result. All
information necessary for processing a transaction should be available in the
While the context holds the entire application state (all referenced from the
root MultiStore), a particular handler only needs a particular kind of access
to a particular store (or two or more). Access to stores is managed using
capabilities keys and mappers. When a handler is initialized, it is passed a
key or mapper that gives it access to the relevant stores.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_stores.go
app.BaseApp.MountStore(app.capKeyMainStore, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL)
app.accountMapper = auth.NewAccountMapper(
app.capKeyMainStore, // target store
&types.AppAccount{}, // prototype
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_handlers.go
app.router.AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.accountMapper))
// File: cosmos-sdk/x/bank/handler.go
// NOTE: Technically, NewHandler only needs a CoinMapper
func NewHandler(am sdk.AccountMapper) sdk.Handler {
return func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) sdk.Result {
cm := CoinMapper{am}
Handling Fee payment
Handling Authentication
Accounts and x/auth
Wire codec
Why another codec?
vs encoding/json
vs protobuf
KVStore example
Basecoin example
The quintessential SDK application is Basecoin - a simple
multi-asset cryptocurrency. Basecoin consists of a set of
accounts stored in a Merkle tree, where each account may have
many coins. There are two message types: SendMsg and IssueMsg.
SendMsg allows coins to be sent around, while IssueMsg allows a
set of predefined users to issue new coins.

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@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
Using The Staking Module
This project is a demonstration of the Cosmos Hub staking functionality; it is
designed to get validator acquianted with staking concepts and procedures.
Potential validators will be declaring their candidacy, after which users can
delegate and, if they so wish, unbond. This can be practiced using a local or
public testnet.
This example covers initial setup of a two-node testnet between a server in the cloud and a local machine. Begin this tutorial from a cloud machine that you've ``ssh``'d into.
The ``gaiad`` and ``gaiacli`` binaries:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make get_vendor_deps
make install
Let's jump right into it. First, we initialize some default files:
gaiad init
which will output:
I[03-30|11:20:13.365] Found private validator module=main path=/root/.gaiad/config/priv_validator.json
I[03-30|11:20:13.365] Found genesis file module=main path=/root/.gaiad/config/genesis.json
Secret phrase to access coins:
citizen hungry tennis noise park hire glory exercise link glow dolphin labor design grit apple abandon
This tell us we have a ``priv_validator.json`` and ``genesis.json`` in the ``~/.gaiad/config`` directory. A ``config.toml`` was also created in the same directory. It is a good idea to get familiar with those files. Write down the seed.
The next thing we'll need to is add the key from ``priv_validator.json`` to the ``gaiacli`` key manager. For this we need a seed and a password:
gaiacli keys add alice --recover
which will give you three prompts:
Enter a passphrase for your key:
Repeat the passphrase:
Enter your recovery seed phrase:
create a password and copy in your seed phrase. The name and address of the key will be output:
alice 67997DD03D527EB439B7193F2B813B05B219CC02 1624DE6220BB89786C1D597050438C728202436552C6226AB67453CDB2A4D2703402FB52B6
You can see all available keys with:
gaiacli keys list
Setup Testnet
Next, we start the daemon (do this in another window):
gaiad start
and you'll see blocks start streaming through.
For this example, we're doing the above on a cloud machine. The next steps should be done on your local machine or another server in the cloud, which will join the running testnet then bond/unbond.
We have:
- ``alice`` the initial validator (in the cloud)
- ``bob`` receives tokens from ``alice`` then declares candidacy (from local machine)
- ``charlie`` will bond and unbond to ``bob`` (from local machine)
Remember that ``alice`` was already created. On your second machine, install the binaries and create two new keys:
gaiacli keys add bob
gaiacli keys add charlie
both of which will prompt you for a password. Now we need to copy the ``genesis.json`` and ``config.toml`` from the first machine (with ``alice``) to the second machine. This is a good time to look at both these files.
The ``genesis.json`` should look something like:
"app_state": {
"accounts": [
"address": "1D9B2356CAADF46D3EE3488E3CCE3028B4283DEE",
"coins": [
"denom": "steak",
"amount": 100000
"stake": {
"pool": {
"total_supply": 0,
"bonded_shares": {
"num": 0,
"denom": 1
"unbonded_shares": {
"num": 0,
"denom": 1
"bonded_pool": 0,
"unbonded_pool": 0,
"inflation_last_time": 0,
"inflation": {
"num": 7,
"denom": 100
"params": {
"inflation_rate_change": {
"num": 13,
"denom": 100
"inflation_max": {
"num": 20,
"denom": 100
"inflation_min": {
"num": 7,
"denom": 100
"goal_bonded": {
"num": 67,
"denom": 100
"max_validators": 100,
"bond_denom": "steak"
"validators": [
"pub_key": {
"type": "AC26791624DE60",
"value": "rgpc/ctVld6RpSfwN5yxGBF17R1PwMTdhQ9gKVUZp5g="
"power": 10,
"name": ""
"app_hash": "",
"genesis_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"chain_id": "test-chain-Uv1EVU"
To notice is that the ``accounts`` field has a an address and a whole bunch of "mycoin". This is ``alice``'s address (todo: dbl check). Under ``validators`` we see the ```` field, which will match the same field in the ``priv_validator.json`` file.
The ``config.toml`` is long so let's focus on one field:
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = ""
On the ``alice`` cloud machine, we don't need to do anything here. Instead, we need its IP address. After copying this file (and the ``genesis.json`` to your local machine, you'll want to put the IP in the ``seeds = ""`` field, in this case, we have a made-up IP. For joining testnets with many nodes, you can add more comma-seperated IPs to the list.
Now that your files are all setup, it's time to join the network. On your local machine, run:
gaiad start
and your new node will connect to the running validator (``alice``).
Sending Tokens
We'll have ``alice`` send some ``mycoin`` to ``bob``, who has now joined the network:
gaiacli send --amount=1000mycoin --sequence=0 --name=alice --to=5A35E4CC7B7DC0A5CB49CEA91763213A9AE92AD6 --chain-id=test-chain-Uv1EVU
where the ``--sequence`` flag is to be incremented for each transaction, the ``--name`` flag is the sender (alice), and the ``--to`` flag takes ``bob``'s address. You'll see something like:
Please enter passphrase for alice:
"check_tx": {
"gas": 30
"deliver_tx": {
"tags": [
"key": "height",
"value_type": 1,
"value_int": 2963
"key": "coin.sender",
"value_string": "5D93A6059B6592833CBC8FA3DA90EE0382198985"
"key": "coin.receiver",
"value_string": "5A35E4CC7B7DC0A5CB49CEA91763213A9AE92AD6"
"hash": "423BD7EA3C4B36AF8AFCCA381C0771F8A698BA77",
"height": 2963
TODO: check the above with current actual output.
Check out ``bob``'s account, which should now have 1000 mycoin:
gaiacli account 5A35E4CC7B7DC0A5CB49CEA91763213A9AE92AD6
Adding a Second Validator
**This section is wrong/needs to be updated**
Next, let's add the second node as a validator.
First, we need the pub_key data:
** need to make bob a priv_Val above?
cat $HOME/.gaia2/priv_validator.json
the first part will look like:
and you want the ``pub_key`` ``data`` that starts with ``96864CE``.
Now ``bob`` can create a validator with that pubkey.
gaiacli stake create-validator --amount=10mycoin --name=bob --address-validator=<address> --pub-key=<pubkey> --moniker=bobby
with an output like:
Please enter passphrase for bob:
"check_tx": {
"gas": 30
"deliver_tx": {},
"hash": "2A2A61FFBA1D7A59138E0068C82CC830E5103799",
"height": 4075
We should see ``bob``'s account balance decrease by 10 mycoin:
gaiacli account 5D93A6059B6592833CBC8FA3DA90EE0382198985
To confirm for certain the new validator is active, ask the tendermint node:
curl localhost:26657/validators
If you now kill either node, blocks will stop streaming in, because
there aren't enough validators online. Turn it back on and they will
start streaming again.
Now that ``bob`` has declared candidacy, which essentially bonded 10 mycoin and made him a validator, we're going to get ``charlie`` to delegate some coins to ``bob``.
First let's have ``alice`` send some coins to ``charlie``:
gaiacli send --amount=1000mycoin --sequence=2 --name=alice --to=48F74F48281C89E5E4BE9092F735EA519768E8EF
Then ``charlie`` will delegate some mycoin to ``bob``:
gaiacli stake delegate --amount=10mycoin --address-delegator=<charlie's address> --address-validator=<bob's address> --name=charlie
You'll see output like:
Please enter passphrase for charlie:
"check_tx": {
"gas": 30
"deliver_tx": {},
"hash": "C3443BA30FCCC1F6E3A3D6AAAEE885244F8554F0",
"height": 51585
And that's it. You can query ``charlie``'s account to see the decrease in mycoin.
To get more information about the candidate, try:
gaiacli stake validator <address>
and you'll see output similar to:
"height": 51899,
"data": {
"pub_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "52D6FCD8C92A97F7CCB01205ADF310A18411EA8FDCC10E65BF2FCDB05AD1689B"
"owner": {
"chain": "",
"app": "sigs",
"addr": "5A35E4CC7B7DC0A5CB49CEA91763213A9AE92AD6"
"shares": 20,
"voting_power": 20,
"description": {
"moniker": "bobby",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"details": ""
It's also possible the query the delegator's bond like so:
gaiacli stake delegation --address-delegator=<address> --address-validator=<address>
with an output similar to:
"height": 325782,
"data": {
"PubKey": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "52D6FCD8C92A97F7CCB01205ADF310A18411EA8FDCC10E65BF2FCDB05AD1689B"
"Shares": 20
where the ``--address-delegator`` is ``charlie``'s address and the ``--address-validator`` is ``bob``'s address.
Finally, to relinquish your voting power, unbond some coins. You should see
your VotingPower reduce and your account balance increase.
gaiacli stake unbond --amount=5mycoin --name=charlie --address-delegator=<address> --address-validator=<address>
gaiacli account 48F74F48281C89E5E4BE9092F735EA519768E8EF
See the bond decrease with ``gaiacli stake delegation`` like above.

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@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
//TODO update .rst
# Staking Module
## Overview
The Cosmos Hub is a Tendermint-based Delegated Proof of Stake (DPos) blockchain
system that serves as a backbone of the Cosmos ecosystem. It is operated and
secured by an open and globally decentralized set of validators. Tendermint is
a Byzantine fault-tolerant distributed protocol for consensus among distrusting
parties, in this case the group of validators which produce the blocks for the
Cosmos Hub. To avoid the nothing-at-stake problem, a validator in Tendermint
needs to lock up coins in a bond deposit. Each bond's atoms are illiquid, they
cannot be transferred - in order to become liquid, they must be unbonded, a
process which will take 3 weeks by default at Cosmos Hub launch. Tendermint
protocol messages are signed by the validator's private key and are therefor
attributable. Validators acting outside protocol specifications can be made
accountable through punishing by slashing (burning) their bonded Atoms. On the
other hand, validators are rewarded for their service of securing blockchain
network by the inflationary provisions and transactions fees. This incentivizes
correct behavior of the validators and provides the economic security of the
The native token of the Cosmos Hub is called the Atom; becoming a validator of the
Cosmos Hub requires holding Atoms. However, not all Atom holders are validators
of the Cosmos Hub. More precisely, there is a selection process that determines
the validator set as a subset of all validators (Atom holders that
want to become a validator). The other option for Atom holders is to delegate
their atoms to validators, i.e., being a delegator. A delegator is an Atom
holder that has put its Atoms at stake by delegating it to a validator. By bonding
Atoms to secure the network (and taking a risk of being slashed in case of
misbehaviour), a user is rewarded with inflationary provisions and transaction
fees proportional to the amount of its bonded Atoms. The Cosmos Hub is
designed to efficiently facilitate a small numbers of validators (hundreds),
and large numbers of delegators (tens of thousands). More precisely, it is the
role of the Staking module of the Cosmos Hub to support various staking
functionality including validator set selection, delegating, bonding and
withdrawing Atoms, and the distribution of inflationary provisions and
transaction fees.
## Basic Terms and Definitions
* Cosmsos Hub - a Tendermint-based Delegated Proof of Stake (DPos)
blockchain system
* Atom - native token of the Cosmsos Hub
* Atom holder - an entity that holds some amount of Atoms
* Pool - Global object within the Cosmos Hub which accounts global state
including the total amount of bonded, unbonding, and unbonded atoms
* Validator Share - Share which a validator holds to represent its portion of
bonded, unbonding or unbonded atoms in the pool
* Delegation Share - Shares which a delegation bond holds to represent its
portion of bonded, unbonding or unbonded shares in a validator
* Bond Atoms - a process of locking Atoms in a delegation share which holds them
under protocol control.
* Slash Atoms - the process of burning atoms in the pool and assoiated
validator shares of a misbehaving validator, (not behaving according to the
protocol specification). This process devalues the worth of delegation shares
of the given validator
* Unbond Shares - Process of retrieving atoms from shares. If the shares are
bonded the shares must first remain in an inbetween unbonding state for the
duration of the unbonding period
* Redelegating Shares - Process of redelegating atoms from one validator to
another. This process is instantaneous, but the redelegated atoms are
retrospecively slashable if the old validator is found to misbehave for any
blocks before the redelegation. These atoms are simultaniously slashable
for any new blocks which the new validator misbehavess
* Validator - entity with atoms which is either actively validating the Tendermint
protocol (bonded validator) or vying to validate .
* Bonded Validator - a validator whose atoms are currently bonded and liable to
be slashed. These validators are to be able to sign protocol messages for
Tendermint consensus. At Cosmos Hub genesis there is a maximum of 100
bonded validator positions. Only Bonded Validators receive atom provisions
and fee rewards.
* Delegator - an Atom holder that has bonded Atoms to a validator
* Unbonding period - time required in the unbonding state when unbonding
shares. Time slashable to old validator after a redelegation. Time for which
validators can be slashed after an infraction. To provide the requisite
cryptoeconomic security guarantees, all of these must be equal.
* Atom provisions - The process of increasing the Atom supply. Atoms are
periodically created on the Cosmos Hub and issued to bonded Atom holders.
The goal of inflation is to incentize most of the Atoms in existence to be
bonded. Atoms are distributed unbonded and using the fee_distribution mechanism
* Transaction fees - transaction fee is a fee that is included in a Cosmsos Hub
transaction. The fees are collected by the current validator set and
distributed among validators and delegators in proportion to their bonded
Atom share
* Commission fee - a fee taken from the transaction fees by a validator for
their service
## The pool and the share
At the core of the Staking module is the concept of a pool which denotes a
collection of Atoms contributed by different Atom holders. There are three
pools in the Staking module: the bonded, unbonding, and unbonded pool. Bonded
Atoms are part of the global bonded pool. If a validator or delegator wants to
unbond its shares, these Shares are moved to the the unbonding pool for the
duration of the unbonding period. From here normally Atoms will be moved
directly into the delegators wallet, however under the situation thatn an
entire validator gets unbonded, the Atoms of the delegations will remain with
the validator and moved to the unbonded pool. For each pool, the total amount
of bonded, unbonding, or unbonded Atoms are tracked as well as the current
amount of issued pool-shares, the specific holdings of these shares by
validators are tracked in protocol by the validator object.
A share is a unit of Atom distribution and the value of the share
(share-to-atom exchange rate) can change during system execution. The
share-to-atom exchange rate can be computed as:
`share-to-atom-exchange-rate = size of the pool / ammount of issued shares`
Then for each validator (in a per validator data structure) the protocol keeps
track of the amount of shares the validator owns in a pool. At any point in
time, the exact amount of Atoms a validator has in the pool can be computed as
the number of shares it owns multiplied with the current share-to-atom exchange
`validator-coins = validator.Shares * share-to-atom-exchange-rate`
The benefit of such accounting of the pool resources is the fact that a
modification to the pool from bonding/unbonding/slashing of Atoms affects only
global data (size of the pool and the number of shares) and not the related
validator data structure, i.e., the data structure of other validators do not
need to be modified. This has the advantage that modifying global data is much
cheaper computationally than modifying data of every validator. Let's explain
this further with several small examples:
XXX TODO make way less verbose lets use bullet points to describe the example
XXX Also need to update to not include bonded atom provisions all atoms are
XXX redistributed with the fee pool now
We consider initially 4 validators p1, p2, p3 and p4, and that each validator
has bonded 10 Atoms to the bonded pool. Furthermore, let's assume that we have
issued initially 40 shares (note that the initial distribution of the shares,
i.e., share-to-atom exchange rate can be set to any meaningful value), i.e.,
share-to-atom-ex-rate = 1 atom per share. Then at the global pool level we
have, the size of the pool is 40 Atoms, and the amount of issued shares is
equal to 40. And for each validator we store in their corresponding data
structure that each has 10 shares of the bonded pool. Now lets assume that the
validator p4 starts process of unbonding of 5 shares. Then the total size of
the pool is decreased and now it will be 35 shares and the amount of Atoms is
35 . Note that the only change in other data structures needed is reducing the
number of shares for a validator p4 from 10 to 5.
Let's consider now the case where a validator p1 wants to bond 15 more atoms to
the pool. Now the size of the pool is 50, and as the exchange rate hasn't
changed (1 share is still worth 1 Atom), we need to create more shares, i.e. we
now have 50 shares in the pool in total. Validators p2, p3 and p4 still have
(correspondingly) 10, 10 and 5 shares each worth of 1 atom per share, so we
don't need to modify anything in their corresponding data structures. But p1
now has 25 shares, so we update the amount of shares owned by p1 in its
data structure. Note that apart from the size of the pool that is in Atoms, all
other data structures refer only to shares.
Finally, let's consider what happens when new Atoms are created and added to
the pool due to inflation. Let's assume that the inflation rate is 10 percent
and that it is applied to the current state of the pool. This means that 5
Atoms are created and added to the pool and that each validator now
proportionally increase it's Atom count. Let's analyse how this change is
reflected in the data structures. First, the size of the pool is increased and
is now 55 atoms. As a share of each validator in the pool hasn't changed, this
means that the total number of shares stay the same (50) and that the amount of
shares of each validator stays the same (correspondingly 25, 10, 10, 5). But
the exchange rate has changed and each share is now worth 55/50 Atoms per
share, so each validator has effectively increased amount of Atoms it has. So
validators now have (correspondingly) 55/2, 55/5, 55/5 and 55/10 Atoms.
The concepts of the pool and its shares is at the core of the accounting in the
Staking module. It is used for managing the global pools (such as bonding and
unbonding pool), but also for distribution of Atoms between validator and its
delegators (we will explain this in section X).
#### Delegator shares
A validator is, depending on its status, contributing Atoms to either the
unbonding or unbonded pool - the validator in turn holds some amount of pool
shares. Not all of a validator's Atoms (and respective shares) are necessarily
owned by the validator, some may be owned by delegators to that validator. The
mechanism for distribution of Atoms (and shares) between a validator and its
delegators is based on a notion of delegator shares. More precisely, every
validator is issuing (local) delegator shares
(`Validator.IssuedDelegatorShares`) that represents some portion of global
shares managed by the validator (`Validator.GlobalStakeShares`). The principle
behind managing delegator shares is the same as described in [Section](#The
pool and the share). We now illustrate it with an example.
XXX TODO make way less verbose lets use bullet points to describe the example
XXX Also need to update to not include bonded atom provisions all atoms are
XXX redistributed with the fee pool now
Let's consider 4 validators p1, p2, p3 and p4, and assume that each validator
has bonded 10 Atoms to the bonded pool. Furthermore, let's assume that we have
issued initially 40 global shares, i.e., that
`share-to-atom-exchange-rate = 1 atom per share`. So we will set
`GlobalState.BondedPool = 40` and `GlobalState.BondedShares = 40` and in the
Validator data structure of each validator `Validator.GlobalStakeShares = 10`.
Furthermore, each validator issued 10 delegator shares which are initially
owned by itself, i.e., `Validator.IssuedDelegatorShares = 10`, where
`delegator-share-to-global-share-ex-rate = 1 global share per delegator share`.
Now lets assume that a delegator d1 delegates 5 atoms to a validator p1 and
consider what are the updates we need to make to the data structures. First,
`GlobalState.BondedPool = 45` and `GlobalState.BondedShares = 45`. Then, for
validator p1 we have `Validator.GlobalStakeShares = 15`, but we also need to
issue also additional delegator shares, i.e.,
`Validator.IssuedDelegatorShares = 15` as the delegator d1 now owns 5 delegator
shares of validator p1, where each delegator share is worth 1 global shares,
i.e, 1 Atom. Lets see now what happens after 5 new Atoms are created due to
inflation. In that case, we only need to update `GlobalState.BondedPool` which
is now equal to 50 Atoms as created Atoms are added to the bonded pool. Note
that the amount of global and delegator shares stay the same but they are now
worth more as share-to-atom-exchange-rate is now worth 50/45 Atoms per share.
Therefore, a delegator d1 now owns:
`delegatorCoins = 5 (delegator shares) * 1 (delegator-share-to-global-share-ex-rate) * 50/45 (share-to-atom-ex-rate) = 5.55 Atoms`

View File

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
# Testnet Setup
**Note:** This document is incomplete and may not be up-to-date with the
state of the code.
See the [installation guide](../sdk/install.html) for details on
Here is a quick example to get you off your feet:
First, generate a couple of genesis transactions to be incorporated into
the genesis file, this will create two keys with the password
gaiad init gen-tx --name=foo --home=$HOME/.gaiad1
gaiad init gen-tx --name=bar --home=$HOME/.gaiad2
gaiacli keys list
**Note:** If you've already run these tests you may need to overwrite
keys using the `--owk` flag When you list the keys you should see two
addresses, we'll need these later so take note. Now let's actually
create the genesis files for both nodes:
cp -a ~/.gaiad2/config/gentx/. ~/.gaiad1/config/gentx/
cp -a ~/.gaiad1/config/gentx/. ~/.gaiad2/config/gentx/
gaiad init --gen-txs --home=$HOME/.gaiad1 --chain-id=test-chain
gaiad init --gen-txs --home=$HOME/.gaiad2 --chain-id=test-chain
**Note:** If you've already run these tests you may need to overwrite
genesis using the `-o` flag. What we just did is copy the genesis
transactions between each of the nodes so there is a common genesis
transaction set; then we created both genesis files independently from
each home directory. Importantly both nodes have independently created
their `genesis.json` and `config.toml` files, which should be identical
between nodes.
Great, now that we've initialized the chains, we can start both nodes in
the background:
gaiad start --home=$HOME/.gaiad1 &> gaia1.log &
gaia start --home=$HOME/.gaiad2 &> gaia2.log &
Note that we save the PID so we can later kill the processes. You can
peak at your logs with `tail gaia1.log`, or follow them for a bit with
`tail -f gaia1.log`.
Nice. We can also lookup the validator set:
gaiacli validatorset
Then, we try to transfer some `steak` to another account:
gaiacli account <FOO-ADDR>
gaiacli account <BAR-ADDR>
gaiacli send --amount=10steak --to=<BAR-ADDR> --name=foo --chain-id=test-chain
**Note:** We need to be careful with the `chain-id` and `sequence`
Check the balance & sequence with:
gaiacli account <BAR-ADDR>
To confirm for certain the new validator is active, check tendermint:
curl localhost:46657/validators
Finally, to relinquish all your power, unbond some coins. You should see
your VotingPower reduce and your account balance increase.
gaiacli unbond --chain-id=<chain-id> --name=test
That's it!
**Note:** TODO demonstrate edit-candidacy **Note:** TODO demonstrate
delegation **Note:** TODO demonstrate unbond of delegation **Note:**
TODO demonstrate unbond candidate

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
Testnet Setup
**Note:** This document is incomplete and may not be up-to-date with the state of the code.
See the `installation guide <../sdk/install.html>`__ for details on installation.
Here is a quick example to get you off your feet:
First, generate a couple of genesis transactions to be incorparated into the genesis file, this will create two keys with the password ``1234567890``
gaiad init gen-tx --name=foo --home=$HOME/.gaiad1
gaiad init gen-tx --name=bar --home=$HOME/.gaiad2
gaiacli keys list
**Note:** If you've already run these tests you may need to overwrite keys using the ``--OWK`` flag
When you list the keys you should see two addresses, we'll need these later so take note.
Now let's actually create the genesis files for both nodes:
cp -a ~/.gaiad2/config/gentx/. ~/.gaiad1/config/gentx/
cp -a ~/.gaiad1/config/gentx/. ~/.gaiad2/config/gentx/
gaiad init --gen-txs --home=$HOME/.gaiad1 --chain-id=test-chain
gaiad init --gen-txs --home=$HOME/.gaiad2 --chain-id=test-chain
**Note:** If you've already run these tests you may need to overwrite genesis using the ``-o`` flag
What we just did is copy the genesis transactions between each of the nodes so there is a common genesis transaction set; then we created both genesis files independently from each home directory. Importantly both nodes have independently created their ``genesis.json`` and ``config.toml`` files, which should be identical between nodes.
Great, now that we've initialized the chains, we can start both nodes in the background:
gaiad start --home=$HOME/.gaiad1 &> gaia1.log &
gaia start --home=$HOME/.gaiad2 &> gaia2.log &
Note that we save the PID so we can later kill the processes. You can peak at your logs with ``tail gaia1.log``, or follow them for a bit with ``tail -f gaia1.log``.
Nice. We can also lookup the validator set:
gaiacli advanced tendermint validator-set
Then, we try to transfer some ``steak`` to another account:
gaiacli account <FOO-ADDR>
gaiacli account <BAR-ADDR>
gaiacli send --amount=10steak --to=<BAR-ADDR> --name=foo --chain-id=test-chain
**Note:** We need to be careful with the ``chain-id`` and ``sequence``
Check the balance & sequence with:
gaiacli account <BAR-ADDR>
To confirm for certain the new validator is active, check tendermint:
curl localhost:26657/validators
Finally, to relinquish all your power, unbond some coins. You should see your VotingPower reduce and your account balance increase.
gaiacli stake unbond --chain-id=<chain-id> --name=test
That's it!
**Note:** TODO demonstrate edit-candidacy
**Note:** TODO demonstrate delegation
**Note:** TODO demonstrate unbond of delegation
**Note:** TODO demonstrate unbond candidate

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
.. Cosmos-SDK documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Fri Sep 1 21:37:02 2017.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to the Cosmos SDK!
.. image:: graphics/cosmos-sdk-image.png
:height: 250px
:width: 500px
:align: center
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. sdk/overview.rst # needs to be updated
.. old/glossary.rst # not completely up to date but has good content
.. Basecoin
.. --------
.. .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. old/basecoin/basics.rst # has a decent getting-start tutorial that's relatively up to date, should be consolidated with the other getting started doc
.. Extensions
.. ----------
.. old/basecoin/extensions.rst # probably not worth salvaging
.. Replay Protection
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.. old/replay-protection.rst # not sure if worth salvaging
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. staking/intro.rst
.. staking/key-management.rst
.. staking/local-testnet.rst
.. staking/public-testnet.rst
.. IBC
.. ---
.. old/ibc.rst # needs to be updated

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=python -msphinx
set BUILDDIR=_build
if "%1" == "" goto help
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The Sphinx module was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed,
echo.then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full
echo.path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you may add the
echo.Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
goto end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
The SDK design optimizes flexibility and security. The framework is
designed around a modular execution stack which allows applications to
mix and match elements as desired. In addition, all modules are
sandboxed for greater application security.
Framework Overview
### Object-Capability Model
When thinking about security, it's good to start with a specific threat
model. Our threat model is the following:
We assume that a thriving ecosystem of Cosmos-SDK modules that are easy to compose into a blockchain application will contain faulty or malicious modules.
The Cosmos-SDK is designed to address this threat by being the
foundation of an object capability system.
The structural properties of object capability systems favor
modularity in code design and ensure reliable encapsulation in
code implementation.
These structural properties facilitate the analysis of some
security properties of an object-capability program or operating
system. Some of these — in particular, information flow properties
— can be analyzed at the level of object references and
connectivity, independent of any knowledge or analysis of the code
that determines the behavior of the objects. As a consequence,
these security properties can be established and maintained in the
presence of new objects that contain unknown and possibly
malicious code.
These structural properties stem from the two rules governing
access to existing objects:
1) An object A can send a message to B only if object A holds a
reference to B.
2) An object A can obtain a reference to C only
if object A receives a message containing a reference to C. As a
consequence of these two rules, an object can obtain a reference
to another object only through a preexisting chain of references.
In short, "Only connectivity begets connectivity."
See the [wikipedia
article]( for more
Strictly speaking, Golang does not implement object capabilities
completely, because of several issues:
- pervasive ability to import primitive modules (e.g. "unsafe", "os")
- pervasive ability to override module vars
- data-race vulnerability where 2+ goroutines can create illegal
interface values
The first is easy to catch by auditing imports and using a proper
dependency version control system like Dep. The second and third are
unfortunate but it can be audited with some cost.
Perhaps [Go2 will implement the object capability
#### What does it look like?
Only reveal what is necessary to get the work done.
For example, the following code snippet violates the object capabilities
type AppAccount struct {...}
var account := &AppAccount{
Address: pub.Address(),
Coins: sdk.Coins{{"ATM", 100}},
var sumValue := externalModule.ComputeSumValue(account)
The method "ComputeSumValue" implies a pure function, yet the implied
capability of accepting a pointer value is the capability to modify that
value. The preferred method signature should take a copy instead.
var sumValue := externalModule.ComputeSumValue(*account)
In the Cosmos SDK, you can see the application of this principle in the
basecoin examples folder.
// File: cosmos-sdk/examples/basecoin/app/init_handlers.go
package app
import (
func (app *BasecoinApp) initRouterHandlers() {
// All handlers must be added here.
// The order matters.
app.router.AddRoute("bank", bank.NewHandler(app.accountMapper))
app.router.AddRoute("sketchy", sketchy.NewHandler())
In the Basecoin example, the sketchy handler isn't provided an account
mapper, which does provide the bank handler with the capability (in
conjunction with the context of a transaction run).
### Capabilities systems
- Need for module isolation
- Capability is implied permission
- Link to thesis

docs/overview/ Normal file
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# Overview
The Cosmos-SDK is a framework for building Tendermint ABCI applications in
Golang. It is designed to allow developers to easily create custom interoperable
blockchain applications within the Cosmos Network.
We envision the SDK as the `npm`-like framework to build secure blockchain applications on top of Tendermint.
To achieve its goals of flexibility and security, the SDK makes extensive use of
the [object-capability
and the [principle of least
For an introduction to object-capabilities, see this [article](
## Languages
The Cosmos-SDK is currently writen in [Golang](, though the
framework could be implemented similarly in other languages.
Contact us for information about funding an implementation in another language.
## Directory Structure
The SDK is laid out in the following directories:
- `baseapp`: Defines the template for a basic [ABCI]( application so that your Cosmos-SDK application can communicate with the underlying Tendermint node.
- `client`: CLI and REST server tooling for interacting with SDK application.
- `examples`: Examples of how to build working standalone applications.
- `server`: The full node server for running an SDK application on top of
- `store`: The database of the SDK - a Merkle multistore supporting multiple types of underling Merkle key-value stores.
- `types`: Common types in SDK applications.
- `x`: Extensions to the core, where all messages and handlers are defined.

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# Cosmos Hub Spec
This directory contains specifications for the application level components of
the Cosmos Hub.
This directory contains specifications for the state transition machine of the
Cosmos Hub.
NOTE: the specifications are not yet complete and very much a work in progress.
The Cosmos Hub holds all of its state in a Merkle store. Updates to
the store may be made during transactions and at the beginning and end of every
While the first implementation of the Cosmos Hub is built using the Cosmos-SDK,
these specifications aim to be independent of any implementation details. That
said, they provide a detailed resource for understanding the Cosmos-SDK.
- [Store](store) - The core Merkle store that holds the state.
- [Auth](auth) - The structure and authnentication of accounts and transactions.
- [Auth](auth) - The structure and authentication of accounts and transactions.
- [Bank](bank) - Sending tokens.
- [Governance](governance) - Proposals and voting.
- [IBC](ibc) - Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.
- [Staking](staking) - Proof-of-stake bonding, delegation, etc.
- [Slashing](slashing) - Validator punishment mechanisms.
- [Provisioning](provisioning) - Fee distribution, and atom provision distribution
- [IBC](ibc) - Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.
- [Other](other) - Other components of the Cosmos Hub, including the reserve
pool, All in Bits vesting, etc.
The [specification for Tendermint](,
i.e. the underlying blockchain, can be found elsewhere.
For details on the underlying blockchain and p2p protocols, see
the [Tendermint specification](