diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 7b5834035..49f48dd92 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ FEATURES - You can now use a Ledger with `gaiacli --ledger` for all key-related commands - Ledger keys can be named and tracked locally in the key DB * [gaiacli] added an --async flag to the cli to deliver transactions without waiting for a tendermint response +* [gaiacli] improve error messages on `send` and `account` commands IMPROVEMENTS * bank module uses go-wire codec instead of 'encoding/json' @@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ BUG FIXES * \#1353 - CLI: Show pool shares fractions in human-readable format * \#1258 - printing big.rat's can no longer overflow int64 * \#887 - limit the size of rationals that can be passed in from user input +* \#1461 - CLI tests now no longer reset your local environment data ## 0.19.0 diff --git a/Gopkg.lock b/Gopkg.lock new file mode 100644 index 000000000..879453988 --- /dev/null +++ b/Gopkg.lock @@ -0,0 +1,512 @@ +# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'. + + +[[projects]] + branch = "master" + name = "github.com/bartekn/go-bip39" + packages = ["."] + revision = "a05967ea095d81c8fe4833776774cfaff8e5036c" + +[[projects]] + branch = "master" + name = "github.com/beorn7/perks" + packages = ["quantile"] + revision = "3a771d992973f24aa725d07868b467d1ddfceafb" + +[[projects]] + name = "github.com/bgentry/speakeasy" + packages = ["."] + revision = "4aabc24848ce5fd31929f7d1e4ea74d3709c14cd" + version = "v0.1.0" + +[[projects]] + branch = "master" + name = "github.com/brejski/hid" + packages = ["."] + revision = "06112dcfcc50a7e0e4fd06e17f9791e788fdaafc" + +[[projects]] + branch = "master" + name = "github.com/btcsuite/btcd" + packages = ["btcec"] + revision = "86fed781132ac890ee03e906e4ecd5d6fa180c64" + +[[projects]] + branch = "master" + name = "github.com/btcsuite/btcutil" + packages = ["bech32"] + revision = "d4cc87b860166d00d6b5b9e0d3b3d71d6088d4d4" + +[[projects]] 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"13ad2a57b6942729e2d08b5c37810d62108aa64a335a4822fcff1ad992c0662b" + solver-name = "gps-cdcl" + solver-version = 1 diff --git a/cmd/gaia/cli_test/cli_test.go b/cmd/gaia/cli_test/cli_test.go index 07230a4f9..0761bd08f 100644 --- a/cmd/gaia/cli_test/cli_test.go +++ b/cmd/gaia/cli_test/cli_test.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package clitest import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" + "os" "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" @@ -21,32 +22,39 @@ import ( "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/stake" ) -func TestGaiaCLISend(t *testing.T) { +var ( + pass = "1234567890" + gaiadHome = "" + gaiacliHome = "" +) - tests.ExecuteT(t, "gaiad unsafe_reset_all") - pass := "1234567890" - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete foo", pass) - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete bar", pass) - chainID := executeInit(t, "gaiad init -o --name=foo") - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys add bar", pass) +func init() { + gaiadHome, gaiacliHome = getTestingHomeDirs() +} + +func TestGaiaCLISend(t *testing.T) { + tests.ExecuteT(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad --home=%s unsafe_reset_all", gaiadHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s foo", gaiacliHome), pass) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) + chainID := executeInit(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad init -o --name=foo --home=%s --home-client=%s", gaiadHome, gaiacliHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys add --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) // get a free port, also setup some common flags servAddr, port, err := server.FreeTCPAddr() require.NoError(t, err) - flags := fmt.Sprintf("--node=%v --chain-id=%v", servAddr, chainID) + flags := fmt.Sprintf("--home=%s --node=%v --chain-id=%v", gaiacliHome, servAddr, chainID) // start gaiad server - proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --rpc.laddr=%v", servAddr)) + proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --home=%s --rpc.laddr=%v", gaiadHome, servAddr)) + defer proc.Stop(false) tests.WaitForTMStart(port) tests.WaitForNextHeightTM(port) - fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, "gaiacli keys show foo --output=json") - fooCech, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) - require.NoError(t, err) - barAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, "gaiacli keys show bar --output=json") - barCech, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(barAddr) - require.NoError(t, err) + fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys show foo --output=json --home=%s", gaiacliHome)) + fooCech := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) + barAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys show bar --output=json --home=%s", gaiacliHome)) + barCech := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(barAddr) fooAcc := executeGetAccount(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli account %v %v", fooCech, flags)) require.Equal(t, int64(50), fooAcc.GetCoins().AmountOf("steak").Int64()) @@ -79,33 +87,29 @@ func TestGaiaCLISend(t *testing.T) { } func TestGaiaCLICreateValidator(t *testing.T) { - - tests.ExecuteT(t, "gaiad unsafe_reset_all") - pass := "1234567890" - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete foo", pass) - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete bar", pass) - chainID := executeInit(t, "gaiad init -o --name=foo") - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys add bar", pass) + tests.ExecuteT(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad --home=%s unsafe_reset_all", gaiadHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s foo", gaiacliHome), pass) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) + chainID := executeInit(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad init -o --name=foo --home=%s --home-client=%s", gaiadHome, gaiacliHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys add --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) // get a free port, also setup some common flags servAddr, port, err := server.FreeTCPAddr() require.NoError(t, err) - flags := fmt.Sprintf("--node=%v --chain-id=%v", servAddr, chainID) + flags := fmt.Sprintf("--home=%s --node=%v --chain-id=%v", gaiacliHome, servAddr, chainID) // start gaiad server - proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --rpc.laddr=%v", servAddr)) + proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --home=%s --rpc.laddr=%v", gaiadHome, servAddr)) + defer proc.Stop(false) tests.WaitForTMStart(port) tests.WaitForNextHeightTM(port) - fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, "gaiacli keys show foo --output=json") - fooCech, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) - require.NoError(t, err) - barAddr, barPubKey := executeGetAddrPK(t, "gaiacli keys show bar --output=json") - barCech, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(barAddr) - require.NoError(t, err) - barCeshPubKey, err := sdk.Bech32ifyValPub(barPubKey) - require.NoError(t, err) + fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys show foo --output=json --home=%s", gaiacliHome)) + fooCech := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) + barAddr, barPubKey := executeGetAddrPK(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys show bar --output=json --home=%s", gaiacliHome)) + barCech := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(barAddr) + barCeshPubKey := sdk.MustBech32ifyValPub(barPubKey) executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli send %v --amount=10steak --to=%v --name=foo", flags, barCech), pass) tests.WaitForNextHeightTM(port) @@ -153,28 +157,26 @@ func TestGaiaCLICreateValidator(t *testing.T) { } func TestGaiaCLISubmitProposal(t *testing.T) { - - tests.ExecuteT(t, "gaiad unsafe_reset_all") - pass := "1234567890" - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete foo", pass) - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys delete bar", pass) - chainID := executeInit(t, "gaiad init -o --name=foo") - executeWrite(t, "gaiacli keys add bar", pass) + tests.ExecuteT(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad --home=%s unsafe_reset_all", gaiadHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s foo", gaiacliHome), pass) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys delete --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) + chainID := executeInit(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad init -o --name=foo --home=%s --home-client=%s", gaiadHome, gaiacliHome)) + executeWrite(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys add --home=%s bar", gaiacliHome), pass) // get a free port, also setup some common flags servAddr, port, err := server.FreeTCPAddr() require.NoError(t, err) - flags := fmt.Sprintf("--node=%v --chain-id=%v", servAddr, chainID) + flags := fmt.Sprintf("--home=%s --node=%v --chain-id=%v", gaiacliHome, servAddr, chainID) // start gaiad server - proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --rpc.laddr=%v", servAddr)) + proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiad start --home=%s --rpc.laddr=%v", gaiadHome, servAddr)) + defer proc.Stop(false) tests.WaitForTMStart(port) tests.WaitForNextHeightTM(port) - fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, "gaiacli keys show foo --output=json") - fooCech, err := sdk.Bech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) - require.NoError(t, err) + fooAddr, _ := executeGetAddrPK(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli keys show foo --output=json --home=%s", gaiacliHome)) + fooCech := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(fooAddr) fooAcc := executeGetAccount(t, fmt.Sprintf("gaiacli account %v %v", fooCech, flags)) require.Equal(t, int64(50), fooAcc.GetCoins().AmountOf("steak").Int64()) @@ -206,6 +208,16 @@ func TestGaiaCLISubmitProposal(t *testing.T) { require.Equal(t, gov.VoteOptionToString(gov.OptionYes), vote.Option) } +//___________________________________________________________________________________ +// helper methods + +func getTestingHomeDirs() (string, string) { + tmpDir := os.TempDir() + gaiadHome := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.test_gaiad", tmpDir, string(os.PathSeparator)) + gaiacliHome := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.test_gaiacli", tmpDir, string(os.PathSeparator)) + return gaiadHome, gaiacliHome +} + //___________________________________________________________________________________ // executors diff --git a/cmd/gaia/testnets/README.md b/cmd/gaia/testnets/README.md index 57bbfc48a..f65b9267e 100644 --- a/cmd/gaia/testnets/README.md +++ b/cmd/gaia/testnets/README.md @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ On the testnet, we delegate `steak` instead of `atom`. Here's how you can bond t gaiacli stake delegate \ --amount=10steak \ --address-delegator= \ - --address-validator=$(gaiad tendermint show_validator) \ + --address-validator= \ --name= \ --chain-id=gaia-6002 ``` @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ If for any reason the validator misbehaves, or you want to unbond a certain amou ```bash gaiacli stake unbond \ --address-delegator= \ - --address-validator=$(gaiad tendermint show_validator) \ + --address-validator= \ --shares=MAX \ --name= \ --chain-id=gaia-6002 @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ gaiacli account gaiacli stake delegation \ --address-delegator= \ - --address-validator=$(gaiad tendermint show_validator) \ + --address-validator= \ --chain-id=gaia-6002 ``` diff --git a/examples/democoin/cmd/democoind/main.go b/examples/democoin/cmd/democoind/main.go index 0bb84c146..e74b3b700 100644 --- a/examples/democoin/cmd/democoind/main.go +++ b/examples/democoin/cmd/democoind/main.go @@ -29,20 +29,24 @@ func CoolAppGenState(cdc *wire.Codec, appGenTxs []json.RawMessage) (appState jso if err != nil { return } + key := "cool" value := json.RawMessage(`{ "trend": "ice-cold" }`) - appState, err = server.AppendJSON(cdc, appState, key, value) + + appState, err = server.InsertKeyJSON(cdc, appState, key, value) if err != nil { return } + key = "pow" value = json.RawMessage(`{ "difficulty": 1, "count": 0 }`) - appState, err = server.AppendJSON(cdc, appState, key, value) + + appState, err = server.InsertKeyJSON(cdc, appState, key, value) return } diff --git a/server/init.go b/server/init.go index 0cc99e79f..3c9186fba 100644 --- a/server/init.go +++ b/server/init.go @@ -332,32 +332,20 @@ func readOrCreatePrivValidator(tmConfig *cfg.Config) crypto.PubKey { return privValidator.GetPubKey() } -// create the genesis file +// writeGenesisFile creates and writes the genesis configuration to disk. An +// error is returned if building or writing the configuration to file fails. func writeGenesisFile(cdc *wire.Codec, genesisFile, chainID string, validators []tmtypes.GenesisValidator, appState json.RawMessage) error { genDoc := tmtypes.GenesisDoc{ - ChainID: chainID, - Validators: validators, + ChainID: chainID, + Validators: validators, + AppStateJSON: appState, } + if err := genDoc.ValidateAndComplete(); err != nil { return err } - if err := genDoc.SaveAs(genesisFile); err != nil { - return err - } - return addAppStateToGenesis(cdc, genesisFile, appState) -} -// Add one line to the genesis file -func addAppStateToGenesis(cdc *wire.Codec, genesisConfigPath string, appState json.RawMessage) error { - bz, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genesisConfigPath) - if err != nil { - return err - } - out, err := AppendJSON(cdc, bz, "app_state", appState) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return ioutil.WriteFile(genesisConfigPath, out, 0600) + return genDoc.SaveAs(genesisFile) } //_____________________________________________________________________ diff --git a/server/util.go b/server/util.go index d1ad001c5..0f1816b16 100644 --- a/server/util.go +++ b/server/util.go @@ -123,15 +123,21 @@ func AddCommands( //___________________________________________________________________________________ -// append a new json field to existing json message -func AppendJSON(cdc *wire.Codec, baseJSON []byte, key string, value json.RawMessage) (appended []byte, err error) { +// InsertKeyJSON inserts a new JSON field/key with a given value to an existing +// JSON message. An error is returned if any serialization operation fails. +// +// NOTE: The ordering of the keys returned as the resulting JSON message is +// non-deterministic, so the client should not rely on key ordering. +func InsertKeyJSON(cdc *wire.Codec, baseJSON []byte, key string, value json.RawMessage) ([]byte, error) { var jsonMap map[string]json.RawMessage - err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(baseJSON, &jsonMap) - if err != nil { + + if err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON(baseJSON, &jsonMap); err != nil { return nil, err } + jsonMap[key] = value bz, err := wire.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, jsonMap) + return json.RawMessage(bz), err } diff --git a/server/util_test.go b/server/util_test.go index 8f1ab21db..6082caa2c 100644 --- a/server/util_test.go +++ b/server/util_test.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) -func TestAppendJSON(t *testing.T) { +func TestInsertKeyJSON(t *testing.T) { cdc := wire.NewCodec() foo := map[string]string{"foo": "foofoo"} @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func TestAppendJSON(t *testing.T) { barRaw := json.RawMessage(bz) // make the append - appBz, err := AppendJSON(cdc, fooRaw, "barOuter", barRaw) + appBz, err := InsertKeyJSON(cdc, fooRaw, "barOuter", barRaw) require.NoError(t, err) // test the append diff --git a/x/auth/client/cli/account.go b/x/auth/client/cli/account.go index ccc1e277b..47980a64c 100644 --- a/x/auth/client/cli/account.go +++ b/x/auth/client/cli/account.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package cli import ( + "errors" "fmt" "github.com/spf13/cobra" @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ func GetAccountCmd(storeName string, cdc *wire.Codec, decoder auth.AccountDecode // Check if account was found if res == nil { - return sdk.ErrUnknownAddress("No account with address " + addr + + return errors.New("No account with address " + addr + " was found in the state.\nAre you sure there has been a transaction involving it?") } diff --git a/x/bank/client/cli/sendtx.go b/x/bank/client/cli/sendtx.go index d3f7377fa..e3ce4c4d2 100644 --- a/x/bank/client/cli/sendtx.go +++ b/x/bank/client/cli/sendtx.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package cli import ( + "errors" "fmt" "github.com/spf13/cobra" @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/client/context" sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types" "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/wire" + "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth" authcmd "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/client/cli" "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/client" ) @@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ const ( flagAsync = "async" ) -// SendTxCommand will create a send tx and sign it with the given key +// SendTxCmd will create a send tx and sign it with the given key func SendTxCmd(cdc *wire.Codec) *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "send", @@ -33,19 +35,41 @@ func SendTxCmd(cdc *wire.Codec) *cobra.Command { return err } + fromAcc, err := ctx.QueryStore(auth.AddressStoreKey(from), ctx.AccountStore) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + bech32From := sdk.MustBech32ifyAcc(from) + // Check if account was found + if fromAcc == nil { + return errors.New("No account with address " + bech32From + + " was found in the state.\nAre you sure there has been a transaction involving it?") + } + toStr := viper.GetString(flagTo) to, err := sdk.GetAccAddressBech32(toStr) if err != nil { return err } - // parse coins + // parse coins trying to be sent amount := viper.GetString(flagAmount) coins, err := sdk.ParseCoins(amount) if err != nil { return err } + // ensure account has enough coins + account, err := ctx.Decoder(fromAcc) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if !account.GetCoins().IsGTE(coins) { + return errors.New("Address " + bech32From + + " doesn't have enough coins to pay for this transaction.") + } + // build and sign the transaction, then broadcast to Tendermint msg := client.BuildMsg(from, to, coins) diff --git a/x/stake/client/cli/query.go b/x/stake/client/cli/query.go index 39c7771f0..82149a2fa 100644 --- a/x/stake/client/cli/query.go +++ b/x/stake/client/cli/query.go @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func GetCmdQueryDelegation(storeName string, cdc *wire.Codec) *cobra.Command { return err } - delAddr, err := sdk.GetValAddressHex(viper.GetString(FlagAddressDelegator)) + delAddr, err := sdk.GetAccAddressBech32(viper.GetString(FlagAddressDelegator)) if err != nil { return err }