package simapp import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "time" "" tmtypes "" "" "" "" "" ) // AppStateFn returns the initial application state using a genesis or the simulation parameters. // It panics if the user provides files for both of them. // If a file is not given for the genesis or the sim params, it creates a randomized one. func AppStateFn(cdc *codec.Codec, simManager *module.SimulationManager) simulation.AppStateFn { return func(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account, config simulation.Config, ) (appState json.RawMessage, simAccs []simulation.Account, chainID string, genesisTimestamp time.Time) { if flagGenesisTimeValue == 0 { genesisTimestamp = simulation.RandTimestamp(r) } else { genesisTimestamp = time.Unix(flagGenesisTimeValue, 0) } switch { case config.ParamsFile != "" && config.GenesisFile != "": panic("cannot provide both a genesis file and a params file") case config.GenesisFile != "": appState, simAccs, chainID = AppStateFromGenesisFileFn(r, cdc, config.GenesisFile) case config.ParamsFile != "": appParams := make(simulation.AppParams) bz, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.ParamsFile) if err != nil { panic(err) } cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(bz, &appParams) appState, simAccs, chainID = AppStateRandomizedFn(simManager, r, cdc, accs, genesisTimestamp, appParams) default: appParams := make(simulation.AppParams) appState, simAccs, chainID = AppStateRandomizedFn(simManager, r, cdc, accs, genesisTimestamp, appParams) } return appState, simAccs, chainID, genesisTimestamp } } // AppStateRandomizedFn creates calls each module's GenesisState generator function // and creates the simulation params func AppStateRandomizedFn( simManager *module.SimulationManager, r *rand.Rand, cdc *codec.Codec, accs []simulation.Account, genesisTimestamp time.Time, appParams simulation.AppParams, ) (json.RawMessage, []simulation.Account, string) { numAccs := int64(len(accs)) genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState() // generate a random amount of initial stake coins and a random initial // number of bonded accounts var initialStake, numInitiallyBonded int64 appParams.GetOrGenerate( cdc, StakePerAccount, &initialStake, r, func(r *rand.Rand) { initialStake = int64(r.Intn(1e12)) }, ) appParams.GetOrGenerate( cdc, InitiallyBondedValidators, &numInitiallyBonded, r, func(r *rand.Rand) { numInitiallyBonded = int64(r.Intn(250)) }, ) if numInitiallyBonded > numAccs { numInitiallyBonded = numAccs } fmt.Printf( `Selected randomly generated parameters for simulated genesis: { stake_per_account: "%d", initially_bonded_validators: "%d" } `, initialStake, numInitiallyBonded, ) simState := &module.SimulationState{ AppParams: appParams, Cdc: cdc, Rand: r, GenState: genesisState, Accounts: accs, InitialStake: initialStake, NumBonded: numInitiallyBonded, GenTimestamp: genesisTimestamp, } simManager.GenerateGenesisStates(simState) appState, err := cdc.MarshalJSON(genesisState) if err != nil { panic(err) } return appState, accs, "simulation" } // AppStateFromGenesisFileFn util function to generate the genesis AppState // from a genesis.json file func AppStateFromGenesisFileFn(r *rand.Rand, cdc *codec.Codec, genesisFile string) ( genState json.RawMessage, newAccs []simulation.Account, chainID string) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genesisFile) if err != nil { panic(err) } var genesis tmtypes.GenesisDoc cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(bytes, &genesis) var appState GenesisState cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(genesis.AppState, &appState) accounts := genaccounts.GetGenesisStateFromAppState(cdc, appState) for _, acc := range accounts { // Pick a random private key, since we don't know the actual key // This should be fine as it's only used for mock Tendermint validators // and these keys are never actually used to sign by mock Tendermint. privkeySeed := make([]byte, 15) if _, err := r.Read(privkeySeed); err != nil { panic(err) } privKey := secp256k1.GenPrivKeySecp256k1(privkeySeed) // create simulator accounts simAcc := simulation.Account{PrivKey: privKey, PubKey: privKey.PubKey(), Address: acc.Address} newAccs = append(newAccs, simAcc) } return genesis.AppState, newAccs, genesis.ChainID }