package types import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" abci "" "" "" "" . "" ) /* Tx (Transaction) is an atomic operation on the ledger state. Account Types: - SendTx Send coins to address - AppTx Send a msg to a contract that runs in the vm */ type Tx interface { AssertIsTx() SignBytes(chainID string) []byte } // Types of Tx implementations const ( // Account transactions TxTypeSend = byte(0x01) TxTypeApp = byte(0x02) TxNameSend = "send" TxNameApp = "app" ) func (_ *SendTx) AssertIsTx() {} func (_ *AppTx) AssertIsTx() {} var txMapper data.Mapper // register both private key types with go-wire/data (and thus go-wire) func init() { txMapper = data.NewMapper(TxS{}). RegisterImplementation(&SendTx{}, TxNameSend, TxTypeSend). RegisterImplementation(&AppTx{}, TxNameApp, TxTypeApp) } // TxS add json serialization to Tx type TxS struct { Tx `json:"unwrap"` } func (p TxS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return txMapper.ToJSON(p.Tx) } func (p *TxS) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) { parsed, err := txMapper.FromJSON(data) if err == nil { p.Tx = parsed.(Tx) } return } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TxInput struct { Address data.Bytes `json:"address"` // Hash of the PubKey Coins Coins `json:"coins"` // Sequence int `json:"sequence"` // Must be 1 greater than the last committed TxInput Signature crypto.Signature `json:"signature"` // Depends on the PubKey type and the whole Tx PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"` // Is present iff Sequence == 0 } func (txIn TxInput) ValidateBasic() abci.Result { if len(txIn.Address) != 20 { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog("Invalid address length") } if !txIn.Coins.IsValid() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog(Fmt("Invalid coins %v", txIn.Coins)) } if txIn.Coins.IsZero() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog("Coins cannot be zero") } if txIn.Sequence <= 0 { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog("Sequence must be greater than 0") } if txIn.Sequence == 1 && txIn.PubKey.Empty() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog("PubKey must be present when Sequence == 1") } if txIn.Sequence > 1 && !txIn.PubKey.Empty() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidInput.AppendLog("PubKey must be nil when Sequence > 1") } return abci.OK } func (txIn TxInput) String() string { return Fmt("TxInput{%X,%v,%v,%v,%v}", txIn.Address, txIn.Coins, txIn.Sequence, txIn.Signature, txIn.PubKey) } func NewTxInput(pubKey crypto.PubKey, coins Coins, sequence int) TxInput { input := TxInput{ Address: pubKey.Address(), Coins: coins, Sequence: sequence, } if sequence == 1 { input.PubKey = pubKey } return input } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TxOutput struct { Address data.Bytes `json:"address"` // Hash of the PubKey Coins Coins `json:"coins"` // } // An output destined for another chain may be formatted as `chainID/address`. // ChainAndAddress returns the chainID prefix and the address. // If there is no chainID prefix, the first returned value is nil. func (txOut TxOutput) ChainAndAddress() ([]byte, []byte, abci.Result) { var chainPrefix []byte address := txOut.Address if len(address) > 20 { spl := bytes.Split(address, []byte("/")) if len(spl) < 2 { return nil, nil, abci.ErrBaseInvalidOutput.AppendLog("Invalid address format") } chainPrefix = spl[0] address = bytes.Join(spl[1:], nil) } if len(address) != 20 { return nil, nil, abci.ErrBaseInvalidOutput.AppendLog("Invalid address length") } return chainPrefix, address, abci.OK } func (txOut TxOutput) ValidateBasic() abci.Result { _, _, r := txOut.ChainAndAddress() if r.IsErr() { return r } if !txOut.Coins.IsValid() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidOutput.AppendLog(Fmt("Invalid coins %v", txOut.Coins)) } if txOut.Coins.IsZero() { return abci.ErrBaseInvalidOutput.AppendLog("Coins cannot be zero") } return abci.OK } func (txOut TxOutput) String() string { return Fmt("TxOutput{%X,%v}", txOut.Address, txOut.Coins) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SendTx struct { Gas int64 `json:"gas"` // Gas Fee Coin `json:"fee"` // Fee Inputs []TxInput `json:"inputs"` Outputs []TxOutput `json:"outputs"` } func (tx *SendTx) SignBytes(chainID string) []byte { signBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(chainID) sigz := make([]crypto.Signature, len(tx.Inputs)) for i := range tx.Inputs { sigz[i] = tx.Inputs[i].Signature tx.Inputs[i].Signature = crypto.Signature{} } signBytes = append(signBytes, wire.BinaryBytes(tx)...) for i := range tx.Inputs { tx.Inputs[i].Signature = sigz[i] } return signBytes } func (tx *SendTx) SetSignature(addr []byte, sig crypto.Signature) bool { for i, input := range tx.Inputs { if bytes.Equal(input.Address, addr) { tx.Inputs[i].Signature = sig return true } } return false } func (tx *SendTx) String() string { return Fmt("SendTx{%v/%v %v->%v}", tx.Gas, tx.Fee, tx.Inputs, tx.Outputs) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type AppTx struct { Gas int64 `json:"gas"` // Gas Fee Coin `json:"fee"` // Fee Name string `json:"type"` // Which plugin Input TxInput `json:"input"` // Hmmm do we want coins? Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"` } func (tx *AppTx) SignBytes(chainID string) []byte { signBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(chainID) sig := tx.Input.Signature tx.Input.Signature = crypto.Signature{} signBytes = append(signBytes, wire.BinaryBytes(tx)...) tx.Input.Signature = sig return signBytes } func (tx *AppTx) SetSignature(sig crypto.Signature) bool { tx.Input.Signature = sig return true } func (tx *AppTx) String() string { return Fmt("AppTx{%v/%v %v %v %X}", tx.Gas, tx.Fee, tx.Name, tx.Input, tx.Data) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func TxID(chainID string, tx Tx) []byte { signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID) return wire.BinaryRipemd160(signBytes) } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contract: This function is deterministic and completely reversible. func jsonEscape(str string) string { escapedBytes, err := json.Marshal(str) if err != nil { PanicSanity(Fmt("Error json-escaping a string", str)) } return string(escapedBytes) }