--- swagger: "2.0" info: version: "3.0" title: Gaia-Lite for Cosmos description: A REST interface for state queries, transaction generation and broadcasting. tags: - name: Transactions description: Search, encode, or broadcast transactions. - name: Tendermint RPC description: Tendermint APIs, such as query blocks, transactions and validatorset schemes: - https host: api.cosmos.network securityDefinitions: kms: type: basic paths: /node_info: get: description: Information about the connected node summary: The properties of the connected node tags: - Gaia REST produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Node status schema: type: object properties: application_version: properties: build_tags: type: string client_name: type: string commit: type: string go: type: string name: type: string server_name: type: string version: type: string node_info: properties: id: type: string moniker: type: string example: validator-name protocol_version: properties: p2p: type: string example: 7 block: type: string example: 10 app: type: string example: 0 network: type: string example: gaia-2 channels: type: string listen_addr: type: string example: version: description: Tendermint version type: string example: 0.15.0 other: description: more information on versions type: object properties: tx_index: type: string example: on rpc_address: type: string example: tcp:// 500: description: Failed to query node status /syncing: get: summary: Syncing state of node tags: - Tendermint RPC description: Get if the node is currently syning with other nodes produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Node syncing status schema: type: object properties: syncing: type: boolean 500: description: Server internal error /blocks/latest: get: summary: Get the latest block tags: - Tendermint RPC produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The latest block schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockQuery" 500: description: Server internal error /blocks/{height}: get: summary: Get a block at a certain height tags: - Tendermint RPC produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: height description: Block height required: true type: number x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: The block at a specific height schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockQuery" 404: description: Request block height doesn't 400: description: Invalid height 500: description: Server internal error /validatorsets/latest: get: summary: Get the latest validator set tags: - Tendermint RPC produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The validator set at the latest block height schema: type: object properties: block_height: type: string validators: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/TendermintValidator" 500: description: Server internal error /validatorsets/{height}: get: summary: Get a validator set a certain height tags: - Tendermint RPC produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: height description: Block height required: true type: number x-example: 1 responses: 200: description: The validator set at a specific block height schema: type: object properties: block_height: type: string validators: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/TendermintValidator" 404: description: Block at height not available 400: description: Invalid height 500: description: Server internal error definitions: CheckTxResult: type: object properties: code: type: integer data: type: string gas_used: type: integer gas_wanted: type: integer info: type: string log: type: string tags: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/KVPair" example: code: 0 data: data log: log gas_used: 5000 gas_wanted: 10000 info: info tags: - "" - "" DeliverTxResult: type: object properties: code: type: integer data: type: string gas_used: type: integer gas_wanted: type: integer info: type: string log: type: string tags: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/KVPair" example: code: 5 data: data log: log gas_used: 5000 gas_wanted: 10000 info: info tags: - "" - "" KVPair: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string Msg: type: string Address: type: string description: bech32 encoded address example: cosmos1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4afc3d27 ValidatorAddress: type: string description: bech32 encoded address example: cosmosvaloper16xyempempp92x9hyzz9wrgf94r6j9h5f2w4n2l Coin: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: stake amount: type: string example: "50" Hash: type: string example: EE5F3404034C524501629B56E0DDC38FAD651F04 BlockID: type: object properties: hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" parts: type: object properties: total: type: number example: 0 hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" BlockHeader: type: object properties: chain_id: type: string example: cosmoshub-2 height: type: number example: 1 time: type: string example: "2017-12-30T05:53:09.287+01:00" num_txs: type: number example: 0 last_block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" total_txs: type: number example: 35 last_commit_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" data_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" validators_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" next_validators_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" consensus_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" app_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" last_results_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" evidence_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" proposer_address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" version: type: object properties: block: type: string example: 10 app: type: string example: 0 Block: type: object properties: header: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockHeader" txs: type: array items: type: string evidence: type: array items: type: string last_commit: type: object properties: block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" precommits: type: array items: type: object properties: validator_address: type: string validator_index: type: string example: "0" height: type: string example: "0" round: type: string example: "0" timestamp: type: string example: "2017-12-30T05:53:09.287+01:00" type: type: number example: 2 block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" signature: type: string example: "7uTC74QlknqYWEwg7Vn6M8Om7FuZ0EO4bjvuj6rwH1mTUJrRuMMZvAAqT9VjNgP0RA/TDp6u/92AqrZfXJSpBQ==" BlockQuery: type: object properties: block_meta: type: object properties: header: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockHeader" block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" block: $ref: "#/definitions/Block" BaseReq: type: object properties: from: type: string example: "cosmos1g9ahr6xhht5rmqven628nklxluzyv8z9jqjcmc" description: Sender address or Keybase name to generate a transaction memo: type: string example: "Sent via Cosmos Voyager 🚀" chain_id: type: string example: "Cosmos-Hub" account_number: type: string example: "0" sequence: type: string example: "1" gas: type: string example: "200000" gas_adjustment: type: string example: "1.2" fees: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coin" simulate: type: boolean example: false description: Estimate gas for a transaction (cannot be used in conjunction with generate_only) TendermintValidator: type: object properties: address: $ref: "#/definitions/ValidatorAddress" pub_key: type: string example: cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepq0vu2zgkgk49efa0nqwzndanq5m4c7pa3u4apz4g2r9gspqg6g9cs3k9cuf voting_power: type: string example: "1000" proposer_priority: type: string example: "1000" PublicKey: type: object properties: type: type: string value: type: string SigningInfo: type: object properties: start_height: type: string index_offset: type: string jailed_until: type: string missed_blocks_counter: type: string