# Basic run through of using basecli.... To keep things clear, let's have two shells... `$` is for basecoin (server), `%` is for basecli (client) ## Set up a clean basecoin, but don't start the chain ``` $ export BCHOME=~/.demoserve $ basecoin init ``` ## Set up your basecli with a new key ``` % export BCHOME=~/.democli % basecli keys new demo % basecli keys get demo -o json ``` And set up a few more keys for fun... ``` % basecli keys new buddy % basecli keys list % ME=`basecli keys get demo -o json | jq .address | tr -d '"'` % YOU=`basecli keys get buddy -o json | jq .address | tr -d '"'` ``` ## Update genesis so you are rich, and start ``` $ vi $BCHOME/genesis.json -> cut/paste your pubkey from the results above $ basecoin start ``` ## Connect your basecli the first time ``` % basecli init --chainid test_chain_id --node tcp://localhost:46657 ``` ## Check your balances... ``` % basecli proof state get --app=account --key=$ME % basecli proof state get --app=account --key=$YOU ``` ## Send the money ``` % basecli tx send --name demo --amount 1000mycoin --sequence 1 --to $YOU -> copy hash to HASH % basecli proof tx get --key $HASH % basecli proof tx get --key $HASH --app base % basecli proof state get --key $YOU --app account ``` ## Any questions??? ``` % basecli seeds show --height 1767 % basecli proxy --serve tcp://localhost:7890 ... curl localhost:7890/status curl localhost:7890/block\?height=20 ```