# Join the Testnet Please ensure you have the [Cosmos SDK](/getting-started/installation.md) installed. If you ran a full node on a previous testnet, please skip to [Upgrading From Previous Testnet](#upgrading-from-previous-testnet). ## Setting Up a New Node These instructions are for setting up a brand new full node from scratch. First, initialize the node and create the necessary config files: ```bash gaiad init --name ``` ::: warning Note Only ASCII characters are supported for the `--name`. Using Unicode characters will render your node unreachable. ::: You can edit this `name` later, in the `~/.gaiad/config/config.toml` file: ```toml # A custom human readable name for this node moniker = "" ``` Your full node has been initialized! Please skip to [Genesis & Seeds](#genesis-seeds). ## Upgrading From Previous Testnet These instructions are for full nodes that have ran on previous testnets and would like to upgrade to the latest testnet. ### Reset Data First, remove the outdated files and reset the data. ```bash rm $HOME/.gaiad/config/addrbook.json $HOME/.gaiad/config/genesis.json gaiad unsafe_reset_all ``` Your node is now in a pristine state while keeping the original `priv_validator.json` and `config.toml`. If you had any sentry nodes or full nodes setup before, your node will still try to connect to them, but may fail if they haven't also been upgraded. ::: danger Warning Make sure that every node has a unique `priv_validator.json`. Do not copy the `priv_validator.json` from an old node to multiple new nodes. Running two nodes with the same `priv_validator.json` will cause you to double sign. ::: ### Software Upgrade Now it is time to upgrade the software: ```bash cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk git fetch --all && git checkout v0.19.0 make update_tools && make get_vendor_deps && make install ``` Your full node has been cleanly upgraded! ## Genesis & Seeds ### Copy the Genesis File Copy the testnet's `genesis.json` file and place it in `gaiad`'s config directory. ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/.gaiad/config cp -a $GOPATH/src/github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cmd/gaia/testnets/gaia-6002/genesis.json $HOME/.gaiad/config/genesis.json ``` ### Add Seed Nodes Your node needs to know how to find peers. You'll need to add healthy seed nodes to `$HOME/.gaiad/config/config.toml`. Here are some seed nodes you can use: ```toml # Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to seeds = "38aa9bec3998f12ae9088b21a2d910d19d565c27@gaia-6002.coinculture.net:46656,80a35a46ce09cfb31ee220c8141a25e73e0b239b@seed.cosmos.cryptium.ch:46656,80a35a46ce09cfb31ee220c8141a25e73e0b239b@,032fa56301de335d835057fb6ad9f7ce2242a66d@" ``` If those seeds aren't working, you can find more seeds and persistent peers on the [Cosmos Explorer](https://explorecosmos.network/nodes). Open the the `Full Nodes` pane and select nodes that do not have private (`10.x.x.x`) or [local IP addresses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network). The `Persistent Peer` field contains the connection string. For best results use 4-6. For more information on seeds and peers, you can [read this](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/develop/docs/using-tendermint.md#peers). ## Run a Full Node Start the full node with this command: ```bash gaiad start ``` Check that everything is running smoothly: ```bash gaiacli status ``` View the status of the network with the [Cosmos Explorer](https://explorecosmos.network). Once your full node syncs up to the current block height, you should see it appear on the [list of full nodes](https://explorecosmos.network/validators). If it doesn't show up, that's ok--the Explorer does not connect to every node. ## Upgrade to Validator Node You now have an active full node. What's the next step? You can upgrade your full node to become a Cosmos Validator. The top 100 validators have the ability to propose new blocks to the Cosmos Hub. Continue onto [the Validator Setup](../validators/validator-setup.md).